Slavia pojišťovna a.s. List of contracted health care facilities - Health insurance for foreigners www.slavia-pojistovna.cz …modern approach to traditional values Map of contracted health care facilities Health insurance for foreigners (as of March 1st, 2018) Slavia pojišťovna a.s. registers approximately 250 contracted facilities providing comprehensive health care for foreigners as of March 1st, 2018. LIBEREC REGION ÚSTÍ NAD LABEM REGION HRADEC KRÁLOVÉ REGION KARLOVY VARY REGION PRAGUE – WEST Prague PRAGUE – EAST PARDUBICE REGION MORAVIAN-SILESIAN REGION PLZEŇ REGION OLOMOUC REGION VYSOČINA REGION ZLÍN REGION SOUTH BOHEMIAN REGION SOUTH MORAVIAN REGION List of contracted health care facilities Health insurance for foreigners (as of March 1st, 2018) City Health Care Facility Address Specialisation Telephone Language CAPITAL CITY OF PRAGUE Prague 1 Hospital Na Františku Na Františku 847/8, 110 00 Prague 1 Reception 222 801 111 Department of Surgery 222 801 266 Department of Orthopaedics 222 801 343 Department of Neurology 222 801 111 CARE & CURE Clinic s.r.o. Bolzanova 1679/3, 110 00 Prague 1 General Practitioner for Adults 739 064 392 Arabic Prague 2 Medical Help Česká republika s.r.o. Malá Štěpánská 546/10, 120 00 Prague 2 General Practitioner 224 918 532 Magic Smile Clinic Karlovo nám. 292/15, 120 00 Prague 2 Dentistry 777 510 795 Prague 3 AJ Dent s.r.o. Blahoslavova 8, 130 00 Prague 3 Dentistry 727 854 044 Vojavica s.r.o., MUDr. Oxana Protovchanskaya Husitská 502/36, 130 00, Prague 3 Dentistry 722 927 473 MODESTO Dentist’s Office Lupáčova 864/18, 130 00 Prague 3 Dentistry 702 062 863 Prague 4 Thomayer Hospital with Health Centre Vídeňská 800, 140 59 Prague 4 Reception 261 081 111 Paediatric Neurology 261 083 886 Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 261 082 390 Department of Surgery 261 082 607 Department of Infectious Diseases 261 083 430 Department of Internal Medicine 261 082 541 Department of Neurology 261 082 272 Department of Ophthalmology 261 082 270 Department of Otolaryngology 261 082 269 Department of Paediatrics 261 083 396 Department of Dentistry 261 083 385 Department of Urology 261 083 167 Institute for Clinical and Experimental Medicine Vídeňská 1958/9,140 21 Prague 4 Reception 236 051 111 Children’s Ward 236 052 210 Department of Gynaecology 236 052 215 Departments of Neurology 236 052 207 City Health Care Facility Address Specialisation Telephone Language Prague 4 Institute for Clinical and Experimental Medicine Vídeňská 1958/9,140 21 Prague 4 Department of Dermatology 236 053 319 Department of Dentistry 236 053 163 MediClinic a.s. - GERIA spol. s r.o. Antala Staška 510/38, 142 00Prague 4 Home Care 257 324 010 MediClinic a.s. - MUDr. IVO VITERA Kutilova 3061/2,142 00 Prague 4 General Practitioner 241 772 401 Astra Dental s.r.o. Ke stáčírně 607/2, 140 00 Prague 4 Dentistry 734 420 888 MUDr. Tomáš Řádek Jílovská 1163/69, 142 00 Prague 4 Obstetrics and Gynaecology 241 493 541 R-LABEL, s.r.o. Libušská 319/126, 142 00 Prague 4 Dentistry 601 668 888 MediClinic a.s. - MUDr. Miroslav Přibyl Zárubova 498, 142 00 Prague 4 General Practitioner 241 713 934 Prague 5 Motol University Hospital V Úvalu 84, 150 06 Prague 5 Reception 224 431 111 Dermatology Department for children 224 433 