1 V O L . XXV. NO. 3«. MATAWAN, N. J., SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 1 7 , 1 8 0 4 . 11.25 M B f t l 3 CENTS SINGLE COPY. A l l 0V E U _T U E COUNTY. ure oxpooled to bo held during tho county furnier, a few days ago removed A SirlkiBg ExMmpk •t B m UMhrii. Baraagh Caimlsaleners' Keeling. fruit Hoasou. a load of hs« from » mow tn which it Mavark l$«i t ■ I t m 6:00 o’clock; when the meeting waa plaoed in 1848, It waa apparently t m u n n o m u t a x u v k o u The sale of S. ll. Formnn’a utook at According to the N*w ¥ 6 r k W b rU . of: the - Berough CommiaaionerB was in as good condition aa wheu placed in m w i h - oum BXCHANOEa Froobnld oD.TucBilny proved a greater which aeems to be on*, of the agcnei** tho mow forty-ilvo yeara ago. Itlacked called to order Saturday evening. xJ+ '* ’ Hucuutti tli&a anticipntod. ' Tho hornra employed by the bo**e* to di**enia»ia Iffewn. V*n Wiokle, Bedie, Wardell EF t b * Im jm rim nt E n tll U*pp«llllg ElM- sap, however, and wbon soaked for fod­ um . w. itM k, ■km in Itiprodttcad B n . !■ * Cm- sold brought 90,001), uud cvorytbing their deoree* aid glre otrrrenor W their and Fountain were present. der did not mndl as ordinary bay doca. d a i m t r « w w , . vlao brought oscellcnt pricca. orders, New Jersey raee-traek- ownera Tb* following bill* were ordered It was perfectly sweet, and even D r. W. B. Scsoli Uki boon appoint­ ThoJ'oraploycn of Steinor & S o u 'a have been notified by the Democrmtia P * M : . P. APPUCATC, hurao ntc eomo uf it. leader, flut they Bnat eloae tb* gate* J W# ed postmMter at Eatoutowo! havo arranged a rocopliou nud ball for 4TT0UIY Af UV , Wednumluy night, February 21, nt Ed­ Peytou Fnllcttc, aged 25 years, waa of their ground* this year. W hen thi* Tbe •igbthsnunal ball of theKojrport ty0 / JL Otpaa,. “ •• a eu u c a tio n a l H ull, Aabury Park. Tho pro. arroBtcd nt Atlnutio Highlands on notice was *enr«d upon the turfm en,the A. I , Cartae, ■■ " ibiufii, »,#. Maenn.ohor will be held at tlio Pavil- . l w cooda will bo dovotod to ohnrity. Thursday of last wcok by officers from Gutteuburg magnates, who ' m * . w a il. * co. *' . i « i O t a , %wt I s o n t b o n H t M i U v h K n i t , lion bote], on February 2 0 . Midillmex County. He iH charged alao to be atrong in the 1,1.1 ... I M Ono of tho boBt farms ia Atlantic O. ft, M w . tk l^ la e i w * ............ BeT. Oarret Wyokotf was iuatolloil with Butting flro to n hoiiHo on Ootober aelii 'of the Democratic party, W, M i W tM M M I. BOWtabM l ( H . 1 W5 KNRY I. TKRHUNK, to«'ii«lii|i, tlie 1’robnaoo farm at Colts OIX. e«e% walilBi,l.*ip.^ H e paator of tlio Holmilol Rofonnod Church 18 Owned by u J. D, Hnlleu of New showed sign, of revolting. T he; oonld .... 1« H Nook of 2-10 acrca, wna rccontly hold T i l l * |l, M. a n o k , r«ul T o n H all........ York but which fornorly bolyugeil to not nnderatand why tbey *hou]d obey A T T O tn r 00URS1LL01 AT LAW, on W edneadty of laat wook. for $12,000. Tho houno on itbadfour- llftror Vui Wiokl« offered a motion hia mother. It wns vnluod at $7,000 orders of four or Are Democratic bo*- n u m iii Biflvu ia auM at Tbe “A ibnr; Park Two-Step” ia the toou rooms. Georgo Huliok of Colts thtfctbi lanpligfatcr hny bit oil of tho nnd insured for $10,000. It iaelaimed aea when they found it ao eaay t o d e f y ti tle o t » new waltz juat piibllnhed by Nook wns tlio puroliasor. at<«»h*etwra that will nell it at 8 c e n ts b6v&v tvaua. ' Hnlleu instigntod the crime but be baa Harley 0. Daria of Anbury Park. the whole people of New-Jeney., Ttt- aM ilon., It waaaeooMled aod oarriod < M m la MXrtH* MMia* 0Ma Tlio Etompt Firemen's Association nvoldod arrest by tllgbt, cogniting tbe fbaurdity of- tm rf(na­ M X ■fuadwa* Ln | Tbe late George W. Childs' eottago withoot a diastnling vote. of Koyport havo olootod tho following tion the Quttenburg men *Mpp*d at Elberon ia ' now ou the market for Moadow lttud noar South Amboy ' U h Dayton was present in