Paul Revere Charter Middle School October 27, 2014 Volume 59, Issue 1 COVER STORY Patriots Welcome Principal Perdigao Former history teacher and assistant principal returns to school to take over Revere’s reins. By MELISSA BUNNAPRADIST A new rider has taken the lead at Revere. Sitting in Mrs. Somoza’s former front desk is Mr. Christopher Perdigao. Mrs. Somoza announced her retire- ment at the end of last year after serving six years as principal. Now a former history teacher and administrator has stepped up to the saddle to take her place. Mr. Perdigao stated that he was a history teacher for ten Mr. Perdigao waves to Patriots years before moving up to an ad- before taking the ALS Challenge. ministrative position. He worked as an assistant principal for eight years, spending seven years at Reseda High School and one at Taking Roll Revere during the 2011-2012 school year. While he was at Re- Maxine Escher, Charlie Lovett, Lucien Block and Emma Aluise hang out with their new friends. vere, he was in charge of many Takes a Toll GLIIHUHQW ÀHOGV VXFK DV DGPLV- sions, enrollment, attendance, professional development, inter- On Teachers vention and transportation. Surviving 6th Grade He also says he has “taken New MiSiS program an active role in implementing proves troublesome Young Patriots begin a brand new year at a new school with new friends. instructional initiatives, involv- for Revere’s faculty. ing teachers and staff to collabo- rate in development and design.” By CLAIRE PRALL-FREEDMAN always worrying about missing P.E. or their elec- By ZACHARY GARAI tive. Getting to homeroom on time, while trying Overall, he has been an educator It was 7:54 in the morning. Hearts were rac- WRÀQGWKHLUIULHQGVDQGOHDUQWKHLUFODVVHV7KHUH with LAUSD for roughly sev- Last year, teachers made an ing. Palms were clammy. And the time was tick- ZDV WKH FRQIXVLQJ OHWWHU V\VWHP GXULQJ WKH ÀUVW enteen years and is looking for- important shift to Jupiter Grades, ing. The only thought in every brain was the de- few weeks, continually getting lost navigating ward to his year back at a school a website that allows both stu- scending seconds. Over 2,100 faces tightened as through the multiple X buildings. Worrying that KH ÀQGV KLPVHOI WR EH IDPLOLDU dents and parents to view stu- a loud clanging echoed through the campus. The they might not get to their locker on time because with. dents’ grades and behavior, as 2014-2015 school year had begun. they had to wait for the doors to open. There were “Paul Revere is a wonder- well as receiving announce- But among these 2,100 students, there were the locker jams both for hall, P.E. and, (for some), ful school with a tremendous ments from their teachers. Stu- over 700 new faces on campus. These fresh faces music. Then remembering all of their combos in academic and co-curricular pro- dents could check their grades as were made up of the most recent additions to Paul time to get to and from class. gram,” states Mr. Perdigao when often as they wanted. Revere: the sixth graders. After a few weeks of Then there was the rushing to change into asked to compare and contrast However, this year LAUSD getting used to their new campus, teachers and gym clothes within the allotted time, and getting Revere three years ago and the wanted to create a program that schedules, the new Patriots had quite a few new LQWRWKHFKDQJLQJURRPLQWKHÀUVWSODFH7KHÀJ- school this year. “I would say could also be used for atten- opinions about Revere. uring out where to sit at lunch, and whether they the difference is the school has dance, not just grades, behavior Over the following few weeks, sixth graders have enough time to get to and from the Farm. continued to improve in all ar- and announcements. MiSiS (My realized that being a student at Revere came with Also remembering to go back to their locker to eas. I would like to continue to Integrated Student Information VRPHXQH[SHFWHGGLIÀFXOWLHV7KHUHZHUHWKHORQJ put their backpack away. There was meeting new improve in the areas that we are System) was created, but along stressful jogs across campus. Always in frenzy, friends while trying to stay connected with the currently working on.” with it came a slew of bugs, old. There was getting used to the new homework He also states he would like glitches and other issues. ORDGDQGWU\LQJWRÀJXUHRXWKRZWRVWD\DKHDGRI to modernize teaching tech- “I’m guessing the District their projects. And of course, getting their brains niques and keep the school at thought it would be a good idea back into work mode after the long restful weeks an advanced level. “The general to have one system to use for of summer. For the new students at Revere, there goal is to provide our students grades, attendance and commu- were a lot of concerns. with