Report Calls Union Beach Schools 'Stable' ! SEE STORY BELOW Sunny, Mild HOME Sunny and mild today, high THEDMLY near 70. Partly cloudy and mild tonight, low in 40s. To- morrow, partly cloudy and FINAL :, cooler. (Set Details, Pare 2) V Monmouth County? s Home Newspaper for 89 Years DIAL 741-0010 VOL. 90, NO. 199 RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10, 1968 TEN CENTS 150,000 Mourners Hear Tributes Police Guard King's Tomb ATLANTA, Ga. (AP) - Po- adding there had been no hint against racism, poverty and Mays. "Let black and white four-column newspaper ad that farm wagon drawn by two lice stood watch today at the of attempts to molest the injustice. alike search their hearts; and white America faces "the brown mules — symbolic of tomb of Dr. Martin Luther grave. "Let us see to it that we if there be any prejudice in choice between the kind of the poor whose cause he had our'hearts against any racial society for which Dr. King King Jr., the slain civil rights King, 39, was killed by a snip- do not dishonor his name by taken up. leader whose funeral brought er in Memphis, Tenn. He had trying to solve our problems ethnic group, let us extermi- lived and died, and the kind outpourings of mourners and returned for another march of through rioting in the streets," nate it." of society which denies equal Thousands marched with tributes rarely matched in the striking garbage workers after urged Dr. Benjamin E. Mays, Mays, who taught King in opportunity." King the last time. nation's history. an earlier march erupted, into retired president of Morehouse college, said the American Marching had been a big part Ahead of the old wagon, be- Mourners trickled into South rioting. College, King's alma mater, people, including Memphis of- of King's life. So in death, hind it, beside it, in wide and View Cemetery for a look at where outdoor services were ficials, are in part responsible there was a final march for uneven columns, numbering up- His followers called for the held. for the assassination. In a Martin Luther King. His wards of 50,000, they marched the crypt even after darkness nation to look at itself anew fell Tuesday. Inscribed on the "But let us see to it also that similar vein, the biracial South- wreath-shrouded coffin traveled with the man who was called Georgia marble are the words as they pledged at the final the conditions that cause riots ern Regional Council, a human more than four miles over At- by most of the black mourners of an old slave song often rites to carry out his crusade are promptly removed," said rights organization, said in a lanta streets in a faded green simply "our leader." quoted by King: "Free at Last, Free at Last; Thank God Al- mighty, I'm Free at Last." ' Two uniformed policemen and two detectives stood guard at the grave through much of the night, a police official said, New Clergy Group Forms KING LEADS LAST MARCH — The mule-drawn casket and two plainsclothes detec- of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. leads thousands of march- tives continued their watch to- ers away from the Atlanta skyline en route to addition- day. al funeral services. In life, King often led mass civil "This was just to prevent rights marches. IAP Wirephoto) any possible vandalism," an Atlanta police spokesman said, To Press for Social Action By DOftlS KULMAN Bank's west side. Its members ings of the National Advisory the risk of catastrophic conse- the possibility of obtaining In the aftermath of the as- in that borough will attend the Commission on Civil Disorders, quences for us all," the coun- Green Acres funds for a recre- Peace Prospects Still Cloudy sassination of the Bev. Dr. April 15 Borough Council meet- headed by Illinois Gov. Otto cil said. ational park on Red Bank's Martin Isuther King Jr., ing to speak in support of the Kerner, and those of New Jer- A partial list of clergymen westside will be a chief topic a group of Monmouth County center. The Rev. Harold Dean, sey Gov. Richard J. Hughes' who have signed the Interfaith of discussion clergyman has formed an In- pastor of the First Unitarian Select Commission on Civil Dis- Council's statement of purpose The council was born in what terf aith Council to press for the Church, Lincroft, who is acting orders, headed by Robert D. includes 36 ministers, priests is said to have been a dramat- changes it says are necessary as recorder at the group's Lilley, president of the New and rabbis. ic confrontation of 40 clergy- Say Hanoi Insistingfor social and economic justice meetings, said Jersey Bell Telephone Co. The clergymen obviously men at an emergency meeting here. The Interfaith Council also "These voices of conscience don't intend to drag their feet. in Congregation B'nai Israel, In a statement of purpose, went