" Cloudy Family Army Service Mostly cloudy "'rqh hlnlthf. Tumlnl cooler Wftt with Ihow," ov.r SO ptr cent of wISt portIen Record Sought by VA Wtclllftday night. Hight so. nwtII­ owan tilt to 60s southeast. WARREN, Obio IA'I - Ingvald Kjera, one of eight brothers des· Serving the University of Iowa and the People of Iowa City cended Crom a Viking family, wanted to find out "whether a family with an odd name like ours might have set some military service Iowa City, Iowa - Wednesday, Nov. 11, 1964 record:' So he wrote to the Veterans Administration in Washington. Seven of the eight Kjera brothers served in the U.S. forces in World War U. Is that a record? He wanted to know. Hultman, Hughes- The VA, preparing to observe Veterans Day, did not know but passed the question along. making a public request for anyone who knew of a better record involving full brothers to come forward. FROM CRAWFORDSVILLE, IND., came word that 10 of 11 State GOP, Demos Vaught brothers served a total of nearly 50 years in the armed servo LBJ ant to Hold' ices. but not all in World War 11. A family named Savage in Waukegan, m., produced six brothers wbo served in World War II. and a seventh who was lrilJed while Map Future Rlans serving in the Air Force a few years ago. Iy ION S'EEI Seven sons of the Lussier family in Fall River, Mass., were in service during World War n, five in the Army and two in the Navy. DES MOINES (AP) - Republicans took a look at l~t THE WALTER SOBKOWIAK family of Onalaska, Wis., has had week's election failure Tuesday as Democratic Cov. Harold seven sons in the U.S. Marines at one time or another since World Hughes began preparations for his econd tenn. D f~n pending War 11, including some veterans oC the Korean War. Lt. Cov. William L, Mooty and the COP nominee for gov­ d.U !! ernor, Atty. Gen. Evan Hultman, said steps must be taken in the Student Senate- near future to revive their party. MOOTY and Hultman were beat· City Council Cabinet Members '::~ en in last Tuesday's election In whicb Hughes carried most of his party's candidates into office in a Action Postponed Democratic landslide. Hears Debate Discuss Spending :: "We have our work cut out for us." Hughes told newsmen Tuesday JOIJNSO Cin', Tex. (AP) - Pre ident Johnson sized after returning from a Montana up preliminary figures with Seer tary of Defense Robert S. On Selection Plan bunting trip where he shot a deer. On Rezoning 1cNamara Tuesday and saw a good chance of holding the He said he planned to meet Fri· Iy MikE TONER By JON VAN next defense budgel below $50 billion. day with Democrats who will con· Staff Wrlt.r Stoff Writer trol the 1985 legislature, and urge If this can be accomplish d, the prosp cis of keeping the A final City Council decision Screening boards for student senator selections dominated them to start preparations immed· entire federal budg t to Jess than $100 hillion for the econct iately for thll session. on rezoning of the Englert discussion at Tuesday's Senate meeting, and after an hour of year in a row will be increased THE LEGISLATURE will "re· tract in north Iowa City wa sub tanlially. deliberation, the decision was to postpone and wait further quire dedication Irom every person my without 8criCicing needed n. study - for the sec.'Ond time in two meetings. elected," Hughes said. "I have no delayed two more w k when JOHNSON conferred with Mc­ tional strength and security. He Namara primarily on the defeo e sald it would provide Cor increa8~ A resolution was inb'oduced hy Sally Aufrecht, AI, Mil· doubt that these men and women the Council referred th issue will meet the challenge." to the Planning and Zoning budget and with Secretary of State spendin,:: for some new weapolI8 bum, N.J., to allow anyone wishing Dean Ru k on a broad sweep of systems. Both Hultman and Mooly had to run for Student Senate to have mously passed after Wally Snyder, Commission Tuesday night. international aCfairs. McNAMARA a Iso said the b\ldt'l:!­ I proposals on ~ay8 Republicans bis name placed on the ballot after I Senate President, endorsed the or­ Residents of tbe area dcbatad Wednesday he is bringing two contemplate keeping m a 11 n e4 could rebuild their organizaUon. bombers flying in the nation's .ubmltting a petition with 25 signa· ganization. with Charles Barker. 