University of Nebraska at Omaha DigitalCommons@UNO Kabul Times Digitized Newspaper Archives 11-23-1964 Kabul Times (November 23, 1964, vol. 3, no. 219) Bakhtar News Agency Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/kabultimes Part of the International and Area Studies Commons Recommended Citation Bakhtar News Agency, "Kabul Times (November 23, 1964, vol. 3, no. 219)" (1964). Kabul Times. 749. https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/kabultimes/749 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Digitized Newspaper Archives at DigitalCommons@UNO. It has been accepted for inclusion in Kabul Times by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UNO. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ~ \ ,.. -, " , . ,~, .. , -. ..:- .' - . - - -~ .... -. - " .~ . , " . , " " " " .. ~ ~ - -.- -. -. .' . .. : ":';:-- " • , , • -'to '. '.. - .. -~. ".-:-~.,. NOVEM.BER 22, 1964 -' PAGE 4 KABUL TiMEs " . -- .- . , .. :.- " , " -' " '\. ••> • _. ~ - .-'\. ..... S~minars RishfyiI~s 'ne'ce'pfion W.al~r Scheel I Research" , .- -- F{)r THE WEATHER Home News In Brier" _~~'a ~"Qiules , . <)'l,-A To Be Held Here Kt\BL:L .NO\' telegra­ Max. +19°C. MinIDlum -tOC. , , ·P,hhC mEss"!ge has bEen s~t on, Sun se_ts tochy at ~:IimP 0' A senes .of UniVerSItY-WIde se­ ~:'- . " behalf ,of Hl- ;i1ajesty, the_.King 81iD rises. tomorrow .t.&35~a.m. - .---" minars has been arranged. to di$-' " ' Ito H15 Rx.ceHency Bl;.esldent Geor· Tomorrow's OutlOok: CIoad1 \ .- .~ ~(, cuss research LtseIf, ana particu­ . -~- HIllou congr.atulating':hlffi en -,Forecast by AIr Authority &.- - - •• " : n, L bane-p Na.; IOlial Dil,' larly its meaning and purpose for PARK CINEMA: _.. '._.:. -~_.-.- ~'- Afghanistan. It i!; planned to ex- At 4-=30; 7 atid 9 p.m. American KABUL. 'MANDAY NO.....VE'--'M-"B'-E-:a-'-Z'-3;-1-964--';'-{'""Q--U,.-AS-"-,"'-2-::'-i~:R, }~.,: ,c: .. ~""., .:' ... :,PRiCE AI {'-~ : ' __ - -, .-; -.. plore such tOPiCS as: how to st.art 'film; STRANGERS ON A TRAIN, VOL. m. 219 a project; literature searches and' .starting:' Ru,th Roman, Ro~ert .the use Df the library; statistiCS in Walker and Farleh Granger. , S::--ch~e-e---'I-A-"--s-su--:-r-e-s--A~fg--'-h~a-n-i$~t..i-a;'· JlisMai~Riieiv~ilfres}lers '~o~nc:i( ,(lf~it~~' KABL'L l\o\' :", -Dr. '\bdlll.' , I . < • ;',. >', K,,\ veum, .lh", MlnlSte'r of lntt'r·' the appraIsal of results; accuracy BEHZAD CINEMA: and objectIvity, records; report- At '4 and 6-30 p.m. Russian film; , .' 'I', :\1aJor-GeneraJ Moh;imf!lad ( \"Tltmg and how to write a pa- UZWA CHEn KA with translation Ge~man A~d :~~.--:.~ '~~pqtf~P~ 'Syri~~I,',,: of Of Expanding '\ ,.. , .. .. ',. ,',' . ," AZlm, :h," :-llnlster PubhN per. ,'m Persian. " , ~ kl "~ _.,' . .;.. .- " -. \\'ork, 'and Dr, Keshawari.. the You are 'Cormally tnvited to ZAINEB CINEMA: . ,,\lmlsler of Agnculture Tet.urned , , TALKS on tecluiitial and cUltural ~~it:,oVe~~~~23b-Y' . "! Jsra~nCtosh' : .....' '. partiCipate in these seminars. The At 4 and 6-30 p.m...Russian film; -. to :0 Kabul from Jalalabad aher first ,one will be held on Sunday SAILOR'S APPRENTICE' with '. \'fSillng the Nangarhar lrngatlon'" ", tJie Government of the Federal Republb: of Germany to uNlTED NATIONS, "New'Yark;' November 29. 1964. at 2 p.m. The transliltion in Persian. Afghimistan were held yesterday morning by Mr, Walter ' ',Nov.. 23. '(Reuter).