Recommended machining parameters for copper and copper alloys DKI Monograph i.18 Issued by: German Copper Institute / Deutsches Kupferinstitut Information and Advisory Centre for the Use of Copper and Copper Alloys Am Bonneshof 5 40474 Düsseldorf Germany Tel.: +49 (0)211 47963-00 Fax: +49 (0)211 47963-10 [email protected] www.kupferinstitut.de All rights reserved. Print run 2010 Revised and expanded by: Laboratory for Machine Tools and Production Engineering WZL at RWTH Aachen University Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr.-Ing E.h. Dr. h.c. Fritz Klocke Dipl.-Ing. Dieter Lung Dr.-Ing. Klaus Gerschwiler Dipl.-Ing. Patrik Vogtel Dipl.-Ing. Susanne Cordes Fraunhofer Institute for Production Technology IPT in Aachen Dipl.-Ing. Frank Niehaus Translation: Dr. Andrew Symonds BDÜ Picture credits: TORNOS, Pforzheim; Wieland-Werke, Ulm Kindly supported by International Copper Association, New York Contents Contents ........................................................... 1 6 Cutting-tool geometry ...................................35 Foreword .......................................................... 2 6.1 Rake and clearance angles .........................35 1 The situation today ........................................ 3 7 Cutting fluids ................................................37 2 Fundamental principles ...................................5 8 Calculating machining costs ........................... 38 2.1 Tool geometry and how it influences 9 Ultra-precision machining of copper ............... 40 the cutting process ....................................5 9.1 Principles of ultra-precision machining........ 40 2.1.1 Tool geometry ..........................................5 9.2 Example applications involving copper alloys 40 2.1.2 Effect of tool geometry on the 9.3 Work material properties and their cutting process .........................................6 influence on ultra-precision machining ........ 41 2.2 Tool wear ...............................................10 10 Recommended machining parameters 2.3 Chip formation ........................................ 11 for copper and copper alloys ...........................43 3 Machinability ................................................ 13 10.1 Turning of copper and copper alloys .............43 3.1 Tool life ................................................. 13 10.2 Drilling and counterboring of copper and copper alloys ................................... 44 3.2 Cutting force ........................................... 15 10.3 Reaming copper and copper alloys .............. 46 3.3 Surface quality ........................................18 10.4 Tapping and thread milling copper 3.4 Chip shape ............................................. 21 and copper alloys ................................... 46 4 Classification of copper-based 10.5 Milling copper and copper alloys .................47 materials into machinability groups ................23 11 Appendix ..................................................... 49 4.1 Standardization of copper materials .............23 11.1 Sample machining applications.................. 49 4.2 Machinability assessment criteria ................23 12 Mathematical formulae ................................. 56 4.3 The effect of casting, cold forming and age hardening on machinability ..................24 12.1 Equations .............................................. 56 4.4 Alloying elements and their effect 12.2 symbols and abbreviations ....................... 58 on machinability .....................................25 13 References ...................................................61 4.5 Classification of copper and copper alloys 14 Standards, regulations and guidelines ............ 63 into main machinability groups ................. 28 5 Cutting-tool materials ...................................32 5.1 High-speed steel .....................................32 5.2 Carbides .................................................32 5.3 Diamond as a cutting material ....................33 5.4 Selecting the cutting material .................... 34 DKI Monograph i.18 | 1 Foreword “Recommended machining parameters Like its predecessors, this edition of for copper and copper alloys” contin- the handbook has been designed to ues a long tradition established by address the concerns of practitioners, the German Copper Institute (DKI). The helping them to find the most effec- publication “Processing Copper and tive and economical solutions to their Copper Alloys” (“Das Bearbeiten von metal cutting problems. It also aims Kupfer und Kupferlegierungen”) first to assist designers and development appeared in 1938 and again in 1940. engineers when comparing the machin- The handbook “Metal cutting tech- ability of different materials, making niques for copper and copper alloys” it easier for them to estimate the fab- (“Die spanabhebende Bearbeitung rication costs of a particular part. Ma- von Kupfer und Kupferlegierungen”) chinability index ratings have therefore by J. Witthoff, which was published in been added to the tables included in 1956, represented a thorough revision the handbook. Machinability ratings and rewriting of the earlier work. The are commonplace in the specialist new handbook included for the first literature and not only help to make time a complete overview of all the comparisons between different copper standardized copper materials and materials but also comparisons with metal cutting data known at the time. other metallic materials such as steel In addition to the easily machinable or aluminium. free-cutting brass, the handbook also gave an account of copper alloys that The tables have also been brought had been developed for specific appli- up to date to reflect the most recent cations and that were often far harder materials standards, and the tables to machine. In 1987 large sections of reference values for the various of the handbook were reorganized, machining methods have been revised revised and updated by Hans-Jörn and expanded. As the machinability Burmester and Manfred Kleinau and of a material is highly complex and re-issued under the current title depends on a large number of fac- “Recommended machining parameters tors, the benchmark values provided for copper and copper alloys” (German here can only offer broad guidance. To original: “Richtwerte für die spanende establish the optimal machining pa- Bearbeitung von Kupfer und Kupferle- rameters for a specific production pro- gierungen”). The handbook included cess and thus optimize the productivity recommended machining parameters and cost-efficiency of that process, for all relevant machining techniques additional cutting and machining tests for a broad range of copper alloys. under the actual production conditions must be carried out. In order to take account of recent technical developments in the field, the handbook has once again been revised and updated while retaining the previous title. 2 | DKI Monograph i.18 1 State of the art Compared to other metallic structural als. In order to meet a very wide range ters for the machining of copper and materials, most copper-based materials of technical and engineering require- copper alloys – particularly in view of are relatively easy to machine. The free- ments, a great number of copper-based the ongoing developments in the metal cutting brass with the designation materials have been developed over cutting sector. Furthermore, optimizing CuZn39Pb3 has established itself as the years. Examples of more recent machining operations by selecting and an excellent material for manufactur- developments include the low-alloyed adapting the relevant machining data ing all kinds of form turned parts. The copper alloys, copper-nickel alloys and is of huge commercial importance in excellent machining properties of these lead-free copper alloys. The spectrum high-volume serial production. copper-zinc alloys is so well-known of materials available ranges from the that they are often used as benchmarks high-strength copper-aluminium alloys Material development is focused on for describing the machining properties to the very soft pure coppers with their the continuous improvement of a of copper and copper alloys high elongation after fracture. material’s properties. In order to lower machining costs, fabricators frequent- Machining copper alloys is considerably The differences in the machinability ly demand materials with improved easier than machining steels or alumin- of one material compared to that of machinability properties but with ium alloys of the same strength (see another can be traced to the differences mechanical and physical properties that Figure 1). This is reflected in the signif- in their mechanical and physical prop- are essentially unchanged. Examples icantly lower cutting forces as shown erties. Many machine operators have of this trend are the CuTeP and CuSP in Figure 2. Unless specific technical only a limited knowledge of the ma- alloys. Although pure copper has very requirements dictate the use of another chinability of the less commonly used high conductivity values, the fact that it material, free-cutting brass CuZn39Pb3 copper materials. As a result, the ma- produces long tubular or tangled chips Abb. 1: Vergleichis the material der of Zerspanbarkeit choice in contract chining data von assumed Kupferwerklegierungen for one and the can make it difficult to machine. For mit einem turning and machining shops and CNC same material may differ considerably this reason alloys have been developed Automatenstahlturning und shops. einer Aluminiumlegierungfrom
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