-------From President Raab------- May 27, 2014 Dear Graduates: Congratulations! You have reached a most significant milestone in your life. Your hard work, determination, and commitment to your education have been rewarded, and you and your loved ones should take pride in your accomplishments and successes. Hunter College certainly takes pride in you. Your Hunter education has prepared you to meet the challenges of a world that is rapidly changing politically, socially, economically, and technologically. As part of the next generation of thoughtful, responsible, and intelligent leaders, you will make a real difference wherever you apply your knowledge and skills. Endless opporrunities await you. As you pursue your goals and move forward with your professional and personal lives, please carry with you Hunter's commitment to community, diversity, and service to others. We look forward to hearing great things about you, and we hope you will stay connected to the exciting activities and developments on campus. Please remember Hunter College and know that you will always be part of our fami ly. Best wishes for continued success. Sincerely, Jennifer J. Raab President ------209th Commencement Exercises------ ORDER OF EXERCISES Presiding: Jennifer J. Raab, President Eija Ayravainen, Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean ofStudents Processional President's Parry and Members of the Faculry Candidates for Degrees National Anthem Katerina Z. Kakantoussis, Master ofArts in Music (Vocal Performance), Class of2014 Bagpiper Nicholas M. Rozak, Bachelor ofArts, Class of2007 Greetings Freida D. Foster, Board ofTrustees of The City University ofNew York Matthew Sapienza, Vice Chancellor for Budget and Finance, The City University ofNew York Charge to the Graduates President Jennifer J. Raab Commencement Speaker Recipient of the President's Medal Wynton Marsalis Managing and Artistic Director ofJazz at Lincoln Center Recipient of Honorary Doctorate of Humane Letters Eleanor Clift Valedictory Address Caterina Reshetnyak, Bachelor ofScience , Nursing, Class of2014 Presentation of Legacy Gift from the Class of 20 14 Presentation of Candidates for Degrees Vita Rabinowitz, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Professor Christa Davis Acampora, Chair ofthe Hunter College Senate Andrew Polsky, Ruth and Harold Newman Dean ofthe School ofArts and Sciences (Acting) David M . Steiner, Klara and Larry Silverstein Dean ofthe School ofEducation Gail McCain, Joan Hansen Grabe Dean ofthe Hunter-Bellevue School ofNursing and Dean ofthe School ofHealth Professions Jacqueline Mondros, Dean ofthe Silberman School ofSocial Work Ayman El-Mohandes, Dean ofthe School of Urban PubLic HeaLth and Dean ofthe CUNY SchooL ofPubLic HeaLth Conferring of Degrees President Jennifer J. Raab Recessional Commencement Honorees Wynton Marsalis, Commencement Speaker and Recipient ofthe President's Medal Wynton Marsali s, a N ew Orleans nati ve, is an intern ationally acclaimed musician, composer, bandleader, and educa[Qr and a leading advocate of Ameri can culture. He is the world's first jazz artist [Q perform and compose across the full jazz spectrum, from its New Orleans roots [Q bebop [Q modern jazz. In 1982 he made his reco rding debut as a bandleader; he has since recorded more than 70 jazz and cl ass ical record ings, and sold over 7 million worldwide. Marsalis has been award ed nine G rammy awards; in 1983 and 1984 he won both the class ical and jazz Grammys, and he remains the onl y artist [Q attain this distinction. Marsa li s made his[Qry aga in in 1997, when his ora[Qrio Blood on the Fields became the first jazz work [Q win the Pulitze r Prize. Marsalis's crea tiviry has been celebrated the world over. In 2001 he was appointed Messenger of Peace by Kofi Annan, secretary-general of the United Nations, and in 2005 he received the National Medal of Arts, the highes t award given [Q artists by the United States government. Britain's Royal Academy of Music granted him honorary membership, the Academy's highes t decoration for a non-British citize n. In 2009 the French Ministry of Culture named Marsalis a Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, France's highes t distinction. Marsali s has written six books, including Moving to Higher Ground: How Jazz Can Change Your Life (Random House, 2008), with Geoffrey C. Ward; and Squeak, Rumble, Whomp! WjllltOTl Marsalis. Photo: Rob W"YllleI/ Whomp! Whomp! (Candlewick, 201 2) . Marsal is helped lead the effort [Q construct Jazz at Lincoln Center's home- Frederick P. Rose H al l-the first educati on, performance, and broadcast faci li ry devoted [Q jazz. In 201 2 Marsalis was named cultural corres pondent for C BS News, and in July 201 4 he