Birdbrook News Issue No. 76 July 2016 A1017, WE ARE NOT GIVING UP YET! The February issue carried the news that our another submission. This is now to be pre- attempts to have speed limits imposed in vari- sented in the form of a letter (see page 7) and ous areas had been refused as these were not we will await reaction. If you signed the peti- in line with Essex Highways current regula- tion before, or even if you didn’t, and wish to tions. This in spite of a petition organised by add your voice please contact our County or Warren Brace which contained 178 signatures District Councillors giving your views but asking for action. The Parish Council has please let the Parish Clerk know if you do spent a long time over the past months and this so we can see what is happening. All meetings putting information together and as contact details or on page two of Dates sec- much ammunition as we could find to put in tion. Anne of Cleves House, Hamlet Road, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 8EE Telephone: 01440 70 56 56 www.haverhillphysiotherapyclinic.co.uk Sports injuries - muscle and ligament sprains and strains Back Pain - Sciatica, trapped nerves, disc prolapse Neck Pain - Direct Injury (Whiplash), Postural Strain NEW BUS Peripheral complaints, e.g. upper and lower limb problems Arthritis/rheumatic conditions Repetitive strain injuries/Sports injuries AVAILABILITY Assessment of undiagnosed aches and pains Post operative rehabilitation We have just received some information re Pilates Classes the new bus schemes and these are detailed (small classes - Halstead & Haverhill) Registered with all major insurance companies on page 10. Self financing patients welcome. Registered with the Health Professions Council Member of the Organisation of Chartered Physio- therapists in Private Practice Page 1 some of the remarkable features. There is a guide NEWS FROM book on the book stall just inside the church door. ST. AUGUSTINE’S Find the monument to Martha Blewitt who died in 1681 and had nine husbands and Robert Hogan, CHURCH who married his seventh wife in 1739! The large stained glass window on the north east end of the nave is known as the Churchwarden’s Window, We are trying to make St. Augustine Church more and commemorates G.E. Unwin who was to serve meaningful to the people of Birdbrook. At present we 70 years as churchwarden, which must be some- hold at least four services a month, two Communion thing of a record. The stained glass windows and Services at 11.00, a Morning Prayer service and a Fami- the carved oak choir stalls, panelling in the chan- ly Service, both at 10.00. These services are accompa- cel and the carved oak pews repay close study. nied by our piped organ and we sign uplifting hymns. They were put in the 1960’s and 1970’s. We pride ourselves that we are a friendly welcoming The church has seen countless baptisms, wedding church and after the service there is much socialising and funerals. These seasons marked out for suc- and exchange of news and gossip while we serve up tea, ceeding generations of the inhabitants of Bird- coffee, soft drinks, biscuits and often cakes. During the brook. This has left the church with an winter months we are able to keep the church warm and atmosphere of peace and tranquility. In this world we are the only church in the Two Rivers Benefice that of noise and stress the church is one place where has a toilet! you will find calm, stillness and silence. We very We always keep the church open during the day. This is much hope that the people of Birdbrook will make for the benefit of the people of Birdbrook and visitors as use of this, even if it is just to get away from a St. Augustine’s is the most historical building in the Par- while. Some of you may even want to pray in ish. It dates back to about 1050 and has seen continuous such an atmosphere where you will be close to worship for 950 years. It is also a living museum show- God. ing how previous generations have left their mark on the If you would like to come to a service you would fabric of the structure There is also a collection, at the be most welcome, but we would be most encour- back of the church, of artefacts that have been found in aged if you paid your church a visit and told us the parish and a group of old photographs, of the church what you think by signing the visitor’s book. and the village. We would like the people of Birdbrook to use this building, as it is your building whether you Best wishes go to church or not. If you have never been in the Patrick Crouch and Judi Price, church before, please pop in, bring your friends and see Churchwardens When respond- ing to an advert you have seen in Birdbrook News please mention where you saw it. Thank you. Page 2 Page 3 • Remember the Dispensary closes on Steeple Bumpstead Surgery – Wednesday at 1pm and re-opens at 8am on June 2016 Thursdays. The Surgery remains open until 6.30pm on Wednesdays. There are no changes to the Surgery Clinical Team. The continuity is proving successful and this is reflected in the • The Patient Participation Group remain Friends & Family Test survey results. Please can I en- staunch in their support and scrutiny of the courage you to make a comment when you attend the Surgery. Surgery. Cards are held on the front desk at Reception, along with the post box for you to place the card in. The Andy Cutting survey can also be filled in on line via the Surgery web- Practice Manager site. Steeple Bumpstead Surgery Patient We are pleased to confirm that we have had a nurse or a Participation Group (PPG) doctor available every working day since June 2015. We continue to work with the Surgery to improve Clinical Matters services for everyone. We would very much wel- come your individual feedback, suggestions, com- ments or questions about the Surgery and its • During this quarter the Surgery are focusing on services so these can be fed into our discussions. Diabetes Management. We have a Specialist Please contact our Chair, Liz Heyer. Nurse attending to take sessions. The first two sessions are fully booked. The Nurse attends Liz Heyer - tel: 01440 730579 or email once per week and is shadowed by Chrissie Far- [email protected] rant, our Practice Nurse. In addition, Chrissie is currently undertaking a course on Diabetes. Increase in GP Appointments Please contact Reception if you wish to make use We are pleased that the Surgery has increased the of this service. The Surgery performance on this number of GP appointments on a Monday. If you subject could be better, but we are dependent need an urgent appointment remember that for most upon patients to make appointments so we can conditions you can be seen by a member of the collectively improve our management of this ail- nursing team who will then arrange for you to see a ment. GP if necessary. Mel Cunningham, Advanced Nurse Practitioner, is an independent nurse prescriber and • Doctors Bergh and Zada have kindly extended she can also refer patients to hospital consultants some of their sessions. There will be a slight in- and request x-rays. crease in appointments to see them on Mondays. Named GP • As part of the Surgery accreditation for its De- The Surgery is required to assign a “named ac- mentia work, there will be some upgrades to the countable GP” to every patient on the practice list. Entrance and Waiting Room during this month. Patients have been allocated to either Dr Bergh or Notice Boards and signage will be improved. Dr Zada on an alphabetical basis. Your named GP will be responsible for co-ordinating your overall • Our Patients continue to utilise Saturday appoint- care. However, you are free to see any of the doc- ments at Saffron Walden when they are unable to tors at the surgery and your records are available to see a Doctor at our Surgery on Fridays. all of the doctors and nurses. • The next GP Shutdown/training days for West If you want to know who your named GP is then Essex are 9 June and 13 July 2016. The Surgery please ask at Reception on your next visit to the closes from 1130am on these days. Surgery or contact the Surgery direct. Other Matters On-line Services Wouldn’t it be great if you could look at your GP • People are still making appointments and then not records online? attending. Please let us know if you have to post- pone; it enables other people to see the Doctors Well, now you can! As well as booking and cancel- and Nurses. The Notice Board will run information ling GP appointments and ordering repeat prescrip- on the impact that non-attendance has on the tions online you can now view your clinical records: Surgery. • Chrissie Farrant asked all colleagues on site to Patient Record – this includes the dates you have support the recent Autism week. She was able to seen a doctor or nurse and the reason for the visit, present £22 to the authority. Continued on page 5 Page 4 summary test results, referrals to a Hospital Consultant A few things to think about: and x-ray requests/results. There are a few things you need to think about before Summary Patient Record (SCR) – this is intended to registering for online records.
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