njm SJA t, OexjEMBBB, IT. 19BS. ’ DAILT OmODUkTIOM ’ TBE WBAIMHI Mth aC W iw bir. im Forsess t of O. 8. Wei Hartford ^Jeuaiid ffit Arcadians EMERGENCY DOCTORS. Physldans who will respond to 5 ,7 8 3 Mostly ohMMW, not qolts so ooM w St ths Aadit f e l t i n g tonight: Thnrsday snow BiuTtaa tol- i Schod St. Ree. emergency calls tomorrow after­ lotved by colder a t Bight. noon are Dr. D. C. Y. Moore. I Santa Says— “YouTl Find si Oreolatlona £ nUDAY, DECEMBER 20 4567 and Dr. Mortimer Moriarty, MANCHESTER — A CITY OF VILLAGE CHARM ' Door Priie Season Pass. 5445. Admission 35c. HALE’S A Great Place To VOL. LYn NO. 67. (ClasaMsd AdvartMng 09 Fags lA) MANCHESTER, CONN„ WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18,1935. (EIGHTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENT8 W. B. A. Juniors will have a Christmas party tonight at 7 o’clock CANINE WORTH $27JI00 ABOUTTOWN In Odd Fellows hall in charge of . IS BEUEVED KIDNAPED Mrs. Ethel Cowles. The senior Shop For Gifts For Every TOWNSENDITES Mystery Deepens As InQuiry Is The Hustlers’ group of the Wes- members will be welcome and should Chicago, Doc. 18.—(AP)— MAY DECREASE provide a 10 cent gift. The regular MW Pressed In Thelma Todd’s Death Jsjran Guild will have an all-day . ■i'’T 'r i 'l Fear that Red, a dog with a nesting tomorrow at the South meeting of Mystic Ueview will fol­ $27,500 trust fund, was In the DUCE TERMS EUROPE llethodlst church, from 10 a. m. on. low. VICTORIOUS IN hands of kidnapers led to a po- RELIEF FUNDS Work will be on salting peanuts. Member Of The Family.” Uce investigation today. Hrs. Grace Irwin and Mrs. Florence "W" MIsa Marie .Angerts Hunter, i 4 . <i‘.’'» ' Terkes will be the hostesses. FIRSTJMffEST Red's guardian, said yesterday TODAY’S WINNERS the animal was missing since FOR N K T YEAR Monday and she believed he is ‘CROOKED’ IN SPEECH S t Mary's Girls' Friendly society Reg. No. 6329 Senior club which sponsors Troop Shop Wednesday For Big Coverall Aprons held for ransom. U , Girl Scouts, of which Miss Eva- Tbeir Candidate Elected by Red inherited the trust fund Poblic Works Program to nne Pentland Is captain, will enter­ 5 Gallons of Franklin three years ago from Mrs. Alice Hunter, nls mistress and foster Dace Declares Fascists W i tain the girls, their mothers and Gas FREE! Values In Xmas Gifts 2 to 1 Majority m Michi­ mother of Miss Hunter. National Debt Is Now members of the senior club at a 50c-59c Take Most of Appropria­ Christmas party at St. Mary's Every Day A Winner At Fight to the End Became parish houee tomorrow evening, Dec­ In dainty prints and light colors. Reg­ gan; Originator of Pen- tion Estimated at 500 ember 18, at 6:30. FRANKLIN And DOUBLE Stamps ular and extra sizes. Over Thirty Billions Right Is On Thrir Side-% GAS STATION son Plan Joyfnl. CASTLE RAPS Millions. Comer of Center and Adams All Day Wednesday In All Departments Washington, Dec. 18.—(AP)—AOOO.OOO debt (lecrcase during the At Geneva Franco-British Streets Walter N, Leclerc Ladies’ The national debt reached $30,555,- year through retirement of Nation­ of Both These Stores. Boucle and Battle Oeek, Mich., Dec. 18.— FOREIGN VIEWS Washington, Dec. 18.— (AP) —In­ 791,967 today, parsing the $30,000,- al bank notes with gold profits. To Peace Plan Is Conrid* fA P)—Vemer W. Main, Battle date these retirements have Funeral Director Angora formed sources hinted today that 000,000 mark for the first time In amounted to only $283,000,000 leav­ reek attorney and staunch advo­ Manchester the Roosevelt relief program tor history. ing $267,000,000 yet to go. 158 No. Main St. cate of the Townsend old age pen­ OF PRESIDENT next year may Include only one Im­ The new high was caused by mld- Debt retirement through the sink­ ered Dead. Thi COUP. Wool Boxed Fountain Pens sion plan, became Michigan's Third portant new outlay — the public December flnanclng operations ing fund was estimated at $551,- JW.HAL-C wHich'Added $062,630,937 to the 000,000. So far, only $310,456,250 L. T. Wood Co. MANCHESTER CONN* District Representative in Congress works program mentioned by the debt. of this has been achieved, leaving Rome, Dec. 18.—Premier Muaao- Scarfs and Pencil Sets today, after winning a special eleC' Former State Official De­ President yoster ,ay. This program about $235,000,000. the President said, probably would The debt was near the figure es­ Itnl, terming Europe "crooked," de­ 51 Bissell St. Tel. 4496 tlon as decisively as he carried off timated by President Roosevelt for Receipts for the present fiscal fiantly asserted today that Italy the nomination in a Republican clares Clash of Interests total somewhat less than $500,- the end of the fiscal year next June year through December 16 were $1,- $1.00—$1.69—$1.95 primary. 