INDEX TO VOLUME III Aapies river, 373, 502. America (U. S.), 393. Abattis, 145. America Siding and Station, 60, 132. Aberdeen, 187. Amersfoort, 285, 381, 383-4, 458-60. Abrikoo's Kop, 299. Ammunition : Boers short of, 454, Achaaphoek, 368. 469, 498 ; destruction of, 205, 332, Sergeant A., ; Adams, 289. 341, 347 expended, 97, 453 ; for in Free Administration, the Orange Boers, 126 ; for British, 31, 37 ; for State, 32, 65 ; of Bloemfontein, 32 ; rebels, 2, 6 ; in Mafeking, 158, 163-4, of Johannesburg, 92. 168 ; supply of, under fire, 452. Advance, The : from Kroonstad to Ammunition columns. See Regular Pretoria, 65-103 ; reasons for press- Units. ing, 66 ; to Kroonstad, 38, 40-64 ; Annexation of : districts of Cape towards Komati Poort, 380-405 ; Colony, 2, 6-9 ; Orange Free State, to Komati Poort, 406-421. 126; South African Republic, 405. Adye, Colonel 22-5. J., AngloBoerWar.com9-13, 15-17. See also Appendix 9. Airey, Colonel H. P., 236, 246. Appendices, 525-60. Airlie, Lieut. -Colonel D. S. W., Earl Appointments, 17, 36, 519; of Mili- of, 45, 214. tary Governors, 32, 92. Albert Silver Mine, 448. Arcadia (near Johannesburg), 70. Albertina, 328. Arcadia (in Natal), 250. Alderson, Lieut.-Colonel E. A. H., Argentine horses, 214. 3. 6, 33, 47-8, 56, 75-6, 78, 90, Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders. 96-7, 209, 211, 312-13, 315-16, See Militia and Regular Units. 323, 414, 416. Armaments, Boer, 73, 89, 92 ; in Alderson' s Mounted Infantry. See Mafeking, 146, 163-4, 168-9. Infantry, Mounted. Armistices, 95, loi, 227, 269, 374. Alexander, Lieut.-Colonel the Hon. Armoured trains, 145, 147, 149, 153, W. P., 238, 240. 160-2, 195, 197, 327, 445. Aliwal North, 478, 494-5, 517. Arms, collection of, 16, 50, 124, 229, Alkmaar, and station, 416, 419, 425. 332 ; in Mafeking, 141. Allan, Captain P. S., 241. Army. See British. Allandale, 472-3. Army Order, Special, 520-1. AUeman's Nek, action at, 273-9. Army Medical Corps, Royal. See Allen, Major-General R. E., 134, 334. Regular Units. Allewyn's Poort, 519. Army Service Corps. See Regular Ambulances, ;iy ; capture of, by Units. Boers, 433. Artillery, Royal. See Regular Units. VOL. III. 36* . 564 THE WAR IN SOUTH AFRICA. tribe, Artillery : in Great Britain, 34 ; in Barolong 144, 151, 167, 180, Mafeking, 163-4, 168-9 ; in South 202, 231. Africa, 34-5 ; modern, moral effect Barter, Lieut.-Colonel C. St. L., 362. difficulty in of, 409 ; positions for, Barton, Major-General G., C.B., 35, finding, 453. 108-9, 111-12, 231-3, 242, 244, Arundel, 9, 29-30. 354-5. 377. 483-4. 506-12, 515-16. Ashby, Private E. P., 24. Bastard tribe, 8. Ashby, General Turner, 141. Bases for supplies, 30. Avoca, 419. Basutoland, 286, 293-4, 477- Australian contingents : New South Bates Major A., 3-4. Wales, Queensland, South Aus- Bathoen (native chief), 199. tralia, Victoria, West Australia. See of. Hill, Battles Diamond 204-25 ; Colonial Units. Bergendal, 397-402. Bavians Berg, 44-6. Babington, Colonel J. M., 516-17. Baxter, Corporal A., 24. Badenhorst, Commandant C. C, 341, Bazaine, Marshal, 184. 