I .,si SchooTl LibrarVy FIAT •Jtu^l s" oot Library VOL. 3 ALFRED, N. Y., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1915 NO. I LANCASTER'S HORSESHOE BROUGHT 14-0 TO GIVE TEAM GOOD SEND- PRESENT FACILITIES OF N. VICTORY OVER VARSITY OFF Y. S. A. INADEQUATE Mass Meeting Wednesday Even- Rapid Growth of School Em- Two Flukes Enable the Pro Team To Win Although Outplayed ing for That Purpose phasizes Need of a New Build- Varsity Stock Soars ing—Effort Made for Past Two Years to Se- Lancaster won a 14-0 victory played entirely on Lancaster ter- Hobart's scalp is what Alfred cure One Should Now from the Varsity Friday after- ritory. is after this year and the student Prove Successful noon. At least the score shows The Lancaster team which has body back of this determination will start the team right at the that the pros amassed 14 points not been scored upon in two years Each new freshman class of the mass meeting Wednesday even- while handing Alfred a goose egg ;nd which holds the champion- Agricultural School at Alfred Uni- ing. This will be the first uni- but a different story must be ship of the western New York versity accentuates the very versty mass meeting so that in told about, the actual playing. and northern Pennsylvania ath- noticeable lack of adequate lab- Lerins of size and noise it will Two fumbles in mid-field, two letic club circuit, was a bunch oratories and demonstration outshine anything ever "pulled lucky bounds of the ball, two runs of husky young glass blowers, car- rooms. To be sure the School has through a clear field and two penters and boiler makers. iff" in the confines of Alfred. the advantages of the fully equip The band will gather the mob in goals tell all there is to be said Training was a lost art to them, ped college chemical laboratories, front of the post office from about the score. consequently they resorted to the but the increase in the number of whence the march, in double Indeed fumbles were the regu- "stall" game in order to replen- college students is rapidly filling quick time, will be made to Agri- lar events of the day with T. dish their wind supply. Some of the present available room and niiural Hall. Here songs, yells Maure and Kirke playing the the most animated and unsports- with the agricultural registrations and speeches will be dealt out in prominent part. But the fight manlike discussions ensued, all of increasing by more than seventy varied amounts. If you have a that the Varsity showed more which detracted from the game. per cent, the need of separate lab- pair of lungs and don't come, re- than made up for these short Numerous penalties failed to oratories is becoming of gravs im- member anyone who pursues such comings. It was a fight that avail anything unless perhaps fur- portance. Not only is the faculty a course is stamping himself offi- completely outshone the Lancas- ther "kicking." inconvenienced by having an un- ter team and the contest was cially as a "dead" one. Alfred's goal line was not in Continued on page six danger more than once or twice SUNDAY CONGREGATION EN- while Alfred several times was on SOPHS AND FROSH BOTH VIC- TERTAINED SATURDAY Lancaster's 10, 15 or 20 yard line. After taking the ball down the EVENING TORS IN BANQUET CONTEST field Alfred at the crucial moment Saturday evening the members lacked the "punch" and the ball of the Sunday congregation were would become Lancaster property Two Lower Classes Get Away With Their Banquets—Sophs entertained in the upper hall of only to be punted out of danger. Victims of a "Cruel" Joke Perpetrated by the Green the Parish House. The evening R. Maure and Kirke played the Capped Frosh was spent in games, the people be- best offensive game while Ran- SOPHOMORE VERSION , FROSH VERSION ing divided into groups and these dolph, Eells and McClelland star- groups going from one game to Last Tuesday night there was a The editor of the "Sun" stuck red at their line positions.Bleich banquet. The sophomores ate it, some clippings on the hook be- another at a given signal. Many and Mulleney played the best trips were taken to the down- and were not ashamed. The sopho- side his desk, and turned to learn game for Lancaster, Waller's mores returned last Tuesday night what the rumpus was in the outer stairs parlors where punch and tackling being a feature also. ! wafers were served. A very en- to Alfred, and they had enjoyed office. A sophomore, with an Klarman was their captain but their banquet. Their minds were' adopted air of importance, satin!