Ashford Borough Council - Report of Development Control Managers Planning Committee 31 March 2010 ___________________________________________________________________ Application Number 10/00251/AS Location Memory Cottage, Bilting Lane, Godmersham, Ashford, Kent TN25 4HD Grid Reference 05358/49103 Parish Council Godmersham Ward Downs North Application Erection of a two storey rear extension and a single storey Description side extension Applicant Mrs Sinead Mason, Memory Cottage, Bilting Lane, Bilting, Ashford, Kent TN25 4HD Agent N/A Site Area 0.15 Hectares (a) 3/- (b) - (c) - Introduction 1. This application is being reported to Planning Committee as the applicant is an employee of Ashford Borough Council. Site and Surroundings 2. The application property is a detached two storey dwelling house with a catslide to the rear elevation with an unattractive dormer window of modern appearance and an existing modern single storey side extension. The application site is located outside of the built up confines of any designated town or village and is therefore in the countryside for development plan purposes. The local landscape is designated as an AONB and SLA. 3. A site plan is attached as Annex 1. Proposal 4. Full planning permission is sought for the erection of a two storey rear extension which would have a length of 4.5 metres and a width of 4.7 metres and would project to the ridge line of the existing dwelling house. This extension would accommodate a dining room at ground floor and ensuite at 10.1 Ashford Borough Council - Report of Development Control Managers Planning Committee 31 March 2010 ___________________________________________________________________ first floor. In addition, the existing flat roof side extension would be replaced with a single storey pitched roof extension which would have a footprint area of 43.4m² and a height of 3.9 metres. This extension would allow for a utility room and kitchen accommodation. Planning History 5. There is no relevant planning history associated with the application site Consultations Ward Member: is a member of the Committee Godmersham Parish Council: No comments received to date, the period for representations to be made does not expire until 23rd March 2010 and I may therefore need to report further at the meeting. Neighbours: 3 consulted, no comments received to date, the period for representations to be made does not expire until 23rd March 2010 and I may therefore need to report further at the meeting. Planning Policy 6. The Development Plan comprises the Regional Spatial Strategy (The South East Plan, May 2009), the saved policies in the adopted Ashford Borough Local Plan 2000, the adopted LDF Core Strategy 2008 and the adopted Ashford Town Centre Action Area Plan 2010. 7. The relevant policies from the Development Plan relating to this application are as follows:- South East Plan 2009 CC1 - Sustainable Development C3 - Landscape and Countryside Management Ashford Borough Local Plan 2000 EN27 - Landscape Conservation HG9 - Extensions to dwellings in the countryside GP12 - Protecting the Countryside and Managing Change Local Development Framework Core Strategy 2008 CS1 - Guiding Principles CS9 - Design Quality 10.2 Ashford Borough Council - Report of Development Control Managers Planning Committee 31 March 2010 ___________________________________________________________________ 8. The following are also material to the determination of this application:- Tenterden & Rural Sites DPD TRS17 - Landscape and Character Design Supplementary Planning Guidance SPG10 - Domestic Extensions in Urban and Rural Areas adopted June 2004 Government Advice PPS1 - Delivering Sustainable Development PPS7 - Sustainable Development in Rural Areas 9. Members should note that the Tenterden & Rural Sites DPD should be given some weight when making a decision as it has now been submitted to the Secretary of State for examination but where the policy conflicts with the Development Plan, the Development Plan takes precedence unless this report advises otherwise. Assessment Principle 10. The application property is a detached dwelling house located outside of the built confines of any designated town or village and therefore in the countryside for development plan purposes. The local landscape is designated as an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) and a Special Landscape Area (SLA) and although there is no objection to the principle of extensions to existing houses there should be no detriment caused to the character and appearance of these areas, or to the residential amenity of the neighbouring properties. In addition, the development must retain sufficient off road car parking space. Impact of the development upon the visual amenity of the local area (designated as an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and Special Landscape Area) 11. The proposed development would be located to the side and rear of the existing dwelling house and due to the orientation of the house in relation to the public highway, would be partially visible within the street scene. The existing property has a modern upvc conservatory to the south western side elevation and small garage attached to the rear elevation which sits below the catslide roof. 10.3 Ashford Borough Council - Report of Development Control Managers Planning Committee 31 March 2010 ___________________________________________________________________ 12. The proposed extensions would be located to the south western side and rear of the existing dwelling house. The extension to the side elevation would be of a single storey form with a pitched roof and would replace an existing unattractive flat roof conservatory. The extension to the rear would be of a two storey form and would project to the ridge of the existing dwelling house. Both extensions are of a simple form drawing reference from the original dwelling house in terms of their overall design and materials. The proposed extensions when measured together would result in a 49% increase in footprint and would therefore allow the development to appear modest and subservient to the level of accommodation in the existing dwelling house and would not appear to be incongruous features which would detract from the appearance of the property. 13. In light of the above there would be no harm caused to the visual amenity of the locality or to the wider landscape designated as AONB and SLA. Impact of the development upon the residential amenity of the neighbouring properties 14. The application property is a detached dwelling house the closest neighbour to which is 1 Crack O Dawn Cottages which is located 46.5 metres to the north west of the application site. The boundary of the application site with this neighbour is planted with dense mature hedging. The proposed development would not be overbearing or cause overlooking to this neighbour. As such, no harm would be caused to the residential amenity of the neighbouring property. Impact of the Proposed Development upon Parking Provision 15. There is currently parking for 4 cars on the existing driveway area and one in the existing garage. The proposed development would mean the loss of the existing garage; however, the four driveway car parking spaces would be maintained. The property as a result of this extension would have three bedrooms and four car parking spaces are sufficient to serve a property of this size. Human Rights Issues 16. I have also taken into account the human rights issues relevant to this application. In my view the “Assessment” section above and the Recommendations below represent an appropriate balance between the interests and rights of the applicant (to enjoy his land subject only to reasonable and proportionate controls by a public authority) and the interests and rights of those potentially affected by the proposal (to respect for private life and the home and peaceful enjoyment of their properties). 10.4 Ashford Borough Council - Report of Development Control Managers Planning Committee 31 March 2010 ___________________________________________________________________ Conclusion 17. The proposed development would not have an adverse impact upon the visual or residential amenity of the locality and would provide sufficient off road car parking space. As such, it would comply with SPG10 and development plan policy. Permission is therefore recommended. Recommendation That for the following reasons the Planning Committee permit this application: 1. The development would respect the context of the site and would not be harmful to the area. 2. The development would not be harmful to the residential amenities of nearby dwellings. 3. The scale, location and design of the development would preserve the character and appearance of the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and Kent Special Landscape Area. Permit Subject to the following conditions: 1. The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of 3 years from the date of this decision. Reason: To comply with the requirements of Section 91 of the Town & Country Planning Act 1990 as amended by Section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004. 2. The development shall be carried out in materials which match those of the existing building. Reason: To assimilate the new development with the existing in the interests of visual amenity. Background Papers None Contact Officer: Kathryn Holland – Telephone: (01233) 330738 10.5 Ashford Borough Council Planning Committee 31 March 2010 Page 1 of Annex 1a to Report 10/00251/AS ___________________________________________________________________ 10.6 Ashford Borough Council Planning Committee 31 March 2010 Page 1 of Annex 1b to Report 10/00251/AS ___________________________________________________________________________ 10.7 .
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