~ummer 1962 It's Fun To Be in Sigma Kappa Activities GAMMA BETA chapter and the Tekes at WESTERN MICHIGAN collect food for needy families in Kalamazoo before Thanksgiving. With colorful costumes as well as harmonious singing, GAM­ MA LAMBDAs won second in the All-Sing at EAST TENNESSEE. KETTI CARROLL, B~, went with the PURDUE Band Ma­ jorettes to the Win­ ter Carnival in Que­ bec in February. A repeat performance of the routines was given during a bas­ ketball game inter­ mission after their return. An ice skating rush party was an unusual one for the ALPHA CHis of GEORGETOWN at an Ice Palace in Lexington, Ky. This Homecoming float won ,.-------~-..--~----....,.., Sweepstakes honors for GAM­ MA IOTA at TEXAS TECH. BETA UPSILON placed third with their J-Prom skit at OHIO. VOLUME 56 NUMBER 2 SUMMER 1962 Official Magazine of Sigma Kappa Sorority Founded at Colby College, November, 1874 Confenf:j NATIONAL COUNCIL THE COVER: The 212-foot free-standing tower which joins Wittenberg University's unique chapel-library is a National President-Mrs . Ed Douglas Jr., 1084 Leighton ave., symbol of the relationship between culture and religion Los Angeles 43, Calif. at the Springfield, Ohio, institution. 3 Install Fourth Ohio Chapter at Wittenberg 1st Vice-President-Mrs. Eliot Roberts, 1230 Marston st., Ames, 4 Praise Lillian Budd's Third Book for Children Iowa. 5 Jessie Padelford Stars in Two Seattle Events 6 Lenoir Rhyne College Has Fourth N .C. Chapter 2nd Vice-President-Mrs. Ar­ 8 Epsilon Beta in New Orleans, Our Newest Chapter thur F. Friebel, 3662 Wellington 10 Expand House at Michigan rd., Los Angeles 16, Calif. 12 Salute to Rhena Clark Marsh 13 Helen Wolcott Heads Pillsbury Service Center Directo1· of Membership-Mrs. 14 Mae Mark Nalder Is Honored G. A. Clerisse, 3331 Osceola, Denver, Colo. 15 "Mrs. Mills College" 16 Nu Chapter Celebrates Golden Anniversary Director of Extension-Mrs. 17 "Wedding Belles" Ring Out Profits Monroe Dreyfus, 122 Beverly 19 She Was a Displaced Person pl., Munster, Ind. 20 Houston Defeats Cleveland in Chapter Challenge 21 Eta Captures Homecoming Sweepstakes National Secretary-Treasurer­ 22 Alpha Members Ride the Sunbeam Mrs. E. D . Taggart, 3433 Wash­ 23 Dr. Alice Dement Is Writing a Novel ington blvd., Indianapolis 5, Ind. 24 They Danced on lee Skates to 2nd Place 25 Denver Honors Mary Bozett 26 Sacramento Tops Endowment Drive 27 "Ma" of Nine Works for Her M.A. TRIANGLE STAFF 32 College Highlights 48 Pledges P.ditor-in-Chitf-Mrs. James Sta.•• nard Baker, 433 Woodlawn ave., 52 News of Sigmas Glencoe, Ill. 57 Milestones 58 Deaths Co/leg, EditorS-Mrs. John Cole­ man, Meadow Estates, Wheeling, 59 Directory W.Va. Mrs. Henry Booske, 1617 Zarker rd., Lancaster, Pa. SIGMA KAPPA TRIANGLB is published in Spring, Summer, Autumn, Win­ ter, by George Banta Company, Inc., official publish .. , for Sigma Kappa Sorority at Curtis Reed plaza, Menasha, Wis. Subscription price $2 a Alumner Editor-Mrs. Harold B. year; single copies 50~; life subscription $15. Lines, 234 Salt Springs rd., Syra­ cuse 3, N.Y. Send change of address, subscriptions, and correspondence of a busine,. nature to Mrs. E. D. Taggart, Curtis Reed plaza, Menasha, Wis., or 3433 Washington blvd., Indianapolis 5, Ind. Correspondence ·of an editorial nature is to be addressed to