----- .aV _ . FRIDAY. AUGUST 16, l»4 i fllattflfrBtrr ntng Hffalft Avorate Daily Cirealation For the Month of ia if , 1042 The Wsathcr New York. Hartford, East Hart- f represented by George Truman. morning during the air raid drill. h : (»reenback Shower ford, Glastonbury and Manchester. J Loral I)elt*"ale8 James Schaub represents No. 3 Every piece of appairatus in the q< D. a. Weather The decorations were pink and I and Welsey Short, No. 4 . department waa called and at one 7,494 AbcMitTown Democrat Caucus Picks They left by automobile thi* time all of the apparatus with the For Brhle-Elect white. •A t FirtM iien Parl<» Member oC tiie Audit Mrs.. Joseph Savino, mother of morning. There will be no parade exception of No. 4’b pump, was Cooler tonight. Francis M- Savlno, fiance of Miss tomorrow because of the gasoline out and a few minute* after No. PureMU of Circulation* Campbell for Chairman Brosowski was hostess, and was and tire shortage. The convention 1 returned. No. 4 was called to Manchester— A City of Village Charm Miss Olga A. Brozowsk.l, daugh­ as.sisted in serving a buffet lunch Chief Albert -Foy Ij^^tending Is being held in the Commercial Garden street. ter of Mrs. Anna Brorxiwski of 70 by Mrs. Gonnle Yttullo, Mrs. Mary the State Firemen's.-4;bnventlon In High school building in New Hav­ Birch street, was the guest of Vitullo. Mrs. Floretice Rowe, Miss New Haven todaV and tomorrow, en. Too Late to Classify V O L .L X L , NO. 282 .(Clasatfled Advertiaing on Page lY>' MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, AUGUST 29, 1942 (FDURTEEN PAGES) Win* Test Vole for Mod­ representing .Hie South Manches­ Second Assistant Chief Harry PRICE THREE CENTS honor at a greenback shower la.st Ro.se Gravino, and Miss Eva Dra- LOST —MAN'S gold Hamiltoa ghi. X ter fire ^■^'p a rt m e n t. Harry McCormick. In charge of the de­ F.» , W. iH* erator Over Garrity by night at the Italian-American Club wrist watch Thursday afternoon. on Eldridge .street. About 70 Miss Brozowski and Mr. Savinn Schieldge' is there, representing partment during the absence of tMi «r«>inff M a'Aock at I Chief Foy, had a busy time this If found please call 7343. Only Six Votes; New guests attended the party, from will be married on September 2t>. No. J,'6f the SMP’D while No. 2 is ItM boiM c i ] Marines Back at Pearl Harbor After Island Raid T* W« ' Town Committee. Large Fires Burn Russians Hurl Back William R. Oampbell' was named palMlv MB e f Uk. M d V n . M mv- ^ -TT-'—•- a t JO Wood L«nc U moderator of the Democratic ■ ■■ fcc.'N,.. ........ , . ipa OB fortousk from Fort JarJc- caucus on a check list vote last night and by' so winning will be­ As British Fliers «, a. C.. tb* iint b« hM had In Smart come the new chairman of the BO* MtaMii 'bIm ii h* onW«d the town committee. There were 2.')0 votes cast and of this number Mr. Campbell had 12S and Harold R. BagiMdac tbia *Toiune: tbe Boi- Fashions Blast Two Cities Garrity 122. The vote wa.- excep­ apM Lb Im Houa* wiU inaugurate tionally close and took nearly 45 Frtdi^ niabt daticbia. This i* in minutes to cast and count. Nuernberg and addltloa to the regular Saturday The caucus was held in Hol­ Saar- Collegc Givls FigHt Rages aialit daao** at the La Hc House: lister street school and was not From bruecken Are Attacked ^ called until 8:30 .<uui during the at. Mary'* Toung People'* Fel- time preceding th* opening cars Heavily by Bom bers; . ScCtl FttCltlg lom bip w l* hbW a meeting Sun­ BACK TO Soviet Attacks Up and were kept Ir.sy bringing voters to 30 Lost in Assaults; , _ NaiSi Tanks and Infant day afternoon at frr* o’clock in the the hall. Jt was 10 minutes after Down Line from Stal* Women GetJ pariah houa*. the time set for calling the caucus , ‘Saturation* Technique j FPCltlitg 1 CSt' W edged Deeply ini when H. Olin Grant, the chairman W illiam R. Ounphell The Ladie* Aid aooiety of the Haleys ingrad to Lake La­ of the town committee, took the SCtlOOL Used During -Attack. Stalingrad Defenseo; Rank Today Concordia Lutheran church will stage. He said he was not to be bell. M. Eileen Donahue. Jneephine doga All Repulsed in; Fresh Divisioi hoM ita monthly meeUng Tueaday a candidate for the chairman.shlp *W'AVES' Acclaimed liy Gorman, Margaret A. LaMotte, London, Aug. 29.— (/P)— ***Bhig at T ;90. of the comriitte* In the caucus. He Heavy Fighting; Ger-j Ruth E. Mahoney. Charles J Mag.