4444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444T444444 BUT PA’S COIN WILL ADD TO THE JOY OF LIVING. \ | Take Extra Precautions ♦ \ To Safeguard Officials | I 4 [From Tho Tribune Bureau.] I4 4 Washington, P. C., Dec. 4.—Extreme precautions are to be taken by 4 London Announces 4 Officially 4 tho police, the detectives, special officers and others on guard at the 4 4 capitol when congress meets Monday, and again on Tuesday, when the ^ Mesopotamian Expedition 4 president will read his message to the House and Senate In Joint as- 4 4 eembly. 7" \ Is Retiring to a 4 Not only is it considered needful fbr large additions to the usual 4 4 4 force pf police, guaids and detectives to be on watch at the capitol con- 4 New Base. 4 stantly, but on the opening day of congress and on the day tho presi- | is will be crowds of 4 4 dent reads his message it realized there great I 4 visitors. • Bondon. Deo. 6.—The British army of 4 ®^ 4 To deal with the situation resulting from the presence great in 4 Mesopatamia is in retreat. Official 4 throngs. Including many strangers, a large number of extra men, largely announcement was made today that 4 In plain clothes, will be put on. Col. Charles P. Higgins, sergeant at 4 the forces of General Townsend were 4 arms of the Senate; Sergeant at Arms Gordon, of the House, and Super- 4 of the are close attention to the sltua- 4 retiring to Kut-el-Amara. 4 intendent Woods, capitol, giving 4 tlon. Kut-El the text of the of- Amara, 4 The extraordinary precautions are due to the recent attempt to blow ♦ ficial statement says: 4 up the Senate and to the apprehension that cranks whose feelings are 4 “General Townshend remained in oc- 4 harrowed by tho European war and who are hostile to the government's 4 4 cupation of the battlefield at Ctesiphon, 4 foreign policy may try to plant bombs or commit other outrages. ♦ beating off all counter attacks, till he 4 bad completed the removal of his 44444-f 44+4444444444444444444+444'f44444444444444444444 wounded and of 1,600 prisoners taken from the enemy; but in view of our heavy losses and the arrival of Turkish reinforcements, he then withdrew. All Cylinders Chugging Turks Too Strong. "It is reported that our total casual- t ies in these actions amounted to 4,567. As Ford Peace Is So of- Party report is made of any political ficer as in being wounded was alleged 1 the Turkish official statement. "On the night of November 30-Decem- Cranked Up For Crusade ber 1, General Townshend fought a new xuuv, x#e\;. t.—jutiu ***■” su- rear guard action against greatly verslties of Missouri, Kansas, Ohio, Our casualties more than 80 advocates sailed perior Turkish forces. peace Iowa, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Illinois, in this action are estimated to have from here today on the steamer Oscar Nebraska, and Texas aeeom- K been 150 of all ranks. Michigan The pany the expedition. "Two river boats were disabled by II for Christie nsand, Norway. news- The peace delegates received large shell fire and had to be abandoned. party was accompanied by 57 celluloid buttons a white star “General Townshend remarks of the paper correspondents and photogra- bearing | as- with rays and the words "Out of the steadiness of the and states that phers, and more than 20 general troops trenches by Christmas." the retirement was carried out in per- sistant secretaries and stenographers. fect order. By the latest reports Gen- The sailing of the Oscar II, sched- He Wants Publicity. some- eral Townshend was within a few uled for 2 o'clock, was delayed "Our mission Is really to arose pub- of 15 miles of Kut-El Amara, upon which time by the unexpected arrival lic sentiment against the horrors of Mr. position he is retiring.” persons who had been invited by war. Publicity Is what keeps the Ford, but had not Indicated they in- wheels turning. I consider the B4 The British announcement confirms tended sailing. The examination of newspaper and magazine writers that % and tickets of a Berlin wireless dispatch of two days the baggage, passports ire going about the moBt Important as the final ago to the effect that the British were the 15 late arrivals as well part of the mission.” being forced back in the direction of clearing of the ship of all but persons In an attack upon militarism and Kut-el-Amara, 105 miles south of who held tickets, took up consider- American advocates of preparedness, Bagdad. The wireless message quoted able time. Mr. Ford declared that if militarism Is and Thom- an official Turkish report, which said William Jennings Bryan ■rushed it will bo England that has dock an the British were fleeing in disorder, as