861 Paediatric Surgery 224 432 401 Paediatric Neurology 224 433 301 Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 224 434 267 Department of Surgery 224 434 102 Department of Internal Medicine 224 434 001 Department of Cardiology 224 434 901 Department of Neurology 224 436 860 Department of Orthopaedics 224 432 801 Department of Ophthalmology 224 432 701 Department of Internal Medicine 224 436 905 Department of Urology 224 43 4848 Department of Stomatology 224 433 171 Anděl Dent s.r.o. Štefánikova 18/25, 150 00 Prague 5 Dentistry 218 218 007 Spondeo s.r.o. – MUDr. Dubravka Jaganjacová, PH.D Kartouzská 6, 150 00 Prague 5 Internal Medicine 273 130 816 MediClinic a.s. - MUDr. Jana Štolfová Sídliště 1100/31, Prague 5 General Practitioner 257 811 609 Hodis s.r.o. Zbraslavské náměstí 458, 156 00 Prague 5 General Practitioner 257 922 426 Prague 6 Institute of Preventive and Sports Medicine J. Martiho 31, 160 00 Prague 6 Reception 220 172 039 Sports Medicine 731 049 036 Cardiology 251 097 216 Medical Ward 220 172 039 MUDr. Andrej Laškevič, CSc. Vítězné náměstí 817/9, 160 00 Prague 6 General Practitioner 222 960 792 Prague 8 Bulovka Hospital Budínova 2, 180 81 Prague 8 - Libeň Reception 266 081 111 Children’s Ward 266 082 382 Paediatric Surgery 266 082 558 City Health Care Facility Address Specialisation Telephone Language Prague 8 Bulovka Hospital Budínova 2, 180 81 Prague 8 - Libeň Department of Dermatology 266 082 237 Department of Gynaecology 266 083 250 Department of Surgery 266 082 740 Medical Ward 266 081 111 Department of Infectious Diseases 266 08 2600 Department of Pulmonary Diseases 266 082 081 Department of Neurology 266 082 310 Department of Ophthalmology 266 083 089 Department of Orthopaedics 266 082 984 Department of Otolaryngology 266 082 439 Department of Urology 266 082 367 MediClinic a.s. - MUDr. Lenka Tůmová Střelničná 1680/8, Prague 8 General Paediatrician 602 970 577 MediClinic a.s. - MUDr. Dana Vurmová Čumpelíkova 7, Prague 8 General Paediatrician 284 689 594 Prague 9 GynCentrum, spol. s.r.o. Hloubětínská 3/13, 198 00 Prague 9 Gynaecology 225 000 888 MediClinic a.s. - MUDr. Alena Doležálková Klánovická 487/2a, 198 00 Prague 9 General Paediatrician 281 868 605 MediClinic a.s. - MUDr. Zuzana Pertlíčková Vajgarská 1141, 198 00 Prague 9 General Practitioner for Adults 281 021 265 MediClinic a.s. - MUDr. Zdeňka Janečková Vajgarská 1141, 198 00 Prague 9 General Practitioner for Adults 281 021 255 MediClinic a.s. - MUDr. Ilona Vinklerová Vajgarská 1141, 198 00 Prague 9 General Practitioner for Adults 281 021 223 MediClinic a.s. - MUDr. Jaromír Rež Vajgarská 1141, 198 00 Prague 9 General Practitioner for Adults 281 021 224 MediClinic a.s. - MUDr. Marcela Šašková Vajgarská 1141, 198 00 Prague 9 General Practitioner for Adults 281 021 237 MediClinic a.s. - MUDr. Věra Černušáková Vajgarská 1141, 198 00 Prague 9 Radiology 281 021 216 MediClinic a.s. - MUDr. Jiří Leso Vajgarská 1141, 198 00 Prague 9 Cardiology 281 021 221 MediClinic a.s. - MUDr. Ivana Fišerová Vajgarská 1141, 198 00 Prague 9 Diabetology 281 021 219 MediClinic a.s. - MUDr. Pavla Jakubů Vajgarská 1141, 198 00 Prague 9 Dermatovenereology 281 021 234 MediClinic a.s. - MUDr. Libor Urbánek Vajgarská 1141, 198 00 Prague 9 Orthopaedics 281 021 