the rc I• Alpha Rho Chi Fraternity Winter 1995 th National Convention Champaign, Illinois Anthenaios March 30- April 2 Thursday, March 30 Everyone arrives! Grand Council Meeting Friday, March 31 Breakfast at Chapter House Business Meeting Ritual Reinactment Cookout at the House Fort Info Professional Program at Temple Buell Gallery Kris Lambo- Anthemios Saturday, April 1 217 367-7202 Breakfast at the House Business Meeting Banquet at Jumer's Castle Lodge Party at the House Saturday, April 2 Everyone leaves fired up and happy! the • rc I Alpha Rho Chi Fraternity Winter 1995 I would like to personally welcome each of stitute ofArchitecture Students Forum 94 1 Letter froll1 the WGA you to a brand new year ofAlpha Rho Chi during the Thanksgiving break at the Hyatt Fraternity. I have spoken to a number of Regency in Lexington, Kentucky. He repre­ 2 Letter froll1 the Editor members from alumni associations and ac­ sentedAlpha Rho Chi with a booth display tive chapters. They have told me about the and attended manyofthe seminars. He was 3 Report from the 47th exciting events which are occurring at a local pleased to see a few of our active brothers level, and I am trulyimpressed with the level andenjoyed conversingwith them through­ Convention of excitement and enthusiasm. I hope this out the convention. Interest was shown level ofenergywhich exists currentlycontin­ in some potential colony sites. Brother 4 The "Great Education ues throughout the year. Grogan stated that the weekend was very Temple" productiveandthatfuture attendanceshould Each summer the Grand Council is respon­ be considered. 9 Welcoll1e to the Seshait sible for preparing a budget for the national fraternity and monitoring it throughout the The success ofourfraternity is due to broth­ Chapter year. As Worthy Grand Architect, I need to ers who are always give more than they are remind you ofyour fiscal responsibility to asked. Each year our fraternity has volun­ 10 APX+IDP Alpha Rho Chi. I encourage all active and teers at the national level who contribute to alumni members to pay their dues in a the success ofAlpha Rho Chi. These volun­ 12 1994 Alpha Rho Chi timely manner. The financial security of teers/appointees will serve thefraternity until Medal Winners AlphaRho Chidepends onyou, a brother of June 30, 1995. I would encourage each our great fraternity of architecture and the chapter and alumni association to take ad­ 13 Alull1ni, Colony Notes allied arts. vantage ofall theN ationalAppointees. Their names and addresses are included in this 14 APX Foundation OnMarch 30-April 2, ournational conven­ issue ofthe Archi. tion will take place in Champaign, Illinois. 15 NCARBNotes The Anthemios Chapter ofAlpha Rho Chi As I stated at last year's convention, Alpha is planning this tremendous event in con­ Rho Chi Fraternity will grow only if we Is junction with the Grand Council. I hope work together and not as individuals. I am 16 The World Changing these organizations will send as manypeople excited to serve in my new role on the as possible. Due to the central location of Grand Council and look forward to the 17 AIA Scholarships Anthe1I1ios, all the chapters should be well next 18 months. Opencommunicationwill represented. The professional programs lead to a stronger fraternity locally and na­ 18 True Stones in the Arch which will be offered will be beneficial to all tionally. I encourage any ofyou to contact actives and alumni. OnApril 1,April Fool's me personally or the other members ofthe 20 APX Directory Day, the Convention Banquet will be held. Grand Council. I'll see you in Champaign. Winter 1995 This annual event always provides attendees with memories which will last for a lifetime. Fidelitas, Amor et Artes, I look forward to seeing you there. Eric J. Heinsohn VOlume 74, Number 1 Ron Grogan, Worthy Grand Associate Ar­ Worthy Grand Architect o chitect, recently attended the American In- Alpha Rho Chi Fraternity The Arch; - The Magazine of Alpha Rho Chi The Archi returns in 1995 after a two-year dation, an organization truly deserving of From the Editor absence. Wehave a new editorial sta.f£ a new our attention. look and a new attitude. We took advantage of our sabbatical to define and focus the What's next for the Archt? That's up to all of Archi, and I believe this is the most profes­ us. I challenge all ofthe chapters and alumni sional, most interesting and best designed association out there who publish their own publication the fraternity has ever produced. impressive journals to help out with the ArchiandtheAPXLetteras well. Writesome­ The centerpiece ofthis issue is a true "jour­ thing intelligent, something witty, some­ nalistic scoop." The "Great Education thingunique. Send us yourbest photographs. Temple" was written exclusively for theArchi Provide suggestions ("Phil, stop writing edi­ by Steven Rogers, Ph.D., a professional his­ torials") or, better yet, join the staff torian who is completing a book about the Wright-designed campus ofFlorida South­ Two more items: on behalf ofAlpha Rho ern College. The photographs accompany­ Chi, I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude ingthis article were shotbySallyAnnRogers, to the Archi's previous editor, Suzanne a professional photographer and the wife of Bainbridge. Not only did Suzanne do an the author. They donated their work to the exceptional job ofproducing a quality pub­ Archi in excharige for the exposure they will lication, she also laid the foundation for her receive. I thinkwe've hit on somethinghere. successors to continue to publish an Archi we can be proud of And I must thank Rick ArchiEditor: Sharing the spotlight in this issue is the Jenkins, a fellow Metagenes brother and Phil Buckberg~ Metagenes article on "APX+IDP," which announces professional layout artist, who did the de­ Associate Editors: the new alliance between Alpha Rho Chi sign work for this Archi. At the 11 th hour, Mike Ray, Daedalus and NCARB. The article, like the pro­ Rick looked at the original layout and diplo­ Lia Russell, Theron gram, is the work ofWGAA Ron Grogan. matically "suggested" that he might be able Former WGA Charles L. Nickel shares his to improve the magazine. I have since burned Art Direction: thoughts on ourchangingworlds, andJohn all of the original drafts, so beautiful is the Rick Jenkins, Metagenes Hagelyaddresses the issue oftheAPXFoun- work that Rick did in a very short time. Enjoy this issue! About the Arch; Help Support the National D o ARCHives! The Archi is the magazine of Alpha Rho Chi, a national professional fraternity limit­ Ifyou have any old (very old) issues ofthe ing its membership to students ofarchitec­ Archi or the APXLetter, send them to the ture and the allied arts. Alpha Rho Chi was ArchiEditor! Our file ofback issues is exten­ founded at the University ofIllinois and the sive but, alas, incomplete. Below is a list of University ofMichigan on April 11, 1914, the issues we have; if you have any other to organize and unite in fellowship the ar­ issues, please consider donating them to the chitecture students in the universities and Alpha Rho Chi permanentARCHIves. Not colleges of the United States, and to com­ only do they provide an excellent historical bine their efforts to promote the artistic, record, they also contain photos and infor­ scientific and practical efficiency of the mation that we can use for future programs, younger members ofthe profession. Alpha pledge manuals, etc. Rho Chi is one of34 national and interna­ tional fraternities which consolidated in to Ofspecial consideration we are missing the About the cover: View ofone ofthe covered the Professional Fraternity Association in years 1964-1977and 1979-1981. Ifyou can walkways connecting acedemic buildings at 1977. donate these issues, please send them to the Florida Southern College. Archi Editor. 2 Winter 1995 National Convention The 47th National Convention last April in The Grand Council, Past and Present: Columbus, Ohio was one ofentertainment from left: WGETimTourville (Apollodoms), FormerWGA ChuckNickel (Demetrios), andprogress. TheDemetrios Chapterhosted former Grand Advisor/new Grand Lecturer Bill Bradford (Anthemios), WGA Eric the three dayconvention, with business meet­ Heinsohn (Daedalus), WGS Brett Carter (Theron), former WGS/new Grand Advisor ings at OhioState's StudentUnion building, Scott MacKay (Anthemios), and WGM Ron Grogan (Xenocles) activities at the Chapter House and a ban­ quet at the Wm. Graystone Winery. Nearly every ChapterandAlumniAssociation were The convention did pass some important (Metagenes), Kenneth Easton (Xenocles), represented, alongwith a brave pair from the legislation duringthe business meeting. They and S. Brett Carter (Theron). The Conven­ Imhotep Colony at Southern University. established a new fraternity Design Com­ tion elected Brother Eric J. Heinsohn as mittee to critique and approve any material Worthy GrandArchitect and S. Brett Carter The convention was the last for Charles L. that is distributed to represent Alpha Rho as Worthy Grand Scribe for the next two Nickel as Worthy Grand Architect, J. Scott Chi. Also putin place was a new recognition years. Theyjoin Brothers Ronald L. Grogan, MacKay as Worthy Grand Scribe and Will­ system for alumni dues payers to provide Worthy Grand Associate Architect and iam D. Bradford as GrandAdvisor. As usual, incentives to keep their membership cur­ Timothy J. Tourville, Worthy Grand Esti­ the reports reflected the various conditions rent. The convention also agreed to block mator, whose current terms end this year of the fourteen chapters and the fifteen out the days from April 6-17 for convention and are eligible for re-election at the 48th alumni associations. Some continue to thrive planning to avoid conflicts with Founders National Convention.Theposition ofGrand while others face the struggle for member­ Day celebrations in the future. Advisor is appointed to a two year term that ship.
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