20— M A NC HESTER H ERALD, Friday, March 2, 1990 INVITATION TO BID MISCELLANEOUS I CARS 1 HOMES CONDOMINIUMS I APARTMENTS I CONDOMINIUMS ISTORE/OFFICE I Sealed bids will be received in SERVICES FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR RENT I FOR RENT FOR RENT I the General Services' office, CORVETTE-1 9 8 7 . 41 Center Street, Manchester, M A N CHESTER- GSL Building Mainte­ TOLLAND-3 bedrooms, HEBRON-2 bedroom VERNON-1 bedroom MANCHESTER-501 Hart­ Loaded, fuel port In- CT until 11 ;00 a m. on the Vlctorlan style 2 bed- nance Co. Com m ercl- 1'/j baths, living room ap a rtm e n t heat and hot Condo, garage and ford Road. Parking, lected, 2-Top, low mi­ date shown below for the fol­ room end-unit al/ResIdentlal building with fireplace, formal water furnished, cellar pool. Available Imme­ prime location. 700 leage and more. $22K. lowing: Townhouse. This unit repairs and home Im­ d'ning room, family storage, parking, large diately. $550 p e r square feet. 649-0969. 742-9072, ofter 5. MARCH 0, 1990 - PUR­ has hardwood floors, yard. No pets, applian­ provements. Interior room. Great family m onth. Call 647-9254. MANCHESTER-PrlmC! FOR SALE-1978 Volor^ CHASE OF 10 PORTABLE ceramic tiled kitchen ces. $635 m o n th ly.649- and exterior painting, house. Call Ron Fourn­ MANCHESTER- b e d ­ M ain Street com m ercl - Slant 6, runs good. MM HAND-HELD RADIOS ie r, 646-3057. $170's. and bath. Susan Do­ 2871.—_______________ al/residentlal prop ­ light carpentry. Com­ room Condo. $52,000. plete lanitorlal ser­ or best offer. Coll 647- RE/MAX East of the nahue. $126,500. Sentry LARGE 2 bedroom apart­ erty, new bulldlnci, MARCH 13, 1990 - CUS­ By appointment. 617- vice. Experienced, rel­ R iver, 647-1419.0 Real Estate, 643-4060.O ment on second floor of great location, ful'.v 7527._________________ TODIAL SERVICES - VWASTE 436-9461. iable, free estimates. OLDSMOBILE-1984, Cu­ WATER TREATMENT PLANT 2 fam ily. 2 extra rooms re n te d . Asking I APARTMENTS In attic, nice neighbor­ MANCHESTER-2 bed­ $739,900.00. Call Jim at 643-0304._________ tlass Clero. 6 cylinder, MARCH 22, 1990 - FURNISH good condition, 58K, FOR RENT hood. Includes heat room Townhouse with 649-0060/643-2583. TAROT and playing card & INSTALL PRE-EN- ICONOOMINIUMS I fireplace. All applian­ vinvl top. $50M/negotl- and hot water. Securi­ COMMERCIAL Office readings. Call tor ap­ GINEERED STORAGE IFOR SALE ty/I ease/references. ces, heat, hot water, pointm ent at 633-2447. oble. 633-5807/569-3093. BUILDING MANCHESTER-1 bed­ carpeting, air condi­ Space For Re nt- $700 m onthly 649-4820 Approxl motel V 850 s o u t h " w i n d s o r - room apartment, large tio n in g . Call 649-5240. The Town of Manchester is an or 646-4412. square feet In new Pleosant Hills. Like living room, eat-ln kit­ WE DELIVER equal opportunity employer, AVAILABLE MANCHESTER-2 bed­ building on Route 6, S c h a lle r 's hitting the lackpotll! chen, all appliances, For Home Del'very. Call and requires an affirmative ac­ carpeting, air, pool. Immedlately-Lovely 2 room apartment. Columbia. Heat and Quality PreK)wned Autos tion policy for all of its Con­ Priced $10K below Stoye, refrigerator, other units In com plex. $550 plus u tilitie s . Keith bedroom, 2nd floor electricity Included. 6 4 7 -9 9 4 6 value Priced tractors and Vendors as a heat, hot water, air, $750/month. Call 228- Sellers say, "Sell, rent, Real Estate, 646-4126. apartment. Carpeted, Mon(3ay to Friday. 9 to 6 88 Olds Cutlass Supreme condition of doing business nice location. 649-5249. V-6, SL Pka., Q n n or lease with option." 2 MANCHESTER- appliances. $625 plus 4030._________________ with the Town, as per Federal utllltles/securlty. MANCHESTER-1 bed­ Lo*d«<<, Low MilM ^ * J j 3 U v Order 11246. bedrooms. What's Avallable Imme­ STORE For Renton Main 87 Olds Calais your choice? Klernan diately. Large, 1 Strano Real Estate, room Condo. $52,000. Street, Manchrsster. Bid forms, plans and 647-7653. By appointment. 617- 529-7858 o r 563-44:18. $6,790 R ealty, 649-1147. bedroom with carpet­ FURNITURE specifications are available at ing and appliances. MANCHESTER- 436-9461. 88 Honda Prelude S" the General Services' office. A LOT FOR A L IT T L E ! Avallable Imme- For this Condo with Its $500 per m onth. 646- 3 GLASS and Chrome $10^00 dlately. 