If you.,. have issues viewing or accessing this file contact us at NCJRS.gov. <"." ' '-c" (7: ,.' ,.f) if "', " HEARING \1" BEFORE THE SUBCOMMITTE]}>ON J1JV]JNILEJUSTICE '!) OF THE ,;': COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY , " - ,,' -~; " . .\~- -, - : .,t, UNITED S~eA1!ESSENATE -" r ' "t:'),,, NINETY~EIGHT:a,,'CO~GRESS$, .,' " ~', " Q " FIRST SESSION " ~ " ON I, ,;:, • f" \. " 'JULX'12;' 1983 o (, Sedal No. J-98-~2 0 '? : • ~, "~j0 ; -"",':' - ,'.'. ",~. .' I.' ". ,', , .. c 'jIited,Jor ,th~ US~' df,the Committee on' theJ,udic:iary' p i ;,," ,.' -' ;t ,': , . :," '. f" , " I a 0 .. j . " ~1 Cl ,/ <I' \, " " f!, " , . !K'-' 'I) j \. " '\ 6' , " \ \ U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON : 1984 '" .., o )~ o 'I' ." U.S. Department of Justice National Institute of Justice. This document has been reproduced exactly as received from the person or organization originating it. Poihtsof view or opinions stated in this document are those of the authors and do not necessarily o OONTENTS represent the official position or policies of the National Institute of Justice. Permission to reproduce this c~wisRted material has been OPENING STATEMENTS granted by . 'i·" Page Public. Demain Specter,. Hon. ArIell, a U.S. Senator from the State of Pennsylvania, chair- man, Subcommittee on Juvenile Justice ................................ :,............................... 1 united States Senate Ha'(Vkins, Hon:. Paula, a U.S. Senator from the State of FlorIda.......................... ,. 10 to the National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS). CHRONOLOGICAL LIST OF WITNESSES FUrther reproduction outslde of the NCJRS system requires permis­ Rule, Ann, Seattle, Wash ............... ,.............. ~ ................ \........................................ ,.,..... 14 sion of the c~t oWner. Walsh, John, Hollywood, Fla ........................................................................ ;'........... c;~~.. 26 , I! Brooks, Pierce, .Vida, Oreg .; .................................. ~......................................................... 29 Depue, Roger L., Unit Chief, Behaviora.l Science Unit, FBI Academy, Quan- tico, Va ............................................................................ ~ ......................... ,.................... 40 . COMMITrEE ON IT'HE JUn!CIA:RY I' _,' , .' " ALPHABETICAL LISTING AND MATERIALS SUBMI'l'TED STROM· THURMOND, South Carolina, Chairman Brooks, Pierce: CHARLES MeC.MATHIAS, .JR., Maryland J08EPFI R.BIDEN, JR., Delaware Testimony ....................................................................................................... ,.......... 29 'I; PAUL LAXALT, Nevada EDWARD M •.KENNEDY, Massachusetts VI-CAP: The Violent Criminal Apprehension Program .................................. 37 ORRIN G. HATCH, Utah ROBE.R,T C. BYRD, West Virginia Depue, Roger L.: ROBERT DOLE, Kansas HOWARD M. METZENBAUM, Ohio Te,s~imony ........ ~ ................................. ,.... ,.. ~ ..... ,..... ~ ....... ~ ....... ,.: ............... "- ........... ,.. ,.... ,. 40 ALAN K. SIMPSON, Wyoming DENNIS DECONCINI,· Arizona Behavioral Science Unit .................................. ;....... ,.............................................. 41 JOHN P. EAST, North Carolina PATRICK J. LEAHY, Vermont "'= Prepared statement ............... ;..................... ~ ...... ;........................ ,............................ 46 CHARLES K GRASSLEY,·Iowa ,,~BAlJCUS, Montana, . Hawkins, Hon. Paula:. 0 JEREMIAH DENTON, Alabama 'FIbWl!!LLH~FLIN, Alklbama Opening statement .................................................................... ,,,............................ 10 ARLEN SPEC'l'ER,Pennsylvania Uniform Crime Report~1981 ... ,........................................ ,................ ,................... 13 VUfroN DEVANE LIDE, Chief Counsel and Staff Director Rule, Ann: DEBORAH K. OWEN, General COllnsel Testi.mony ................. ~.~ .............. t •• ~~ ••• , •• '1 •• , ••••••••••••••••: ••••••••••••.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ,.,tOl' 14, SHIRLEY J~ F",,:r:;:r:;ING,Chief Clerk Prepared 'statement ........................................................................... ,.................... , 20 MARK.H. GmNSTEIN,Minority Chief COllnsel Proposal: VI-CAP the Violent Criminal Apprehension Program, by Ann Rule, froIn True l)etective, October 1982......................................................... 25 Specter, Hon. Arlen: Opening statement ........................................ " ........ ,................................................. 1 SUBCOMMrrTEE o~ JUVENiLE JUSTICE Letters to: .. ARLEN SPECTER, Pennsylvania, Chairman. WilliamH. Webster, Director, FBI, with questions and the subse- quent· responses ..................... ,;; ........................................ ,............................. 