Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC October 1967 Daily Egyptian 1967 10-5-1967 The aiD ly Egyptian, October 05, 1967 The aiD ly Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: http://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_October1967 Volume 49, Issue 13 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, October 05, 1967." (Oct 1967). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1967 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in October 1967 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. EGYP'TIAN Southern Illinois 'University --, Vol"",. 49 Thursday, p&oI>er is, 1967 Humber 13 Registration R~vjSions Include $5 Late Fee Registration procedures cond and third days and stu­ The deadline for VTl stu­ will Include several changes dents will not see sectioners. dents to pay their fees will effective winter quarter which Students themselves will be be Dec. 13, 1967. place more responsibility on r esponsible for determining McGrath says .the changes students for registration and whether a course or section are being made to provide a program changes according to is In time confllct With the more orde rly processing of the SIU rell:IRtrar. rest of their schedule. registrations arid ' program Robert A. McGrath said the The program change s eceion changes at the stan of each changes are the zesult of a of the Sectioning Center will quarter. Stlidy of the system hy his be relocated and will have Accordlng to McGrath, ,a office which included consul­ class cards diVided into sev­ student " will find that he will tation with students and Uni­ eral differe nt groupings. not be permitted to r egister versity personnel. Quane rly schedules of until the foutth day of the quar­ Undergraduates will not be classes will be instituted in ter at which time he will find permitted to change their place of the annual schedule. it most difficult to s ecure a / scliedule until after the third Closed class-permits will r easonable class schedule. day of the quarter and each no longer be issued at the " These c~ange s will eon­ w1ll be assessed a $5 late fee: Sectioning Center and a let­ tinue to emphasize to the stu': The firse day of the quaner ter signed hy the adviser and dents tbe importance of [heir w1ll be r eserved for regis­ the chairman of the depart­ advance registering and ac­ tering of new and re-entry ment offering the course will cepeance of the fact that the undergraduate stude nts. have to be presented to the University is operating an ad­ Program changes will be center before a class card vance registration syste m,' will be Issued. handled exclusively on the se- he said. I Graduate students will not process their registration Faculty Checks Ready througb sectioning unless they New Bus ~hedules wish. Their registration will STARTING mE CLEANUP-Members of Phi Sigma Kappa social Faculty supplemental pay­ fraternity start cleanup operations at 416 N. Marion as part of a be handled through their ad­ Being ~ribut~ roll checks are available to­ viser and the Graduate School. project to renovate the house and property occupied by 15 persons. day at the Disbursements Of­ During the all.day project Wednesday, they hauled away four dump­ They must pay their fees by the New scb<!l1ules forthe Catn­ fice, P ark Place North, ac­ eod of the second week of the pus Bus Service are avail­ truck loads of trash, laid a walkway and made other repairs. For cording to John Barnes, pay­ quarter. able. according story and additional photos, see Page 10. to manager roll officer. VTi students will DOt pro­ Donald Ball. cess their registration Schedules may be obtained Egyptian Articles Cited through sectioning if they ad­ from the Auxillary Enter­ vance register. Their r ~ prises Office, the informa­ glstration will be handled tion desk at University Cen­ Campus Senate Recommends through the Institute and they ter, at Thompson POint, Uni­ will re ~i~ their fee state­ versity park, and Woody ·Extension of Libtary Hours ments bY/ mal). Hall. The Campus Senate Wed­ ommendlng that the senate student housing regulations. Houlin$ -Commis,;-oner nesday night endorsed a res­ "consider postponing the Is- West-Side Dorm Senator Al olution calling for round-the­ sue permanently:' Blumenthal. wbo introduced clock availability of Morris The legislative hody also the resolution, challenged the PlaR:s~Personal Tour Library facillties. passed a resolution calling administration' s authority In The r esolUtion, Introduced for an ihvestlgatlon Into the governing student housing Larry Mandel, In the wake of state statute requiring trailer by West-Side Non-Dorm Sena­ student government sponsored maintaining that student gov- his appointment as student coun landlords to ilupply a tor Bard Grosse, came Wlder Free School. emment