CAS_308265 FC.qxd 13/10/16 16:26 Page 3 OfficialCastle Point Guide CAS_308265 FC.qxd 13/10/16 16:27 Page 4 Mum’s happy she found a place she could call home. Companionship was top of my mum Dolly’s list when she felt a care home was the next step in her life. With friendship came confidence, happiness and a sense of wellbeing. In fact Mum felt completely at home. Which home did she choose? Runwood. They offered all the care Mum needed and the independence she loved – and of course when Mum’s happy, we’re happy too. Runwood are here to do what they do best – care. runwoodhomes.co.uk CAS_308265 ED.qxd 13/10/16 16:33 Page 1 Lifetime Guarantee Approved , Before After Brochure and free sample available on request For a Free Quotation Call: 01268 856373 CAS_308265 ED.qxd 13/10/16 16:33 Page 2 PPICTUREPICTUREICTURE TTHIS:THIS:HIS: AA OONEONENE SSTOPSTOPTOP SSHOPSHOPHOP TTHATTHATHAT HHASHASAS EVERYTHINGEEVERYTHINGVERYTHING FORFFOROR D.I.Y.DD.I.Y..I.Y. HOMEHHOMEOME && GARDENGGARDENARDEN EVERYTHINGEVERYTHING FORFOR YOURYOUR GARDEN…GARDEN… STRIMMERS,STRIMMERS, GARDEN… STRIMMERS, ALL YOUR DULUX AND POWERPOWER WASHERS,WASHERS, CROWN TRADE AND CHAINSAWSCHAINSAWS – ALLALL ININ STORESTORE RETAIL MIXED INSTORE Opening hours 270 - 272 High Street, 6.30am - 5pm Monday to Saturday Canvey Island. Wholesale and Retail Telephone: 01268 514141 2 3036677 CAS_308265 ED.qxd 13/10/16 16:34 Page 3 Why do you need a tutor? There are many reasons why a child might be struggling at school... Every parent wants their child to do better so whatever the reason, if your child isn’t getting the results you know they can achieve, private tuition can help your child improve in lessons and at exam time. How we work: We educate rather than train. When children are engaged, they start to enjoy learning again. Working with very small groups of children, we encourage them to ask questions, strike up dialogue and bounce ideas off each other. We support, motivate and challenge and this helps them overcome academic problems, achieve their potential and start to get the Assess - Develop - Progress results they deserve. St Mary’s Church Hall, 376 High Road, Benfleet, Essex SS7 5HW 01268 833838 www.genietutors.co.uk/benfleet 3036887 Riverside Veterinary Group Canvey Island Principal Veterinary Surgeon Dr C Maclean B.V.M. & S.,M.R.C.V.S. & associates Dr M Joseph MVDR M.R.C.V.S, Dr A Andrews BVETMED M.R.C.V.S. & Dr M Rokicka M.R.C.V.S. CONSULTATIONS BY APPOINTMENT: Tel: 01268 682412 www.riversidevets.com Independent Veterinary Surgery u Family owned and run u Established over 35 years Excellent Medical and Surgical Facilities u Fully covered 24 hour out-of-hours service Out of hours service: In an emergency between the hours of 8pm & 8am Tel: 01268 208999 3036681 3 CAS_308265 ED.qxd 13/10/16 16:34 Page 4 Est 1982 Gas & Heang Co Ltd Tel: 01268 755366 Email: [email protected] Website: www.castlepointgasandelectric.co.uk 4 3036707 CAS_308265 ED.qxd 13/10/16 16:34 Page 5 CAS_308265 ED.qxd 13/10/16 16:34 Page 6 727 designs ltd PRACTICAL • INNOVATIVE • COST EFFECTIVE Seventwoseven designs ltd are a friendly, dynamic and cost effective consultancy providing architectural services to the retail, commercial and residential sectors throughout the UK. Planning Applications Building Regulations Listed Building Consents Loft Conversions Single or Double Storey Extensions 3D Visualisations t 01702 667436 e [email protected] w seventwoseven.co.uk stsdesigns Seventwoseven Designs CAS_308265 ED.qxd 13/10/16 16:34 Page 7 OfficialCastle Point Guide Contents 9 Location 20 Local Area - History 11 Castle Point area map 22 Arts and Culture 12 Transport 24 Sport and Leisure 14 Business 26 Places of Interest 18 Education 32 How to contact us Published by: Burrows Communications Limited Cantium House, 2nd Floor, Railway Approach, Wallington SM6 0DZ Tel: 020 8773 3000 • Fax: 020 8669 0301 email: [email protected] • web: www.burrows.co.uk Please note: This publication is wholly or partially funded by the advertisers herein and the publisher. It is provided at no charge to the council. Our Advertisers: We gratefully acknowledge the support of all the firms whose advertisements appear in these pages. Without their help we would not be able to produce this official guide. As a reciprocal gesture we have pleasure in drawing the attention of our readers to their announcements, but wish to make it clear that Castle Point Borough Council can accept no responsibility for their products or services advertised. 