OSAMA AT LARGE: DAY 2,830 and COUNTING! This banner shows how long al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden has been free since the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack on America. We maintain this count to keep the memory of our 9/11 victims alive and preserve America's focus on defense. RAHWAY’S HOMETOWN NEWS NJ’S OLDEST WEEKLY NEWSPAPER SERVING UNION COUNTY SINCE 1822 News Record ¢ 50 Vol. 187, No. 24 USPS 454-160 © CMD Media THURSDAY, JUNE 11, 2009 (732) 574-1200 cents NJ Hospitals Stand To Lose Under New Medicaid Rules School Board To STATE – A change in the system and 24 would get more. noted. Hospitals haven’t been state’s dwindling number of Present Capital way New Jersey reimburses The analysis concludes that adequately covered for more hospitals,” New Jersey Hospi- hospitals for patients on Med- facilities operating mental recent medical advances, she tal Association president Betsy Projects Plan icaid could cause big problems health programs will be hurt said. Esterman noted that there Ryan said in a letter asking RAHWAY – The school board for already cash-strapped the most by the changes. Trini- were far fewer lung transplants Human Services Commission- will provide information on a pro- health care facilities. tas Regional Medical Center in when the payment and comput- er Jennifer Velez to delay the posed district-wide capital proj- State officials are finally Elizabeth will be one of the er coding system was created. change. ects referendum at a town meeting updating a 20-year-old system biggest losers under the new “Another good example is the Mental health services advo- tonight at 6:45 p.m. in the Rah- that paid hospitals based on the formulas, which are scheduled stent for the heart. It wasn’t way Library’s meeting room. cates say the plan could cripple types of services they provided to go into effect in August. invented when our original The Board of Education will programs already near collapse. two decades ago. State Human Mental health services have codes were put in place,” she present a $34 million referendum “Hospital-based behavioral Services spokeswoman become less costly since the said. to voters on Tuesday, Sept. 29. Suzanne Esterman said the last time New Jersey set Med- Health care officials say the health in New Jersey is on the Tonight, school officials will new system “calculates more icaid reimbursement rates 20 changes will take money from brink at the same time we are explain the plan with a slide show fairly the reimbursement level years ago, Esterman said. hospitals already hurt by rising struggling to deal with over- and question and answer period. for medical procedures.” Average hospital stays for costs, the recession and inade- crowding in public psychiatric Officials said the referendum According to an analysis by mental illnesses have dropped quate state aid. hospitals,” said Phil Lubitz, includes the following projects: the New Jersey Hospital Asso- from 53 days to 11 days “We do not believe this is the associate director of the • Construction of 12 new ciation, 42 hospitals would because more patients are year to move forward, with the National Alliance on Mental instructional spaces at Grover lose money under the news treated with medication, she economic tsunami facing our Illness in New Jersey. Cleveland School • Renovation of science class- Community Fights Cancer With Relay For Life rooms and laboratories at the high school and middle school that are CLARK—The American to make a serious difference in over 40 years old Cancer Society invites residents the fight against cancer. Relay • Renovation of the existing of Clark and surrounding towns For Life is an opportunity for high school auditorium and per- to join more than 4,800 other people to come together, to forming arts areas and the addi- communities across the United honor cancer survivors and to tion of more space for the per- States in celebration of survivor- remember those who lost their forming arts ship and hope at the second battle with this devastating dis- • Replacement of fire alarm annual Relay For Life of Clark. ease, while raising donations systems at all schools The event will be held on Fri- and community awareness at the • Upgrading the security of the day, June 12, at Arthur L. John- same time. elementary schools son High School, 365 Westfield During the overnight celebra- • Re-roofing of sections of the Avenue. Registration opens at tion, individuals and teams camp high school 3:30 p.m.; opening ceremonies out and picnic, while walking or • Installation of solar energy begin at 7 p.m. running around a track “relay” panels on the roofs of the high The relay will continue style. Because cancer never school and middle school throughout Friday