354 Ferson more Cabinet members to his 400· Hullman said, "The day Is done acre ranch on the Pedernales Riv· fell e as far a can be seen into tures. SNYDER SAID be understood when the Republican party can Ave., the local representative of er to talk over more financial the future. Furthermore, he saW. The resolution was first intro· that the organization would work deal in generalities and expect to the Standard 011 Co., at a public matters. including tax legislation research and development will be elected." duced two weeks ago after discus· closely with the Senate and that bearing on tbe council noor. to be pre ented to the next Con· continued lor a possible lUanMd 11 student senators would be on However, he and Mooty agreed bomber. sion a month ago whicb pointed STANDARD OIL hope to have gress. the executive cabinet of the group. that the GOP "worked harder than 25 acres of city property rezoned to out the screening board process ever before" in the campaign. The latt r will be taken up with '''''' used In Kate Daum dormitory to After the meeting Snyder was permit construction of a $3 million Secretary of tbe Treasury Douglas select candidates for Senate. Wormed of William Kutmus' plan HULTMAN SAID that Republican service station, motel , and meetlOg Dillon, who will be flying In from U.S,, Soviet Continue to run for president of the off· workers could do notbing to over· hall complex. Washington in the morning. WHEN THE resolution was in· campus students' organization on a come the Democratic sweep Dispute on U.N. Dun troduced at the last meeting, sev­ Current zonlng permits only reai· In the afternoon, Secretary of program of "usurping Student Sen· brought on by • strong incumbent dential buUdings. eral senators were unhappy with ate power." president and governor. Commerce Luther Hodges wlll ar· UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. ~ ... its wording, and it was sent to a Fourteen residents of the ar~a rive to talk over tbe business cli· Soviet .nd U.S. chief dal ..".,.. (See .tory, p ••t .11(.) He conceded that he lost some com~ttee then for "reworkIng." said in a letter to the council that mate and a continulng drive to fined to sttti. th.lr crltl,,1 4ft. "I'm sorry to see that the Town· votes by revealing a few days be· expand exports in order to bolster putt ov.r U.N. ptlc.oIcHpln, costs After a "reworked" resolution fore the election that Hughes was the proposed construction would women·Townmen 0 r g ani z ation destroy tbe "natural beauty" of • lhis country's balance of payments. In ",.Ir flnt rtporttcl t.lk on It In was introduced Tuesday, George might become a competing group charged with drunken driving 10 Mayer, A4, Fairfield, saiQ it would years ago. But be said that he the area and would ruin tbe value WITH HODGES, White House Ilmost four mon"'s, E.... m Eure· with Senate," Snyder said. "I of surrounding homes. officials said, the President will pt.n IOUrctl .Iid Tutsd.y night. be unfair to put requirements for think it should work through Sen· would do it again to live up to bis petitions in the election by· laws ate by bringing proposals to us." policy of revealing the truth even Prof. Samuel Fahr, U. of I. Col· also cover lhe nalion.al highway Tht sources Hid Soviet Amileto since Panhellenic Council does not if it cost some votes. lege of Law, 6 Knollwood Lane, program and tbe new community helor Nlkol.1 T. Fedortnko _ use sucb a system, "but already Snyder said he was completely Hultman, 39, of Waterloo, said in said the area was the only attrac· Foggy Crossing relations service set up under the U.S. Amb ...edor Adl.1 E. Steven· bas a democratic process for in favor of the organization and an interview that he plans to write tive approach to Iowa City that reo Civil Rigbts Act. son ma. no progrou tow.rd cboosing senators." that be was a "townman" him· a paper spelling out ways the GOP mains. StucMn'. croute! tht 'totbrldll betw"n th. Union Ind tM Art While Republican rival Barry tgretmtnt on ftIt .ub/oct In the self. He was opposed, however, to Iluildlng Into nothingne .. in tht 'Of TuesdlY mornlnl. At 7:30, ont Merle Wood, A4, Cedar Rapids, can strengthen Its organizatioD. He FAH. ADDID that oonatructlotJ Goldwater had proposed an income ditcullion In Ftdorenko'. offko explained the proposed resolLlt\on the creation of a "lobbying group did not reveal his future politlcal could only s.t th. oth.r .nd of tht bridge by Im"llnln, It. tax cut of 5 per cent a year for MondlY· whICh would compete with Senate." of lamily homes in tbe area need· as one wbieh would permit govern· plans, but said be has 110 Intention ed to be encouraged by consistent -Photo by P'lgy My.rs rive years during the presidential U.S.
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