- thusiastic circle joined in the Bleich did most of the talking. well-known '' Tucker - wants - a - not pinched, yet their joy over- ered up to his majesty and an wife," after which the entertain- The game by plays follows: owed. Last Wednesday morn-1 nounced, that he knew where and ment was brought to a close, by Capt. R. Maure won the toss, ing the sophomores awoke; and when the freshmen were to hold the singing of old songs and the chose to receive the ball and de- their mentality had not suffered, their banquet. His informs.'.ion Alma Mater. The success of the fend the south goal. R. Maure they could still speak without pre- having been gathered from a very evening was due to the well or- caught the kick off and ran it varication, and the substance of reliable source; namely, from a ganized plans of the committee back 20 yards. A forward pass their words was not hot. The slide flashed upon the screen in composed of Hazel Perkins, Hazel failed and after Kirke had gone day waned. The freshmen oscil- Firemens Hall. "Get a good man Parker, Nellie Wells, Willard Sut- through the right tackle for 3 lated from attic to chicken coop to on the job and spare no expense, ton, Harold Clausen, Guy Rixford yards, McClelland punted for 50, a "wurst" place, but in the dead was the snappy retort from the and George Blum en thai. Continued on page seven Continued on page four FIAT LUX N. Y. S. A. NOTES last year, rendered two beautii'u selections on the piano. Miss Kee We Are Students Ourselves < gan frequently takes part on the In that'we are constantly studying the great COUNTRY LIFE CLUB RECEP weekly programs and is alwayt subject of "clothes." And say! Some splen- TION TO NEW STUDENTS welcome. did ideas often come from our customers and Irving Maure, the Fritz Kreisch- we are big enough to accept and adopt them. Because we are so thoroughly alive and alert, N. Y. S. A. Organization Extended ler of Alfred, easily held the atten- we satisfy both the father and the college boy. Hearty Welcome Thursday tion of the audience with his vio- Why not call tomorrow? lin. The selections "The Rosary' Evening-—Prospects for and "Mighty Like the Rose" by Successful Year Nevin, were splendidly inter- TUTTLE & ROCKWELL CO. preted. Warren Maure accom- 103-111 MAIN ST. HORNELL, N. Y. The Country Life Club of the panied at the piano. Ag School opened its year's work At the close of the program AG SENIORS ELECT VOCATIONAL BUREAU'S in a very fitting manner Thursday President Bloodgood extended a OFFICERS WORK ATTRACTS AT- evening by holding a receptior cordial invitation to all new stu- for the new students. Owing to TENTION dents to join the Country Life Bloodgood Chosen President of the short time since the opening Club and make it a part of their 1916 Class of school, no prepared progran school life while at Alfred. He Dr. Chellew of London Writes could be given, but the musical mentioned that the club is for vhe At the first meeting of the Ag For Details—Bureau a Big selections were very well rendered students and is conducted by the senior class, held Friday noon, Asset to Alfred and much enjoyed -by all. students, therefore it behooves officers for the year were elected The evening's entertainment the students to come out and sup- as follows: was well planned and everything port it. The Club meets every When we read of the thousands President—Cyrus Bloodgood went along smoothly. A com- Thursday evening at 7:45 sharp, that enter the State Universities; mittee of former students as- in the assembly room of Agricul- Vice President — Floyd Saun- and the millions spent yearly in sembled in the lobby and pinned tural Hall. Interesting programs ders new gymnasiums, stadiums and to each person a slip of paper omposed of devotions, music, Secretary—Stella Place recitation halls, we sometimes on which was written their re- rural progress and present day Treasurer—Jennings Pickens wonder if perhaps our loyalty for spective names. All then as- topics are discussed. The large The new president of the senior old A. U. is not blinding us to its sembled in room 27 on the second registration this year should make class, Cyrus Mansfield Bloodgood, smallness. And yet just this floor where the faculty welcomed this year the most successful the well deserves the honor of senior week the Vocational Bureau re- each one individually. Club has yet enjoyed. president in view of his good work ceived a letter from London, Eng- After renewing old acquaint- in the past in behalf of N. Y. S. A., land enclosing a page taken from the 1915-1916 college catalogue.
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