--~ -------~- -·---------------------.......... - ..... ,.-~-·-- ··--·~---·~·-~~-- .... -·~---·----~-·--.. ••·---~----r •- •• -~·- LD LDAND Volume 74 No.3 Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem North Carolina Friday, September 14, 199.0 Construction Begins on New Professional Center ',. ·' . ~-- ._-.· ·, ' .:. Groundbreaking ~------------------------- Alumnus Contributes $5 Million. qeremony To Build Professional Center Old Gold and Black Staff Report "By planning the building around a Held Tuesday courtyard. we have continued a tradi­ T. Eugene Worrell and his wife, tion of the Wake Forest campus, while I - By Eddie Southern } Anne, the founders of the Worrell creating space for the law and bus~ Old_Gold and Black Reporter Newspapers group, have pledged $5 students to enlarge their friendships million, the largest gift ever received and their visions of the world," he The groundbreakingceremoniesfor from an alumnus, toward the endow­ said. · the new Worrell Professional Center ment of the university's new law and It will be the first academic build~ weye held Tuesday afternoon near the business school complex. ing in the country housing both Jaw U~iversity Parkway entrance to The center will be named the and graduate management schoOls campus. under one roof. Each will have its Weston P. Hatfield, chairman of Worrell Professional Center for Law and Management. own distinctive wing and entranee; the .board of trustees, welcomed a President Thomas K. Hearn Jr. an­ but, because they are now sluir,iiig crowd of more than one hundred fac­ nounced the Worrells' gift at the facilities, both schools will have aC• ulty members, university officials, opening convocation ceremonies in cess to more space. The schools Will alumni and graduate students. Presi­ Wait Chapel Tuesday. continuetooffertraditional JD,MBA dent Thomas K. Hearn Jr., the deans The 170,000-square-foot building, and joint ID/MBA degrees. oftheSchool ofLaw and the Babcock designed by nationally renowned ar­ However, a third library wing will GmduateSchool of Management and chitect Cesar Pelli, will house both architect Cesar Pelli made brief re­ join the two schools, where shared the School of Law and the Babcock lounges wUl permit informal discus­ marks during the ceremony. llallldMir!UI Graduate School of Management. sions to take place between the fac­ See Groundbreaking, Page 3 T. Eugene and Anne Worrell pose after the Professional Center groundbreakiog ceremony on Tuesday. Pelli said it is a "building of our times." See Worrell, Page 5 President of Wachovia Delivers Address at Opening Convocation By Eric Williams interchanges of academic life," "If you were to call his office at trol the rapid changes in government Old Gold and Black Reporter Holmes said. "The duty of this diffi- Wachovia, the person answering the and technology occurring today. cult office will require hard decisions, phone would be Medlin,"Hearn said. Medlin also indicated an inCI):ase The rituals which distinguish Wake but the value of honor and trustwor- Medlin addressed "The Importance in cultural awareness if America is to Forest from other American univer- thiness is essential to the life of an of Studies in the Humanities to Pre­ survive and remain prominent in the sities were renewed Tuesday during academic community." pare for a World Undergoing Fun- world community. Opening Convocation ceremonies The Jon Reinhart Award for Dis- damental Change." ''The Persian Gulf Crisis reveals held in Wait Chapel. tinguished Teaching was presented "When I began with Wachovia, the need for greater understanding of Both students and faculty were by Thomas E. Mullen, dean of the knowledgeofaccountingandfmance cultural differences. IfAmerica does recognized for administrative ap- college, to Carl Everest, former pro- were important. As I progressed not evolve, then we may find it dif­ 'pointments, awards and appointment fessor of classical languages from through the corporate structure, ficult to remain stable in a sea of tq the JUdicial Board and Student Ju- 1956 to 1989. however, an awareness of a broad instability," he said. i:licial Board. Mullen pmised Everest for stress- range of subjects became essential," Medlin urged students to take ad­ David G. Brown was installed as ing "high standards of perfection" Medlin said. vantage of the opportunities a college provost by Weston P. Hatfield, and for his being "slow to criticize Medlin also said a general public education presents. chairman of the board of trustees. and quick to support." ignomnce of economics was_ the rea- · "Students at Wake Forest are in a According to Hatfield, the position In an u~suspected move, President son behind the upheaval of the_ U$, privileged position to emerge as of.{>rovostiscrucial.~o.JhesllkCessfW...,..