behalf of j^BIDIRICK rMMEII, oflloors for tho onauing your: ProBi­ their finger* at the Ilttlt bwia of' aalo. Tbe price aakeil ia $80,000. suitable for anew industry that wanted P«t**iO.,pi*bf«w‘who w*a marshal of dent, W. 12. Wuru; vioo-prenidout, il, bo**e« and answered tbat ibtypropeitd to sottlo there wns beld st$4S0au acre, th4'h*W >#b about' three year* *go. a eolliaion wbile Hkatiujj on D ohI W. W iutortou; aueretary, J. E. l’orryj or $4,GOO fur tho amount of laud re' tn open theirtraokiinM fcreh w«bei**M Lake laat week, Miaa Olipliaut of Went troaauror, E. D, l'cttoyn. "had pi***Bt*d a bill for $75 which ipiireil. The price was ooualdered order to th* contrary notwithstanding. CoB^isdouer* thought waa exoea- QroVe had four teeth knocked out. Georgo Y.Cox of Atlnutio Highlanda, ■ if. moro tliuu exorbitant by tbe oouuilt Such deflane* waa new to the bn****. *i|V a»tl refu**d to pay. They ofTored but formerly of Mntnwan, waa tried William Hirat waa flued $ 1 0 fn n d too wlm trind to aoouru it, aud tb* r*- 8 neb tentimenta ol itid(jM*d*«e« w m 4 u seMlemrat bat it was not ao- ooiU at A.bury Park roeeutly for ilin- nnd found guilty last wook on a obargo ault wan tlm t tho plant will go elaewhere. uot to be broukad. Th* Owttenbarg *M llA H h Disbrow then liegan anit tnrbing a Baltatlou Army moeting. of Ktonliug u antohol and oontonta nud K*mblen were *oanimpteassd wltb the It is mild tho hind waa anaeesed at |2fi affiuat tha Borough Couimiaainnora for jg W. AftROWtMlTH, nlno nn onys olook. llo wiih noiitoneod Tbe ahlary ot tbe troaaurer anil eolloo- an aoro. Tho likes uf the uwner of fast tbat tber must sIom tlieii1 traolU . #*|5| but it waa-uut brought lo trial, ' to ono yenr ill tho Stnto Prison ou ouoli tor oftho town of Red liauk Iih* that proporly is u groat help tu tbat "II yon dun t" laid thf bo**e*t "we'll M Dayton a*k*d.tbat a aettlemout lie olm rgo. break tbe deaillockin the HeD*to,organ- - ATTOMIV AT U V , lieou rained from # 1 0 0 tu #300 por p la ce, o r h u iiio other towu. Almost auale on the baala of |7lt. Mr. Diabrow y e a r. Threo moil hroko into tho Hlllaldo uvnry I'ommuulty baa tbo aame olaaa of U* with the Kopnbllean* aud 1 4 M liar* ,tn pay tha ooat*. whieh would amount pooplo. that will drlvoyou out of tbaBtata," iw i w u » im w m » m w w , Tb* proM rty ot Jauiea K, Urnwn in Hohoolhuuso Hour tlio Phalanx tlio otlior to about fill). A motion by Mr. Van In this ultimatum ia found tha trn* M arlboro towuabip la aniinunovil to l>« night nnd rumiuagtxl Ihrougli the W lohll lo pa^tha liill waaaeeondod by ' .. fMMOU.ll. I, VollllTuT H Hiali^aTkl ' method* of tho gang and I* ie*ii thatdi*-' •old at Freoliold by Hhoriff Woollny on doHkn, 'I'liey m ade th ro n Urea o n tho X n BedU aad upwa a vote Itelug taken regard for the right* of other* so eon M arch 0 . lloor in illllorout pluoen by lighting Tlioaiiprlng I'liH'tiou uver iu Madiauu it.waa,d*oUr*d earriod, all the mom- ^ im iD WALIINI, Ir, jiapers, Iml lliey wont nut boforo bum towiialilp glvoa proiulHo of being a* ox- aiiltuiou* of * 1 1 thaii act*,open andcovsrt balloting for it. ‘ - Tbe annua) dinner of tho Nooluly uf ing tho building. oitiiig iw any of thouo of rocout years. Tlila throat lo break the deadlock i* sn tbu Cincinnati will 1>« bold at tho A young colored man who fur aomo For tiio im purtiiut nfllonn theru aro op alwolute aud oomplol* eonfcsaion that MoMMalb I'M rta, , 0OIMqil4<NUTU*>. Hotel Tiakewood on WiiHliiiiuliiii’N time him inhabited aa hia homo a liolo noHlng I'liiulidittoa, O nly ouo primary tlio deadlock waaaoimoeptlonot tb* Iw*. I l l i m , 1 , 9, b irth d a y . W«t*oi»,L. Mill waggon uf Matawau Iu tho nldu of tlm lullrimrf trunk lumr ia liohi in tho township nud as all thu aoa anil an ailiniaalou that they maintain liVinitol K e to b a iu o f lU ul H unk Hiid It, It ia a complete aud almulnt* ad- tM fAMp wa*lta«kl $U aud oostn, the UfalkM aos M M i le I* Mr of Ik.
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