Davenport , Iowa

Davenport , Iowa

''TIME IT WASAND WHAT A ... TIMEIT WAS. IT WAS, ... A TIME OF INNOCENCE. Top le Par M1lenchand camera shy dancing partner rry rhe1r lud~ on he dance floor Top nghr- "I rh1nl~ir would be easier wirhour rhe roorhp1ck." Oorrom righr- Cosey Molloy and John Corroll dance ro rhe music or rhe Freshman Frolic. The freshman srorr rheir year by gernng to l~now each other berrer w,rh rhe "Freshman Frolic." Srudenr Cound planned games, lil,;e the lifesaver poss, ro breol,; rhe ice. 4 A TIME OF CONFIDENCES. Top lefr- Senior girls plus one corch rhor Kn,ghr Sp,nr1 Top righr- The more STUD,ous group or AH 5 rol~e a breol~ from rhe,r srudies ro pose for o picrure Dorrom lefr Thor's rhe breol~ , Mike Loos The 1980 81 year 1srhe beginning of rhe end for seniors Seniorsbucl..,le down on srudiesfor college prep, and prepare rhemselves for rhe hardships ahead . Our rhe friendships and rhe greor memo ­ ries of A.H.S. will be wirh rhem forever . s LONG AGO, IT MUST BE ... I HAD A PHOTOGRAPH. PRESERVEYOUR MEMORIES... THEY'REALL THAT'SLEFT OF ' ' e 1968 Poul Simon You• used by perm1551on 8 Mr . Donald Miller Principal Mr Miller rummog~ rhrough o pile of morning on "And whom do I ger 10 see 1mmeoo1ely ofter home nouncemenrs. loot~ for rhe lunch menu room rodoy;>' · Mr. Thomas Sunderbruch Vice Principal Arhlenc Direcror MISSSharon Grunl~on Mrs Rurh Heuermonn Mrs Virginia Narron Religion· Fr Francis Henricksen Fr John Spiegel Fr John Srecher Fr Jomes Vrba Mr Guy Woodward DIES Mr Roy Ambrose Mr. Wayne Cabe! Mr. Don Demmer Mr. Pot Houlahan Mr Jim Jorgensen Mr Gil Koenigsoed~er Sr. Ruthello White I Sr Donna Donovan MISSJone Moser Mr Keirh R1ewerrs Mrs Corherine Tucl~er Mrs. M1choelo VonD1eren Mrs. Mory Conger Sr Morgore Keefe Mr l31I Ke! enberger Sr Mory Ellen McDonogh Mrs Jackie McP erson Mr David Warson Sisrer Elizoberh Sprung Librarian HOMEEC Mrs Joyne Diencl~ Mrs Joan Resnicl~ GUSINESS Mr Kori C3urmesrer Mr Gory Lool~e Mrs Koy Volz Mr Wayne Cobe\Nor Picrured • Mrs Koren Zed~er Mrs. Joan OeVnes M5' Louro DeVnes Secretory Off,cers of t e Ooord of Educonon ore Fr Fronos Henricksen, Pres1denrand Mr Don M1er, Execu 1ve Secrerory 19 CA Mrs Dionna Wollench, Mrs Inda Sr Clair, Mrs Norma Srolrenberg, Mrs Evelyn Toensfeldr, Mrs Fern Lorson, Mrs Alice Meyer, Mrs. Geneva Ries, Mrs l\,ro Ruggles and Cafe eno Manager, Mrs Hazel Miller seared kept us welHed Gor a problem:> Mr Duane Sw1nl"iand Mr Joe M1r esrodr will help you Nor picrured. Mr Mil"ie Seamer, Mrs Jomes Lo P,ce, Mr Oil Kinsella, Mr 0,11Tucl"ier and Mr Fronl"i Sblis 20 Student Council Officers Treasurer· Myro Sch1lrz, Student Council Advisor Secrerory Sue Nauman, Vice Pres1denr Poul Resnicl~. Miss Maureen O'Connor Presidenr Jim McCabe Freshman Student Council Fronr Row Jennifer 0rirr, Sreph onie Quinn, Corhy Riley, Kore Herr, Par McCabe Goel~Row · Julie Firzporricl\ Jeff Morrisey, Don Huber, Donny Soer, Miss ing: Charlie McHugh, Anne Figge, and Par Geheren Sophmore Student Council L ro R: Lorry DeSmer, Mori~ Gehlsen, Ann Sremlor, Mil~e Vonderhaar, Kim Glowocl~i. Uso Howl~. Amy Osborne, Kon Kipf M1ss1ngT ereso Miller and Gerlyn rnough Senior Student Council Solly Gould Alison Horr Rurhonn rnough Mory 0ush Lorrie Ambrose Tony Horhowoy Anne Glowocl~i Lisa DeVries Missing Dove Grove, Poul Resnicl~.and Tim Spellench JuniorStudent