Covering all of Baldwin County, AL every Friday. Ballyhoo Festival this weekend PAGE 12 High school signings The Baldwin Times PAGE 17 MARCH 2, 2018 | GulfCoastNewsToday.com | 75¢ Baldwin County EMA director resigns $225,000 bond assigned for following ‘personnel conflicts’ Hamilton By CLIFF MCCOLLUM the Arkansas Highway Police nel. [email protected] and had also served in several Commissioner Tucker Dorsey Central Baldwin leadership roles, which included said Chitwood chose to resign Middle teacher Baldwin County Emergency National Vice Commander for following some issues with the Management Agency Director the U.S. Air Force Auxiliary - EMA staff. accused of sexual Reggie Chitwood has announced Civil Air Patrol. “Following the discussion misconduct with his resignation, effective Feb. 27. The resignation came follow- regarding employee issues at Chitwood began his tenure ing the Baldwin County Com- EMA, he chose to submit his res- student as EMA director April 1, 2015. mission’s work session, where ignation right there during the Before becoming EMA director, the commissioners had a long By CLIFF MCCOLLUM Chitwood served 26 years with discussion about EMA person- SEE EMA, PAGE 4 Chitwood [email protected] John Daniel Hamil- ton, the Central Baldwin Middle School teacher Dr. Seuss, meet Dr. Blackwell arrested on eight charges involving alleged sexual Summerdale student honors first woman doctor misconduct with a CBMS student, was given a By JOHN UNDERWOOD dents in second grade teacher $225,000 bond at a hearing [email protected] Annette Kaechele’s class at in Baldwin County Dis- Summerdale School learned, trict Court today. SUMMERDALE — On Friday, was the birthday of Dr. Eliza- Hamilton, an eighth March 2, students will celebrate beth Blackwell. grade history teacher at “Read Across America” honor- Born Feb. 3, 1821 in Bristol, CBMS and bus driver, was ing the birthday of Theodor England, in the 1940s Blackwell arrested on two counts of Geisel, better known as Dr. became the first woman to earn second degree sodomy, Seuss. a medical degree. two counts of second On Friday, Feb. 23, Summer- When Annabelle Norris heard degree sexual abuse, two dale School held an assembly, her story, she wanted to know counts of a school em- led by second grade students, why more people didn’t know ployee engaging in a sex anticipating the day which was about her and, maybe most act with a student under just one week away. importantly, why more people SUBMITTED PHOTO 19 and two counts of a They celebrated with songs, didn’t celebrate her life. Annabelle Norris, front, with from left, her mother Rachel Crews, Lesley school employee having dressing up as their favorite Dr. She decided that day to do Pacey, founder/director of Eastern Shore Community Health Partners; sexual contact with a stu- Seuss characters. something to honor Blackwell’s second grade teacher Annette Kaechele, and Summerdale School Principal dent under 19. One student, however, 9-year- memory, so she set out to make Mark Pumphrey. At the bond hearing, old Annabelle Norris, stood up gift bags for young cancer pa- Baldwin County Assistant and proclaimed how she had tients at USA Children’s and “Belle’s Blackwell Bags.” the bags in person, so Kaechele District Attorney Matt been influenced by a different Women’s Hospital in Mobile. Because of the increased reached out to a friend, Lesley Simpson laid out some of kind of doctor. So she organized her friends threat of infection this flu sea- Pacey, founder and director of the case against Hamil- Nearly one month to the day and together they put together son, Annabelle and her fellow ton. before Dr. Seuss’s birthday, stu- a dozen gift bags, labeling them students were not able to deliver SEE BLACKWELL, PAGE 27 Simpson said the victim is a 12-year-old seventh grade student at CBMS and that Hamilton had at one time been her bus North Baldwin Chamber of Commerce holds annual awards banquet driver. Simpson said the al- By THE BALDWIN TIMES STAFF Teresa’s Bar-B-Que was leged sexual acts involved named 2017 Small Business of included oral sex and Last week, the North Baldwin the Year. touching in private areas Chamber of Commerce held its “So much of what her busi- on both Hamilton and the 72nd annual meeting and dinner, ness does to lend a hand is done girl. recognizing and awarding sev- behind the scenes and most of Simpson said Hamilton eral of its members with special the time no one knows about it; would get the girl out of awards. however, recently the Baldwin class to come to his class- Franklin Primary Health County Sheriff’s Office recog- room, ostensibly to talk Center, Inc. was named the 2017 nized her for her hard work about a “bus roster” with Business of the Year. and dedication to their Shining “This