~~~~;Hearn Jr. announced a economy •. _ · . leaders in. today's mUlti-disciplinary_ - functioning of the unlversitybecaus'ii · "glfior~i'romT~ E"ugene'ana'··" ·.. •1n,'l9&5;·ibe U:nitedSiatesbe~aine world," he said. "I urge you-to take "it directly affects the· work of the AnneWorrellforthedevelopmentof adebtornationforthefiisttimesiace advantageoftheopportunities present faculty and will constantly be chal- anewlawschoolandbusinessschoo.l the early colonial period," Medlin at Wake Forest." lenged by both the students and the center. This award is the largest ever said "Excesses in public policy and Medlin also received an honorary faculty." by any alumni. spending are to blame; however, this doctor oflaws degree. Harold R. Holmes, dean of student John G. Medlin, president, chair- could not have occurred without the Medlin grew up in Benson, N.C., services, presented the oath of office man and chief executive officer of consent of the public. Economic it­ and graduated from the University of to the new Judicial Board and Student First Wachovia Corp., spoke. literacy, basic misunderstanding of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1956. Judicial Board Members. In announcing Medlin, Hearn al- simple economics, is the cause." After a tour of duty in the U.S. Navy, "You have been chosen by a vote of luded to Medlin's "do-it-yourself' Futureleaders,accordingtoMedlin, Medlin joined Wachovia Bank and your fellow students to be stewards of attitude as one of the reasons for his will have to comprehend an assort­ Trust Co. as a management trainee in the ideal of honor amid the practical success. ment of subjects to interpret and con- 1959. Medlin addresses the Opening Convocation in Wait Chapel. Wake Forest Hires 34 Faculty Members By Steph Mohl said. "I'm not sure that everyone who lives Assistmlt News Editor here really appreciates how unique it is. I New Faculty believe that the diversity and uniqueness is ake Forest has added 34 new full­ special because those qualities are becom­ and part-time professors and First in a Series ing extinct at other schools." Winstructors to its undergraduate faculty for the 1990-91 school year. Harris is a visiting assistant professor Chemistry New faculty members cited Wake who specializes in measuring forces Forest's excellent academic reputation, produced by moving cells and organisms. Philip S. Hammond is a visiting assistant small size, friendly atmosphere, location Harris, who grew up in Indiana, received professor of chemistry for the fall semester. and attractive campus as selling points. his bachelor of arts degree from Columbia He is the only new addition to the chemis- · The English department and the speech University, his master of arts in teaching try department. communication and theater arts department from Harvard University, and his Ph.D Hammond received a bachelor's degree · added the most new faculty members, with from the University of New York at at Gettysburg College, and a master's and five each. Albany. Ph.D from the University of Michigan. He He spent two years in the Peace Corps in has done several years of post-doctoral Biology Brazil and was a professor at Russell Sage work and worked for nine years with the University in Troy, NY, before coming to United States Armies Medical Research The biology department has added two Wake Forest. Institute of Chemical Defense. faculty members:John Abo and Jack Harris. "This is a very interesting place," Harris See Faculty, Page 4 · University Clubroon1 Closed This Fall By Scott Grant ficulties. Service was also a problem. "I believe - particularly after a year of Old Gold and Black Reporter "I waited an hour and a half for dinner one observation- that students want something : night," said senior Anne Gibson. with more of a pub atmosphere, as opposed to After a one-year trial period, the University David Vann, the co-chairman of the com­ a casual, yet sophisticated, dining and drink- . Clubroom Advisory Committee recom­ mittee, noted the service problems in a con­ ing establishment. I do not believe that it is mended that the clubroom be closed. sensus report of the advisory committee: necessary or advisable to provide a pub on The committee suggested in an evaluation "There was poor service on three of the first campus," Beil said. last spring that the alcohol-serving estab­ eight nights. On one of those nights I was Vann said the clubroom atmosphere was lishment be closed for economic reasons, not forced to wait tables as a result ofthe shortage "bland" and not appealing to students. because of drinking-rule infractions. of people working for (ARA). On that night "For the Clubroom concept to be success­ "Financially the clubroom has been un­ and another night during the first semester I ful, it must be refashioned to meet student successful ... my recommendation is that it worked as host and busboy," Vann said. expectations within the Wake Forest Uni­ not be continued in the fall," said Mary Beil, According to both reports, a major reason versity setting," said Kenneth Zick, vice co-chair of the committee. for the Clubroom's failure was its location in president of student life and instructional re­ Slaying Dorm Dragons Pete Kazlmferaak Other factors contributed to the failure of the Magnolia Room. sources. "Last year's experience demonstrates the Clubroom, according to the committee.
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