will join the Juilliard Schoool as its direc[Q r of jazz studies. He is the managing and artisti c direc[Qr of Jazz at Lincoln Center in New York C iry. Eleanor Clift, Honorary Doctor ofHumane Letters Eleanor Clift covers politics for The Daily Beast website, where she writes about politics and poli cy in Washing[Qn and the partisan clashes that are the result of divided government. She has covered every presidential campaign since 1976. Clift is also a regul ar panelist on the syndicated talk show "The McLaughlin Group" and she has appeared as herself in several movies , including Dave, Independence Day, Murder at 1600, Rising Sun, and the C BS seri es "Murphy Brown." C lift and her late husband, Tom Brazaitis, who was a columnist for the Cleveland Plain Dealer, wrote two books [Qge ther, Wzr Without Bloodshed: The Art of Politics (Scribner, 1996), and Madam President: Shattering the Last Glass Ceiling (Scribner, 2000). She is also the author of Founding Sisters Oohn W il ey & Sons, 2003) , about the passage of the 19th amendment, which gave women the vo te; Two Weeks ofLife: A Memoir ofL ove, Death and Politics (Bas ic Books, 2008), about the loss of her husband [Qgether with an examination of how we deal with death in Ameri ca; and Selecting a President, co-written with Matthew Spieler (Thomas Dunne Books, 201 2) , a detail ed analys is of how a president is elected in the United States. Eleallor Clift. Photo: B"c/mlc" Fo rmerl y Newsweek's White House corres pondent, C lift also served as the magazine's co ngress ional and political corres pondent for six years. She began her career as a secretary [Q Newsweek's nati onal affairs edi to r in New York, and was one of the first women at the magazine [Q move from secretary [Q reporter. Clift left Newsweek briefl y in 1985 [Q serve as W hite H ouse co rres pondent for The Los Angeles Times, and returned the foll owing year [Q cover the Iran-Contra sca ndal. In 1992 she was named depury Was hington bureau chief. In 201 3 Cli ft officially left Newsweek, where she had been se rving as contributing editor. Clift lives in Washington, D.C., where she is on the adviso ry co uncil of the Intern ati onal Women's Media Fo undati on, the board of the Center for Politics and Journalism, and the Board of Governors of the National Hos pice Foundation. Cli ft attended Hunter Coll ege from September 1962 to June 1965. She is the recipient of honorary degrees from Wes tfield Unive rsiry and Fitchburg State Coll ege, both in Massachuse tts, and Brenau Universiry in Georgia. 2 Candidates fo r Graduation: May 2014 School of Arts Helen Ari za Raq uel Beresh Arlene Carpio Diana C hrisrophe Deniz Arslan M a rreo Berri Moni ca D . Carr N icole S. C hu and Sciences Jessica An esona Alyse Beyda M ia A. Carro ll Shui H . C hu Alina Anunian Rahul Bh asin Lindsey Case Siu P. C hui Bachelor of Arts Dominique R. Ascencio Mari a Q. Bharri Devan Casey David C hun Sai ra N . Asi m Ajay Bhavsar G iovanni Casiano Kilrak C hung Rz., Abasov Aleena Aslam N icole M . Bianco David S. Cassell Sylvia C hung Fawad Abbas Samer K. Asous Prachanda Bisra Bryan Cassin era Elisabeth C im i Rebecca Abdeldiem M iguel A. Araupillco Dav id Blanco Hezron A. Casraneros Kristina M. Ciolli Maryam K. Abdul- Al exandros Arhanasoulas Evge niya Blumenshine Alex is Casrano G iuliana C iverra Ka reem Louanne Arwell Luciano Bobbio Jess ica P. Casrellar Travis C. Clarence !zra il Abdurakhmanov Janine D . Augusrine Marie Boccherri Rosanna M. Casrill o Emily W. C lark H ani Aboudeshisha F. Majl inda Avdiu Miabel le W. Bocicaul r Yaribel Casrillo Nicholas W. Clark C hrisrina Acevedo Julia Avezbakiyeva Emma M. Bogarr Talisha Cayemirre Roger Lewis C lark Mel issa Achan Bonnie Awes u Eduard Boguslavsky Cynthia M. Cerda Flora Cleary Miguel E. Acosra Laura M . Ayala Irene E. Bonful Tomson P. C hacko Deena C1ubwal a Shawn Adam Joel R. Aybar Deena M . Bono Arshi R. C hadha Geoffrey F. Co Zara Adam Esther R. Azar Rav inder S. Boparai Anthony C han Alexandra F. Coffey Sandra Josefa Adames O luwaseun S. Babalola Alexander Bon oc Hiu W ing C han Elizabeth C. Cohen Temi rope A. Adedimeji Lisa Babel Ilona Borukhov Vee Ting C han Mi lana M . Cohen Monique R. Adeobe Paulina Backiel Veronika Borukhova Angela C hang Yanelza Collado Amelia Adler Rowena S. Baruon Bridgir Luanne Donghyuk C hang Krisre A. Coll om Mark Adler M ichelle A. Badu Boulahanis Michael K. C han g C hrisrina A. Connors Jude I. Agienomoesi Yoomi Bae Maevid K. Bowman Jennifer M . Carl yn Cooke Balraza r Aguilar Eunyoung Baek Sel in a L. Boyce C hanrrranapichare Maureen Cooke Fareha Ahmed Frank L. Baez Srephani e Boyer Beth C hap ni ck Shereen Corbin Henna Ahmed Momoraj Bagum Kadeisha N.
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