1 bedroom I MISCELLANff'ouT TOWN OF MANCHESTER, 4144._________________ display units. Free 1987 Acura Legend Sedar own private entrance. apartment, heat and FOR RENT CONNECTICUT COVENTRY-Convenlent, I standing, adjustable Quaint & charming hot water Included. Se­ $11,500 RICHARD J. SARTOR, private location. Wall- MANCHESTER shelves. $1(X)each. G ift brick exterior lust min­ curity deposit and ref­ M X N C H E S T E R - 1986 Pontiac Grand Am GENERAL MANAGER utes from route 384, to-wall carpeting, wrap table with erences. No pets. Boyle Ayallable Immedla- v-8. se PkQ.. c 7 0 0 , 4 -7 7r I f # basement storage. 1 3 becJroom, 4 bath­ Loadad. Sharp Car f U w 043-02 walking distances to tley. Large, 2 car gar- shelves. $150. Call 456- and 2 bedroom apart­ Management,Co.,649- 1986VWGT1 downtown, churches, 4800._________________ room Townhouse. age. Convuinlent 0279.______________ __ bus, stores, library, ments. $450 and $500. 2 2 CUSHMAN Maple twin LEGAL NOTICE BENNET Elderly location. $150 p e r S u ' n ^ . ' ^ y $ ^ W 0 etc. Inside <iarge lying m onths security. No Pool, tennis. Avail­ m onth. 646-4144. Size beds w ith springs Aportments-1 bedroom 1988 Volvo 740 TuitO To be auctioned on Mon. — room and formal din­ dogs. 742-0569. and mattress. $200. Call Auto. LMlh«r, Q n n apartments for Imme­ able April 1, $900 March 5, 1990 at 10:00 AM. ing room or den. Moke MANSFIELD/WILLING- 643-2263._____________ diate occupancy. 1 ROOMMATES 1 R o c k w o o d — an appointment today! TON LINE-Rt.44, 2 bed­ monthly; 2 months I 87 Acura Legend Sedan VIN # 1RKTC1400J1000204 $59,900. Anne M ille r month free rent. Please MATCHING couch and v-s. Auto. d j-j c Q n n room apartm ent, I WANTED chair. Excellent condi­ Luxury PKg. V • w jW w U 1 C o a c h m a n — Real Estate, 647-8000.D call 528-6522 fo r an adults preferred, coun­ security + utilities. tion. $150. Please call 88 Ford Mustang LX VIN#1TC7E2014H1001828 application. FEMALE Roommate PRICED FOR QUICK try privacy. No dogs. 646-6536.__________ $6,600 by Stop Quick Brake Centers, Inc. SALE! For this large 2 $460 per month plus 2 MANCHESTER-Brond Call 646-5153 wanted to share an 262 Hop River Rd. bedroom Townhouse months security. 742- spanking new! 2nd apartment In Manches­ 88 Chevy Beretta GT ITV/STEREO/ V-6,A^pLo«<ad. |3 J Q Q Bolton, CT 06043 with IVj baths, large 0569. floor, 1 bedroom apart­ leave message ter. On bus line. 645- Hlanrlipatpr Mpralft living and dining ment with fully ap- 6530. APPLIANCES 010-03 2 EXERCISE bikes. 1 duel I 86 Hyundai excel rooms with open floor action portable. $60 for pllanced kitchen, car­ plan and good sized both. 1-800-666-1256, peting, air. Intercom SANYO Sterlo compo­ $2,900 security, storage, I WANTED nent set- 4 units. Amp, 90 Acura Lcigend HOMES bedrooms. Well main­ Rex,9-5pm. I HOMES tained small complex laundry facilities and TO RENT tuner, cassette, turnta­ FOR SALE MANCHESTER-3,4,5,6 parking. No pets. Heat I FOR RENT ^P^bkZSi $23,900 Newsstand Pric»: 35 Cents with easy commute to ble and speokers, $200. M Honda Civic Sedan Saturday, March 3, 1990 Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm and 7 room apart­ extra. Security. $500 a 2 BEDROOM apartment 643-8536. route 384 and Hartford. m ents. S e cu rity. No MANCHESTER- 3 bed­ Call to yiew today! m onth. 646-1379. f o r 0 responsible L o it ila . $5,900 DYNAMITE fam ily pets. Now available. room Cape,flreplace, mother rind child. 85 Buick Century room, highlight of $84,900. Anne M ille r 646-2426, 9-5 weekdays. MANCHESTER-2 bed­ fully appllanced kit­ MACHINERY Real Estate, 647-8000.o room aportment, 2nd Under $4(.'K) monthly. I spotless 3 bedroom Co­ MANCHESTER-2 bed­ chen, dining room, 2 M o rlo , 647-8607. AND TOOLS $4,900 lonial. Full fleldsfone GOODBYE MR. LAND­ floor, appliances. $525 baths, 1 car garage. No room Townhouse, near per month plus secur­ 87 Toyota Celica GTS wall with fireplace LORD! Hello smart pets. 2 month's secur­ SSpaad^idl Saint James Church. ity. 643-5372, 9am;5pm. TOOLS, electric iigsaw, 1^0,900 heafulators, recessed Condo owner who buys $650 monthly plus elec- ity. $950 plus utilities. IGENEFIAL chainsaw, and drill. lights, super size. Ask­ this large 2 bedroom, 5 MANSFIELD/Wlllington 649-0795.—___________ 84 Olds Ciera Brougham trlc/gas, 2 months se­ 1 SERVICES Approximately 100' V-6. Auto. Loaded, ing $160's. Call B ar­ room unit w ith Vj bath curity. 646-7797/646- Llne-Rt.44, 2 bedroom BOLTON- 9 room Con­ w ire fencing. 646-1636 Sport Coup* bara. RE/MAX East of off master bedroom, 3043/645-0784.
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