Boushe; ATTY. ROBERT A. TILLMAN, spokesman for WatRinj Over- NINETEEN OF IHt 41 CANUIDAIES— for the 13 Municipal posts state some of the "planks" in their platforms. ORGILL, independent candidate for mayor; RAY CHURCHILL, can­ ton, candidate for mayor; the REV. ROY LOVE, candidate for the' to be fil'ied in the coming Nov.' 10 city election sought, to boost didate for traffic judge opposing incumbent John P. Colton; MRS. board of education and MARVIN ROSENBUSH, candidate for'thie^ their chances by appearing before a jampacked crowd at the Abe Among the candidates appearing were (left to right) JOHN MAUREEN HAYSLIP, candidate for the board of education; ATTY. juvenile court judgeship opposing incumbent Elizabeth McCain. J Scharff- branch YMCA Monday night at a mass meeting spon­ T. (BUDDY) DWYER, city commissioner seeking reelection; HENRY SAM COLE, candidate for city judge opposing incumbent Beverly (Staff Photos by Tisby) ? sored by the newly organized Veterans Voters Movement and to LOEB, independent candidate for city commissioner; EDMUND » READ THE Record Crowd Out c Mi NEWS I WHILE IT IS NEWS FIRST b IN YOUR WORLD State Their Cases I AAta ivi c A*s sta^barJd y 19 OF « CANDIDATES IN NOV. 10 program to the candidates or their PRICE SIX CENTS RACE MAKE APPEARANCE representatives: VOLUME 24, NUMBER 39 MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1955 AT MEET 1. To influence to a stop, unwar- t anted police slaying and brutality By RAYMOND F. TISBY Nineteen candidates of the 41 directed to Negroes in the city of Memphis. - seeking the 13 municipal posts in the Nov. 10 city election were in­ 2. To guide the cessation of mis­ Man Fined $50 For P, guided courtesies of the Memphis troduced to the public, and most Police department in addressing of the public to them for the first PRESIDENT URGES ERADICATION OF Slugging Bowles Negroes as "boy”, "nigger” and the time, at the well attended Veterans like. WILMINGTON, Del^-(ANP)—A,) Voters Movement sponsored mass 33-year-old Negro who last ^uek. meeting Monday night at the Abe 3- To obtain a more harmonious relation with the Negro public and struck Bryant W Bowles, preside^, Scharff branch YMCA, Linden and police department. ot the National Association for,the. Lauderdale. 4. To ■ seek the appointment of Advancement of White People,' The candidates, each limited to was fined $59 in Municipal Court. a four minute talk and one minute qualified Negro citizens in munici­ U. S. EMPLOYMENT pal positions as. typist, clerks and DISCRIMINATION ('.ere on assault and battery cHar-i question period, outlined the key members on all municipal boards in ges. "planks" in their platforms and were Portner J. Harrison admitted th«L ' in turn given clues to the desires (Continued On Page Eight) he struck Bowles last Friday after of the Negro voter in an introduc­ Success In South Indication Of Bowles made a broadcast from', a, tory speech by WM member Dan restaurant. Ecttlng forth his 1 .• iti-,- Boyd and during the question per- Editorial Of The Week Uiunmatory ideas on racial, aegre-. __ iods_______ _ T.............;_____ . eatlon. Judge Thomas Horllhy.'Jlt; Mr. Boyd outlined a nine point The following is excerpted from an editorial published re­ Coming School Desegregation who Imposed the fine, said td.ttajsl cently In the Claxton, Ga., Enterprise. By FELiX COTTEN I Ison: I “I know what your We can dislike NAACP •- and we are one who believes its WASHINGTON — (INS) — President Eisenhower called on but I am charged with malntaiS-^ Sheriff Vows leaders made a bad mistake in pressing the school issue to a the nation's industrial leaders last night to help in seeing that job showdown - but it is not a subversive organization; it is not on Ing.. public. order. You had hew. discrimination on racial or other grounds is eradicated. i warned by the police tostayatfayj the FBI list. Ils aim is simply to advance the interests of the race I know how you may have become; that makes up its membership. From his sick bed m Denver, the The.Presidcntsald: ”1 regret that angered but order must be .majnt,': ..{ I Probe Of Flá I may not meet with you as my And this is America, not Russia, not Germany in the days of President telegraphed greetings to talned. ' \ tl'.e Washington Conference on guest this evening as I had planned. Hiller. 