FORECAST TEMPERA TUBES nr SANTA nomas I flair Bunds*; faa tonisht: norms! Um- Biah ra to. M Bttalaia: moderst. vast Watt. IN OTHER CITIES OCEAN TIDES TOMOBBOW Denver tt' N.w York ___ V -4f Hlth | Low Oaa Molnn SSI Fl I Illume ,. -88 11:14 ».m : 11:14a.m. 18:80 a.m.: 8:W p.m. chlcaso , so'Salt lake cltr ..aa • BON RISES i sen cats LOOK U*s Anseles _____»n_few Orleans _ jta 4:44 o'clock 7:01 o'clock EYE Boston M Kansaa Cltr _ Devoted to Developing the Great Bay District Member Associated Press—Established Oet 13, 1875 I j jet VOLUME LV NUMBER 179 SANTA MONICA, CALIFORNIA, SATURDAY, -JUNE 28, 1930 PRICE TWO CENTS BUS LINE CONTROVERSY COMPROMISE LOOMS FIELD OF 100 TO Lindberghs Birthplace Again Far Sale PUPPY DIES, SO ••' • HOP OFF IN BIG 339 Names WiU MOTHER DOG Oil Advocates of HORNTOADRACE House Veterans' a a a . a a a a , a a STEALS KITTEN New Ordinance Ocean Park Split 'Buron Fitts* Favored to Relief Measure Home Used as Memorial Goes .Begging Be on Ballots in Then Mama Cat Gets Win as Death Removes DETROIT, June 28 UP*— The estate company they were forced Mad and Mores to For Extension 'Kingsford-Smith' birthplace ef • ol. Charles A. to return the property at a $6,000 New Home Lindbergh once mere ts for sale. loss because it "proved to be un­ ' ONTARIO. June 28 (U.R)—"Buron A Ital estate compear has fitted for club purposes." CHICAGO. June 38 (JF*—Little Io Lease Battle Pitts,** fresh from the wilds and Sent to Senate placed tte mtot sale" sign In front At one time a Chicago promoter State Primaries Miss Leona Skoller tee a story to Ordered Drafted unusually rough. Is favored to lead of the borne at 1120 Forest ave­ attempted to establish a Lind­ tell about a dog and some puppies B field of 100 thoroughbreds here nue, ee wbicb a bronze tablet bergh museum there, with a gate and a est and some kittens. Mass Meeting Fireworks tonight in the great horntoad der­ Committee Makes Minor commemorating the bi. _:_place of fee, but tte owner . 'tod tttt ac­ Certified Candidate List "A great big police dog lives ln Verbal Fireworks Feature by classic of the year. the famous flier. tion by an Injunction. Another Shows Six ia Contest a box in a basement right next to Explode as Community "Klngsford-Smlth," noted tat Amendments; Raise for . The Lindbergh birthplace has flurry arose when a tenant cov­ my house and right beside it is Conference ia Row Plan Attacked his long hops, died in the Mother Disability Losses been ttie center Of several con­ ered the bronze tablet with a for Governor another box. and in it Uvea a cat Nature, Inc. stables yesterday, troversies. Tte house was bought sign advertising rooms tee rent. and ths cat's name is Hani sad Over System practically leaving the field to the bl April. 1929, by tte Swedish No action was taken on a resolu­ SACRAMENTO, June 28 the doc's name Is Queenie. Split wide open on the Amrelcan Legion entry. WASHINOTON, J UBS SI Engineering society as a club­ tion offered by Former Mayor "And one day there were eight As a result of yesterday's question of whether Ocean Toads must not be fed for three (AP)—The new house veter­ house and a Lindbergh museum. John Smith that the city buy the (UP)—An army of 339 office t eensy-weensy puppies la conference between Robert Park property should be hours preceding the race, accord­ ans' relief measure was unani­ but the society notified the real site. seekers, tme of the greatest In Queenie's box and pretty aoon ing to rules of the Leaping Frog then wen tour Uttle bitsy kittens Brenke of the Santa Monica leased tot oil drilling pur­ Asociatlon of America. This ruling mously reported to the senate California's history, sre seek­ in Hazel's box. Public Affairs association aal poses on a community basis was made to prevent a repetition today* with minor amend­ ing election to state, legisla­ 'But one of the Uttle puppies members of ths Santa Mon­ or ttw town lot plan, tbe meeting of ttie "jumping frog of Calavehaa ments oy tbe senate finance com­ tive. Judicial and congressional of­ died aad Queenie felt very bad ica city council relative to proposed last night ln the municipal audi­ county** tn 1MB, when the star and so she stole one of Hani's mittee. Aa attempt tar democrats fices, it was learned today.