7 CAS_308265 ED.qxd 13/10/16 16:34 Page 8 ‘The Best in Family Eyecare’ • YourYour llocalocal iindependentndependent ffamilyamily OpticianOptician establishedestablished overover 2525 yearsyears herehere iinn CCastleastle PointPoint • NHSNHS andand PrivatePrivate EyeEye ExaminationsExaminations • Children’sChildren’s EEyecareyecare a sspecialitypeciality • FullFull contactcontact lenslens serviceservice withwith freefree ttrialrial • RetinalRetinal pphotographyhotography • HealthHealth aandnd llifestyleifestyle aadvicedvice toto helphelp prolongprolong youryour visionvision andand ocularocular healthhealth • VariluxVarilux varifocalvarifocal specialistsspecialists • ChoiceChoice ooff ooverver 11,000,000 fframerame sstylestyles – budgetbudget ttoo designerdesigner • CompleteComplete gglasseslasses ffromrom ££79.9579.95 ‘FOCUSING on YOU’ 78 Hart Road, THUNDERSLEY SS7 3PF • 01268 793538 20 Spa Road, HOCKLEY SS5 4PH • 01702 203468 MON-FRI 9.00-5.30 • SAT 9.00-5.00 CAS_308265 ED.qxd 13/10/16 16:34 Page 9 Location CCAMBRIDGEAMBRIDGE Stansted Airport CHELMSFORD 27 Castle Point M11 A12 M25 A130 BBRENTWOODRENTWOOD 28 London City Airport RAYLEIGH A127 29 A127 London Southend Airport BASILDONBASILDON BBENFLEETENFLEET GREATERGREATER HHADLEIGHADLEIGH SOUTHEND-ON-SEASOUTHEND-ON-SEA A13 LONDONLONDON M25 CANVEY To Basildon, DDPP WWorldorld London To Chelmsford A127 A127 To Rayleigh A129 30 A13 A130 TTHUNDERSLEYHUNDERSLEY Starvearve To Basildon, London Wood 31 & Dartford Crossing C Coombeoombe A129 2C Li A13 ne WoodWoo A127 A13 Westt Woodod B1006 TILBURY To Southend HHAHADLEIGHADLELEIGH A130 ShipwrShipwrightsrights To Fenchurch WWood 14 Boyceyce HiHill 10 DARTFORD Street Station GoGolf Course B (45 mins) HaHadleighdleigh A13 SOUTHSOUT CastleC To Southend A2 A13 B1014 BENFLEETB Hadleighg BenfleetBenfleet Station FarmF GRAVESEND Leigh Station To Shoeburyness SHEERNESSPitsea Marsh Two Tree CastlCastleastle Pointt Island Golff Club A130 West CanveCanveyy Hadleigh Country A2 Marsh (RSPB) Park (home to the CANVEYVEY ISLAND 2012 Olympic Event) Canvey HeightsHeigh M25 Countryy PPark B A130 10 14 Hole Haven Creek DOVER 2 M2 RIVER THAMES Based upon the Ordnance Survey mapping with the permission of The Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office (c) Crown Copyright PU100014358 (2009). 9 This map is subject to Copyright and is protected by digital fingerprint. Copying or reproduction in part or in full is prohibited without the prior written consent of Burrows Communications Ltd. All rights reserved Burrows Communications 2016. CAS_308265 ED.qxd 13/10/16 16:34 Page 10 Located on the Essex coastline, with Southend-on-Sea to the east and Basildon to the west, Castle Point is a borough of contrasts. Comprising the towns of Benfleet, Canvey Island, Hadleigh and Thundersley, Castle Point covers 17.3 square miles and has a population of 88,000. Benfleet Creek runs through the middle of the Borough, with the mainland to the north and Canvey Island to the south. The area is rich in history. It is also an area of natural beauty, with large areas of open space, woodlands, salt marshes, ponds and heathland with hills offering superb views across the Thames Estuary. These spectacular views formed the backdrop to a worldwide audience when images were beamed across the globe as Castle Point hosted the 2012 Olympic Mountain Bike event. Coupled with excellent road, rail and air links and just 30 miles from central London, Castle Point is an excellent place to live and do business. 10 CAS_308265 ED.qxd 13/10/16 16:34 Page 11 Castle Point area map To Basildon, London To Chelmsford A127 A127 To Rayleigh A129 A130 TTHUNDERSLEYHUNDERSLEY Starvearve To Basildon, London Wood & Dartford Crossing C2C Line A13 Coombeoombe A129 WoodWoo A127 A13 Westt Woodod B10 06 To Southend HHAHADLEIGHADLELEIGH A130 ShipwrShipwrightsrights To Fenchurch Boyceyce HiHill WWood 14 Street Station GoGolf Course B10 (45 mins) HHadleighadleigh A13 SOUTHSOUT CastleC To Southend A13 B1014 BENFLEETB Hadleighg BenfleetBenfleet Station FarmF Leigh Station To Shoeburyness Pitsea Marsh Two Tree CastlCastleastle Pointt Island Golff Club A130 West CanveCanveyy Hadleigh Country Marsh (RSPB) Park (home to the CANVEYVEY ISLAND 2012 Olympic Event) Canvey HeightsHeigh Based upon the Ordnance Survey mapping with the Countryy PPark permission of The Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office (c) Crown Copyright PU100014358 (2009). A130 B10 14 This map is subject to Copyright and is protected by Hole digital fingerprint. Copying or reproduction in part or Haven Creek in full is prohibited without the prior written consent of Burrows Communications Ltd. All rights reserved Burrows Communications 2016. RIVER THAMES 11 CAS_308265 ED.qxd 13/10/16 16:34 Page 12 Transport The Castle Point Regeneration Partnership, a network of individuals and organisations committed to the future prosperity of the Borough, is leading the local regeneration process and is working to identify, develop and deliver projects which respond to the Borough’s challenges and opportunities. Road
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