Dedication DENVERCATHaiC Of Cathedral High School's REGISTER Gym-Classroom Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations Building THURSDAY, OCT. 10, 1963 DENVER, COLORADO VOL. LVIll No. 9 Sm |ki9«c 10, 11, 12 In Liturgy Commission Rulings Council Is Taking Middle of Road Vatican City — The Second urgy which will eventually intro­ the case in which an old priest Mass text and rite were pro­ Vatican Council apparently is duce use of the vernacular into wouid be unabie to ceiebrate posed to give greater simplicity adopting a middle-of-the-road parts of the .Mass. alone, but could concelebrate to the .Mass and to omit certain course in the schema affecting Bishop Jesus Ensico Viana of even while seated in a chair duplications and additions add­ the liturgical life of the Church, .Mallorca, speaking in behalf of joining in the words of conse­ ed to the Mass in the course of according to observers. a.s-4he the Liturgical commission, gave cration. history but which are now con­ first 12 of the 19 amendments a background explanation to the Father .Mc.Manus emphasized sidered less useful. to the schema were passed by amendments. the fact, however, that ‘ mani­ Father -McManus gave the an overwhelming majority. In The commission, he said, had festation of the unity of the Last Gospel of the Mass as an a history making decision the been confronted with a wide va­ priesthood” would be the prin­ example of an "addition.” He Council Fathers passed amend­ riety of recommendations for cipal motive for concelebration. (Turn to Page 2) ments to the schema on the lit- the use of the vernacular. It, while practical convenience therefore, preferred to adopt a would be only a secondary mo­ middle-of-the-road position to in­ tive. sure that no particular group There were 2,298 Fathers would be able to impose its present and no fewer than 2.249 Rite Oct. 11 New Chapel views on the others in the body voted favorably on any one of of universal legislation. the five amendments. The high­ For this reason, the prelate est tally of “unfavorable votes” To Open for Students pointed out the amendments pro­ came on the third amendment Bishop Maloney at Council vide for varying practices under with 31 negative votes. Bishop David M. Maloney of Denver Is the control of competent eccle­ The first five of the 12 amend­ among some 2,700 Council Fathers from Regis Center shown (center) with two other Bishops of the throughout the world taking part in the Is Dedicated siastical authority. ments passed are briefly sum­ marized as follows: Rocky Mountain area in front of St. Peter’s deliberations which are intended to bring STUDE.NTS at St. Francis de Regarding the receiving of A VETERAN of the judiciary Basilica in Rome, where they are attending about an “updating” of the Church in refer- Communion under the two In the first amendment a new .Sales’ high school, Denver, took introductory paragraph was giv­ and a graduate of Regis college, the second session of Vatican Council II. At erence to the modern world. “Rome,” says species. Bishop Viana said the the left is Bishop Hubert M. Newell of a major role in spiritual chal­ en to the second chapter of the Denver, will be the guest speak­ Bishop Maloney, “is weli back to normal by lenge. As a result, they have a mind of the commission again Cheyenne, and at the right is Bishop J. now — normal, that Is, for Council times. schema explaining the Mass as er at ceremonies-formally open­ beautiful chapel in the high was to avoid any universally Lennox Federal of Salt Lake City. They are It seems to have taken up without a break,” binding regulations, but to allow the Eucharistic Sacrifice en­ ing Regis’ newly-enlarged cen­ school. .And Our Lord is there trusted to the Church by Christ daily to welcome and encour­ an elasticity of practice. ter building Friday, Oct. 11 at as the memorial of His death age them. On the question of concelebra- 10:15 a m. and Resurrection, as the sign Daily Diet of Bananas and Beans Sister Victoria .Marie, princi­ tion of the Mass (when more Colorado Supreme Court Jus­ of unity and as the Paschal pal, gave the credit to the stu­ than one priest offers the same tice Edward (i. Day will speak dents for the new chapel. In Mass) the changes in the text Banquet. during the program which will In the second amendment an her first year as principal tend to increase the number of close the college’s 1963 Found­ addition to the text was pro­ Denver Jesuits Share ‘Primitive Life (191)2-63), she presented the idea situations when this is allowed. ers Week