A. Edison arrived at the lone It. To steamer sailed to bid after losing 5,000 officers and men in White House Wedding hour before the "If this war succeeds In wiping out The British at- Kill farewell to Mr. Ford. Mr. Bryan spent ho "the GUARDING credit will Jthree days’ lighting. militarism,” said, go tempted to make a stand at Azizi, but half an hour with Ford. to England.” has main- were again routed. For several days Mr. Ford In reference to his projected visit to | “The defeat of the British puts an Take Place December 18 tained headquarters in a New York ho- England and Germany, Mr. Ford said end for the time being to their hope tel, summoning by invitation, govern- tie Intended to visit those countries as * ors and workers in of capturing Bagdad, the objective of NEWS OF ASSAULT of states, leaders in American business man and not as uni- their campaign. peace movements and students of peace missionary. Of the In their advance they occupied President and Mrs. Galt Will Be Married at Her Home Two versities to Join the expedition. “Nobody Is going to stop me from Ctesiphon, on the Tigris, 18 miles be- governors invited, so far as announced, visiting those two ho said. the countries,” % low Bagdad. They were compelled to Weeks From Today—Only Immediate Relatives Will Be Allies Believe, However. That L. B. Hanna, of North Dnkota, was T am going Into England and Ger- retire on account of lack of water and only one to accept. William J. Bryan, many on business and not on a to peace on attempting to resume the advance Plans Not Announced. who received an invitation, declined mission.” Present—Honeymoon Exoedition Is Now Under he on Bagdad were confronted with a accompany the party, but said hoped Mr. Ford and his staff were busy at i strongly reinforced Turkish army, re- to join them at The Hague a few weeks their headquarters until the last min- brother; Mrs. Anne Howe, Out- he sulting in the battle reported from Washington. D. C.t Dec. 6.—Presi- president's Way—Near East later. Ho explained that he believed ute, but when they left for Hoboken to his sister, and Mrs. Francis B. Sayre, interest Berlin. dent Wilson and Mrs. Norman Galt could accomplish more in the board the Oscar II, it was stated that :he president’s daughter, will bo guests look Is of remaining in will be married on Saturday, December Brighter. peace at present by ill arrangements were complete and it the White House when they come to America. that there would be no delay In the 18, at Mrs. Galt’s home here, accord- ittend the wedding. Mis.3 Margaret Some of His Guests. sailing of the peace ship. The last ing to a formal announcement made Wilson and Mrs. MeAdooi the other two In list of out by batch of passports arrived from Wash- SAN DIEGO FAIR TO today at the White House. laughters of the president, are already the envoys given are ington today, and it was announced It was also announced that the only rere. Mr. Ford’s assistants among others, the Rev. Charles of San Fran- that none of the additional applications l guests will be Mrs. Galt’s mother, her Mrs. Galt’s home, where the cere- F. Aked, Lieut. A. of South bad been refused. brothers and sisters, the president's nony will be performed, is in the fash- Petrograd, Dec. 3, (via Lon- + cisco; Gov. J. Betha, Bois- Ford Is f CONTINUE NEXT YEAR brother and sister, his daughters and onable section of Washington, but is f don, Dec. C).—Field Marshal ♦ Carolina; Mrs. Inez Milholland Confident. j Dcs the members of his immediate house- :oo small to contain a large party. F Von Meckensen was slightly + sevaln, New York; H. C. Evans, Before sailing Mr. Ford Issued what hold. No Invitations will be issued. Nevertheless, both Mrs. Galt and tho f wounded by a Serbian bullet + Moines, la.; Senator Helen R. Robin- he called a farewell statement. New "I Panama-California No announcement was made regard- nresident decided not to have the wed- during the recent operations, + son, Denver; T. Monroe Smock, am sailing with the firm belief,” Exposition, and Arthur L. Weather- he “that ing plans for a honeymoon, but it was iing in the White House. f says a Copenhagen dispatch to ♦ Plymouth, Id., said, a great good will come Which Has Drawn Well, to expected that the president and his The brothers and sisters of Mrs. Galt the Novoe Vremya. ♦ by, Lincoln, Neb. of this mission. It will keep alive tbe bride will leave Washington soon after who will be present at the wedding are: ► ♦ Twenty-three members of the party thought that peace la possible as well Get ’Frisco Exhibits, are as so • the ceremony for somewhere in the Rolfe E.
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