-The.-security. ' Scheme and dIscussing with;' Dr, ' tOPiC: :\lohamma'd Omt'r, the pr-ovinclal ,SCheel, Minister for Econolirlc ·Co-operation of the ~rman _ 'Council f!opes'to complete' debate .- "RESEARCH: ITS MEANISG G,wernoJ' and :\11' Moliammad Sa-, Federal Republic and his compamons With ,the Afghan ' : :on the, latest' Syria-ISrael bOrder ,:' ' FOR AFGHANISTAN". ADVT:,' authorities .concerned. ,c1as,hes. Defore, the'-opening of'.the:,· ,. .- 'til Vl'a-kll Gharza1. 'rne CI:llef , of' THESE 'SEMINARS ARE : '. lh,' Jragauon 'Schpme. the iuo:­ TO LET Those who took part in the dis- General:~mbhr'on,December'1:' OPEN TO ALL WHO ARE IN· ,a.sPoke~man " )ect of 'de\'elopmg "grrcultul31 A big· house in Sore·Nau. cussions on behalf of.Mghanistan F' t Ph Of for the'CouDcll Pte-.: TERESTED IN RESEARCH, included Dr. Abdul Zahir, the De- sidimt.~· Adlai. SteveJisoti' {tTnitpd':: ands 1n toe area. -,.. Irs ase ... ~~ INCLUDING SENIOR' STU· near the Pollee. Station. b.a¥.-"¥ , . puty Prime Minister and Minister Stiltes). sa~d yesterday. '. '. ' ---. DENTS.· THERE WILL BE Ing four bedrooms, 'One ll&IOii, KA,'BI!L. November..22,-Mr. Rishtya, Minister 'of . one di~ room, two mOilern of Public Health; Mr. Rishtya, Struggle Against ·.Bul" delaY' in receiVing a report, ',' ' , I' AMPLE tIME FOR DISCUS· , batlirooms, Idtehen and ser- ' . the Minister of Finance; Dr. Mo1'i- I. ' from a:,Unit.e:d Nation:;'team which'. ~ ,~2 Finance gave a reception in honour '01 J\Ir. Walter SION, AND AFTf;K THE SE, KABeL Nov .:....Dr.• M.oham- I vant,quarters is. to be .let. ammad Anas, the Minister of ThE d I 'm,ade ,<In''Oll;the-spOt,investigaHon c >" .,: .;.: " Scheel; (right),. Minister for Economic Co-operation of MINAR TEA WILL BE SER, Education; Mr. Etemadi, the See- 5 .,. 'of the November ,13 'incidents' has" , ..: ",-" mad Akbal OrnEr, ehlef' oLTrade' toe Federal' Repu~li~ of Gerniany at Sadar'at Guest· VED. , Please -contact phone No. racoma n , ,n the :'.1intstr~ ofCommerce gaVi> retary-General of the Ministry of ", prevented }h~CotiIidLfrom -st-tf- -,,' ' . :. .ho~ last "night, " . ROOM 1065 Administrative 23461 between office hours and Oa.~ i~S-beXt·i:neeting. " luncheon In honour -of the Ci.ech­ Foreign Affairs; Dr. Keshawarz, HERAT. Nov, 23.-The first :-. 'mg..a: for -" ..... .;-.... buihling AUa1J:ad Campus telephone No. 22801 before and o O\'akian Trade delegation at , -'lJ1e (unctipn' was attended by Dr. Abdul Zahir, after .that. the Minister 6f AgricUlture; Mr. round of operations to combat the . ,The Gou,ncrI 'met lri- w:g~nt: ses-:· Spozhmay Cafe Oth.ers present ,DepotY: Prime, Miruster, ,some .cabinet members, 'high Mohammad Sarwar Orner. the Mi- spread of trachoma, which was ;;I~~':,. ,--i.~~~ -:. '. '~~" ..: siari'}ast' M~n~yo at tJ:1~·reQuest .,: officials' of :the: v.arious ministries, .ambassador'3:!d KABUL. Nov, 22.-A report f,om sed by a' numb'er of ,elders on nister or Commerce; Engineer begun in June this year in H"!rat ;:.... : _ _- ",::, ~,",-, "'"~ .'