observance. posed to the effect that the re­ of a chapel to the senior class. Father Frederick McManus, Justice' Day began his judici­ vision of the rite of the Mass Their enthusiastic response jus­ C.S.S.R., of the Catholic Univer­ ary career as a municipal judge should keep in mind especially Of Parishioners in Honduras Republic tified her dream. sity of .America, at a press con­ 16 years ago. He was elected those of the Sunday and feast- Candy drives and other stu­ ference following the council to a 10-year term on the Su­ By J. R. Walsh day Masses in which the greater miles and has a jiopulation of Ordained in 1935, Father New­ dent - sponsored projects were meeting gave priests’ retreat preme Court in 1956 and served number of the faithful partici­ A DIFFERENT TOWN every 120,000. ell has spent 27 years in the begun to raise funds. Limited and religious communities as as Chief Justice in 1962. foreign missions, both in Brit­ examples in which concelebra- pate. night, jungle trips on mule to Per.sonal inconveniences arc space in the school building was visit parishioners, jvoverty, a ish Honduras and the Republic lion might be practiced. In the third amendment more discounted by P'ather Newell in another obstacle. But all the THE FORMAL opening cere­ diet of cheese, eggs, bananas, of Honduras. The only access As another example, he added directives for the change of the his enthusiastic reports about difficulties were finally over­ monies will include presentation and beans, but a people willing the work of his fellow Jesuits to many of his remote missions come by the students, their pas­ of the building to the Very Rev. to help themselves — these are and the peojile in Minas de Oro, is by mule travel and boat. tor, the principal, and friends Richard R. Ryan. S.J., presi­ challenges of Jesuit missioners where some 32,000 Catholics are of the high school. For Drowned Tots dent of Regis college, by the in the Republic of Honduras. scattered throughout some 50 DANGERS from such travel, The first Mass in the chapel architect, James H. Hunter, and Two of the missioners are towns and villages. encountering snakes and other was offered Sept. 23 by the Ht. the contractor, F. W. Orr. from Colorado, Father John T. animals — are dismissed by the R e v. Monsignor Gregory The Rev. Matthew R. Lynch, ’’These people,” the veteran Newell, S.J., a brother of Bishop missiom^ asserts, “are capable Smith, P.A., V,G„ after the ded­ Soaked Handkerchiefs S.J., instructor in classical lan­ Hubert .Newell of ( heyenne, and ication ceremony was held. guages at Regis, will give the of the ,/ame progress as we arc Father James McShanc, .S.J., if given the opportunities They Denver Jesuits invocation. James F. Dowd. Ill, former assistant at .Sacred MEMBERS of the student t^ay Mean Salvation president of the Regis college are proud and sensitive, and In Troubled Area Heart parish, Denver, who council attended the .Mass in Student Senate, will also speak. want to realize their hopes.” spearheaded a drive to create the chapel. But some 750 stu­ TWO SOAKED HANDKER­ ment into 12 feet of water. (Turn to Page 3) Two Jesuit missionaries dents joined in and were a part CHIEFS from the pocket of a After probing the river’s floor, the Larimer street Vocational HIS PARISH is so la''ge that well known in Denver, the school in 1952. of the service by making re­ Denver city fireman who had city firemen of the rescue squad it takes a four-day mule trip to Rev. James MeShane, and the sponses in their classrooms as himself just come up from the finally forced open tiie jeep’s Father Newell’s parish of San go from one dnd to the other. Rev. John Newell, are labor­ the celebrant’s voice was car­ bottom of the Platte river in a doors and found the children in­ Communion Day .Antonio is located in Minas de The only way to travel is by ing in the Republic of Hon­ ried over the PA system. rescue attempt, provided the side. Oro in the department of Co- mule back. One priest stays at duras. The country has been .Named Our Lady of the Hos- "bapti.smal water" administered Set Oct. 77 mayagua. He is director of the parish center to look after prominent in the news re­ (Tc.rn to Page 2) to two small drowning victims IN THIS CASE, the priests Catholic Action in his huge the school and Sisters. Two oth­ cently, since the takeover of 111 South Denver this week. had no indication whether the For CYO Units mountainous territory, where er priests make the visits. the government by a military junta.
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