:.•-•' •t ' ' If". ~" '"• '•" JSC8ANNHD <HJ) CHRONKXE ttareday.ApriUS,1982 Garwood meters tn Kenilworth parade photos page 13... ..school budget GOP candlda\ passes., baseball runs...budget starts...page 18 loses...page 14 VOL. 90 No. 16 Published Every Thursday Thursday, April 22, J982 Serving Cranford, Keniimorth and Garwood USPS136 800 Second Class Postage Paid Cranford, N. J 25 CENTS aM the tender loving care that it—and you -^~ to make sure that you get the best of itjq:fii^h Mi^and .>$geta.bJes;. The fact is^jfte: deserve^ treat them with such 'tehxler Loving Care that we call it our secft And, since we do so much to capture and maintain natureXnujtrition in fresh fruits and vegetablesrherc^re some tips tohelp^you do the saute.' are sojme of the lengths we go to. Remember that the biggest enemies to nVyitamin potency in fresh produce are Since quality is one of the keys to nutrition, we buy only the best, unblemished time, exposure to aiir and cooking ki . " ^fruits aiid vegetables. \^ buy b^ the cfateVhot the carload. - .. ••". • ,->. So be sure to use your foods as soon as possible. Use refrigeratioja wisely. Use a One college . Vlfe also insist that everything we buy has been picked at the peak of ripeness and ripening bowl when ripening fruit at home; Slice fruits and vegetables as little as Union College and Union County sent to us the fastest way possible — by jet if necessary. Arid, if there has to be a possible*-- eating them raw.,and whole is thebest. When you^do slice, do it Technical Institute took- a toajor By ROSAUE GROSS* . Meetings on the budget get underway Ftobert D. Paul, superintendent of I step toward merger Friday when the A series-of meetings has been schedul- time lag,"we make sure the product is nevero^f-riptrtdieifirgets to us. ''•.> tonight as the board meets td discuss;- schools, said he '.'fully anticipated the immediately before cooking of serving. When ybii do cdpk, copk quickly in a little i state Board of ^ducaltoa jroied ed by the Board of Education and the areas which might be cut. The ultimate budget would pass, adding it was the Because freshness is a key^fopreservirig vitamin potency, we not only hurry our oil or as little vv^ater as possible^ v ^ r unanimously to unite them as Township Committee to determine the decision is the Township Committee's "tightest one presented in years." 1 "Union County College." A key ele- size of a cut, if any, to the $13.5 million which has until next Wednesday to produce toyV>u, we also have the highest- Standards for proper refrigeratiori. And we Arid* of course, count on.Kings to start you off with ihebesjt quality. »[ .'•• • ment includes cancellation of a $1.9 school budget for 1982-83 which ..was decide. Nicholls,' after expressing elation at million debt from UCTI to the state' idefeatedi by 44 votes in Tuesday's elec- The Township Committee will meet at his victory Tuesday, said the board "putl_ The Butcher* Corner The Former* Corner The Deli Corner* The Freezer Corner The Grocery Corner if UCTI transfers two buildings to tion. This was the first time since 1976 7:30 p.m. tomorrow to be briefed by together what wfe thought was a the new combined entity. If enabling .that a school budget has been defeated. Ralph Taylor, its attorney, and Edward reasonable budget." He felt one reason it was voted down was the overall tax in- legislation and transfers of these . The vote was 756 in favor of the budget Murphy, administrator, on its respon- First.of the Season; ' At the Sliced 1o Order-Counter: '..•', Seneca Apple Juke. I6ozr*1.19 \ assets /proceed as planned, the sibilities and authority in the budget crease which included a 12.5 point in- USDA Choice Boneless Kraft and 800 against as 11.2 percent of Cran- crease in the municipal budget. JefRown Fresh Homemade USDA Choice Ore Ida Homestyle Potatoes $139 i schools could be one by July .-For a ford's registered voters went to the decision. £t 8 pjn. Nicholls, school Oven Roasted • [ summary of the structure, see story. 1>oard president, will present theboard's "Residents had no chance to vote on the California Red Ripe • wiHTSkins .", ' Mayonnaise 32 oz. jarr JL- . • polls The-proposed budget would have municipal budget," said Nicholls, "buf~ Beef Roasts «6 |b. $2.89 ) on Pages. added 15 cents pe> $100 of assessed ^ rationale for the budget it submitted to . Strawberries^- _ . pt. basket 99* Planks, Wedges or" voters. they voted on mirs V * —L Bottom Round or Homemade Caterer's Slices " •• ! IA lbs. Kraft Pourable Dressing value to property fax hilh Indian River Red or White A meetingjhas been scheduled by the SiriaihTip . 1000 Ixlaiill- 8 oz. 59' In a race for three Board of Education Both SilVey and MeCarty expressed Kraft Lo Cal Dressing 10.400 hours °wp^fl°^^IMd^ mixed emotions:—happiness at beit USDA Choice Boneless Large 36 Size. 3/99* Fruited Baked. •*lh,*2.3!