the 21st century skills that nication with parents,” stated One student said, “My locker combo wouldn’t they will need to be successful in Mr. Koretz, the administrator work, but then I asked my friend to try and she their post-secondary endeavors. in charge of attendance. “Hope- VKRZHGPHDGLIIHUHQWZD\RIGRLQJLWZKLFKGHÀ- We will continue to improve in fully the new system will allow nitely helped.” Another exclaimed, “I once went Common Core standards-based teachers to do everything listed into the wrong homeroom because I was rushing.” teaching and learning. We will above once it’s working.” Spencer Hoffman said, “There are a lot more proj- continue to increase the amount Even before the school year ects and homework than in elementary school.” and level of technology use in began, however, it was clear A seventh grader remembered being surprised at our classrooms. Our teachers, that the system wasn’t working the heavy homework load and all of the books parents, administrators and stu- properly. In the registration days they had to carry. The sixth grade counselor, dents are always looking for in early August, many Patriots 6DÀ\DKZRUNVKDUGLQ0U&DUQLQH·VIRXUWKSHULRG (continued on page 4) ways to make the educational went away unhappy because (continued on page 6) (continued on page 3) An Icy Challenge 2 Dr. Deasy Drops By 3 Kodak Moments 8 –9 Pepped for P.E.P. 10 Mania for Sports 12 Mr. Perdigao participates in the LAUSD’s superintendent visits Patriots took summer vacation Patriots cut into new afterschool Over the summer, many students world-renowned ALS Challenge. Patriots and staff on August 13. snapshots to share with Revere. PEP classes, such as Paper Art. participate in Sports Mania. 2 October 27, 2014 Paul Revere Charter Middle School COOL COUNCIL Cameron, Max and William bond during science. Campus News and Notes RAISING BUCKETS OF AWARENESS Mr. Shibata gets soaked as Mr. Perdigao and Mr. Koretz do the honors of dumping ice water on his head to raise money and aware- ness for ALS. by Danielle York OPERATION INFILTRATE Ms. Esparza under- goes a transformation to look like a student to prank Mr. Fox- son about dress codes. PHOTO OPPORTUNITY The garden area serves as the back- drop for Stephanie Ahmed’s ID photo. BAGELS FOR BREAKFAST RAD READING Patriots line up to Literary pick out their baked Patriots browse snacks during through books at Nutrition. Mrs. Nelson’s Book Fair. BLUE AND BEAUTIFUL Revere’s Magnet students are not feeling blue about their new t- shirts. October 27, 2014 Paul Revere Charter Middle School 3 MiSiS Crisis Will Patriots Be Frustrates Staff (continued from page 1) Thankful for iPads they didn’t receive a list of their classes. Mr. Koretz said, “Sched- ules were delayed this year due This November? to issues with MiSiS. We really need to be so thankful or Ms. Monica and Ms. Amelia in the By ZACHARY GARAI carry those heavy books on your back,” said sixth grader Myla $WWHQGDQFH RIÀFH DQG 0U 6KL- Since the fall of 2013, Pa- Angelina. “Every day I’m all bata, Mr Valerio, Ms. Kobashi, triots have been told time and hunched over, maybe it’s a side and Ms. Esparza in the Counsel- time again about the coming of effect of carrying those books. LQJRIÀFH$VDWHDPWKH\PDGH iPads. Finally, last October, all With iPads, we won’t have to it possible for every student to sixth grade homerooms, along be hunched over and our backs be enrolled correctly and have a with one seventh and one eighth won’t hurt.” schedule.” grade class, received their Apple In reality, textbooks will not Over the Labor Day four-day tablets. But due to logistical dif- be downloaded on the tablets, Ms. Pan helps a student with an assignment using her teacher iPad. weekend, Mr. Koretz created a ÀFXOWLHVWKHGDWHRIGHOLYHU\IRU at least not any time soon. This report on how many periods of all other Patriots kept getting angers eighth grader Sunay Bar- in many ways, such as providing Another potential alternative is roll call each teacher missed. pushed back. gotra. “Personally, I don’t care for more resources to their students, that the tablets will not be al- The P.E. teacher with the few- Then, in the spring of last this iPad idea anymore. I heard do roll call and record grades lowed off campus. Until Novem- est periods missed was Mr. Fox- year, it was determined by the that they’re not putting text- with ease from places through- ber, when they will (possibly) be son- with a total of seven. “I administration that additional books on the iPads so the school out the class and at home, and passed out, the District as well as have been very meticulous and devices would not be passed out is just putting more pressure on assign projects for their students.
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