Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 4-11-1945 Bee Gee News April 11, 1945 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "Bee Gee News April 11, 1945" (1945). BG News (Student Newspaper). 733. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/733 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. Colling Vote All Coeds Bee Qee A/euM, Friday Official Student Publication VOL. XX I '■ BOWLING GREEN, OHIO, WEDNESDAY, APRIL U, 1945 NO. 20 Pope Heads SevenHeadsA^ Three Coed Organizations Conrad Thibault, radio and con- Independents cert baritone, will sing in a con- cert performance in the University Elect Officers Friday "Independents, unite!" was the Auditorium Thursday at 8:16 p.m. theme of two organization meet- His program, postponed for 10 Officers for the three women's organizations, Women's ings held for independent women days because of illness, is: Self Government Association, Women's Athletic Association, during the last two weeks in the and Young Women's Christian Association, will be decided Practical Arts Auditorium. Friday in a joint election. This new method of voting will Janet MacDonald was chairman Whcre're You Walk, from take place from 8 to 12 a.m. and from 1 to 4 p.m. in the Ad- of the first meeting on April 3. "Semele" George Frederick Handel ministration Building. The constitution was read and dis- An election party for the candi- cussed and officers were elected. A Ballymure Ballad dates, honoring the winners, is The results of the election were as Has Sorrow Thy Plans Elections planned for Friday night. Donna follows: president, Lucille Pope, Young Days Shaded Rech, vice president of WSGA, is vice president, Onnalee McGilvery, "Irish Airs" Arr. Herbert Hughes In charge of the election and secretary, Shirley Ehlart, treasur- party. er, Imogene Newman, and report- The Piper of Dundee The candidates for WSGA arc: er, Doris Scisinger. "Scottish Last night the group chose the PRESIDENT—Sue Gosling, Janet name for the independents' or- Air". Arr. Ottorina Respighi Harts*] ganization. They also elected a State senator* and representatives, members of the Educational II FIRST VICE PRESIDENT—Can- didate receiving second highest legislative board made up of two Division of the Senate and the House Finance Committees, spent last I.'Invitation seniors, three juniors, four sopho- vote for president automatically Friday and Saturday on campus conferring with President Frank J. au voyage Henry Dupare becomes first vice president mores, four freshmen. Prout. La Belle Jeunesse Francis Poulenc The purpose of the organization SECOND VICE PRESIDENT— Shown seated at dinner in the Falcons Nest they are (I. to r.) Sen. Chiquilla Fernando Obradors Mary Craigmile, Virginia Cryer is set forth in Article II of the El Tuba y Le Fernando Obradors constitution. "The purpose of this Cling an Jackson, Dr. R. A. Powell, Sen. Ray H. Burke, Dr. Prout, Sen. RECORDING SECRETARY—Jua- organization shall be to gain cam- John Adams (of Bowling Green), Mr. Herman Geiser, University Busi- III nita Neal, Nancy Rice pus representation, te develop ness Manager, and Rep. David D. Turpau. Representatives Willis Corey Aria: De L'Art Splendour TREASURER—Claire Crihfi old, leadership, and to foster campus and Ben F. Reeding (not in picture) also attended the conference. Immortelle, from Jean Kucbler, Kathcrine Schal- spirit. There shall be no coalitions "Benvenuto Cellini" Diax ler with any other organizations." Intermission CORRESPONDING SECRETARY Those on the constitution com- —Helen Bromelmeier, Ann Cut- Navy V-12 Adopts Varsity Debaters IV ler, Mildred Richcy mittee were Onnalee McGillvery, Dreamer Albert Hay Malottc chairman, Jean Sherrard, Pauline Nominations for class represen- Second Pooch Get First Place Strictly Germproof John Sacco tatives are: Kline, and Betty Long. Brittany Ernest Farrar The next meeting is scheduled Par-hap* you have noticed tho Varsity debaters added another SENIOR—Anna Rose Darr, Lu- The Blind cille Pope for 7 o'clock Tuesday evening, absence of a imall whit* dog to their string of victories by tak- Ploughman Robert C. Clark April 17, in the PA auditorium. Donna Rech JUNIOR—Donna Rohrer, Patricia (good looking •• far at the ca- ing first place in the Northwestern V Underhill, Ella Ann Vaughan nine world it concerned) en Ohio Debate Conference Tourna- American Folk-Songs SOPHOMORE—Muriel Bond, Jan- twering to the particularly ori- ment at Notre Dame College, Wash Me. the Prairie David Guion et Percy, Jane Russell Honors Assembly 0 Lord Arr.Donald Tweedy Methuselah . John Sacco ginal name of "Whitey." Cleveland, last Saturday. Boatman Dance The public