1 Ou don't try to cure a case of typhoid fever by giving the Equal Job Opportunity, attended by "With your help. I hope we can Terrorism patient the bubonic plague. And you don't try to deal with a seg­ 55 top executives of leading Indus- move further toward the goal of regation issue by taking away the liberties of American citizens. trial concerns. asuring every American equal op­ UMATILLA, Fla. —(INS) 1-Lake The telegram was read to the portunity for employment, .unham­ Alabama Ji® County Sheriff Willis McCall wired conference by Vice President Rich­ pered by consideration of race, re­ ■Gov. Leroy Collins that, he is con­ ard M. Nixon, who presided at a ligion or National origin, May every ducting a personal investigation three-hour closed doors discussion success crown your efforts." and will spare no efforts to find the ■Race Delegates Attend on ways to end Job discrimination. Mr. Nixon, said the discussion at Indicts Six For men responsible for the shotgun as­ Mr. Nixon is chairman of the presi­ the conference revealed that fears 'A sault of 10 Negroes at a union dent's Committee on Government of reprisals and .outbreaks, in the meeting in Umatilla' )ast Wednes­ Controls which sponsored the con­ South, where . anti-discrimination y» day night. Labor Federation Meet ference. (Continued On Back Page) Crime Spree McColl also lashed out at abate­ The 57th annual convention of of Memphis, and also of Memphis SELMA. Ala. — (SNS)—Six WWttf.'t ment issued by the CIO United the Tennessee Federation of Labor is George Brown of tile Railway persons who waived preliminary'* ■ Packing House Workers Union in Carmen No. 246 who holds a pro­ Job Equality Is Good were bound over to the Dallas Count Chicago calling upon Collins to dis­ met at the Claridge Hotel with ap­ minent office is liis local union. ty Grand Jury October 21 in cod- miss him. proximately 200 members in at­ nection with a wave of tension. : i r' tendance. In this delegation there James T. Walker of the Coopers THROWS ‘RED’ SMEAR Police Sgt. Clyde F. Pressley; Ben. are seven colored delegates in at­ The fiery Sheriff charged that the_ Local No. 9 of Memphis. Mr. Walk­ Business,z Conference To!d tendance. They are Oscar Hl Brown Mitchell, 26, garage and ambulance Union has “Communist learnings er is business agent of the- Coopers operator: Billy MacBobo, about 21 and will do anything and say any­ of ’the Hodcarriers Union No. 818 Local Unjon and president-at-large WASHINGTON — (AÇP)I—» Secre- dustry." of Knoxville; A. Z. Kelley of the tary of Labor James Mitchell The government let the business and Lawrence Vickers, 19 were out thing to carry, a point,” of the State of Tennessee. Mr on $1.000 bond each in connection The Negroes were attending a- Barbers Union. No. 721 of Nash­ Walker is a member of the Trades told the Conference for Equal Job and industry leaders know that it Opportunity which' convened here means business In Its policy of non witli kidnapping charges. távij’i; . Union organization meeting when ville; Theodore B. Kennedy of the and' Labor Council and president Patrolman W. D. Bailey and Mrs,' they were peppered by bird-shot, re­ Teachers Local Union No. 428 of ot the Council of Civic Clubs oi Tuesday. Oct. 25, that "equality of discrimination by firms holding job opportunity is good business. government contract. Mitchell said: Maxine Trlppe Butler. 28 are qhargjr portedly by four hooded white men. Chattanooga: Floyd Franklin' of Memphis. Merman T. Smith, presi­ ed with arson. Bailey Is at liberty on , (Continued On Page Eight) Local No. 515 of the Meat Cutters dent of the Cement. Lime and Gyp­ both in the short run and over the “All the businessmen here today have Government contracts. Con­ $1,500 and Mrs. Butler on' $1,000 sum Workers Local Union No. 307 long run." bond. ?:■ of Memphis, Tenn., also a mem- IN CONCERT HERE TONIGHT - Leontyne Price, native of the Tri Mitchell keynoted the meeting of sequently all of you are familiar with the non-discrimlnatlon clause Hie two policemen have beet/gtqj * Emmett Till s Mother l>er of the Trades and Labor Coun­ State Area (Mississippi), a brilliant soprano who has garnered the government officials, .and board pended, according to Police Chltf’, ¡ o cil and C. B Braxton, financial, international and national concert spotlight, will appear in con­ chairmen or presidents of 65 of in Government contracts. You know your legal obligations under Ed Mullins. ■ ' secretary-treasurer of Cement, cert here tonight (Friday) in LeMoyne College's Bruce Hall at 8:30 the nation's largest, firms, who gat­ hered here to help the government this provision. ..arid you know to Bailey Is charged with sett|ngjire. Lime and Gypsum Workers Local pi. m., accompanied by David Garvey. Speak In Western States Union No. 307. also a member of plot a course of action against ra­ what extent you have been suc­ to the home of Mrs. Vera Jones BoyA Memphis Trades and Labor Coun­ cial discrimination. cessful in discharging this respon­ kins. Monday night, October 17. \ SAN FRANCISCO— Mrs. Mamie NAACP observer at the- Sumner, cil.
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