- As Officers Movi*d, into .Actiol had worked for the interest of the Nuernberg, a great war in-: Male Editorial Pen of nell. Arthur E. McCann. Esther man Forces Gintinue Major m. J. Curtia of the Salva- party during the past two years dustries center and the rally By Germans; Dead M. Lessner, Michael J. Sheehan. * Amherst Student' as Hob Arm y wilt conduct a service and was thankful for having been William P. Quisl^. John K. Um- ground of Hitler’s Nazi par­ Own Assaults Against Sunday morning at Colt's plant in elected to the office. He .was leav­ High Twist 4'i6 W:'AACs Stvear to Hitler Units Piled HigI Hartford. He will be accompanied erick. Helena Campbell. Antoinette ty, and the Sarr steel center Presenting Challenge, ing, he said, with all bills paid. Strong Fortifications. I hp a vocal and an inatfumental Benevento, Elsie Waldorf. Dresses Well and Faithfully Before Red Treiiclw When he took office the party was of Saarbruecken were at­ puartet from the local corps. County Convention: William R. about $500 in debt, but this had For Girk 7 to 14 tacked heavily by a strong Northampton. Mass., Aug. 29— Campbell, Thomas J. Dannaher, FuU Berlin (From German Discharge Their Du­ I all been paid. He asked that a sec-. force of British ' bombers The purposeful "W A V E S ” — the Moscow, Aug. 29.— Franeis Bsobe, son at Mr. and Harold T. Keating. Joseph L'Heu­ retary be named. Mrs. Helen B. Broadca.sts), Auf(. 20.— (/P)— ties as Army Aides. Mrs. An>art Beebe of 79 Hollister reux. Joseph J. Moriarty, John F. Plaids, Checks. Floral which left large fires burn- Navy’s sailorcttea—-were acclaim­ Soviet troops have hurle Solomon was nominated and was Fierce Soviet attacjks up and street, who enlisted in the Navy Tierney. Theodore C. Zimmer. ’ Ing in both cities last night. The ed today by the male editorial pen hack German attacks botl elected without opposition. Prints and Stripes. Fashioned Wedneaday, especta to report for Catherine Provost, George Smyth, heaviest assault was on Nuern­ down the line from embat­ Fort Des Moines. Ia.. Aug. '29. The names of WllUam R. Camp­ of the ’’Amherst Student” as pre­ above and below Sta:lin£. training at Newport, Sept. i. berg, the Air Ministry aaid. Thir­ bell and Judg* Hafold R. Garrity Edward F. Moriarty, Elsie W al­ senting a challenge to collegiate tled Stalingrad to the shores — OP) With two generals partici­ by vigorous counter-attacki dorf, Grace Keems. Mary Danna­ ty bombers were lost from the glamor girls. wer* placed in nomination for Small Floral Prints of Lake Ladoga were report­ pating. 436 WAACs swore today Rudolpli Wandell. carpenter’s her. Esther C. Lessner, Janet "largq force” of perbaps »everal but enemy tanks and infant caucus chairman and it was voted ” To contemplate the' shock of ed today by the German high "to well and- faithfully discharge mate f l ^ class, U. 8. Navy, sta- Croea. hundred, nian.v of which packed females as God made them, free try are wedged' deeply intc to take the vote by check list. It Rayon command, hut all were de­ their duties" and were commis­ tionsd at Norfolk, Ta.. is having a eight tons of explosives each. of lipstick, fuzzy sweaters and $10 sioned as the first officers of the the city’s defenses in anoth*] abort furiougta which he ia spend- was til* first time that th* new Objectives, in France Raided clared to have been repulsed caucus list was used, the voters sport coats, is very pleasing in­ Women s Army Auxiliary Corps. er sector and the Naai cor . htg at the home of his sister, Mrs. Objectives in northern France in heavy fighting. German forces calling out their street addresses Another Shower deed,” declared an editorial In the All of the women were commis­ mand has moved two fresh dl* John WannergFen of Alton stm t. were raided by the smaller and are continuing their own -attacks Amherst college students' weekly In their "working clo|^hcs” . U. S. Murines—part of the contingent led by IJeut. Col. E. F, Carlson sioned third officers, which is the sions into action, the Ru and names. The votefs walked up swifter fighters during the night. against strong fortifications in to th* west side of the stage, dev Hosiery newspaper in welcoming the which wiMd out 350 Japane.se in a lald'oq Makin island return to Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. (Official WAAC equivalent of Army sec­ said.today. Dead men clad in For M is* M ader Mtaa Margaret Oarlaon of Knox The heavy bombers used the "W A V E S ” to this neighborhood. the Stalingrad area and have re­ ond lieutenant.s. greyiah green of Adolf Hit etreet, and Mias Virginia Little of posited their ballots, leaving by .
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