MEETING OF THE TRUST BOARD TO BE HELD IN PUBLIC th ON Thursday 26 September 2019, 10.00AM, THE GYM, HARPLANDS HOSPITAL, OFF HILTON ROAD, HARPFIELDS, STOKE-ON-TRENT, STAFFORDSHIRE, ST4 6TH AGENDA 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Note To NOTE any apologies for absence 2. DECLARATIONS OF INTERESTS RELATING TO AGENDA ITEMS Note 3. MINUTES OF THE OPEN AGENDA – 25th July 2019 Approve To APPROVE the minutes of the meeting held on 25th July 2019 Enclosure 2 4. ACTION MONITORING SCHEDULE & MATTERS ARISING FROM THE Note MINUTES Enclosure 3 To CONSIDER any matters arising from the minutes 5. CHIEF EXECUTIVE’S REPORT Note To RECEIVE a report from the Chief Executive Enclosure 4 6. CHAIR’S REPORT Note To RECEIVE a verbal report from the Chair 7. STAFF RETIREMENTS To EXPRESS our gratitude and recognise staff who are retiring. To be introduced Verbal by the Chief Executive and presented by the Chair. 8. REACH RECOGNITIONTEAM AWARD ON EXCELLENCE To PRESENT the REACH Recognition Team Award to The Stoke CDAS Verbal Relocation Project Team. To be introduced by the Chief Executive and presented Presentation by the Chair. 1 QUESTIONS FROM MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC 9. To RECEIVE questions from members of the public Verbal TO ENHANCE SERVICE USER AND CARER INVOLVEMENT 10. SERVICE USER AND CARER COUNCIL Assurance To RECEIVE an update from Wendy Dutton, Chair of Service User Carer Council Enclosure 5 ENCOURAGE, INSPIRE AND IMPLEMENT RESEARCH AND INNOVATION AT ALL LEVELS 11. RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT ANNUAL REPORT 2018/19 Assurance To RECEIVE the Research and Development Annual report 2018/19 presented by Enclosure 6 Dr Buki Adeyemo, Executive Medical Director TO PROVIDE THE HIGHEST QUALITY SERVICES 12. NURSE STAFFING MONTHLY REPORT (July 2019) Assurance To RECEIVE the Nurse Staffing Monthly Report presented by Julie Anne Murray, Enclosure 7 Deputy Director of Nursing and Quality 13. MORTALITY SURVEILLANCE QUARTERLY REPORT 2019/20 QUARTER 1 Assurance To RECEIVE the Mortality Surveillance Quarter 1 Report 2019/20 presented by Dr Enclosure 8 Buki Adeyemo, Executive Medical Director 14. ASSURANCE REPORT FOR QUALITY COMMITTEE Assurance To RECEIVE the Quality Committee Assurance report from the meeting held on Enclosure 9 the 5th September 2019 from Dr Buki Adeyemo, Executive Medical Director 15. IMPROVING QUALITY PERFORMANCE REPORT (IQPR 2019/20) – Month 4 Assurance To RECEIVE the Month 4 Performance Report presented by Lorraine Hooper, Enclosure 10 Executive Director of Finance, Performance and Estates CREATE A LEARNING CULTURE TO CONTINUALLY IMPROVE 16. No items for discussion MAXIMISE AND USE OUR RESOURCES INTELLIGENTLY AND EFFICIENTLY 2 17. FINANCE REPORT – MONTH 4 (2019/20) Approval To RECEIVE the Month 4 Financial position presented by Lorraine Hooper, Enclosure 11 Executive Director of Finance, Performance and Estate 18. ASSURANCE REPORT FOR FINANCE, PERFORMANCE AND ESTATES COMMITTEE Assurance To RECEIVE the Finance, Performance and Estates Committee Assurance report Enclosure 12 from the meeting held on the 5th September 2019 from Tony Gadsby, Chair / Non- Executive Director 19. ASSURANCE REPORT FOR BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Assurance To RECEIVE the Business Development Committee Assurance report from the Enclosure 13 meeting held on the 8th August 2019 from Joan Walley, Chair / Non-Executive Director 20. ASSURANCE REPORT FOR AUDIT COMMITTEE Assurance To RECEIVE the Audit Committee Assurance report from the meeting held on the Enclosure 14 8th August 2019 from Tony Gadsby, Chair / Non-Executive Director ATTRACT AND INSPIRE THE BEST PEOPLE TO WORK HERE 21. ASSURANCE REPORT FOR PEOPLE CULTURE AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Assurance To RECEIVE the People Culture and Development Committee Assurance report Enclosure 15 9th from the meeting held on the September 2019 from Janet Dawson, Chair/Non- To Follow Executive Director 22. WORKFORCE DISABILITY EQUALITY STANDARD (WDES REPORT Assurance To RECEIVE the Workforce Disability Equality Standard (WDES) Report from Linda Enclosure 16 Holland, Director of Workforce, Organisational Development and Inclusion CONTINUALLY IMPROVE OUR PARTNERSHIP WORKING 23. No items for discussion CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS 24. MEDICAL REVALIDATION ANNUAL ORGANISATIONAL AUDIT (AOA) Assurance 2018/19 Enclosure 17 To RECEIVE the Medical Revalidation Annual Organisational Audit (AOA presented by Dr Buki Adeyemo, Executive Medical Director 3 25. TOGETHER WE ARE BETTER (STP DIRECTORS REPORT) – AUGUST Information 2019 UPDATE Enclosure 18 To RECEIVE for information the Together We’re Better (STP Directors Report) August 2019 Update from Peter Axon, Chief Executive Officer ANY OTHER BUSINESS The next public meeting of the North Staffordshire Combined Healthcare Trust Board will be held on Thursday 24th October 2019 