Council Fronr Row · Nancy Noro, Riro 0rodley, Colleen 0lough, and Sreph Smirh 0ocl~ Row Oill 0ush, Joe 0ehon, Mori~ Julien, 0ill LoMor, Tom Hansen Missing. Amy Miller Honor Society Firsr Row Lillian Ferdinonds, Oerh Verdon, Deonna DeRusso, Jim McCabe, Scorr Clemenrs, Rurhonn Olough Second Row: Peggy Ecl~mon, Korhy Howard, Michelle Oourg, Chris Lyons, Sue Shulre, Michelle Rhinesmirh, Joanne Azzoline, Third Row: Lisa Schneider, Tnsh Figge, Sue Vonderhaar, Sherri Rogers, Terry Nauman, Pam Driggs, Leslie Scherler, Marcia Ell~ins. Fourrh Row: Troy Smirh, Don Ambre, George Jacobsen, Tony Horhowoy, Lisa DeVries, Jacque Hein, Mory Verdon . Missing: Joan Timmerman Monogram Club The Monogram Club consisrsof all Vor­ siry lerrer winners The Club is involved in many ocrivines such as game boll raffle, ushers or rhe bosl,;erboll games, and a school dance Each monrh a person is picl,;ed as rhe oursronding member of rhe monrh . Officers Secrerory. Amy Glowocl,;i Treosurer Jim Rice Vice-presidenr: Colleen Glough Oil! LoMor Presidenr: Solly Gould Dove Grove Girl's Concert Choir Fronr Row : Julie Reyes, Julie Caffery, Parry Liebold, Grenda Cre1ghron, Mory Halligan, Sharon Rossmiller Middle Row Gerh Loos, Lisa Hawl"is, Chris Lyons, Jeanne Logos, Gecl"iy Daniel Gacl"i Row Mory Huber, Theresa Masrerson, Diane KniCl"irehm, Tammy Curra, Kim Collins, and Colleen Allard . Assumptionoires Firsr Row Gob Lanaghan, Kelly McGu1ness Jane Gucl"i Chery Snodgrass, Par Powell, Mory Gerh Connor, Karhy O'Hara, Mary Huber, Mil"ie W1o"iham. Second Row Chns Osrerhaus, M1l"ieJasper, Julie Reyes, Theresa Masrerson, Donn Whire , Joel Verdon, Ju11eWalron, Joe Czolgosz Third Row Mil"ie Howard, Chns Lyons Fourrh Row Chris Harr, Gill Gould, Tom Hansen, Sue Schulre, Lisa Allison, Jenny Foy, Gerh Loos F1fh Row Paul Miller 51nng Kam Kilbane. AHS Band Tom Anderson, Louro Gonosh, Jenn1fer Garnes, Connie Gecl~wirh, Gail Gecl~wirh, Michelle Gourg, Kevin Goyle, Tom Grehmer, Jim Gucl~ley, Solley Ecl~mon, Marcia Ell~ins,Tom Floherry, Jocl~1e Gardino, Poul Guizar, Toro Hoisron, Lynn Hanley, Lisa He1rigs,Par Kol~err, Theresa l<.ol~err,Gob Lonoghon, Tom Leininger, Kone Loecl~e. Morgore r Loecl~e. Grenda Moyers, Karhy McCoy, Mil~e McCoy, April Meyer , Kevin Moore , Grion Murphy, Lynn Peisch, Mil~e Ponserro, Gerh Porrrarz, Moggie Resnicl~.Diano Reyes, Julie Reyes, Michelle Rh1nesmirh,Ann Rodriguez, Don Scheb1er,Don Simpson, Korie Simpson, Lorry Smirh, Cheryl Snodgrass, Mori~ Timmerman, Tno Timmerman, Parry Tomsho Gob Vil~roro, Kim Wallace, Tracy Woughro l, Donn Wh1re, Jeff Wh1rmer, Mil~e Wicl~hom, Renee Zoug ore all members of rhe AHS Gond The Marching Gond conrribures ro rhe exciremenr The Pep Gond rocl~ our ro American of Friday Nighr Foorboll wirh rhe1r holfnme Gondsrond berween games perf ormonce Stage Crew The sroge crew for rhe musical cons1srs of rhe follow ing people · Fronr Row . Jocl~ie Gardino, Diano Reyes, Sharon Rossmiller, Morgore r Loecl~e, Suzie Corpenrer, [)ocl~ Row Trn 01rch, Gail Oecl~w•rh, Mil~e McCoy, Mr Koenigsoecl~er, Tom Leininger, Onan Murphy and Mr Warson. Thespians Above The Thespian Soc1eryconsisrs of rhe following members Frsr Row Derh Loos, Theresa Mosrerson Tom Goll, Derh Osborne, Lisa He1ngs, Slwe Corpenrer, Koren Rossmiller, Parry Pier. Par Powell, Meg Halligan Second Row Parry Connolly, Kori Kilbone, Solly