271 Hodis s.r.o. Nemocniční 6, 190 00 Prague 9 General Practitioner for Adults 266 712 603 Prague 11 MediClinic a.s. - MUDr. Sahdev Sharma Hviezdoslavova 1600, 149 00 Prague General Practitioner for Adults 272 919 634 Prague 19 MediClinic a.s. - MUDr. Alla Tsymbalyuk Železnobrodská 25/764, 197 00 Prague General Paediatrician 286 852 149 CENTRAL BOHEMIAN REGION Benešov Nemocnice Rudolfa a Stefanie Benešov, a.s. Máchova 400, 256 01 Benešov Reception 317 756 111 Children’s Department 317 756 253 Department of Surgery 317 756 227 Internal and ECG Department 317 756 292 Cardiology Department 317 756 306 City Health Care Facility Address Specialisation Telephone Language Benešov Nemocnice Rudolfa a Stefanie Benešov, a.s. Máchova 400, 256 01 Benešov Ear Department 317 756 257 Ophthalmology 317 756 412 Department of Gynaecology 317 756 348 Department of Orthopaedics 317 756 210 Dental Department 317 756 532 Department of Urology 317 756 330 Čáslav Čáslav Municipal Hospital Jeníkovská 348/17, 286 01 Čáslav Reception 327 305 111 Children’s Ward 327 305 164 Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics 327 305 278 Department of Haematology and Blood 327 305 249 Transfusion Surgical Ward 327 305 118 Department of Internal Medicine 327 305 152 Davle MediClinic a.s. - MUDr. Hana Rusinová Davle 6, 252 06 Davle Practical Medicine for Children 257 770 561 Klínec Hodis s.r.o. Klínec 147, 252 10 Klínec General Practitioner 257 710 592 Kralupy nad Vltavou MediClinic a.s. - MUDr. Tereza Oktábcová Dr. E. Beneše 695, 278 01 Kralupy nad Vltavou General Practitioner for Adults 315 726 654 Loděnice MediClinic a.s. - MUDr. Lenka Jačková Za GZ 69, 267 12 Loděnice General Paediatrician 311 672 246 MediClinic a.s. - MUDr. Martin Ralbovský Za GZ 69, 267 12 Loděnice General Medicine for Adults 311 672 102 Mělník Mělnická zdravotní Pražská 528, 276 01 Mělník Reception 315 639 111 Department of Gynaecology 315 639 369 Arabic, Department of Haematology 315 639 202 Department of Surgery 315 639 306 Department of Infectious Diseases 315 639 253 Internal Department 315 639 220 Department of Neurology 315 639 204 Department of Orthopaedics 315 639 332 Department of Otolaryngology 315 639 292 Department of Urology 315 639 314 Mladá Boleslav Oblastní nemocnice Mladá Boleslav, a.s. Václava Klementa 147, 293 01 Mladá Boleslav II Reception 326 742 111 General Practitioner’s Surgery for Adults 326 743 741 Children’s Ward 326 742 700 Department of Surgery 326 742 100 Department of Dermatology 326 742 793 Department of Neurology 326 743 131 Department of Ophthalmology 326 743 203 Department of Orthopaedics 326 742 918 City Health Care Facility Address Specialisation Telephone Language Mladá Boleslav Oblastní nemocnice Mladá Boleslav, a.s. Václava Klementa 147, 293 01 Mladá Boleslav II Department of Pulmonary Diseases 326 743 753 Department of Stomatology 326 743 721 Department of Otolaryngology 326 743 703 Department of Urology 326 742 409 MUDr. Martin Borský Krajířova 138, 293 01 Mladá Boleslav General Medicine for Adults 326 721 005 Mnichovo Hradiště MediClinic a.s. - MUDr. Igor Skaličan Jana Švermy 395, 295 01 Mnichovo Hradiště General Medicine for Adults 326 771 353 Neratovice ALMEDA, a.
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