...," . "i/J,.,;ff:' ~ _ ' "" of bOth Syndc and,Israel,:who ac- 'nc uaed \ir \loh-ammad San"ar ",:,~\.. ::~, 'c-:-:;:;'''~5'\f-S:'' ,~;;'::f~ ,_b.'i!i~"r cus~d.,'eacli',other· -' Omar. the \1tr':ister of Commerce. memb'ers of the . German .Embassy' at the 'Court of Central Pakhtunistan says that a the future of the Pakhtunistan Mohammad Hussein Masa, the and 10 counties in the Irijeel Dis- ',,;.! y, :-. jf4;.:<t;ity _40;_=,>,,,-,1 " of ,fieing', r,es.: thL' Czechos.lovakian' Amba:;sado:; ·Kabul. large jlrga was recently held un­ nation and ways and means of at· Minister 'of Mines and Industries; trict of Herat Province, ended a ',': ' , , ,p'ofisIQ)e' for Hie clashes,,' Jet iur- ' ~' and·.tanks~were :md some officials of the !\limstry 'Spee~hes,were' delivered by Mr. Rishty.a and Mr, der the chairmanship of. Mr. Sa­ taming their national aims. The , Mr. Farhung. the Deputy Minis-- week ago. 'KABui;,No~e~ber)3.-Mr.", ' 'M~am~a.d. " -- -,~: " ,cr"ftm~f.:serious Used-in .the ': -- · ,'.' .." "t Foreign AffaIrs, Bjnks and "tJ:e Walter .sclfeel about" .friendlv relations between the bir Shah Gul and Mr. Mohamm"d statements were greeted ' with ter of Planning; and Mr. Abdul The officer- in charge of :he :Thrlupm" flare-up betWeen 'the' " .: " : .,. :\lmI5tr, of Connnerc" < two countrie~. " " .. Shah Gul at Tangi Gurum. The shouts of "LOng Live ,Pakhtunis­ Wahid Karirii, Dricetor of the campaign .told a'Bakhtar corres-- and Mi'. Jan Aqa",wrestlei's; tOgether 'With Mr•..:Nizao:' t\v9,countriesfol'$Ometiine;-·· laTge pubhc gathenng was addres' tan". ·the report adds. ~conomic Department of the Mi- pondent that the first' phase of muddiil, 'the ~,coaeli,,:were·· D~ted by: Mi':~:' ." '.'Afte~ ,hearirig a statelX)ent from.' , , nistry of Foreign Affairs operatIOns ended successfully. He Seraj; PreSident: of the Afgtian .Olyin'pie:F.ederatioB to'" ,::. ," both.. sl?es, the C9onc~~ i1tijourrn::d ...-' '.. ", "" : G stated that 10.390 persons in the . His Maj~ the King' yestei'day, aftemoon; ,The: two.' ~ . to await the ~eport from=CknerliL .- Another USA Plane S'hot Down " Present on behalf of the Federal 10 counties were inspected and ,.... " '. .,' '. ' , . Pdd Bull. Chief of Staff of the' Cairo Librarian In'Kabul' Afg~ wl~lers.~k,p;itt Republic of Gennany were, in 4.906 children Jlere placed under '1 lJl the reeent,Olnnpiad at,_" UN· Truce Supervisio or ,'. , '.-.< Lao'~n addition to Dr. 'Scheel, Dr. Son- direct treatment. In Ward 2 of Tokyo:HiS Majesty Jhe,Kirig 'expr,essed his,'pleasure at, , tion,.. :' " n, .:. gamsa~ , KABUL No\'. ~2-0n the.:nvl.. BY·Pa:thet South Laos .' Dir~tor-General so~ ()Jymp!~ wrestJ,e~ an~:, "~: h~n:-'ex~t~~ ~ nen HoI, in the Herat City, on the other hand, their m,:tlie .. The" The rf!P.ort , :~. Luon 01 the ~1 irflstry of Pre;:s. ·had. -.- ,: WA~HINGTON.. November .22. (Reuter).- Ministry of Economic CG-'Opera- 10.907 persons were Inspected and Mr. SeraJ lunclled at t~~ ~oyaI ta~l~., ' " abou:t last Thyrsd'ay;b:!J.1' haS·,not'. ~nd .JiTformal!on, ,Professm' I\bdel' .Qefe!1~e Depa~ent THE yesterday announced that a U.S. tron; Dr. Miss FeiIner, representa- 5.118 chIldren were placed under .,:>; - y!!t.bejm maqe ~vaiIabIe'0 COlln-' \1 "rum "Mohammad Orner. Chlei RF401 J~ .reconnaISSance' pl~ne had been shot down by tive of the Ministry of Foreign Af- treatment.. - cJL me:mbers.~ -.,:" ;. - - II. Llbranes In CaIro ,arnved m fairs; Mr. 'Schneider, Director- , " -: '. ' ',' ." ":,-:-,' '-:' : ' . No-'expi"natioQ h~s ~en offered' •. Kabu4 yes,cerday afternoon tii take ground,fir.e.
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