Free Zone Report Issue 1/1999 Publisher: registered association Free Zone, PO-BOX 1215, D-83524 Haag i.Obb., Germany E-Mail: [email protected] Internet: http://www.freezone.de, http://www.freezone.org, http://www.scientologie.de NEW! The Free Zone Report will be published from now when communication is required. NEW! The Free Zone Report is as of now available free of charge. Dear friends, Parallelly to this we have also begun to go to the outside and to do public relations. Considering since the Free Zone Report has not been pub- the motto "adult people must be able to talk to- lished for a whole while now, we want to give gether" we also got into contact to critics be- you a summary ... according to the motto: tween 1992 and 1994. We met a relatively good tolerance for the Free Zone in which however "What has happened in the the most critics condemn the Scientology Or- meantime?" ganisation as well as everything that has some- thing to do with L. Ron Hubbard. We have tried "What´s the Some of you may have thought... to cause a distinction here. If we have succeeded matter with them. ... got a little quiet around the ladies in this? and gentlemen?" No, certainly not. But we have to confess that we Table of contents overlooked some events for a long time ... in a "What has happened in the meantime?"..................1 positive meaning. To clarify this, we will have a Some „History“ .............................................................. 1 Expansion....................................................................... 2 look at the past. Church of Scientology – Free Zone................................ 4 How Scientology uses its strategy against enemies...5 Résumé........................................................................... 6 Some „History“ New Aims....................................................................... 6 F/N for achieved aims .................................................... 6 In 1991 we founded the “Freie Zone e.V.” as a FOCUS 35/1998........................................................6 Auditing on offer............................................................ 6 registered association. It resulted from the neces- Former members of the Church report .....................7 sity to organize ourselves, when the Church of Resignation..................................................................... 7 Scientology between about 1988 and 1990 tried Analysis of the auditor´s education in the Church of more and more intensively to infiltrate single Scientology................................................................9 groups of Free Zone. They tried to find alleged Successes in the Free Zone........................................9 Clear............................................................................... 9 copyright-violations to tangle the groups up in Excalibur ...................................................................... 11 legal discussions. Many of you will remember Expansion of Free Zone in the CIS .........................12 this... Office of Special Affairs ... etc. Résumé of the above articles...................................13 New themes of the future .........................................13 Based on our network thought, we didn´t have ‚Situations wanted‘ in Free Zone ............................14 any hierarchy which concerned itself with these Appeal for donations...............................................14 things for all groups. By the registered association Projects are put on ice .................................................. 14 Free Zone we built a forum in which we did ba- Available at Freie Zone e.V.....................................15 sic research to the legal position in the working with the materials of LRH. The aim at that time Surely not always. But at least many people are was to understand the legal situation and to find aware of the differences and know that there is a out the prerequisites for one´s safe working with „Free Zone“ in which Scientology is also used. these materials. One can also see that we don't use Scientology to Free Zone Report 1/1999 page 1 of 15 control people. However, it is most important preventively deposited a document protected by that we became established as contact persons law at court. By doing so we wanted to anticipate and are taken seriously as such. Well, these ef- possible disturbances. But – nothing more hap- fects have appeared only within the last 2-3 years. pened. In August of last year there was an article in the Focus-magazine for the first time. This article Expansion mentioned the Free Zone quite positively (the article is quoted in extracts in this report). At this time we got into contact to an internet- provider in the United States. We were already 1 In the years of 1994 and 1995 we were mainly or 2 years in contact by e-mail. Then we hit on an working on the Nordenholz-Project. Do you idea: „Present yourselves on the internet. Perhaps the remember? Dr. Anastasius Nordenholz wrote in increasing publicity also gives you a certain protection.“. 