on record indicating its on the reality of racisrn in our They have agreed to meet bi- Rumson, Friday night. Also the Interfaith Council said it basic agreement with the find- society can be ignored only at weekly. At their next meeting (INTERFAITH, Pg. \ Col. 3) will speak out on specific issues On Cambodian Site in Monmouth County. THURMONT, Md. (AP) - opposed to that site since it no Johnson's last official guest It said it will devote "se- Prospects for peace in Vietnam longer has diplomatic relations at Camp David was the U.S. rious attention" to the school appeared cloudy as ever as with Cambodia, a circumstance Pacific commander, Adm. U.S.regionalization proposals under Trenton Violence Brings President Johnson wrapped up that could cause communica- Grant Sharp, who flew in by study by the Red Bank, Little marathon war-and-peace strat- tions and logistics problems. helicopter for an hour's visit Silver, Shrewsbury and Holm- egy talks at the Camp David The chief executive, spending Tuesday night. Sharp is retir- del Township Boards of Educa- mountain retreat. a second night at Camp David, ing in July. tion, proposals for recreational Although Johnson announced planned a morning return by Latest activity on the Viet- facilities on Red Bank's west Curfew; Fires Hit Newark Tuesday he had dispatched a helicopter to the White House nam peace front began Monday side, allegations of racial dis- second formal message to Ha- today to greet Chancellor Josef when Johnson announced re- crimination in the membership NEWARK (AP) - Shotgun left after Public • Safety Di- struck in major American Firemen in New York City noi, he said nothing and merely Klaus of Austria. ceipt of a formal message from of volunteer fire companies armed police enforced a dusk- rector E. J. Bloking ordered battled 25 fires which broke out shook his - head negatively and other tax-supported insti- cities for the sixth consecutive While millions of Americans Hanoi, replying to his own to-dawn curfew in Trenton to- police to take any action nec- night since the assassination of almost simultaneously in a ra- when asked at nightfall if there watched and listened Tuesday earlier communication to the tutions, New Jersey welfare day after a Negro youth was essary to remove them. cially mixed Brooklyn slum had been any subsequent de- to seven hours of funeral ob- North Vietnamese government. policies, and fair housing poli- Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., cies and real estate practices. shot to death during a night of Police Lt. John McKeever which has twice been the scene velopments. servances for Dr. Martin Lu- In disclosing Tuesday that racial violence, while in New- identified the dead youth as raising the national death toll of disturbances since King's No administration comment ther King Jr. on television and he had dispatched yet another "We also intend to use any ark firemen fought fires Harlan M. Joseph, 19, a for- for the period to 34. All bur murder in Memphis last Thurs- Was immediately available on radio, the President was clos- message to North Vietnam, Influence we may have to press through the night in the pre- mer president of a high school five were Negroes. day. word. reaching the United eted , at his Marine-guarded Johnson said the two adver- for changes," the Interfaith dominantly Negro Central human relations club. While some of the worst hit Meanwhile calm general- States early today that North hideaway with top diplomatic saries in the Vietnam war Council said. Ward. According to McKeever, the cities cooled to the point where ly prevailed in the stricken Vietnam is insisting that any and military advisers. were "discussing a number of As one of its first actions, youth was shot by a white pa- curfews were relaxed and pa- neighborhoods of Chicago and peace talks be held in Fhnom Vice President Hubert H. alternative locations" for pre- the- council unanimously en- The Newark fires —which Penh, Cambodia. The U. S. left an estimated 400 persons trolman when a crowd tried to trols decreased, fresh out- Pittsburgh and officials in Humphrey was his representa- liminary talks "which could be dorsed the proposal for a teen- interfere as the officer was ar- breaks hit yesterday in Jack- Washington and Baltimore ex- government has been strongly tive at the King rites. convenient to both sides." age recreational center on Red homeless—were blamed on "or- ganized hit-and-run arsonists," resting Joseph on a breaking, sonville, Fla., and Kansas City, pressed cautious optimism that using firebombs and kerosene. and entering charge. as well as Trenton. Each city violence in their cities may Police said 40 persons were Elsewhere, racial violence reported one death.
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