Pialligo Master Plan NOVEMBER 2013 ii Pialligo master plan Contents Contents 1 Executive summary 3 Introduction 5 The Pialligo area 5 Planning process 5 Planning context 6 Summary of planning analysis 8 The Pialligo Master Plan 11 Vision 11 Character statement 11 Principles 11 Outcomes 16 Attachment 1 - Analysis of Pialligo 25 Demographics and land use 25 Hydrology 25 Soils Landscape, visual setting and amenity 25 Ecology 26 Heritage 26 Public infrastructure 31 Car parking 32 Pedestrians and cyclists 32 Bushfire risk 34 Community consultation 34 Attachment 2 - Implementation 37 Attachment 3 - Block 25 Section 2 39 References 40 environment.act.gov.au 1 ISBN 978-1-921117-27-5 © Australian Capital Territory, Canberra 2013 This work is copyright. Apart from any use as permitted under theCopyright Act 1968, no part may be reproduced by any process without written permission from: Director-General, Environment and Sustainable Development Directorate, ACT Government, GPO Box 158, Canberra, ACT, 2601. Telephone: 02 6207 1923 Website: www.environment.act.gov.au Printed on recycled paper The ACCESSIBILITY The ACT Government is committed to making its information, services, events and venues as accessible as possible. If you have difficulty reading a standard printed document and would like to receive this publication in an alternative format, such as large print, please phone Canberra Connect on 13 22 81 or email the Environment and Sustainable Development Directorate at [email protected] If English is not your first language and you require a translating and interpreting service, please phone 131 450. If you are deaf, or have a speech or hearing impairment, and need the teletypewriter service, please phone 13 36 77 and ask for Canberra Connect on 13 22 81. For speak and listen users, please phone 1300 555 727 and ask for Canberra Connect on 13 22 81. For more information these services visit http://www.relayservice.com.au/ 2 Pialligo master plan Executive summary The Pialligo area is a unique and historic part of The master plan provides for Canberra. It is close to central Canberra and is 1. A mix of development which includes residential bounded by the Molonglo River and the Canberra living and a diversity of rural/environmental related Airport. It has an interesting history, being a traditional commercial activities; meeting place for Aboriginal people and later becoming the original ‘food bowl’ for Canberra. 2. Preservation of the natural landscape, fertile soils and capacity for current and future food production; The semi-rural, river landscape establishes Pialligo’s 3. Protection and promotion of the Aboriginal and distinctive character. Pialligo has developed under historic heritage values of Pialligo; Broadacre and River Corridor land use zones, which allow for a diverse range of activities including 4. An attractive and safer pedestrian environment agriculture, nurseries, craft, food, produce stalls, along Beltana and Kallaroo Road corridors; landscape supplies, animal husbandry and residential. 5. Pedestrian and cycle links to Pialligo and the Molonglo River; and The local community and the ACT Government would like to protect and enhance the unique character 6. Stormwater and flooding mitigation measures. of Pialligo. However, there are some economic challenges, primarily due to increasing land values and The Pialligo Master Plan will be implemented by: commercial activities in the area. This Pialligo Master • preparation of a new precinct code for Pialligo Plan outlines a vision, design principles, outcomes that will replace the existing precinct code in the and actions that will improve Pialligo’s prosperity and Territory Plan; and retain its unique qualities. • upgrades to public areas of Pialligo, with the scope and timing of these improvements being subject to future Government budget considerations. environment.act.gov.au 3 Figure 1. Pialligo Master Plan study area 4 Pialligo master plan Infroducffon The ACT Governmenf, fhrough fhe Envfronmenf Ffgure 2. The plannfng process and Susfafnable Developmenf Dfrecforafe (ESDD), has worked closely wffh fhe Pfallfgo communffy fo Pfallfgo Masfer Plan process develop a masfer plan for Pfallfgo. Thfs masfer plan buflds on fhe plan developed by fhe Pfallfgo Resfdenfs Assocfafon fn 2009. Sfakeholder background sfudfes Thfs masfer plan ouflfnes a vfsfon and plannfng and analysfs framework for fhe fufure, fogefher wffh some communffy recommended sfrafegfes fhaf can delfver fhaf consulfaffon framework. Thfs masfer plan recommends a varfafon fo fhe Terrffory Plan fhaf wfll provfde more clarffy on fhe nafure of developmenf permffed fn Pfallfgo. opporfunfffes The Pfallfgo area The sfudy area fs shown fn Ffgure 1. If fs bounded by fhe Molonglo Rfver fo fhe wesf and Pfallfgo Avenue fo fhe easf. A