>. Swanson goats among five—eandidatesr—ic*- school.board can present its reCOmmen- elected but sorrow at the budget defeat ~~Creamy CutumBer r Beef Roasts: efe- Sam Marino is the premiere cumbents Richard Nicholls and Charles dations for cuts, and the gwerahig body-^McCarty added-that"it feels great that Di Lussd Genoa Salami, J4 Ib. *2.49 Hungryman Pies QQ0 . or Italian '•• 8oz. 59* nteer aLRahway Hospital. The MeCarty were re-elected with 1,175 and will discuss them. However, since the. the electorate supported me again after Cara Mia " " ~ ." Cranf ord man has contributed 10,400 • 1,057 votes respectively. Edna SUyeyJecL board-has-scheduledritsTTbrganlzatiwr^ail^I went, through in the first thVee EyeJtoundwiih Extra Fancy Grade ,OvaI Spiced Hamci__^: !^Ib*1.4S Chicken or Turkey—— VoZP^J- \ Artichoke Hearts 6 oz 79* 'hours there over a period of years. the field, with 1,267 ballots and will suc- 9nd business meeting that night, the -years." . Bottom Attached. 1b. *2.59 Large Crisp . Mich's Natural Hitkory Smoked Ronzoni Single Serving Entrees: ceed Gerard Paradiso who did not run.' J Planters Peanut Oil : 24 oz. *1.99 , He sorts and distributed newspapers time and . plac' e of Monday's meeting A total of l,672.of the township's 14,874 USDA Choice Boneless Red or Golden Catering Quality ' •• Baked Ziti, Fettuccine to patients and departments three The two defeated candidates trailed well was unresolved yesterday. Regina Wine Vinegar' 12 oz. 79* behind the winners as William registered voters went to the polls. Of Beefsteaks: Turkey Breast % Ib. *2.59 Alfredo or Macaroni wijh g g mornings every week. The hospital The Township • Committee will make these, 116 did not vote on the4>udget^A~ Top °ound, Sirloin Tip,, Delicious Apples ib Fggplant Sw 99* Broadcast Crumbled took the occasion of "National McAuliffe polled 458 votes and Vincent its final decision on a budget cut at a SchickJiaus Bologna 2 5 oz 69' Cicalese Jr. had 430. charhtt presentintig resultlts by drdistrici t is on Cubed Round, Round Ore Ida Bacon. Volunteer Week" to honor him meeting 7:30 p.m. Wednesday. page 2. $ Calavo Jtrand Peppefidge Farm I among 462 others who help the in- The winners will be sworn in and Cranford's budget was one of seven or Liverwurst ^ •.Tiiestfay'• ~T T»~^^"""J -' •••.••••••s schoo• ••••.• l ^••••a ^g^inj | ,in^^£|— Cubes or Minute Round__, lb. 2.69 .California Avocados. 2/99* Chopped dnidns^u_r=L_ 12 or. 49* board officers elected Monday atp p rn $ Croutons > , stitution." ; t-uneiit expense budgets and two capital Top Round London Broil _ Ib. 2.99 Natural Casing '/4 lb. Jeno's Pizza Rolls at Lincoln School followed by the postponed from April 6 when Gov. Kean Imported from Chile: • outlay budgets which were defeated in halted voting jn 11 counties because of Cheese, Shrimp, Meat and ~ board's monthly business meeting. Red Emperor or Black ' Barbequed Perdue Chicken Mixed Bean Salad 17.25"ox. 995 18 towns in Union County. the blizzard. - " Untrimmed, {f-f2 lb. sizes - Shrimp or Combination 6 oz. 99* Ribier Sweet Grapes lb. 99* HntfrnmthrSpit lb H.89 Progresso Beans Plaza moves Custom Cut to your : Tender Endive Buitoni ... Freshly Made Potato Salad" . Red.k!idncy Beans or Hohyer O>mpany »nd Thin Life Specifications___j__ lb. *1.59 Imported fr g Centers have announced their open- lb.$1.99 JyJadejiiib/ Trieste CheeseTPizza 19 oz $2,49 "^Thik P 20OZ.49* Freirich Smoked————•— -— Horlda Fresh Crisp Mayonnaise .'• ' - - • !b 69* T ings at the new Cleveland Plaza. "A Sara Lee Coffee Cakes Campbell's Chunky local business. Penny Wise, will Butts or Tongues. lb'1.99 Chicory or Escarole Ib. 49* Freshly Made "._..... , Vegetable Soup. .I9oz. 59* Smithfidd Smoked l Struesel(II'/4oz.)or move there. Other ventures plann- Eggplant .Salad A lb. *1.09 $ Prego Spaghetti Sauce ing to locate at the site include a Sliced Bacon— lb. *L69 Bud Brand California Pecan "(I I !4 n7 ) each 2.19 Imported from England: ' 15.5 oz. iS9* drug store, jewelry store, spice Hygrade Ballpark: Mrs. Smith's Deluxe Regular or Meat Iceberg Lettuce Sturminster.. $ Del Monte Sliced Beets _ 16 oz. i»9* shop; art gallery, and a tobacco- in controversial dissent They re ready: Glueck farnilyhas.been saving glass ior months In an- All Meat Franks_ . lb. *1.59 Cotswood Cheese Ib. $5.69 App'e Pie 46oz. 2.49 newsstand shop. • . ticipation of this vyeekend when recycling is resurrected in Cranford. Extra Large • h< Geisha Madam • All Beef Franks. Cheshire Cheese »h *3.89 Aunt Jemima- By STUART A WERE Y ~- population that, is opposed to a tax in- Marino responded by saying the Judy, right, chairman of Environmental Commission, and her oz:1.19 .Cocktail Cherry„_, 1 „__:..„...•_.
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