o Reen.No. KERBIL I 20 1 2 I 4507 3 c&og fluddord dated 05-09-2012 with RNI Govemment of Kerala 202t Reg No.KLITV(N)I 63 4 I 2021 -2023 G6Og (r)mrgl', KERALA GAZETTE GrOmrf,(I)t(O6rDo EXTRAORDINARY cgrolarolaarofl 1-rmfl al odsJoroJmo" PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY ro1o3o.rnoo^4o", 2021 ca@S 04 (xth May 2021 culgJo 10 o-dlcg mmd 1196 COSo 2l 1537 Vol. X 2lst Mcdsm I196 No_ Thiruvananthapuram, Tuesday 1943 o6clJ@loJo 14 l4th Vaisakha 1943 GOVERNMENT OF KERALA Election (General) Department NOTIFICATION N o. 33 66 I EL3 I 2020 I Elec. Dated, Thiruvananthapuram, 4th May, 2021. The Election Commission of India's Notification No. 308/I(L-L N2021 dated 3rd May, 2021 is hereby published. By order, TEEKARAMMEENA, Chief Electoral Officer and Additional Chief Secretary to Goyertment. This is a dititally signed Gazette. Autherticity may be verifi ed lhrough https://compose.kemla.Sov.ir/ ffi 2 TO BE PTJBLISHED IN AN EXTRAORDINARY ISSUE OF THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE OF THE STATE OF KERALA IMMEDIATELY ELECTION COMMISSION OF INDIA Nirvachan Sadan, Ashoka Road, New Delhi- I 10 001 Dated: 3rd May, 2021 l3 Vaisakha, 19a3 (Saka) NOTIFICATION No. 3OE|KL-LN202I:-WHEREAS, in pursuance of Notification No. 3366lELin020lElec.(2). issued by the Govemor of the State of Kerala on 126 March, 2021 under Sub-section (2) of Section 15 of the Representation of the People Act, l95l (43 of l95l), a General Election has been held for the purpose of constituting a new Legislative Assembly for the State of Kerala; and WHEREAS, the results of the elections in all the Assembly Constituencies of Kerala in the said General Election have been declared by the Retuming Officers concemed; and; Now, THEREFoRE, in pusuance of Section 73 of the Representation of the people Act, l95l (43 of l95l), the Election Commission of India hereby notifies the names of the Members elected for those Assembly Constituencies, along with their party affiliations, if any, in the SCHEDULE to this Notification. By order, (sd.) ARVINDANAND, Secretary, Election Commission of India This is a digilally srgned Cazette. Authenticity may b€ verifi ed through httpsi//compose.kerala.gov.inl ffi 3 SC H EDU LEIrO N OTI FICATIO N No. 308/KL-LA/201 S"DATED 3RD MAY 2021oF ELECTION COMMISSION OF INDIA NAMEOFTHESTATE: KERALA S NO. & NAME OF NAIUIE OF THE PARTYAFFILIATION ASSEMBLY ELECTED MEMBER ANY) CONSTITUENCY 0F (1) (2) (3t T MANJESHWAR A.K.M. Ashraf lndian Union Muslim League 2- KASARAGOD N.A. Nellikkunnu lndian Union Muslim League } UDMA C.H. Kunhambu CommunisPartyof lndia (Marxist) + KANHANGAD E Chandrashekaran CommunisPartyof lndia S TRTKARIPUR M. Ralagopalan CommunisPartyof lndia (Marxist) G PAYYANNUR T.l. Madhusoodanan CommunisPartyof lndia (Marxist) 7. KALLIASSERI M. Viin CommunisPartyof lndia (Marxist) & TALIPARAMBA M.V. GovindanMaster CommunisPartyofl ndia (Maxist) 9IRIKKUR Adv. SajeevJoseph lndian National Congress IO.AZHIKODE KV. Sumesh CommunisFartyof lndia (Marxist) 1l.KANNUR Ramachandral(adannappali Congres(Secular) 12-DHARMAOAM PinarayiVriayan CommunisPartyof lndia (Marxist) 1}THALASSERY Adv. A.N. Shamseer CommunisPartyof lndia (Marxist) ,I4.KUTHUPARAMBA KP. Mohanan Loktsntik Jantad 1'IVIAT TAN