1934 a book under the title: „Scientologie – Die No sooner said than done. We reserved the in- Wissenschaft von der Beschaffenheit und Tauglichkeit des ternet addresses Wissens“ („Scientologie – The Science of the Constitution and Usefulness of Knowledge“). For a long time we "freezone.org" and "scientologie.org" already had a bad copy of this book lying around. and started to present ourselves on the internet. During an association meeting we asked our- Thus we were approximately half a year earlier on selves... „Hey, wouldn´t it be a nice idea to publish the the internet than the Church of Scientology. The book again ... but this time as part of the Free Zone?“ access to our sides was really enormous - in the First we found out if the publishing house which average more than 1.000 information calls per originally published the book was still present. month. In June 1999 the number of accesses Well ... open the phone book... „eureka“... yes, it´s exceeded altogether 40.000. still there - in Munich (!!!). What followed was a telephone call with the result „yes, you can publish a The reactions were also moving. We met with a licensed issue of a thousend copies costing so-and-so much“. lot of response – here are a few extracts: Then our reflections went on and we had the • "I thank you with all my heart. I downloaded nearly idea „Gosh, we could try to buy all rights concerning the everything from your homepage. This will clear up a book...“. The publishing house was also well dis- lot... posed towards this idea. When we started the internal investigations for the drawing up of the Your supporter " contract, we were told that the rights did no • "This is an excellent homepage... full of mind- and longer belong to the publishing house but re- charge-blowing documents ..." verted to the heirs. • " My warmest congratulations to the german Free After many further inquieries we finally placed Zone for their courageous and firm point of view ... I advertisements in Argentina and really found say: „hats off“ " some of the heirs. They refered to a daughter of Dr. Nordenholz in England and one day a grand- We could really feel it. There was a sigh of relief son contacted us (one can hardly believe – from all over the world.... „Hey, there is an alternative“. Munich) and said he was authorized by his family Perhaps some may even say that we literally sa- to hold negotiations with us. Well, we finished ved some people´s lives by our accessability on these negotations to a complete satisfaction on the internet and our service in the Free Zone – both sides. especially those who have been on NOTs for In autumn 1995 we were prepared to publish the years. book in German and in English. (We still have From the beginnings – from the end of 1995 till some copies in stock. It costs DM 24,80 and can today - innumerable e-mails were answered and be ordered by contacting our association.) contacts all over the world were built. We were This action caused a considerable kick for all able to help building independent „Free Zone involved persons ... „Did the Church of Scientology get Groups“ in Europe, North and South America wind of it and will they intervene?“. Now it was really and especially in the East, the former USSR. Dis- worth having analysed the copyright and our tributed over many CIS states hundreds of per- preparations had already gone so far that we had sons take services in Free Zone Centers today. Free Zone Report 1/1999 page 2 of 15 To be frank, all persons who were involved more than 1000 "excluded" sites. If somebody was would not have imagined such an expansion so- e.g. looking for "Scientology" he only got those me years ago. sites which were classified as "permissible" by this Since 1995 contacts to (former) members of the software. Church became intenser again. Many oldtimers All other sites on which e.g. we write about Sci- of us left the Church at the beginning of 1980 entology were not shown to him. This is compa- and from about 1985/1986 contacts with people rable to a software parents install in order to pro- in the Church of Scientology became quite rare. tect their children from coming upon sex- or In the beginning we thought... „Well, during so porno sites. many years something must have changed for the better“ ... Though it didn´t take long until the programs for wide of the mark. Of course we annoy the deinstallation of this Church-software were avail- Church of Scientology intensely. In contrast to able on the internet for free. But we don´t know former years crowds of members now left the how many members of the Church made use of Church of Scientology because of our internet it. sites. The dissatisfaction with the Church had grown from year to year – our sites were often This kind of communication lines is also sup- just a confirmation of their own observations. pressed by the Church massively. In connection What had happened ? with this I remembered what LRH once said about it: • In about 1996 every scientologist in Germany was asked to reveal himself to be a scientolo- Do we remember what Ron said in his PDC- gist to his business partners.
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