VOLUME 82, NO. 114 RED BANK. N. J.. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27, 1MQ 7c PER COPY PAGE ONI Attorney Htm Short Red Bank School —But Warm—Ride ElizabethPolice SEA BRIGHT - A. Henry Budget Adopted Lang Branch, had FindTaxicab The bereagb attoroey'e car RED BANK-A 1*041 school kM^gfe* Hm*'- halaea Bui ll budget totaling $1.S«.S1I •aaaJBH HaBJ epeJOjVSjV. eW' Shepard adopted last night by the Board get a mac Murderer Used of Education after a public hear- cd.oa* tram ig. - • The 47-mlnute bearing went The whtatto Four Killed Criticizessmoothly, with residents question- and tin Robber Ing only a few Items. On North After the budget had beta Jo ahnda te gat at the twvwwvo* ifUBfBjvvrr ruwwwi *»* Officials Lewis, Ml Spring St. said he tnaato. I'taaBy, the Of Bank Jersey Estate felt the board hu been "dicta- "Winder what NEW, SHREWSBURY - the torial" in its handling of teach- Mr. NORTH BRUNSWICK basic attitude of members of this ers. when I fteaae* to sat kame AP)-Pollce today found borough's governing bodies mutt early, toe. What a way tar aAt Large abandoned in Elizabeth tht chinge if the town U to aolvo id Board member Or. Herman 0. aww car to aet as." tax problem! by attractiiii rat* Wiley men charged Mr. Lewis __a^ cv^ gUjjjfjO^ggl fno^kW FARMINGDALE-The March red-and-black Uudcab used bin, Tax Assessor Andrew G. with hiving a "belligerent" at- be got te» tbe car atfor the Maaaaquan man wiped- for flight by the murder*? Snepard told a meeting of tbe titude at board meetings.. • _ HaB. — " ed of a SM.000 Famlngdato bank of four bound victims on • "I've wondered if you're here holdup yeiterday fell off some- Industrial Congress Uit night In the interest ot education or doctor's country estate,/ "I wiih somebody would In- ^verycktag wu Mack." The what mil morning. ' The car wu located fast ba- not." Dr. Wiley said. gettee teak kern acme. spire ths torn fathers not to look When' aiked to give a specific Steto police and the FBI con-ton S a. m. a few blocks froaa down their noses at good pros- instance of "dictatorial" handling tinued their hunt for Alva John- the,Newark line. The preeec* peels," Adw. Shepvd Mid. of the teachers by the board, ston Rodgen. II. of M Flak Ave., tor'i office hen »!d they be- . "Soma et the members of ourMr. Uwit did not give a definite May Lose the chief suspect In the bullet- governing bodies act like.the NOT TODAY. MR. COOKMT— Kayport Borough Clark Mn. Adelaide I. Cram- tiactuated robbery at the local lieved the car had Just, been answer. abandoned a abort Mme before. board of geveroori of an exdu- Teacher Mettle mer had just informed George Cookiey, Myrtle Ave., that the could not swear branch ' of the Central Jersey siva dub. It would be more ap- Sight In ink and Trait Co. The, EUeaaeth nonee npert* propriatei If they would act like Mr. Lewlt also raited the him in as a special police officer yesterday*—on orders from Mayor Norman J. Police continued to keep u ed the text wu dawaverad by question of tow teacher morale, Currie—when this photo was taken. Mr. Cooktey was ono of tavaral appoint* the owner of a MconoMuad cloth- and Edmund J. Canniia, board eye on a wooded section In the patnLIthai Ing store on the Bowery, who, president, said, "I don't believe manti made by four mambort of lorough Council Monday night in the absence of One Eye southeast uctto of the county ea their last when he spota a good customer, this talk about teacher morale the mayor. Mayer Currie saya It was Illegal. The appointments will be aired at RUMSON — Patrolman Jnmes when Rodgen Is believed to dregs him right in and starts to exists, except In a small group.1 ive hidden. kuBaad ana bear earitaff fba sell Urn something." e special council mooting tomorrow night. A. Tanner faces j»aslble loss of But eome held'the fur that 1( Only 20 persons attended the sight ia his right eye attar a 1 hope far a duagef la at* hearing. More than half ot them piece of a bullet lodged then Rodgen. may have eluded them PoUcemen from Newark and tkade. Ml I dsoM very much were teachers. In Wsuhlngton yetterday in a freak accident and slipped out ot the ana. Elizabeth swarmed through the U we get It aatS after we've The budget will be voted on Tamo Arraigned atreete and a large nubile park * per coat tax Feb. I. The polls will be open SENATE Mayor and Council acrou from.the car. Tbe car from 4 to I pm. Pelting places May debate moves In civil remained, surrounded by heavy The tax assessor cited the lost right* arid