will be admitted to YWCA candidates: Will Be May 25 It U a torrowful fact, taid the Winning all eight debates, the Alberta, Let Your Hair Hang Low the program for 80 cents, Profes- PRESIDENT—Dorothy Raines, tailors, but for the patt week Bowling Green "first" team, com- "Roustabout Songs" sor Schwarz said. This is in recog- Janice Smith Honors Day will be Friday Kohl's other V-12 adoptee, and posed of Aurelia Christea and of the Ohio nition of the fine cooperation they VICE PRESIDENT—M a r j o r i e morning, May 25, Dr. Frank J. the famed Bulkhead't only Alice White for the affirmative and Valley Arr. William Reddick gave on the Cincinnati Symphony Hummon, Phyllis Lupton Prout announced today. This is tteady oar-barking buddy had Mary Ann Koeppe and Betty Ruth All Day on program this year, he explained. SECRETARY—Wilma Stone, Jan- the same date set for the annual to suffer the humiliation of re- Krabill for the negative, easily ey Rothc May Day celebrations which will tiding in a dog pound. The BG outscored its nearest rival, West- TREASURER—Shirley E h 1 e r t, be held later that afternoon. dog catcher nabbed Whitey at a ern Reserve, who won six and lost Elaine Wiso The Honors Days program will vagrant without a collar. Ef- two. Premier of Russia in 1917 WAA candidates: be divided into two parts. Recog- fort! were made to regain the Tho Bowling Green "second" PRESIDENT—D orothy Hall, nition will be given to University pooch—in fact a recent petition I'ani. made up of Carnot Allen Clara Jean Miller students for achievements in schol- tigited by thoie Navy men who and Martha Trnnsue, affirmative, VICE PRESIDENT—Magdal e n e arship and athletics. The planning wanted him returned contained and Virginia Keller and Janice Will Speak Here Friday Batcha, Bonnio Sawyer of this part of the program is In more than 100 namet. Smith, negative, tied Baldwin-Wal- SECRETARY—Betty B o e h k e , charge of Dr. C. G. Swanson. The price atked for Whitey't lace College for third place by by Nelson Williams Alice Victmeicr The second part of the pro- release was $6, a turn which wat winning five and losing three. TREASURER—Jean Davidson, gram will be devoted to recogni- accumulated by tailort dropping The teams, which debated the Alexander Kerensky, premier of the Provisional Govern- Jacqueline Greenhill tion of former University students their extra change into a cereal question of compulsory arbitration ment of Russia iii 1917, will address the University Friday, in SOCIAL CHAIRMAN—Virgi n i a now serving in the armed forces, bowl on the first deck watch of labor disputes, were accom- an 11 o]clock assembly. "Russia and the International Situa- Dawe, Elizubeth Roulet, June with particular respect given to Smith detk. Whitey may now be teen panied by Dr. Wayne N. Thomp- tion" will be his topic, according to Prof. John Schwarz, chair- honoring those who died in service. on campus again, tins time with PUBLICITY CHAIRMAN—A n n son, director of forensics. Other man of the Entertainment Committee. Prof. Klden T. Smith will head a collar. universities which participated Cutler, Ruth Lcnnert, Donna Kerensky, a mild Socialist, was displaced by the Bolshe- these arrangements. wore Akron University, Case Jean Tuttle Students will assemble in the viki, led by Lenin and Trotskyj in School of Applied Science, Kent November, 1917. His reign, a Dean of Women Audrey Kenyon Administration Building, Auditori- Wilder said today that she is pleas- New Teachers State University, and Notre Dame matter of a few months, was con- um where the program will take College. ed thot there is so little repetition place. stantly confronted with tremen- dous problems, which had earlier in the slates of the three organiza- The general May Day committee Must Sign Now tions. Thirty-nine women's names proved a stumbling block to Prince is headed by Miss Charlotte Skene Students who expect to teach at nppcar; there is only one repeti- as faculty advisor and includes Journalism 102 Lvov, a liberal aristocrat who pro- the end of the second semester tion. Joyce Keller, Virginia Keller, ceeded Kerensky as premier. should nil out a blank in the regis- Voting will tnke place in special Wilma Hotzhauer, Irvin Potts, Takes Over News World War I was probably the trar's Office on or before Thurs- booths on the second floor of the Ella Ann Vaughn, Larry Hanline, most important of these, and the day, indicating that they wish their Because staff members of the Kerensky government attempted Ad Building, In front of the audi- Mary DeHaven, Bob Crowell, Nor- work checked for eligibility for a torium.
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