JULY 2019 News Letter, Issue 35 MEoNthlyD BulletIiN oIf EN-trepTreNeuNrship D eveNlopmeNEt aNdW INNovatSioN INs titute, GoverNmeNt of Tamil Nadu DIRECTOR'S MESSAGE ENtrepreNeurship DevelopmeNt aNd INNovatioN INstitute is stroNgly striviNg towards the goal of spreadiNg iNNovatioN aNd eNtrepreNeurship across the State. We had aN opportuNity to visit the Kerala Startup MissioN aNd iNteracted with top officials aNd Startups. CoNsideriNg the promotioN of Startup AcceleratioN is the Need of the hour, EDII-TN has beeN veNturiNg iNto versatile areas such as TN Ilam INNovators ChalleNge, FDPs, TraiNiNg of E-Cell leaders aNd supportive programs like workshops relevaNt to Startup AcceleratioN. EstablishmeNt of MaNufacturiNg BusiNess INcubators iN various ceNtres iN the State is beiNg successfully carried out by EDII-TN aNd follow-up actioNs are made periodically iN order to eNsure that the services offered reaches the right iNNovators who struggle to scale-up their ideas/coNcepts iNto a prototype aNd further iNto a successful product. Support services to the MSMEs aNd Startups through IVP, Trade-fair ParticipatioN, EDP traiNiNgs, EACs, Network meetiNg etc,. are well takeN care by EDII-TN for their sustaiNability aNd scaliNg-up. As EDII-TN is reNderiNg easily accessible platforms, I urge the youth commuNity aNd MSMEs to make the most of it aNd eNrich their ENtrepreNeurship aNd INNovatioN jourNey. S. NAGARAJAN IAS., DIRECTOR Page 02 News Lead | EDIITN News ISBA CONFERENCE 2019 Director EDII-TN participated the 13th Annual conference of ISBA, ISBACON2019 on 19th July, 2019 at Kottayam district. As paNelist representing Tamil Nadu State, he spoke about the initiatives and support exteNded by EDII-TN for INcubators and Startups. He informed the participants that EDII-TN is supportiNg 9 iNcubators for supporting startups by organising various programmes and providing iNfrastructure facilities. VISIT TO KERALA STARTUP MISSION AT KALAMACHERRY Director, EDII-TN visited the Kerala Startup Mission at Kalamacherry, Kerala on 18-7-2019. He visited the INcubatioN facility, the Makers Village, Fab Lab and Bio Incubation centre and had extensive discussioN about their operatioN with the Project Director and Administrative Officer. Director, EDII-TN also iNteracted with the iNcubatees aNd students utilizing the facilities, about the services provided and usefulNess of the facilities. Page 03 News Lead | EDIITN News IVP STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING ON 4th July 2019, SteeriNg Committee meetiNg uNder IVP scheme was coNducted at SIDCO CoNfereNce Hall, CheNNai. The meetiNg was coNveNed uNder the chairmaNship of INdustries CommissioNer aNd Director of INdustries aNd Commerce iN the preseNce of the Director, EDII who is the coNveNor of the meetiNg. Totally NiNe proposals were evaluated aNd Eight were recommeNded for the GraNt. TAMIL NADU ILAM INNOVATORS CHALLENGE 2019 TRAIN THE TRAINER PROGRAMME. As part of the Tamil Nadu Ilam INNovators Challenge 2019, Train- The-TraiNers Programmes were coNducted in 3 Hubs (Tirunelveli, Coimbatore aNd Madurai) duriNg the moNth of July 2019. The College E- Cell Members were traiNed to fuNction as District Captains who will be iNcharge of traiNiNg aNd meNtoriNg school students and facilitating Stage 1 of Tamil Nadu Ilam INNovators Challenge. The details of the programmes are as follows: A total of 260 College E-Cell members were trained in the Five TTT programmes organized by EDII- TN aNd IEDP Hubs of CheNNai, Trichy, Tirunelveli, Coimbatore and Madurai of which, 104 Students were selected as District CaptaiNs of their respective Education Districts of the State of Tamil Nadu. District Level SelectioN for Stage-I will be made during the month of August and September 2019. Page 04 News Lead | EDIITN News YOUR STORY- WORKSHOP SERIES ON SECRETS OF SCALING UP BUSINESS Your Story, iN associatioN with ENtrepreneurship Development and Innovation Institute, Tamil Nadu (EDII - TN), hosted a master class oN Funding on 20th July’19 in Chennai. The half a day workshop for startups aNd entrepreneurs helped the participants to understand the core elemeNts of fuNdiNg, its importaNce, the process and how funding can help them in their scaling up journey. The workshop also saw successful eNtrepreneurs sharing the highs and lows of their entrepreneurial journey, aNd the lessoNs the startups could learN from them. The master class covered various aspects of funding, and also some practical experieNce of startup funding journeys as shared by entrepreneurs. The participants of the Master class shared their views that the sessions had key learnings, especially for entrepreneurs who are iN the early days of their startup jourNeys, as it had the right mix of theory and practical learnings. KeyNote speech was delivered by Mr Hari GaNapathy, PickYourTrail. PaNel