500. Bearcroft, Captain J. E., R.N,, 98, Baden-Powell, Colonel R. S. S., 186-7, 217. 198, 200, 202, 228, 230-1, 233-8, Bechuanaland, 17, 189, 505 ; defence 240, 244-7. 308-9, 311. 335-6. of frontier of, 140. 338-41, 349, 354. 357, 361-2, 365-9, Bechuanaland Rifles. See Colonial 377-8 ; defends Mafeking, 140-85. Units. Badfontein, 406-8, 425. Bedfordshire regiment. See Militia Baillie, Captain W. L. D., 511. and Regular Units. Bainbridge,AngloBoerWar.comLieut. -Colonel E. G. T., Beestekraal, 365,. 371, 502. 471-2. Beet, Corporal H. (awarded the Vic- Bainbridge's Mounted Infantry. See toria Cross), 113. Infantry, Mounted, Beira, 34, 188, 229, 231. Baine's Drift, 189, 193, 232. Beith, 252, 259-60, 263-4. Bakenkop, the affair at, 287-90. Beginderlyn, 384. Balmoral, 284, 313-14, 321, 436, 438, Belcher, Lieut. W. G., 288. 445-7- Belela's Berg, 281, 464. Bangwaketse tribe, 199. Belfast, 284. 323, 372, 387, 391-5. Bank, and Station, 75, 232, 247, 397-8. 407, 414, 424, 426, 429, 342, 348. 350, 363, 375, 377. 439-40, 442-5. 456. Bankfontein, 290. Belmont, 17-18. : Banks of Africa, 28 ; of Natal, 432 ; Bemba's Kop, 464, 466. National, The, 32, 432. Bentinck, Captain Lord C, 147, Baobab tree, 188. 1 80-1. Bapsfontein, 309- 1 1 Bergendal Farm, Ridge and Kopje, Barberton, 404, 412, 414-16, 418-20, 391-393. 396, 422, 439; the battle 426-7, 456. of. 397-402. Barker, Brig.-General J. C, 422-3, Bergvlei, 92. 426. 436, 446-7. Berkshire regiment. Royal. See Re- Barker, Lieut. -Colonel J. S. S., 489, gular Units, 493-4- Besters (Natal), 328. Barkly West, 4, 19, 107, 109, 182. Besters Kop, 299, INDEX. 565 Bethanie, 230. tion at, 27-39 ; to Kroonstad, 40- Bethel, 285. 426-7. 433-4. 436. 459- 64. Bethel commando. See Commandos. Bloemhof, 108, 379, 481. Bethlehem, and road, 93, 118, 122-3, Bloemhof commando. See Com- 136, 138, 286-7, 290-4, 296, 298-9, mandos. 330-2, 473, 475, 489. Bloemplaats, 52, 54. Bethlehem commando. See Com- Blomfield, Lieut.-Colonel C. J., 463. mandos. Blood River, 266-7, 464-6. Bethulie, and bridge, 29-30, 105, 112, Blyde River, 420. 494-5- Blyvooruilzicht, 442. Bethune, Lieut.-Colonel E, C, 252, Bodle, Colonel W., 199-200. 259-61, 266, 459, 461, 466. Boekenhoutskloof Ridge, 207-8, 210- Bethune' s Mounted Infantry. See In- II. fantry, Mounted. Boers : abandon Kroonstad, 61 ; aban- Bewicke-Copley, Lieut.-Colonel R. don the line of the Vaal, 71 ; activity C. A. B., 468. of, 422-3 ; after the fall of Pretoria, Beyers, Commandant, 374. 204-5 '' agents of the, 2 ; antipathy Bezuidenhout Pass, 255. of, to serving out of their own dis- Bezuidenhouts Kraal, 295, 297. tricts, 226 ; breaking up of com- Biddulphs Berg, 93, 133-4, 292, 294, mandos of, 417, 419 ; British uni- 297 ; action at, 122-4. forms worn by the, 289, 434 ; Biggarsberg mountains, 42, 65, 251-4, commandeering by the, 2-6, 8-9, 257-65, 268. 14; demoralisation of the, 61, 71, Bird, D., the, Major W. 184, 190, 192, 94, 268, 403 ; dispositions of of 197-8, 201. 