Eisenbocher, Mory Huber, Kelly McGuiness, Cheryl Snodgrass, Lisa Verbecke, Gail Deckw1rh, Leann Viger Third Row Tim O!rch, Mike Howard, D10no Reyes, Katie Loecke. Kornno Hogon Fourrh Row Fronk Pier. Kevin Moore , Sharon Rossmiller, Rici~Posrer, Korhy O'Hara, Julie Reyes, Korhy McCoy, Pam 0nggs, 0rerr Nevins. F1frhRow Mil~e Loos, Jenny Foy, Oob Lonoghon, Donn Whire, Mike Wickham , Pauline Kerns, Tom Hansen. Molly Lorson Lefr· Kelly McGuiness, Tom Hansen and Pam 0nggs rry ro keep worm when rhe hear is rurned off in rheir house dunng rhe ploy "God's Fovonre" French Club The members of rhe French ore F1rsrRow · Anne Leahy , Lillian Ferdinonds, Sue Vonderhaar, Terry Nauman , Kore Loecke Second Row Kim Nauman , Lisa Howl<.s, Lindo Kerkhoven, Korhy Kopor1ch, Saroh Kodovy , Mory Hood Third Row Jenny Oornes, Oeth Porrrorz, Sally Eckman, Morgorer Loecl~e. Korhy Keel~. Leshe Flynn Fourrh Row Lorry Smith, Pauline Kerns, Jenny Samberg, Lindo Lyngholm, and Oob Lonoghon Latin Club Above Lonn Club Officers Dione Knicl~rehm Forher Srecher, John Srerling, Cheryl Snodgrass, and Tracey Showolrer M1SS1ngMeg Halligan Lefr Fronr f\ow Kone Miller, Tracey Showolrer, Cheryl Snodgrass Oock f\ow John Srer11ng, Sreve Gosser, Leann Miller, and Chns Gosser These members make-up our modern Lonn Club Who said, "Lonn is dead:>" Knight Beacon Fronr Row : Pam Origgs, Deonna DeRusso, Sister Mory Ellen, Nettie Pullella, Jim Rice, Middle Row : Theresa Schaffer, Colleen Olough, Mori~ Thomsen, Teri Smirh, Mori~ Gehlsen, Joanne Azzaline, Kathy Fer. Oacl~Row : Carolyn Hawl~s, Mil~e Schneider, Paul Resnicl~,John McHugh, and John Sterling. Chess Club Above-Fronr Row Lorry Smirh, Morr Hirsr, John Morrin, Joe M1cl~lewrighr. Middle Row : Mil~e Kilbane, Lisa Verbel~e, Orendo Moyers, Tim Oirch, Todd Keller, Jesse Moody Oocl~Row : Sreve Gosser, Tom Schmieder , Joel Verdon , Mil~e Kerns, Jeff Swonson, and Sean McDonald Officers Larry Smirh, Joe Micl~lewrighr, John Morrin, and Marr Hirsr. Yearbook Advisor Sisrer Marcia Cosrello Underclassmen Secrion Ediror· Chris Gray Sroff· Parry Connolly, Mory Hood , Sarah Organizations Kodovy, and i<.orhy Thomsen Secrion Edirors: Parry Jensen and Sue Glowocl~i Editors Sports Carolyn How l~s Secnon Ediror· Sue Yori~ Hucl~ Engelmann Sroff- Business Morie Horr Manager Jim Gilhooly Copy Editor Sue Vonderhaar Photographers Tim Corpenrer Tim Condon Darren Vermosr Faculty Secrion Ediror Joan Timmerman Seniors Activities Secrion Ediror. Secnon Ediror: Oecl~y lrmen Tomi Tool Sroff Sroff Scorr Clemenrs Lindo Quigley Dennis NnnPI The Lemon Drop Mory Verdon srocl~ rhe shelves before rhe open ­ ing of Lemondrop . 37 Doniel ThoMOs Ambre Lorraine P, knbrose David Mori~ Arrbre Joanne Mone Azzo ne Jomes Joseph [)oroer Ann Therese [)ornes Consronce Morie Robe r G f3ecl~er Theresa P, [)ed~w1rh Amy Corhenne f3eyer 8 l'ftll ~ f'l,urhann Mone Cllough Michelle Mone Oourg Morrhew Srephen Edward Orod~en Pamela Sue Onggs Jomes W Oucl~ley M Orodley Maureen Ann Ourl~e Mory Pornoo Oush Julie Lynn Caffery William John Caffery Timorhy Joseph Susan Maureen Colsy'1 Scorr Fosrer Oemenrs D,one E Creech Connelly 39 l3rendo J Cre1ghron Onron Edward Czupl~o Mone Terese Doniel Srephen Edward Doniel Lisa J DeVnes Mori~ John Donovan El1zoberhAnn Doy e Joseph Poul Dubin Morgorer C.

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