- extension of the municipal bus sys­ torium of 300 members of tha entry was given a dose of lead Fire Chief Issues Carriers Forging kittens, yesslr, and made believe tem. City Attorney Chester L. Cof­ shot by owners of a fast rival toad. to increase the rales for disability Charte J. Hagerty, deputy secre­ it was a puppy. United Santa Monica-Ocean Park pensions was voted down, 11 to 8. fin today started the task of getting league ended ln a seething, free-for- tary of state closed his records at "And that made Hazel awful Republicans ea the committee, midnight ana today issued tbe cer­ mad and she brought bar three up a rough draft af a new bus ordi­ all verbal battle which forced an with tbe exception of Senator La tified list of candidates. little Uttens and came over to my nance whlcb to to embody the sug­ adjournment and left the organiza­ Follette of Wisconsin, voted against Tourth' Warning Ahead in Contest Five republicans, one democrat house to live." gestions of Prate A Helton, com­ tion divided in too factions. Ferollo to Give the Increase in these rates, which sad one socialist are seeking the missioner of finance. Tta break occurred during an ad­ would have allowed a $60 maximum highest state office, tbat Sf gover­ Thla draft. Coffin indicated, will dress by Capt. E. P. Smith, one of instead of $40. Urges Cooperation to Aid Increased Credit for New nor, tte list disclosed. They are: be submitted to Brenke for consid­ the league officers, who spoke The democrats were successful in ia Protecting Lives Outlook Subscriptions Republican—Buron Fitts, Clara eration, and probably will come be­ strongly against the community an amendment striking from the Shortrldge Foltz, Los Angeles; New Rotary Club fore the council as a compromise plan. He counseled hto bearers Concert Tuesday house bill ttw stipulation that tbe and Property Stimulates Interest James Rolph, Jr., San Francisco; C. measure. against signing any kind of a lease, be it of the community or town lot benefits of tte legislation would aot C. Young, Berkeley. Democrat—Mil­ Amity Foreseen type, before first obtaining legal ad­ New Organization Ready; extend to veterans who pay income With the Fourth of July only a Announcement tbat new orders ton K. Young. Socialist—Upton Sin­ Coffin Indicated that despite tha vice from sources known to be rep­ tax. few days away, W. J. Mohr, Santa now count for 25 credits in the Out­ clair, Pasadena. Milton K. Young's Chief Installed verbal fireworks which featured utable. Tte request of tbe American Le­ Monica fire chief, today issued an look cairier contest instead of 10 name also appears on tte republi­ yesterday's conference, there did not Will Play 2 Concerts appeal for a safe and sane mode credits, as heretofore, has stimulat­ appear to be any Issues of impor­ Smith Cites Dangera gion for abolishment of the office ed interest ln the contest and re­ can list Here Daily of comptroller of tte veterans' bu­ of Independence day celebration, Otter Candidates tance on which a compromise could Captain Smith sited wbat be de­ asking parents to safeguard their sulted ia many changes of position. Hart Turns Over Reins of not be reached, and expressed him­ scribed as the dangers of Ocean reau was defeated. A number of the boys wte were in Candidates for other state offices With a band composed of Bay children from injury and to save Organisation to Martin; self optimistically on the possibil­ Park people being cheated by lease The committee also eliminated life and property fire peril which tbe lowest third ten entered ttw an: ity that tte proposed ordinance plan promoters said to be active ln district musicians, Francesco Fer­ tte house provision ttet World middle third, and a number from Lieutenant governor—Republican: Year Reviewed would suit both parties. me district. ullo, director of ttie Santa Monica war veterans who enlisted after the use of fireworks and firecrack­ the middle third han forged into Herschel L. Carnahan, Harry L. ers entails each year. the upper third of the standing's Commissioner Helton has re­ Anthony Jurlch, attorney and the municipal band tor the year begin­ signing tt tte armistice November Chamberlin, Los Angeles; William The scepter of Santa Monica's ning July 1, bas perfected his or­ ll, 1918, would not be subject to "Two of tttt most dangerous days column. Ivanhoe Kinsley, San Diego; Frank peatedly expressed himself ae Be­ organization's legal adviser, spoke of tbe year are tte Fourth of July Rotary club leadership passed yes­ ing in favor of an extension of the before Smith and. without mention­ ganization and win raise bis baton benefits. About 5,000 veterans in As a result of Increased enthusi­ E. Merriam, Long Beach; Tallant terday noon from Russell K. Hart to ing any names, denounced as for UM first concert which his band this class wte are receiving gov­ aaa Christmas,** Chief Mohr de­ asm and activity, fifty-one new or­ Tubbs, San Francisco.
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