Mrs. J. S. Baker, 433 Woodlawn ave., Glencoe, Ill. Chapters college and alumnre. must send manuscript in time to reach their respective editor::. before the fifteenth of October, January, April, and August. CENTRAL OFFICE Member of Fraternity Magazines Associated. All matters pertaining to national advertising should be directed to Fraternity Magazines Associ­ H33 Washington blvd., Indian­ ated, 1618 Orrington ave., Evanston, Ill. apolis 5, Ind. Director, Mrs. E. D. Targart. Second -class pos tage paid at Menasha, Wis. Printed in U.S.A. INSTALLATION AT WITTENBERG Speakers Table. Dr. Robert Long, Dean of Students; Mrs. Douglas; Miss Heimtraut .Dietrich, Assoc. Dean of Students; Mrs. Lowry; Mrs. Crispin, Toastmistress; Mrs. Taggart; Dr. William L. Scott, Associate Dean of Students. Installation Team, back row (1. to r.) standing: Henson, Mrs. Hays, Mrs. Balser. Seated: (1. to r.) Faulkner, Mrs. Douglas, Mrs. Taggart, Mrs. Lowry. Installation Tea Line. Mrs. Wappner, Mrs. Hays, Balser, Mrs. Taggart, Mrs. Douglas, Miss Heimtraut rich, Associate Dean of Students; Lana Henline, Omega President, Gamma Omega college initiates, Wittenberg university, Ohio !JnJfafl :Jow·fh Ohio Chapfe,. al Wttente,.g- 1Jnivei'Jif'! By MARY ELLEN GORDON HENSON, AI-Miami (Ohio) A The installation of Gamma Omega chap- White and yellow floral pieces with gold ter, last in the Gamma series and fourth streamers decorated the tables at the installa­ in Ohio, took place at Wittenberg university tion banquet held Saturday evening at the Feb. 2-4. The 15 girls who were pledged Springfield Country club. Phyllis Gerhardt when the original colony was started May 20, Crispin, AI, was toastmistress and Barbara '61, were initiated Friday evening as the char­ Dreher Wappner, BZ, was chairman of the ter members and 14 who were pledged in fall banquet. At each place was a white candle in rush were initiated Saturday morning. a gold triangular holder for the candlelight On the installing team were Margaret Haz­ ceremony. A corsage of lavender ,flowers tied lett Taggart, National Secretary-Treasurer; with ribbons of the sorority colors were at Betty Green Douglas, National Director of each initiate's place. Membership; Mrs. Swift lowry, Past Na­ A gift of silver flatware was presented by tional President ; Ruth Combs Balser, prov­ the three other Ohio chapters: Miami, Mari­ ince president; assisted by Molly Cockerill etta, and Ohio ; a silver tea set by the Na­ Hays, AI, president of Springfield Alumnre; tional; silver candelabra, compotes, trays, Margaret Nesbitt Faulkner, BY; Mary Ellen sugar and creamer and nut spoons by the Gordon Henson, AI, Advisory Board ; and Alumnre chapters in Cleveland, Akron, Cin­ Margaret Molnar Wells, BY, Recommenda­ cinnati, Columbus, and lima, and Spring­ tions Chairman. field; and a large tea cloth by Dayton Alum­ Pianists at the installation ceremonies were nre. Mrs. Wappner, a local alumna, gave an Dolly Dillahunt, BY, who has transferred to attractive wall barometer. A "money tree," Wittenberg, and Rita Colasurd Buterain, BY. traditional at installations, was contributed to Other alumnre attending the installation ac­ by chapters all over the country. tivities were Marie Smith Gotwald, Z, and At the Installation Tea Sunday afternoon at Azile Gill Arthur, A<I>. the