night until the sleeps, each team has a represen- The solar panels will generate closing “Victory Lap” at 8 a.m. tative on the track at all times electricity that will help to reduce the following morning. Relay during the overnight event. Con- energy costs and at the same time For Life is the American Cancer tributions collected at Relay For produce energy that the school Society’s signature event and is Life of Clark support research, district plans to sell back to the unlike any typical fundraising education, advocacy and patient utility company generating rev- walk. services in Union County. Cancer survivors walk in the “Survivor Celebration Opening Lap” enue that can be applied to other It’s a unique and fun way for Relay For Life of Clark was at American Cancer Society-Relay For Life of Cranford, on Fri- areas of the school budget, offi- all members of the community (continued on page...12) day, May 29. (Photo credit: Ruthanne Brown) cials said. Seven Day Forecast: A Nice Weekend, Then More Rain June 12 June 13 June 14 June 15 June 16 June 17 June 18 C D Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday M media The News Record (USPS454-160) is pub- lished weekly on Thursday by CMD Media 1139 East Jersey Street, Suite 503, Eliza- beth NJ, 07201. Subscription rates are $15 per year, $50 outside Union County. Scattered Scattered Scattered Periodicals postage paid at Elizabeth, NJ Partly Cloudy Partly Cloudy Partly Cloudy Showers Thunderstorms Thunderstorms Thunderstorms and other post offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: News Record, P.O. Box Hi 78° F Hi 79° F Hi 79° F Hi 77° F Hi 78° F Hi 78° F Hi 76° F 1061 Rahway NJ 07065. ©2009 CMD Media Lo 60° F Lo 61° F Lo 61° F Lo 63° F Lo 63° F Lo 62° F Lo 63° F All Rights Reserved 2... NEWS RECORD/PATRIOT Visit us online at http://cmdmedia.wordpress.com Thursday, June 11, 2009 News Record community bulletin board PATRIOT published by CMD Media Barbecue Fundraiser Mental Health Education Event ELIZABETH – Trinitas speaker for the evening is Publisher LINDEN – The Linden Friends of Linden Library and Regional Medical Center will Michael Guglielmino, LCSW, Lisa McCormick Library’s second annual barbe- the Linden Library. Enjoy food, host a medical health education director of Adult Inpatient Unit, phone: 732-574-1200 x21 cue fundraiser is scheduled for beer, soda, music, games, raffles event, “Bipolar Family Night” Department of Behavioral email: [email protected] Saturday, June 20, from 1-6 p.m. and more. on Wednesday, June 17, from Health and Psychiatry. at Memorial Field Park on North For further information or to 6–7:30 p.m. The event will be held at Editor Wood Avenue. purchase tickets, call Bob Gre- There will be a film and dis- Trinitas Regional Medical Cen- Paul Hadsall Admission is $35 for adults gory at 732-259-4241; Tony cussion designed to help fami- ter, Plaza Building, 654 E. Jer- phone: 908-352-3100 and $20 for children under 18. Coplan at 908-370-1003 or Den- lies understand and cope with sey Street, Elizabeth, 2nd Floor, fax: 732-388-4143 The proceeds will benefit nis Purves at 908-298-3831. relatives who may be diagnosed Room # 1. Call 908-994-7559 to email: [email protected] Business Workshop with bipolar disorder. The attend. Advertising Director Volunteers Sports Card Show NEWARK – Are you interest- The workshop will address Stefan Kopas RAHWAY – The Rahway phone: 732-574-1200 x19 ed in starting your own busi- subjects including marketing, Needed LINDEN – The Linden Recreation Sports Card Col- fax: 732-340-1988 ness? business plans, tax obligations, Department of Public Property lectible Show will be held at the email:[email protected] SCORE, a national non-profit legal requirements, financing, sponsored by U.S. Small Busi- and record keeping. The $35 and Community Services needs Rahway Senior Citizen Center, volunteers to assist with the 1306 Esterbrook Avenue (on the Press Releases: ness Administration, will pres- registration fee includes a free nutrition program at the John T. corner of West Milton Avenue) We prefer to receive press ent a workshop, “Starting and copy of a revised 140-page book Gregorio Recreation Center, on Sunday, June 14, from 9 a.m. release via email to Managing Your Own Business,” on starting and managing your Monday through Friday, from - 3 p.m. [email protected]. They on Tuesday, June 16, from 9 a.m. own company. 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. Admission is $1 and children can also be mailed to CMD Media, - 2:30 p.m. at 2 Gateway Center- Call SCORE at (973) 645- If you would like to volunteer, under 10 when accompanied by 1139 East Jersey St., Suite 503, 15th Floor, Newark (near the 3982 between 9 a.m.-2 p.m.
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