year’s winner has cared Star Camp; al.com crowned SEE BOND, PAGE 3 for the medical and dental needs their BBQ Sandwich the ‘best of families in our communities in coastal alabama’; and in 2017 for more than 40 years. Their Teresa’s Bar B Que was a finalist North Baldwin location has for small business of the year in BALDWIN FAST FACTS served families and individuals the state of Alabama,” Kristina in our communities since 2013,” Angeline, special projects and SUBMITTED PHOTO Tiz Day, secretary for the North operations coordinator for the 19.7 percent of Baldwin Baldwin Chamber Board of Franklin Primary Health Center, Inc. – 2017 Business of the Year chamber, said. “Teresa’s Bar B County’s population is age Directors, said. “They provide Que is known for accommodat- 65 or older. an array of services including care for the homeless, substance health insurance assistance and ing a 30 minute lunch crowd, all family practice, OBGYN, pediat- abuse program, social services, so much more to individuals and Source: US Census Bureau rics, optometry, dentistry, health nutrition and health education, families.” SEE AWARDS, PAGE 28 Deaths Page 25 Gulf Elmore Griffin Coast Aubrey R. Spader Media Guy F. Storey III VOLUME 127 • ISSUE 42 Betty Joe Wolff 1 SECTION • 28 PAGES 2 • The Baldwin Times • March 2, 2018 • Gulf Coast Media The Baldwin Times Baldwin EMC to host blood drive 901 N. McKenzie St., Foley, AL 36535-3546 on two dates, at two locations PHONE: (251) 943-2151 | FAX: (251) 943-3441 Baldwin EMC is offer- perishable food will be Orange Beach and Bay one who donates blood [email protected] ing two options for the accepted as well. Minette locations, even will be entered into two Parks Rogers Tony Whitehead community to donate “If you can give just more individuals will be grand prize drawings at blood this spring. one hour of your time encouraged to come out the end of the day. Publisher Sports Editor The co-op’s annual and one pint of blood, and save a life.” Donations of canned (251) 947-7712 (251) 928-2321 Spring Into Action will your donation can save LifeSouth Community goods and non-perishable parks@gulfcoast tony@gulfcoast be hosted on March 15 at up to three lives,” said Blood Centers will be on food items will also be media.com media.com the South Baldwin office Donna Givens, coordina- site to take blood dona- collected to benefit local (21801 University Lane in tor of the event. “Every tions. Everyone at least food pantries and fami- Cliff McCollum Classified Advertising Orange Beach), and April year we’re amazed at 17 years old, 110 pounds lies. Managing Editor Whisper Edwards 26 at the North Baldwin the generosity of our and in generally good For more information (251) 947-7712 whisper@gulfcoast office (47525 Hwy. 59 in members and the Bald- health is invited to donate about the Spring Into cliff@gulfcoastmedia. media.com Bay Minette). Both events win County community. blood. All blood types are Action drive, call 251-989- com will run 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., We’re hoping that by needed, and first-time 6247 or visit www.bald- Legal Advertising and donations of non- offering events at our donors are welcome. Any- winemc.com. Allison Marlow April Wallace Senior Features Editor legals@gulfcoast allisonm@gulfcoast media.com media.com Alabama Farmers Federation endorses Elliott for Senate District 32 To subscribe, make an address change or vacation delivery stop, you may call our office at (251) 517-1690, go online at www. FarmPAC, the political district, and he will work ers Inc., a family-owned people of Senate District gulfcoastnewstoday.com and click on the “e-edition” link in the action committee of the hard to see to it that we general construction 32 to ensure they are well black toolbar. Under “don’t have an id’ there is an option for how to Alabama Farmers Feder- are well-represented in firm, and is the managing represented in Montgom- become a subscriber. or email [email protected]. ation, has announced its the Legislature.” partner in Elliott Devel- ery.” ©Gulf Coast Media 2018. No part of this newspaper may be endorsement of Baldwin Elliott is a graduate opment LLC, a real estate Elliott and his wife, reproduced without the prior written consent of the group County Commissioner of St. Paul’s Episcopal holding company. Alainna, reside in publisher or associate publisher. Opinions of editorial or Chris Elliott for State School in Mobile and re- Elliott is involved in Daphne with their two general columnists or those reflected in submitted letters do Senate District 32. The ceived his bachelor’s de- numerous civic and com- children. They are mem- not necessarily reflect the editorial position of this newspaper.
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