discussion was haNdled by Mr Balram Nair, Kavya Nair, Sameer AchaN aNd BalachaNder and Workshop by Sameer AchaN aNd Firside chat - SaNjay Dasari, FouNder, Waycool Foods & Products. There were 48 paid registrations & total No of participaNts were more than 60 people. Page 05 News Lead | EDIITN News FACULTY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME (FDP) DuriNg the moNth, five 3-day Faculty Development Programmes were coNducted by EDII-TN at Salem, Coimbatore, Tirunelveli, Villupuram aNd Trichy. The objective of the FDP is to train the Faculty E Cell CoordiNators oN the content of the Certificate course oN ENtrepreNeurship provided to E-Cell student members through Tamil Nadu OpeN UNiversity (TNOU). The FDP also imparts kNowledge about basic entrepreneurial skills aNd uNderstaNdiNgs to ruN a business efficiently through experieNtial learNiNg. Page 06 News Lead | EDIITN News TAKE OFF PROGRAMME – E-CELL STUDENTS ‘TAKE Off‘’- the gamiNg versioN of learning ENtrepreNeurship by doiNg - was organised by EDII-TN at BIT Campus, ANNa UNiversity, Trichy hub on 13.07.2019. The E- Cell represeNtatives from different spoke iNstitutioNs attached with Trichy were invited for the programme. 100 E-Cell Members were invited for the programme. 15 studeNt E-Cell members were trained oN differeNt areas of busiNess for coordiNating the programme like RegistratioN of compaNy, maNaging inventory/ stores, iNvestor, etc. RemaiNiNg studeNts were divided into differeNt groups aNd iNvolved iN the activity as startups/eNterprises. They were traiNed by Ms. Meera KrishNaN aNd Mr. RaNgarajaN SriNivasaN, master trainers. CLUSTER AWARENESS PROGRAMME FOR MICRO CLUSTER UNITS A cluster awareNess program for HaNdloom and Powerloom Micro Cluster units was organised on 31.08.2019 at VASSU ANNamalai Lakshmidevi Mandapam, Aruppukottai, Virudhunagar District. DDICT welcomed the gatheriNg aNd addressed the need for cluster development for which the commitments of EDII- TN towards developiNg MSE-CDP iN Tamil Nadu. Mr.R.Chandra Prabhu, Assistant Director, MSME DevelopmeNt INstitute, CheNNai delivered a lecture on formation of clusters and the MSE-CDP scheme of Govt. of INdia aNd explaiNed about the guidelines and procedures in detail. Mr.Nagaraj, Asst.Engineer, DIC, VirudhuNagar highlighted the support offered by DIC for cluster development. Mr. Ganapathy, Branch MaNager, SIDCO also participated iN the program. Mr. Rajkumar, Consultant, delivered lecture on trust buildiNg aNd coNsortia formatioN. Followed by this, there was a discussion session in which the members of cluster uNits clarified their doubts aNd decided to form a consortium. Altogether seventy one entrepreneurs from various uNits atteNded the program. Page 07 News Lead | EDIITN News PARTICIPATION IN AGRI INTEX 2019 EDII-TN supports iNNovative Startups/Technocrats to commercialize their product/technology by participatiNg iN leadiNg trade fairs held in India. Accordingly, EDII-TN participated in the AGRI INTEX 2019 fair orgaNized by CODISSIA, Coimbatore from 12.07.2019 to 15.07.2019 at CODISSIA Trade Fair Complex, Coimbatore aloNg with Startups/innovators. An 18 sqmt stall was hired in which 5 Startups/iNNovators were accommodated with their products. The four day event paved the way for marketiNg their products/techNology. This platform facilitated them to expose their innovation and all products received great atteNtioN aNd Necessary support. Products/innovations displayed at the EDII-TN stall iN AGRI INTEX 2019 by various Startups were Village Rice, Bio Product, Tractor Loader (Prototype), 5way plow, 3way duck plow & bed maker and Zero Wastage Model in food processing. Page 08 News Lead | EDIITN News ENTREPRENEURSHIP AWARENESS CAMP ENtrepreNeurship AwareNess Camps (EAC) are beiNg coNducted periodically iN various districts of Tamil Nadu for oNe day to briNg iN eNtrepreNeurial awareNess aNd to address the busiNess opportuNities iN the district. EACs iN aNd arouNd CheNNai are beiNg coNducted directly by EDII-TN, iN other districts through District MSME AssociatioNs, who make arraNgemeNts for publicity through press release aNd haNd Notices aNd advertisemeNt through other ChaNNels. Officials from the Office of District Collector, District INdustrial CeNters, THADCO, other GoverNmeNt departmeNts iNvolved iN assistiNg the prospective eNtrepreNeurs through various schemes, BaNks / fiNaNcial iNstitutioNs, Successful ENtrepreNeurs etc., are iNvited to coNtribute iN the EAC. DuriNg July 2019, 11 ENtrepreNeurship AwareNess Camps were coNducted iN CheNNai, Erode, Trichy, Madurai, Namakkal, Thoothukudi, aNd VirudhuNagar districts. Altogether 856 aspiriNg eNtrepreNeurs atteNded the programs iN 7 locatioNs. NEW ENTREPRENEUR CUM ENTERPRISES DEVELOPMENT SCHEME (NEEDS) EDII-TN is the Nodal ageNcy to impart
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