poll tax diiputei. are in the High School, Oakland 0800 Of MOOJOUt WON 9ftm0r* mrd. sale of a factory lit* last year, Street and River Street Schools. Foreign Relations Committee ShotvdownExpected The Elbabeth poHcc said they in the area bounded by Piae The 1M041 budget calls for hears Secretary of State Herter Ool yoBOBftfojr H Aotarjr ranwen wattfagfor stetedetecUvot Brook Rd,, the parkway and to U S>I rie U17.U5.3r to be raised by ton- « ••* V ** ' KEYPORT - Round two be- Round one wu taken Monday vht CaHaliBB. bofbfO pf0MlaHH8J With OJI OB> Wayside Rd. Reioning would tkn. Thia' hi an incnue of ^®no on' Worhl Court jurisdio- tween Mayor Xorman J. Currie night by four membem of the amlutioa of the vehicle, which have been required. • — *---- I-n loca- • l- taxatio- •• - n ove' r. tlon. They wen out to Mercer wu reponeojy onven mn tne and Borough Council ia elated governing body In a revolt Cosaty JaV. Trenton, la do- "Thli looked ao obviously ad- the current ichool budget AnUtrutt Subcommittee contin- ttim InwmiHif aklahf againit the mayor — when they murder scene yesterday by a be- vantageous to us that we ne- William E. - secra- «e» toveiUgatton of tranqulllKr iwr. wnniijun ni|nu put through several appointment tealt of ed to await a Fed- epecucled man about IS. glected toprepare the Planning drugs. Since it wiU not be televised, awml "* * luau fcaaBaaWa* am tary, said be had no figures on over Mr. Currie's head. wJtTBJI VrVJBJBJ dlVHJ BJBJBUlBgajj fJBJ Bound and shot fatally through Board properly. what effect this would have on HOUSE chancel are there will be a pack- But the mayor wu not present eharguof vbteUag tu federal the left temple wen the doetor'a "The fact that it would have tbe school purposes tax rate. The Discusses civil rights In effort ed hall at the special meeting . that teuton. OOOM tTwJBjBJOIT MOwJstOo Invalid wife, two women lervaate brought the Wough $10,000 e present school purposes tax rate to get bill from rales committee. which to to start at 0 p. ra. InAnd h« told Borough Clerk The thru aad the bal la 1 the cab driver who had year In taiea, didn't outweigh, ia tOC""S per $100 of l Banking Committee eonUnues nldpnl building. Mn. Adelaide B. Crammer yes- brought the murderer to the for the Piaantog Board, the fact valuation. hearinggs 00 Mil for federal home terday that the action wu illegal. n,otot> estate. that it was a very bot night and The amount to be voted on mortgage aidid. Police picked up a drank la they were-very annoyed by theFeb. I is tttt.7tt.0S: Science and Astronautics Com- Democrats NaOath Ana>iwy Wate, «,'ef Bugs Eliiabeth an hour after the ear whole thing," he charged. SalarlasUp mittee hears Dr. T. Keith (Hen- When George Cookiey, V Myr- AVOet AMMffy tTeUhi |H|ll0» OJM 1 wu found and took him In for "tTteytunuditdown. * Salaries for. teachen, super- san, head of National Aeronaut- tle Ave., who wu named a. spe- Mk8OJO. tj|Oj8) TllH00R» 38\ Ol questioning u a disorderly per. Ada. Sfccpard uM mat tbla visors, principals and admlnls-lea and Space Atalabtnttaa. Meet Today cial policeman Monday night, eon. They said later he wu not •JMMM a»tM WfaSaa* mfage, IkaWMaVak gfl (Sao RED BANK, Fg.1) and others on space program, thowed-up in Borough Had They wen attaat at thetr ar- nOa WW OeTslOJ WaW eaWOjBl • be sworn in, Mr. Currie ordered : *Maajsl respite" as far u tax the dark not to (tva hUB tba a war* Clarke. • bar 00s, wBa TltEKTOH^W-dl natter the Redgen* arreet et Dr. TrBMtrChrtai asMM,, ert B. MyaeMeyaer meets wwith coucouaa- Also appointepp d byy the f«rg«y.nlUv. Oklahema City police aaldW- Mn. Can Theddles, », ml Little Silver School V DtDemocratii c Id*Ieed*rTT ththii s tttn-tt couacllmell n —J Johhn J. > Dane, gro, RodgwaaadTmuOjwen noon m hopes of selecting a can- _., „_ last,sight and gjJJEeTOMO• •JF _ _. Henri I. Kansen. Fnak J. Coo;wii nponoB lo DO u ojooo ooo> ktutlflad from, police photos u mgtim^m • "We need to have one dollar in didate for.the party's U.S. Sen-way and Robert J; Strang - dttfcm ttu raoming. Dr. James the thru men who held up commercial tad Industrial nta- Tax Levy Increased ate nomination. Monday were Joeeph Quell; Bait P. Clark, Red Bank eye special- supermarket In Lawton, ,Okla.i Their hodtoe wen found ilde MM for every one dollar's worth LITTLE SILVER - The Board budget, Neil O. Smith,, board .The governor told a news con* Keauburg, as sanitary inspector, ist, penormeo tne operation.
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