NUR Sn(KK. ShailajaTeacher CommunisPartyof lndia (Marxist) 16-PERA/OOR Adv. SunnyJoseph lndian National Congress 17-MANANTHAVADY (ST) O.R. Kelu CommunisPartyof lndia (Marxist) 1&SULTHANBATHERY(ST) l.C. Ealakrishnan lndian National Congress l9KALPETT{ Adv. T Sildiqu lndian National Congress 2GVADAKARA KK. Rema R6volutionarwarxist Party of lndia 2l.KUTTTADI KP. Kunhammed(utti Master CommunisPa yof lndia (Marxist) 22.NADAPURAM E.K. Vrjayan CommunisPartyof lndia 23.QU ILANDY Srnt. Kanathil Jameela CommunisPartyof lndia (Marxist) 2+PERAMBRA TP Ramakrishnan CommunisPartyof lndia (Marxist) 25-BALUSSER(SC) Adv. K.M. Sachindev CommunisPartyof lndia (Marxist) 2G.ELATHUR A.K. Saseendran Nationalistcongres9arty 2T.KOZHIKODB{ORTH Thottathil Ravindran CommunisPartyof lndia (Marxist) 2&KOZHIKODESOUTH AhammadDevarkovil lrdian NationalLeague 29-BEYPORE Adv. P.A MohamedRiyas CommunisPartyofl nd ie (Marxist) 30-KUNNAMANGALAM Adv. P.T.A. Rahim lndependent 31-KODUVALLY Dr. M.K. Muneer lndian Union Muslim League 32-THTRUVAMBADI Unto Josepth CommunisPartyof lndia (Marxist) 33.KONDOITY T.V lbrahim lndian Union Muslim League 34.ERNAD PK. Basheer lndian Union Muslim Leegue This $ a digiElly signei Gaz€tte. Authenticity may b€ verifi ed rhrough hnps://comlose.kerala.gov.rn/ ffi 4 1 (2\ (3) 3'NILAMBUR P.V Anvar lndependent 36-WANDOOR(SC) AP. Anil Kumar lndian Natiooal Congress 3T.MANJERI Adv. UA. Laheel lndian Unim Muslim League 3&PERINTHALMANNA NajeeMantnpuram lndian UnionMuslim Leegue 39-MANKADA ManialamkuzhiAli lndianUnionMuslim League 4$MALAPPURAM P Ubaidulla lndian Unim Muslim League 41-VENGARA PK. Kunhalikutty lndian Unlm Muslim League 42-VALLIKUNNU Abdul Hameedllaster lndian Union Muslim League 4}TIRURANGADI K.PA. Majeed lndian Union Muslim League 44.TAN U R V. Abdurahiman National SeculatConference 45-TIRU R Kurukkoli Moideen lndian Union Muslim League 4SKOTBKKAL Prof. Abid Hussain Thangal lndian Union Muslim League 47.THAVAN UR Dr. KT. Jaleel lndependent 48-PONNAN I P Nandakumar CommunisPartyof lndia (Marxist) 49THRITHALA M.B. Raiesh CommunisPartyof lndia (Marxist) sO.PATTAMBI Muhammed Muhassin CommunisPartyof lndia 51-SHORN UR P Mammikutty CommunisPartyof lndia (Marxist) s2.OTTAPBALAM Adv. K Premkumar GommunisPartyof lndia (Marxist) 53-KONGAD(SC) Srnt. SanthakumarK CommunisPartyo f lndia (Marxist) 54.MANNARKKAD Adv. N. Samsudheen lndian Union Muslim League ss-MALAMPUZHA A Prabhakaran CommunisPartyof lndia (Marxist) 5&PALAKKAD Shafi Parambil lndian NationalCongress 57-TARUR(SC) P.P. Sumod CommunisPartyof lndia (Marxist) 58CH ITTUR K Krishnankutty Janatoal (Secular) 59.N EMMARA K Bahr CommunisParty of lndia (Marxist) 6O.ALATHUR K D. Prasenan CommunisPartyof lndia (Marxist) 61-CHELAKKARA(SC) K Radhakrishnan CommunisPartyof lndia (Marxist) 62.KUNNAMKULAM A.C. Moideen CommunisPartyof lndia (Marxist) 63.G URUVAYOOR N.K. Akbar CommunisPartyo f lndia (Marxist) 64{TIANALUR Murali Perunelly CommunisPartyofl nd ia (Marxist) 6'WADAKKANCHERY XavierChittilappilly CommunisPartyon n d ia (Marxist) 66-0LLUR K Rajan CommunisPartyof lndia 6T.THRISSUR P Balachandran CommunisPartyof lndia 68-NATTtKA (SC) C.C. Mukundhan CommunisPartyollndia 69.KAIPAMANGALAM E.T. Taison Master CommunisPartyoflnd ia TO.IRINJALAKUDA Prof. R Bindu