Volume 6 Number 1 2019 Nordic Journal of Educational History NJHEd Vol. 6, no. 1 (2019) TheNordic Journal of Educational History (NJEdH) is an interdisciplinary international journal dedicat- ed to scholarly excellence in the field of educational history. The journal takes special responsibility for the communication and dissemination of educational history research of particular relevance to the Nor- dic region (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden and political and geographic entities including the Faroe Islands, Greenland, Sápmi and Åland), but welcomes contributions exploring the history of education in all parts of the world. The publishing language is English and the Scandinavian languages. The journal applies a double blind peer review procedure and is accessible to all interested readers (no fees are charged for publication or subscription). The NJEdH publishes articles as soon as they have been through the peer review and copy editing process, adding cumulatively to the content of an open issue each year. Special issues are normally published as the second issue of any given year. For guidelines on submitting manuscripts, please visit: https://journals.ub.umu.se/index.php/njedh/about/submissions Journal Editors Assoc. Professor Henrik Åström Elmersjö, Umeå University, Sweden (Senior Editor) Professor Anna Larsson, Umeå University, Sweden Assoc. Professor Björn Norlin, Umeå University, Sweden Assoc. Professor David Sjögren, Uppsala University, Sweden Professor Johannes Westberg, Örebro University, Sweden (Book Review Editor) Editorial Board Professor Astri Andresen, University of Bergen, Norway Professor Nancy Beadie, University of Washington, United States Professor Mette Buchardt, Aalborg University, Denmark Assoc. Professor Catherine Burke, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom Professor Marcelo Caruso, Humboldt University, Germany Professor Ning de Coninck-Smith, Aarhus University, Denmark Professor Eckhardt Fuchs, Georg Eckert Institute, Germany Professor Ólöf Garðarsdóttir, University of Iceland, Iceland Professor Ian Grosvenor, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom Professor Susanna Hedenborg, Malmö University, Sweden Professor Joakim Landahl, Stockholm University, Sweden Professor Daniel Lindmark, Umeå University, Sweden Professor Jukka Rantala, University of Helsinki, Finland Professor Johanna Sköld, Linköping University, Sweden Assoc. Professor Kaisa Vehkalahti, University of Oulu, Finland Professor Harald Thuen, Lillehammer University College, Norway Mailing Address Email and phone Nordic Journal of Educational History Henrik Åström Elmersjö (Senior Editor) Department of Historical, Philosophical, [email protected] and Religious Studies +4690 7866816 Umeå University SE-901 87 Umeå Webpage Sweden https://journals.ub.umu.se/index.php/njedh The NJEdH is published with economic support ISSN (online): 2001-9076 from NOP-HS Grant for Nordic scientific journals ISSN (print): 2001-7766 Table of Contents Editorial Notes from the editorial team 1 Henrik Åström Elmersjö Articles Hemmafru eller gymnastikdirektör eller både och? Kvinnliga gymnastikdirektörer, 3–23 GCI och folkhemmet 1932–1952 Leif Yttergren The “Aidification” of National Experiences: Swedish-Supported Correspondence 25–47 Education in Tanzania, ca 1960–1975 Nikolas Glover The Development of Craft Education in Finnish Schools 49–70 Päivi Marjanen & Mika Metsärinne From Ingenium to Virtus: The Cultivation of Talent in Seventeenth Century 71–93 Dissertations from Uppsala University Andreas Hellerstedt Book Reviews Dissertations Annika Wickman, Filmen i försvarets tjänst: Undervisningsfilm i svensk militär 95 utbildning 1920–1939 (Stockholms universitet, 2018) Review in English Anders Ahlbäck Ola Winberg, Den statskloka resan: Adelns peregrinationer 1610–1680 98 (Uppsala universitet, 2018) Review in English Lars Berglund Lina Spjut, Att (ut)bilda ett folk: Nationell och etnisk gemenskap i Sveriges och 103 Finlands svenskspråkiga läroböcker för folk- och grundskola åren 1866–2016 (Örebro universitet, 2018) Review in English Samuel Edquist Helén Persson, Historia i futurum: Progression i historia i styrdokument och läroböcker 108 1919–2012 (Lunds universitet, 2018) Review in Swedish Anders Persson Lina Rahm, Educational Imaginaries: A Genealogy of the Digital Citizen 113 (Linköping University, 2019) Review in English Jessica Parland-von Essen Edited collections Merethe Roos & Johan Laurits Tønnesson (red.), Sann opplysning? 