New Wellington Coal High-Clans is the best Job Printing ROGERS & BUCK In all Lines Sole Agents Ptinu Unpttt ftmtml VOLUME 1 Published Twice a Week PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, FRIDAY, AUGUST 5, 1910. Price, Five Cents NO. li PLEADS INSANITY A GRAND RECEPTION "PRINCESS MAY" LOST IN NORTHERN WATERS LEVELLING STREETS Sir Wilfrid Laurier Will be Welcomed Defence of G. T. Williams is That of Tenders Called for and Contracts Should to Prince Rupert by all Being Irresponsible for Soon be Awarded for Citizens. Acts. Work. Case is Adjourned Until Mental Con­ Arrangements Are Well Advanced Aid. Mclntyre Wants to Know Why dition of Accused is Passed For the Public Welcome to be Second Avenue is Scene of Upon Given Premier First Labor G. T. Williams, cnarged with the crime of arson, will be thoroughly There was A general meeting last An early start Is to be made on the examined medically before the case evening of those composing the com­ street work In section one. The mem­ proceeds farther with a view to as­ mittees charged with the reception tr. bers of the council all seem to be certaining whether he.is responsible be tendered Sir Willi id Lati'-ie- and agreed that no time is to be lost. Ac­ or not for his actions. This was de­ nis party when plan., were fount to cordingly the advertising is being cided late yesterday afternoon after be well advanced in all lines. done and there should be but little the evidence for the crown had been Aid. Pattullo presided with Alex. time elapse naw before tenders are submitted and nearly all the evidence Manson, the energetic secretary, also awarded and the work commenced on for the defence had gone in. The in his place. The attendance was Second avenue. good and enthusiasm marked all the evidence had been very similar to Aid. Mclntyre said his understand­ proceedings. that submitted at the time of the ing was that work was to be done on preliminary hearing with the excep­ The subject of finances was the the whole of section one. He could tion that L. W. Patmore, counsel for only one about which there was any not see why one part of the section, the defense, revealed in his cross ex­ uncertainty and the finance commit­ Second avenue, should be selected as amination throughout that the plea tee was authorized to get to work a place where work would be done of Insanity was to be put forward. at once on that part of the under­ and other portions left untouched. taking. A subscription list was cir­ Calling Dr. McNeill last evening as His Worship said work must start culated at the meeting, and $380 (Special to The Journal) Purchased about eight years ago which to make the route on account a witness for the defense, the opinion somewhere. Second avenue has raised among those present. The re­ Victoria, Aug. 6.—A despatch has by the company, she was remodelled of| her steadiness and comfortable was given by him that Williams permanent sewers and water pipes ports of various committees showed been received here to the effect that specially for that trade and has been quarters. might be Irresponsible. He had ex­ on the street. The work was going that to carry out the arrangements the C. P. R. steamer Princess May kept on it almost continuously ever amined him that day about 1 o'clock She was under the command of forward by the engineers on the other as forecasted would require $2,200. has struck in Lynn Canal some dis­ since. When purchase by the C. P. R. and had questioned accused. He had Capt. McLeod, a popular and safe parts also, and as soon as sewers and The decorations will cost $1,700 as tance out of Skagway. The reports the Princess May was a new steamer told the doctor that a bolt had fallen skipper, with Chief Engineer Mc­ water pipes were laid it would be pro­ planned; the music $150; the address indicate that she will be a complete engaged In the coasting trade on the on his head a few years before and Grath in charge of the engine rooms, ceeded with. and presentation $200; and the pre­ wreck. No loss of life attended the China coast under the name of the another of the most tried officers of rendered him unconscious. He had Aid. Mclntyre said this argument paration for the open air meeting stranding of the steamer. Hating. She was brought across the the company. been in a hospital for some time was all right if it were not true that $150. Pacific to Victoria and there remodel­ after it and was warned when he left With only meagre news of the dis­ there were water pipes and sewers 1 The Princess May has been on the led by the B. C. Ma.rine Railway com­ to take care that he did not become In connection with the programme aster it is believed that in the fogs paralleling those on Second avenue excited and to take plenty of sleep. there was a sum of $400 for bunting Skagway run tor many years, being pany for the northern trade. The which have been prevalent of late In on Third avenue. Dr. McNeill said he had no doubt and flags. This, it was explained by probably the most popular steamer vessel was a splendid sea "boat and — Aid. Lynch said there were pro­ the chairman, Mr. Law, included that the C. P. R. has had in the preferred by all who travelled north northern waters the May must have the injuries he received had had tests from Third avenue respecting good flags and bunting that could northern trade. by the C. P. R. as the steamer by struck a rock and come to grief. some effect on his nerves. Asked by the grades. The work was delayed be taken care of and used again. It the judge if In his opinion the ac­ to see if any changes would be made cused had been rendered unable to would be an asset to the city to be If this proposition is carried out in this matter of grades. distinguish between right and wrong, used in time to come. A CITY HALL SITE there will be located on opposite WILL CARRY MAILS Aid. Mobley moved that the bond Dr. McNeill said he did not feel like Aid. Pattullo, Mayor Stork, and corners of the intruding part of the for the carrying out the work de­ answering that deiinitely. In answer Aid. Mobley, who were present, ap­ reserve of the company, public build­ posited by the tenderers should be to a further question lie said that in proved of this move, and it was de­ G.T.P. Suggest That it be Located on ings! On one will be the city hall G.T.P. Will Serve Prince Rupert Free ten per cent of the amount of the view of the symptoms and the history cided to authorize the purchase ol and on the other the federal build­ contract instead of $2,000 as was at of the case such a condition might this part. Reserve—Council Agreeable of Cost to Depart­ ings, combining the post office and first suggested. This latter sum have been produced on the accused. to Proposal. ment. The members of the council pres­ the custom house. would shut out. many small contrac­ On cross examination by W. E. ent agreed that in view of the per­ If this arrangement is adhered to tors. Fisher, representing the crown, Dr. manent character of these decora­ it will necessitate, it is felt, the erec­ Officials Fail to Reach Sntisfactorj Aid. Lynch said the engineer left McNeill said that from his examina­ Scheme of Grouping Public (Buildings tions they would be agreeable to sup­ tion of a city hall in keeping with Arrangement With Government this lo the discretion of the coun­ tion he would be ready to prepare Is In Mew Near Point port a grant of $500 from the city Suggested the general scheme of architecture at For the Work cil. The bond representing 2 i/j, per papers asking for Williams admission council towards the entertainment. that point. The company's station cent was suggested. to the asylum. It would be up to It the money is available, the gen­ and hotel, the federal building, the Then the question of the city being the superintendent of tbe asylum eral scheme of decoration will be car­ buildings of the local government able to proceed with the work until It looks as though the city hall It is good news that the G. T. P. then to say whetner he should be ad­ ried out which includes banking Cen­ and the city hall will all be located the engineer was ready with a com­ would be located on the G.T.P. re­ offices are able to make this week mitted. tre street with evergreens from the within a short distance of one an­ prehensive estimate of the whole serve at the corner of Second avenue that mails will reach the city by their His Honor thereupon said that in wharf to Second avenue, the erection other. As some of these are to be work came up for discussion. Some and Sixth street. A letter has been fast steamers pending a settlement of view of what Dr. McNeill had said, of a log arch at Second street and built on quite an elaborate scale It of the aldermen felt that as the whole received from the land commissioner the difficulties between the company there was no need to proceed farther the stringing of electric lights along will be necesary to have them all con­ of section one was specified as a local of the company, G.
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