small parf of fhe area lfes norfh of vfsfon Pfallfgo Avenue. Currenf acfvffes fn fhe area fnclude nurserfes, agrfculfure, resfdenfal, cafes, arf and craf shops, gallerfes, landscape supplfes, orchards and anfmal husbandry. Due fo ffs locafon af fhe edge of fhe cffy and adjacenf prfncfples fhe afrporf, Pfallfgo fs subjecf fo changfng land use pressures and fncreasfng land values, buf fs a place fhe communffy values and aspfres fo refafn. Thfs masfer plan wfll help profecf fhe sfgnffcanf herffage, rural oufcomes/ and envfronmenfal values whfle allowfng Pfallfgo fo grow and adapf fo change over fme. recomendaffons Plannfng process The masfer plan process for Pfallfgo fs shown fn Ffgure 2. If shows exfensfve communffy consulfafon and plannfng fmplemenfaffon analysfs based on a range of sfudfes. envfronmenf.acf.gov.au 5 Planning context National Capital Plan Territory Plan The National Capital Plan (NCP) is the overarching The Territory Plan is the key statutory planning land use plan for the ACT and guides the ACT’s document in the ACT, providing the policy framework development in accordance with its national for land use and planning. significance. The NCP also provides the overarching framework for the ACT’s Territory Plan, which must be The main study area contains two land uses consistent with the NCP. The NCP defines designated (Figure 3), being Broadacre (NUZ1) and River Corridor lands as subject to the provisions of the NCP. There (NUZ4). The area north of Pialligo Avenue is zoned as are two areas of designated lands within the Pialligo designated land. Master Plan study area including the area north of Pialligo Avenue and the approach route of Pialligo New development within the study area is assessed Avenue. There are special requirements for Approach against the Non-Urban Zones Development Code Routes that require any development within 200m of and the Pialligo Precinct Code and Map. The Pialligo the centre line of an approach route to conform to a Precinct Code and Map outlines place specific planning development control plan prepared by the National requirements. The existing precinct code for Pialligo Capital Authority. A development control plan details contains planning controls that are divided into areas planning policies for a specific area consistent with the A and B, as shown in Figure 3. Area A differs from area National Capital Plan. B allowing plant nurseries, animal care and animal husbandry. The precinct code also allows some uses, The National Capital Authority will prepare a such as craft workshops, industrial trades, produce development control plan for Pialligo. markets, restaurants and shops, to be assessed where they are considered ancillary to the primary use. The subdivision of blocks is generally not permitted. Figure 3. Territory Plan land use zones 6 Pialligo master plan ACT Planning Strategy (2012) Rural policy and lease arrangements The ACT Planning Strategy sets the strategic Most of the lessees in Pialligo have signed new 99 development framework for Canberra to help achieve year lease agreements under the ACT Government’s its economic, cultural and environmental aspirations. rural policy. The ten year covenant under that policy has concluded for many of the new 99 year leases in Strategy 8 of the ACT Planning Strategy identifies the need Pialligo. It is possible that some properties will be sold to value the land and natural resources of the Canberra as a result of the covenant coming to an end. region, to be achieved by working collaboratively with the region to manage urban growth, ensure connectivity Lease conditions state allowable primary and and conserving agriculturally productive land. This is ancillary activities and land uses. Primary uses in significant for Pialligo as an agriculturally productive area Pialligo include agriculture, nurseries or animal that is close to the city centre, with potential to continue husbandry. Ancillary uses include residential and small as a productive area into the future. commercial activities related to the primary purpose of the lease. Leases also often specify restrictions on Eastern Broadacre Planning Study the amount of ancillary use such as limits on gross floor area or number of dwellings. The Eastern Broadacre Discussion Paper (ACTPLA 2011) was developed to identify future employment The policy also placed new sustainable management opportunities along the eastern edge of Canberra. requirements for lessees in the form of Land Pialligo was included in the study area defined as Area D. Management Agreements. The discussion paper concluded that Pialligo should not be developed for higher order employment Molonglo River Rescue Action Plan 2010 opportunities. The study also acknowledged the importance
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