000,000. 30—$30,723,000,000. 700,636,910 compared with $1,663,- would "fight to the end," tor hw Ashes Removed 59c The Chief Executive disclosed that AGENT C.fH0US€^S0N. Despite Main's assertion of Re­ The deficit today stood at $1,606,- 891,727 In the same period last year, rights. publican Party regularity, leaders in Various Departments he would propose It to the session of 711,375 compared with a year-end despite a big lag In processing tax II Duce delivered thla ehallenge to Weekly — 25c FOR INC. $ Bridge Playing Cards of Dr. F. E. Townsend’s organiza­ CJongrcss opening next month, but estimate of $3,281,000,000. Expendi­ payments pending court cballongcs 'egoism and hypocrisy" In on ad­ Neat, Dependable Service. 1.00 tion bailed bla election aa "the peo­ he did not indicate whether there tures were $3,307,348,286 compared of the AAA. Collections of this tax dress at Pontlnia, as be dedicated Brown, Green, Gray, and Blue. ple's expression" In the first teat of Cause Much of Confusion. would be other major recommenda­ with full year estimates of $7,752,- have amounted to $65,000,000 this that third city to be created on taad LOCAL AND 2 Packs . PIQ n tions for relief. 332,000. year as against $203,000,(X)0 lost. the plan as political Issue east of Today, however, there was said reclaimed from the Pontine mamhiai LONG DISTANCE MOVING OPPERS in a Box............. f j ^ the Mississippi. These figures Indicated to some The $3,307,000,000 expenditure Directly from that ceremony, he Chlcsgo, Dec. 18.—(AP)—For­ to be a possibility that the $500,- the possibility that the public debt, figure compared with $3,843,000,000 Semi Van Trucks. Main, a "dark horse" winner In 000,000 may be the only rizeable when the 1936 fiscal year closes last year. "Emergency" spending arranged to go to a eeaeton of Uw Modem Equipment. Special For Wednesday! the primary, defeated his Demo- mer Undersecretary of State Wil­ recommendation In thla field. next June, may exceed the Presi­ stood at $1,411,000,000 .compared Fascist Grand Council to anaarer the Two Servicea OKE •cratic opponent, Howard W. Cava- liam R. Castle charged today that The $4,880,000,000 work and relief dent's September estimates. with $1,723,000,000 In 1934. proposals of Fiance and Great Brit­ Flannel and Beacon Regular $1.00 Hand Knit M.K.M. nagb, in the election Tuesday by a "not since the Civil Wa: has Amer­ fund the administration Is now But If budget p'ans arc carried The December financing piuhed ain for peace with Ethiopia. TonH Appreciate. a two to one majority. E. O. Kiefer, a ican stock stood BO low in the Inter­ spending waa appropriated for the out, a half billion dollars remains to the Treasury cosh balance to $2!- HIs supportera showed aoma d(^ Farmer-Laborlte polled only 397 483,510,603. The Treasury floated satisfaction with the peace suggee- Cash .7 5 The JW.HALC COPP Boucle Wool Pure Silk national market," blaming what he fiscal year ending next June 30. All be cut off the debt between now and votes. Main's vote was 24,686 and said was a lack of co-operation be­ the money has been allotted to va- June 30. $1,382,910,700 of securities and re- Uons, giving Italy territorial aal Austin Chambers economic concessions In BthlopU, Price 1 2 MANCHESTER CONN* Cavanagh's 11,342. tween governmental departments In iroua projects, but officials estimate The budget had forecast a $550,- Ured $418,291,900. D ial 6260 Ton ROBES MITTENS Chiffon Cavanagh, forcing the Issue of matters of Internationa! diplomacy. It will not all be spent by June 30. in exchange tor Ethiopian accesa to Plain colors, plaids andid checks. Main’s Townsend plan advocacy, "For the first time in many They believe $300,000,000 may be the sea, but there were indlcattons Wednesday Specials In The and sought to swibg "regular" Republi­ years, I am afraid, we have no for­ left over. he arould accept the plan—with can vote to his cause as he opposed eign policy," he said in ah address Enough For Needy strong reservations—os a basis tof 6 9 c pr. the plan strongly. prepared for delivery to the CSiica- By redistributing this unspent SEARCH SPREADING EXAMINE HISTURY negotiations tor an eventual sattl^ Small, medium and go Council on Foreign Relations. ment. Self Serve and Health Market Service Aided By G.
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