2 JEREMIAH DENTON; AlabJina, HOWARD M. METZENBAUM, Ohio . William French Smith, Attorney General of the United States ............. 35 CHARLES McC. MATHIAS, JR., Maryland .EDW ARD M. KENNEDY, Massachusetts Walsh,'John: Testimony ......................................... ,....................................................... 26 MARY LOUISE WESTMORELAND, Counsel MARC;ERY BAKER, Minority Chief COllnsel APPENDIX (II) LettEll' from Representative J.·Kenneth Ro~inson to Senator Arlen ~pecter ...... 55 Letter to Representative J. Kenneth Robmson from Jerry Martm, WXAM News, Charlottesville, Va ... ,..... ..,-...... ~.u ••••• Ut ••••• ~ ................................ , ........ u.U! ..... ~·'~'" 57 A Psychological Assessment of Crime~Pr6ming, by Richard L. Al,llt, Jr. and James T. Reese, from the FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin, March 1980 .......... 58 Offender Profiles A Multidisciplinary Approach, from the FBI Law Enforce- o ment Bulletin, September 1980 ...................................................... i'...... , ........! ........... 62 f \ I: ACQ1J1SIT'iONS n~ :, I' I o SERIAL MURDERS TUESDAY:, JULY 12, 1983 U.S. SENATE, SUBCOMMITTEE ON JUVENILE JUSTICE, COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY, , Washington, '7D. C. , The subcommittee met at 9:34 a.m., jn room SD-236, Dirksen Senate Office Building, Hon. Arlen Specter, (chairman 'of the, ,sub- committee) presiding. ' " ' , " Present: Senator Hawkins". ",.,' I., Staff present: Steve Johnson,counsel; and Jay Howell, investiga- ~~ . OPENING STATEMEN'r OF HON. ARLEN SPECTER"A U~S. SENATOR I FROM THE STATE; OF PENNSYLVANIA; CHAIRMAN, SUBCOM­ - MITTEE-- ON JUVENILE, JUSTICE.. Senator SPECTER. Good mc.>rnillg, ladieS ah(lgelltlemen~The hear- ing will now proceed. ", ' o fI, I This is the Subcommittee 'on Juvenile Justice of the Judiciary ~ Comt.Mttee, alid we welcome this morning the distingui13hed,Scna­ , " " t'~ tor from Florida, Mrs. Hawkins, who has been a leader in the ef­ ,., . forts to protect missing children. It is a pleasure to lrave her here. ',' Senator Hawkins is very energetic, has many committee assigii1. ments, but findS time for the Jlidiciary Committee, a~cl lor that we o are grateful. ' ' , . " ' The su~ject ~atter of tod~y~,s hearings is serial, murqet:s, which is a very dlstressmg and unique phenomenon, ,on the rise on the a , American criminal scene today. Serial murders area pattern of murders committed by one person, in large numbers' with no ap- , I~'" pa, rent, rhyme, r~,a~on, or m" ot, ivation .. Sta, tiS, t, ics on hOnli,Cid,es'in the '. United States ~1e shown that the vast'majority-some 70 per­ cent-of homicides~ ,are commit~d by family ,;~embers or'acquaint­ f} ances. Motives are usually apparent, and the police havetradjtion­ \ ally maintained a very high rate of homicide solutions in this~coun- \ Y ' trT'h ere IS. a rlsmg. patte rn 0,f serm' " I murd ers w~h" IC h sugges t no JUS-· . ' ;0 ". tification and no explanation, and they are a major problem. We i"", have a very distinguished panel of, experts today who can shed light on this subject,with a view to developing patterns and proce­ , , dures to apprehending these murderers befor~ they have victimized :1', '8, 10, 12, or 20 victims. That is the ID!!E~ of this h~aJ.:J~g.._.-i \ \ ,.[Letter to Hon ..WilliamH. WOOster, Director" FBI, with questions ii and the subsequent responses:] , \ (1) i r ·-~··"'--.rl,""'No'·"""""'''-''''''''''-''''~~''-A..,,....,,,....,.-~_~~_~~~~... v.:.~~~::''lt''~t!::tt~,;~~;~,,:::..~:::::.:r:~:~..,,~.\. ...,. ", 11 3, 2 (f U,S, Department ofJustJce BTAC~1 THURMOND, a.C... CHAIRMAN CHAltL£G NCC'. MATHIAS. Jn~, MD. JOSEPH R. BIDEN. JR•• DEL. PAUL.. LAXALT. NEV. .' EDWARD M. KENNEDY. MAns. CRRIN G. HATCH. U'rAH: ROBERT C. BYRD. W. VA.. ~ RODERT DOLE. KANS. HOWARD M•. METZENBAUM. 'OHIO ,'Federal Bureau oflnvestigatiOJi ALAN K. SIMPQON. WYo. UtNNIS Dr:CONCINI. ARIZ. t..'~' ~ \~! JOt-IN P. EASTj N.c. PATRICK J. LEAHY. VT.. CHARLES £1 GRAS&LEY~ IOWA MAX OAUCUD. MONT.' . 'I) X~~~~I:~gi~J~~.ALA... HOVIELL HEFLIN. ALA. 0 OffIce or the Director, viNToN DCVANtt.- i.rJDI:, CHIEF:. CQUNSItt. AND STAFF DIREcToR coMMITTEE ?N THE JUDICIARY Wa.thlngton, D,C, 2QS3S .', MARK H., GIUNSTE1H.. MINORITY CHI~~~NIS~ :WAStjlf.l~TON.D,C: 20510 ,." , 0 Honorable Arlen.speqter ' Chairman, Subcommittee on, , Juvenile Justice " '\,' ' frCdmmittee on :the' Judiqiary: United 'States Senate . j o Washingto~"D;C .• , . ,20510 . ~:~;:P t~ Holnorablewl1ii~l1l' Ii. Webster DearMr" '~( Oire:ctor\, . Cha:i,~man: Federal'BUreau oflnvestigati6ns? U.S. 'Departrnepbbf JQstice., . By: ;lE)tterdatea;, AIJl2i:l ,~~' ~, 19 a~~:yquadvl.sed, Washington, 'D~C •. 20530 """i' that thesubpoll1lllittee, had been examining ,theqonc;:ept,.of, j ~ sy!:!t~, Wlliqh woul~ coUec~,analY2!eand dissem:i,nate " Ijil Dear Judge ~~~
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