uis the gove rnment government housing commis~ ten gallon garbage can foreacb fire Wednesday In the Dsily East-Side Non-Dorm Sena- 'of tbe students! ' sloDer. has announced plans to trailer in the coutts, then re- Egyptian In an edItorial rec- tor Gary Krlscher, who spon- The senate also voted to begin hy Saturday a tour of ferred to a number of Carbon­ sored the resolUtion, cited a recognize the Southern llil- Inspectle", of all on and off- dale coutts, including the one Charge of Battery recent letter to the editor In nols Pe ace Committee. cal"Pus student housing. at which he now resides, wbere the Dally Egyptian which chal- ~ andel was appointed by there Is not more than one lenged the value of Free School Meskill Reported Stil!)ent Body President Ray garbage can for the entire Is·Filed Against to the academic community, Lenzi Tuesday after LenzI had coun. as justification for a thor- 'M ch I d~ been unsuccessful In trying to "We hope to complete a Edwardsville Prof ough investigation Into the U mprove getholdofMandel'sprerleces- detslled study o(all student ' program sor Rick Daniels housiI)g proceedil)g from there Edwardsville, Ill. (AP)- "The ietter has created III Jefrey Meskill, a freshman ' . ' with the action necessary, .. A Southern illinois University will toward Free School and from C hampaign, w,,;~ re- Lenzi un s u c c e s s f u 11 y he said. p r '1 fe s so r , who allegedly III will toward student gov- ponedJY:edpesd~ much attempted earlier In the week drove his .auto over the fee t ernment and the whole matter Iml!r6ve<P,Uccordlng to Doc- to reach Daniels from whom Gus Bode of a campus policeman, has should be cleared up one way tor 8'HOSPltai.. ~ he had not heard since late been charged with battery. or the other" Krischer said. ' He and b ee companions last quarter • . Lenzi announ- Dr. Alfred E. Kuenzli, 44" In other ~on, the senate were struck by an auto ced at the Campus Senate of St. wuis, ~as charged passed a resolution calling' September 22 while walking meeting Wedne'sday nlghHhat following a 2O - mile auto chase for administrative withdrawal on South Wsil Street In Car- he had learned Daniels has Tuesday which pollce say be- from the governing ' area of bondale. been drafted and has already gan-at Edwardsv1lle ~I)d end- reported for induction. ed at a roadblock ' on U.S. P . D dl " He offered a public apol- 67 In Missouri north of St. rlo.rity ea ine Anno. unced ogy to Daniels for any bad Louis. publicity resulting from srii- sa~a::0"c~:'ty~;.!!:or.!tr:~ For Travel Fund Allotments.:J ~:~~hg~!~ment ' s attempt to Dr. Kuenzli drove his auto Mandel, who holds a Wls­ over the feet of an SIU cam- Student BodyVlcePresident . ganl~ons and $2,000 for stu- conslnrealtor'sUcense, spent pus pollceman following an Richard Karr bas :umounced a dent groops traveling lor In- most of Wednesday selecting argument Tuesday. priority deadllne for 'requests terco'llegiate competition pur- members for hiscommlsslon. Severai departments joined -for studentor~atlontravel poses. }- . He said He has alreadybeell ~ In the chase. ~llefontaine fund allocations. Karr said organizations In ' contact wit" ~ illinois Nelgbbors Police Chief Allen Karr said Wednesdsy that must flU out a request foJ.!!!- State Realty Board and bopes P.Rlett said five bullet boles' request B submitted on 'or be- for ' each individual trip (for soon to be able to gu~antee ' were found I n the hack of fore October 9 would receive which they are rl¥luestlDg students that _dent housing Kuenzli's small auto. prior consideration by the -funds. // ~ conforms to sIl University, Dr. Kuenzll bas been pro- Campus Senate flnance com- He said the forms may, be' state and local laws. fessor of education and so- minee ' when student travel pic.ke4 op' In the'u m~slty Mandel 'polnted out what be Gus says clal psychology at the Ed- funds are allocated. Center either at the Student .termed one el<llJDple of a via- Carbo~le mii;ht th:' Olle' way • <wal'dntlIe campus· cff 8m< He said $3,000 bad been set Activities or tbe-Studellt CiOY-. latlon of .... law -IJy<Carbon- to · geJ , zid 'JOf ~ ....f , :{ile .. since 1"951!, ., j" : .. ..... : ... ,.: · asl~" ..for 1:Il~~~~t ~<ii- ~r~eptofHC<!s... dale l.~ords~' ... ~r. : ~lted a ~dave~.~ ~n , ~3~~S. DAILY. EGYPllAlt Soiuhe,... Rlinou Peace GroUp Seeking' Campus Recognition An anti - war organization representatives to Washing­ entitled the Southern UUnois ton, D.c. on Oct. 21 to par­ Peace Committee bas been ticipate In an anti-war march. formed on SIU's Carbondale The Washington demonstra­ camPl,U\. tion,.sponsored hy the Nation- A spokesman said that the al Mobilization Committee, group's sole purpose was tS>- bo~s to attract over 200,000 belp end the conflict in V~t- students.
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