115 Naturvitenskap i nordiske offentligheter gjennom fire århundrer (Oslo: Cappelen Damm Akademisk, 2017) Review in Swedish Magnus Hultén Monographs Henning Hansen, Modern Reading: Swedish Book Consumption during the Late 118 Nineteenth Century (Tromsø: UiT The Arctic University of Norway, 2017) Review in English Jasmine Proteau Nordic Journal of Educational History Vol. 6, no. 1 (2019) ISSN (online): 2001-9076 ISSN (print): 2001-7766 EDITORIAL Notes from the editorial team Henrik Åström Elmersjö (on behalf of the editorial team) he Nordic Journal of Educational History has moved to a new location in cyber- space (http://journals.ub.umu.se/index.php/njedh), as a consequence of an up- Tdate to the OJS-platform. All our content, both new and old, has also been equipped with DOI numbers, making it easier to find online. With this issue and the special issue published in Fall 2019 we have reached the milestone of 50 original published articles. This issue of the journal contains four articles. The first one, by Leif Yttergren, is about the career and lifestyle of female physical education teachers during the twen- tieth century (1932–1973). The author shows how these women, unlike many wom- en of their time, chose to stay in their careers combining their profession with family life, even though it meant difficulty in bringing their “life puzzles” together. The second article, by Nikolas Glover, is about the foundation of the relation- ship between Swedish and Tanzanian adult educators. The article argues for the con- cept of “aidification” in an effort to explain how transnational educational policy was transformed following decolonisation and the ideal of creating an equal partnership. Finnish scholars Päivi Marjanen and Mika Metsärinne examine the major changes to Finnish school craft from the middle of the nineteenth century to present day. The analysis shows that the subject has changed substantially in order to stay relevant in different times, but at the same time, the aim has always been to develop useful skills for everyday life. The last article of this issue, by Andreas Hellerstedt, deals with the problem of innate natural talent versus acquired knowledge or virtue in dissertations on educa- tion from Uppsala University, Sweden, near the end of the seventeenth century. The analysis shows that the dissertations described education in Renaissance humanistic terms and that they displayed trust in the capabilities of education. Nordic Journal of Educational History 2019. © Henrik Åström Elmersjö. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons CC-BY4.0 License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). Nordic Journal of Educational History Vol. 6, no. 1 (2019), pp. 3–23 ISSN (online): 2001-9076 ISSN (print): 2001-7766 Hemmafru eller gymnastikdirektör eller både och? Kvinnliga gymnastikdirektörer, GCI och folkhemmet 1932–1952 Leif Yttergren Abstract • Housewife or Physical Education Teacher? Or Both? Female Physical Education Teachers and the Welfare State, 1932–1952 • The purpose of the article is to analyse the occupational careers and lifestyles of 32 female physical education teachers during the period 1932–1973. The results show that women could work both as physiotherapists and as physical education teachers. Many chose the former, which in Central Institute of Gymnastics’ (Gymnastiska centralinstitutet, GCI) own historical writing has been reduced in favor of the physical education teachers. The women came from the mid- dle or upper middle class of society. They were around 20 years old when they started the two-year education at GCI, which attracted students from all over the country. They could combine marriage and children with work, even though it meant duplication and difficulty in bringing together the so- called “life puzzle.” Unlike many other women at this time, the physical education teachers chose the occupational career instead of becoming full time housewives. Their attitude can be explained by the occupational and caring character of the profession, but also with the strong loyalty that existed in the group and the GCI-spirit. Keywords • female physical education teachers [kvinnliga gymnastikdirektörer], careers [karriärer], marriages [äktenskap], life stories [livshistorier] Inledning Försommaren 1932 utexaminerades 321 unga kvinnor från Gymnastiska central- institutet (GCI) i Stockholm. De hade genomgått en för tiden eftertraktad profes- sionsutbildning och erhöll efter examen titeln gymnastikdirektör. Utbildningen för kvinnor var tvåårig och hade en avgörande fördel i jämförelse med många andra professionsutbildningar. Efter examen kunde nämligen kvinnorna arbeta både som sjukgymnaster, privat och offentligt, och som idrottslärare inom skolväsendet. Des- sutom kunde de leda gymnastikföreningar på helger och kvällar för att utöka inkom- sten. Chansen att efter examen erhålla ett lönearbete föreföll således goda för de nyexaminerade gymnastikdirektörerna. Samtidigt lämnade kvinnorna GCI i en tur- bulent tid. 1930-talskrisen pågick med hög arbetslöshet
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