CommunisPartyof lndia (Marxist) Tl.PUDUKKAD K.K. Ramachandran CommunisPartyof lndia (Marxist) 72-CHALAKUDY SaneeshkumarJoseph lndian National Congress 73-KODUNGALLU R Adv. V.R. Sunilkumar CommunisPartyof lndia T4PERUMBAVOOR Adv. EldhoseP Kunnappillil lndian National Congress TsANGAMALY Rcji M. John lndian National Congress 76{LUVA Anwar Sadath lndian National Congress TT.KALAMASSERY P Rajeeve CommunisPartyof lndia (Marxist) This is a digitally siFed Gazen€. Authenticity may bc verifi ed tkough https://compose.kerala.gov.lrv ffi 5 (t) t2t (3) 7&PARAVUR V.D. Satheesan lndhn National Corgress 7$VYPEEN KN. Unnikrishnan CommunisPartyof lndia (Marxist) SGKOCHI K.J. Mary CommunisPartyof lndia (Maxist) Sl.THRIPUNITHURA K Bahr lndian National Congress E2.ERNAKULAM TJ. Vinod lndian National Congress 8}THRIKKAKARA Adv. P.[ Thomas lndian National Congress E+KUNNATHUNAD (SC) A.lv. Pll Sreenijin CommunisParty of lndia (Marxist) 8$PIRAVOM An@p Jacob lGrab Congres(Jacob) 8&MUVATTUPUZHA Dr. MathewKuzhalnadan lndian National Congress ST.KOTHAMANGALAM Antony John CommunisPartyof lndia (Marxist) 8&DEVIKULAM (SC) Adv. A Raja CommunisPartyof lndia (Marxist) 8$UDUMBANCHOLA M.M.Mani CommunisParty of lndia (Maxist) gGTHODUPUZHA PJ. Joseph Kerah Congress 9.1-IDUKKI RmIryAugustine Kerala Congres(l\r) 92.PEERUMADE VazhoorSornan CommunisPartyof lMia 9}PALA lvbni C Kappen lndependent 94,-KADUTHURUTHY Adv. MonsJoseph Kerala Congress g+VATKOM (SC) Srnt C.K Asha CommunisPartyof lndia gGETTUMANOOR V.N. Vasavan CommunisPartyofl nd ia (Marxist) 9T.KOTTAYAM ThiruvanchooRadhakrishnan lndian National Congress g&PUTHUPPALY Oornmer0handy lndian National Congress g$CHANGANASSERY Adv. JobMaicfiil KerahCongres{M) lGKANJIRAPPALIY Dr. N. Jayaraj KerahC,ongres{M) 101-POONJAR Adv. SebastiarKulathunkal KeralaCongre<M) 102-AROOR Srnt Daleema CommunisPartyof lndia (Maxist) lGCHERTHALA P kasad Communisfartyoflndia IO+ALAPPUZHA PP Chitharanjan CommunisPartyof lndh (Marxist) lOSAMBALAPPUZHA H Salam CommunislParlyofl ndia (Marxist) IOG KUTTANAD ThornasK Thomas NationalistCongres9arty 1Ol.HARIPAD Rarnesrchennithala lrdhn Natlonal Congress IO&KAYAMKULAM Adv. U Prathibha CommunisParty of lndia (Marxist) 109[iIAVELIKKARA (SC) M.S. Arun Kumar CommunisPartyofl ndia (Marxist) llGCHENGANNUR S4i Cherian CommunisPartyofl ndia (Marxist) 11,1. THIRUVALI-A Adv. MathewT Thomas Janatod (Se(Irlar) 112.RANNI Adv. Prarnod{arayan Kerala CongresElrr) 11}ARANMUtA Snt Veenaceorge CommunisPartyofl ndia (Marxist) 11+KONN| Adv. KU. JenishKurnar CommunisPartyof lndia (Marxist) 11$ADOOR(SC) ChittayamGopakumar CommunislPartyof lndia 11S KARUNAGAPPALIY C.R Mahesh lndian National Congress 117.CHAVARA ft Sujih Vrjayanpillai lndependent 11& KUNNATHUR (sc) Kovoor Kunjumon lndependent 119 KOTTARAKKARA KN. Balagopal CommunisParty of lndia (Maaist) l2GMTHANAPURAM KB. Ganeshkumar Kerala Congres{B) This is a digitally signed Cazette. Authetrricity may b€ verified &rough https://compos€.kerala.gov.rrv ffi 6 121-PUNALUR J22-CHADAYAMANGALAM J. Chindrurani Communist Partv of lndia 12}KUNDARA P.C. Vishnunadh lndian Nalimal Canoress 124-KOLLAM lvl Mukesh ,25-ERAVIPURAM Irit Noshad Communist Partvof lndia ruanist) ,2GCHATHANNOOR
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