chapter house, 41 W . College ave., the SUMMER 1962 gold and white color scheme was used again. Sororities, in order of founding, are: Alpha Xi Delta 1903, Alpha Delta Pi 1913, Chi Omega 1924, Margaret Henneuse Umbaugh, X, was tea Kappa Delta 1927, Gamma Phi Beta 1929, Delta chairman. Zeta 1941, Delta Gamma 1955, Sigma Kappa 1962. Gamma Omega Charter MemberJ Marcia E. Andre, '63, Tabor dr., Branford, Conn. Doris M. Balentine, '64, Arlington rd., Newton Falls, Ka~~i~e·n E. Barbe, '63, 214 Magyar, Wellington, Ohio. Carolyn Brown, '64, 14 5 Kuulei rd,, Kailua, Oahu, Ha· waii. Carmen Ehrhardt, Cincinnati, Ohio. Nancy Getzendiner, '63, 5140 Case ave., Lyndhurst, Ohio. Barbara D. Greider, '63, 936 N. 18th st., Cambndge, Ohio. Lana Henline, '63, 718 E. Elm, Olney, Ill. Miriam J. Hoyer, '64, 11 70 Ashland ave., Dayton 20, Al?c~teonards, '64, 1156 Pomona rd., Cleveland Heights 21, Ohio. Judith S. McQuistion, '62, 3939 W. 226, Cleveland 26, Ohio. Claude Miles, '64, 25 Prospect st., Bernardsville, N.J. Gamma Omega pledges at installation tea Patricia Misek, '63, 8114 W. 45th st., Lyons, Ill. Janice L. Reller, '62, Johns lane, Ambler, Pa. Claudia Ann Scholl, '63, 1023 Buchanan, Plainfield, Ind. Wittenberg University was founded 117 Mary R. Summers, '64, 385 E. 222nd st., Euclid 23, Ohio. Barbara E. Von Sick, '63, 28719 Cresthaven dr., Wil· years ago in 1845 as a college for men, sup­ lowick, Ohio. ported by synods of the Lutheran. Church in Gamma Omega PledgeJ America. It became coeducatwnal m 1874. Cicely A. Bauer, '65, 400 N . Samuel dJ., Zanesville, Ohio. The University has five divisions-College Nancy A. Decker, '65, 2234 Wilmer st., Zanesville, Ohio. Carolyn Jden, '65, 14 Post rd., Pompton Plains, N.J. of Arts and Sciences, School of Professional Sue Ann Juday, '65, Box 12, Syracuse, Ind. Susan Nelson, '64, 3796 Cordell dr., Kettering, Ohio. Studies (including School of Music), Gradu­ Lora Pratt, '65, 914 W. Liberty, Ann Arbor, Mich. ate Studies Division, Hamma Divinity School, Dorothy Rinehard, '65, RR 3, New Carlisle, Ohio. Sue Valbracht, '64, 642 1 Spokane ave., Chicago, Ill , and School of Community Education. Pertinent Wittenberg statistics as of 1962: Gamma Omega Initiatn Kathyrn Bertschy, '65, 16020 Beverly rd., Birmingham, Plant of 27 buildings on 55-acre campus Mich. Carol Buechler, '65, 87 N. Alling rd., Tallmadge, Ohio. with valuation of $9,659,270; endowment, Diane Eades, '65, R.R. 1, London, Ohio. $9,736,193; enrollment, 1,781 in under­ Connie Engle, '64, R.R. 1, Cedarville, Ohio. Barbara Fitch, '64 Wiesbaden, Germany. graduate schools, 3,83 7 in all units ; library, Lois Lahna, '64, 519 Eagle st., Fairport Harbor, Ohio. Rowena Lord, '65, 32 Lenwood rd., Port Washington, 115,000 volumes. N .Y. • Barbara Lynn Maiden, '65, P.O. Box 104, Farnham, N.Y. The eight national fraternities, in order of found­ Lois Matzen, '65, 155 Lloyd ave., Pittsburgh 18, Pa. ing, are: Phi Kappa Psi 1866, Beta Theta Pi 1867, Carol Percic, '64, 9264 Sharott rd., Poland 14, Ohio. Alpha Tau Omega 1883, Phi Gamma Delta 1884, Melissa Schleper, '65, 208 E. Water st., Watertown, Wis. Ann Schlereth, '64, 414 Elm st., Madison, Ind. Pi Kappa Alpha 1926, Phi Mu Delta 1930, Delta Wendy Scott, '64, 476 Dorchester rd.
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