at 10:00am. MOTION TO EXCLUDE THE PUBLIC To APPROVE the resolution that representatives of the press and other members of the public be excluded from the remainder of this meeting, having regard to the confidential nature of the business to be transacted, publicity on which would be prejudicial to the public interest” (Section 1(2) Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960) THE REMAINDER OF THE MEETING WILL BE IN PRIVATE DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST RELATING TO AGENDA ITEMS Note SERIOUS INCIDENTS Assurance PERFORMANCE Approve ESTATES Assurance WORKFORCE AND AGENCY Assurance ANY OTHER BUSINESS 4 TRUST BOARD Minutes of the Open Section of the North Staffordshire Combined Healthcare NHS Trust Board meeting held on Thursday 25th July 2019 At 10:00am in the Boardroom, Lawton House, Bellringer Road, Trentham, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, ST4 8HH Present: Chairman: David Rogers Chairman Directors: Dr Buki Adeyemo Executive Medical Director Chris Bird Dr Keith Tattum Director of Partnerships and Linda Holland GP Associate Director Strategy Director of Workforce, Organisational Development and Inclusion Maria Nelligan Lorraine Hooper Jonathan O’Brien Executive Director of Nursing and Quality Director of Finance, Performance Executive Director of Operations and Estates Janet Dawson Russell Andrews Joan Walley Non-Executive Director Associate Non-Executive Non-Executive Director In attendance: Laurie Wrench Jenny Harvey Joe McCrea Associate Director of Governance Union Representative Associate Director of Communications Retirees Mandy Brown Patient Story Jayne Clegg Executive PA (minutes) Megan Pilling, Keele University Accompanied by Joanne Willis Members of the public: None REACH Recognition Individual REACH Recognition Award Team Award Phil Reece – Team Leader Assessment and Treatment Unit Deborah Hargreaves – Service Manager Joshua Kernohan Amy Hincks Ruth Richards Jacquie Shenton Ben Boyd – Associate Director 1 The meeting commenced at 10:00am. 166/2019 Apologies for Absence Action Wendy Dutton, Chair Service User Carer Council, Sue Tams, Vice Chair Service User Carer Council, Tony Gadsby, Vice Chair / Non Executive, Peter Axon Chief Executive and Patrick Sullivan Non- Executive Director 167/2019 Declaration of Interest relating to agenda items No declarations of interest. th 168/2019 Minutes of the Open Agenda – 27 June 2019 th The minutes of the open session of the meeting held on 27 June 2019 were approved with the following corrections. Joan Walley commented that page 11 should read social commissioning not social conditioning. Typing errors (page 24) 169/2019 Matters arising The Board reviewed the action monitoring schedule and agreed the following:- 120/2019 - Nurse Staffing Monthly Report March 2019 – re: Annual leave. Delegated responsibility to People Culture and Development Committee for discussion and recommendation at September Board meeting. 148/2019 – Service User Carer Council – Discussed under this section – how diagnosis can be reversed. Actioned. Separate discussion held outside of the Board meeting. Noted 170/2019 Chief Executive’s Report This report updates the Board on activities undertaken since the last meeting and draws the Board’s attention to any other issues of significance or interest. Celebrating Our Staff This year’s REACH Awards were a real highlight of the past month and were a very special occasion, deciding the Highly Commended and Overall Winners was a difficult but delightful challenge staff gave us. 2 There were a record number of nominations – over 330 for the first time, showing that staff really want to recognise their colleagues’ efforts. Given the high number of nominations, two people from each team were asked to attend the ceremony. There is a playlist of films of each Award being announced and presented as well as what nominators said about each Highly Commended and Overall Winner on our YouTube. The Trust was delighted to welcome the Shadow Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, Jon Ashworth, to deliver a keynote speech, as well as MP Jack Brereton for Stoke-on-Trent South and Liz Ellis from BBC Radio Stoke. Local System Update The last CEO Board update contained a detailed description of the challenges and opportunities facing the Staffordshire and Stoke-on- Trent system. We continue to constructively work these through with colleagues across our local and regional health and care system. We have been continuing to promote the overall STP public conversation, which continues until midnight on 25 August 2019. More information on the public conversation can be found via the STP website. Peter Axon has continued his programme of ‘meet and greets’ with local stakeholders and partners, which this month has included Martin Tideswell, Editor in Chief of the Stoke Sentinel; Simmy Akhtar, Chief
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