285, 422, 438, 447 ; dispositions Bisdee, Private J.AngloBoerWar.comH. (awarded the the, after Mafeking, 230, 450; dis- Victoria Cross), 373. positions of the, on the Northern Bishop's " Farm, 299. frontier, 193 ; Dopper," the, 233 ; Blaauwbank (Natal), 252. movements of the, 2-7, 60, 69, 126, Blaauwbank (north-west of Krugers- 128, 133-4. 136-7. 146. 157. 193. dorp), 507. 230, 255, Z26, 349, 361, 490-6; Blaauwberg, 188. outworks, unwillingness of the, Blaauw Kopje, of the, 285. to occupy, 260 ; positions Blaauwkopje (O. F. S.), 290, 475. 40, 68-9, 98, 108-11, 122, 272-3, of the Blackburn, Captain L. D., 190. 391-2, 396, 449 ; separation Black Watch, The. See Regular forces of the, 226 ; States of, i ; Units. supplies for the, shortness of, 469 ; Blagrove, Colonel H. J., 328. sympathisers with the, 393 ; un- Blake, Colonel J. F.. 42. preparedness of the, 42 ; works of Blesboklaagte (Natal), 263. the, around Mafeking, 156. Blesboklaagte (O. F. S.), 485. Bokfontein, 234, 341, 348, 362-3. Blizzard, 439. Boksburg, 86, 88, 310. Blockhouse line, 490. Boksburg commando. See Com- Bloemfontein, 5, 14, y6, 102, 104-7, mandos. 113. 115, 126, 128, 131-2, 134, 227, Bombardment : at Bergendal, 398-9 ; 229, 258, 327, 435, 469-72, 478-9» of Mafeking, 149, 156, 164-5, 167-8, 489-91, 494, 517 ; the reorganisa- 173-4. — 566 THE WAR IK SOljtH AFRICA. Bombproofs, 145, 155, 165, 197. Brack river, 190-1, 193. Bonnefoi, 430. Bradley, Lieut.-Colonel C. E., 372, Bontjeskraal, 290. 499-500. Boots, 31. Brakfontein (Eland's river), 339-40, Borden, Lieut, H. L., 48, 317. 515. Border Horse. See Colonial Units. Brandfort, 40, 42-6, 61, 69, 105, 128, Border regiment. See Regular Units. 473, 478-9. Border Siding, 112. Brandfort commando. See Com- Borderers, King's Own Scottish. See mandos. Regular Units. Brand's Drift (Vet river), 106. Borderers, South Wales. See Regular Brandwater Basin, 292-306, 325, 328, Units. 346, 380. 458. Boschbank, 69, 71. Brandwater river, 293. Boschbank Nek and Pass, 503, 507. Brawn, making of, in Mafeking, 174. Bosch Kop, 54, 59, 61. Brester's Flats, 107. Bosch Kop (east of Pretoria), 215-18. Brickfields, Mafeking, British attack Bosch Kopje, 67. on, 169-72. Boschfontein, 498. Bridges, Lieut. H., 162, Boschrand, 60-2. Bridges : railway, 30, 61-2, 65-6, Boshof, 66, 104, 107-9, 112, 134, 482, 72, 95, 112, 128, 131, 197, 205, 232, 494. 513- 251, 322, 350, 459; road, 30, 251, Boshof commando. See Commandos. 283, 384, 494. Botha, Assistant-General C, 72, 227, Brigades. See Cavalry, Infantry 260, 268-9, 279, 282, 462-3. and Infantry, Mounted. Botha, Commandant D., 358, 360, British : administration in Cape Co- AngloBoerWar.comI 504. lony, ; administration in Orange Botha, Commandant-General L., 40, Free State, 32, 65 ; administration 68, 71-5, 87-9, 91, 93-5, 128, 204-7. of Bloemfontein, 32 ; administra- 228-9, 235, 242, 254, 269, 309, 311- tion of Johannesburg, 92 ; rule, in soldier, traits 14. 317-18, 324, 349, 362, 368, 374, South Africa, 187 ; 386, 391-2, 396, 408-11, 417, 422, of, 146 ; South African dominions, 437, 501-2, 505, 507, 517. i; subjects, 9. Botha, General P., 44, 50, 93, 128, 163. British army, 226 ; casualties in Botha's Pass, 280.
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