Established 1865 VOL. 31, NO. 39 75 CENTS HOMEDALE, OWYHEE COUNTY, IDAHO WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 2016 Friday fi re guts home A Friday morning fi re destroyed a Homedale residence while the owners were away on a trip. The fi re was reported around 7:45 a.m. Friday at a locked house at 219 W. Washington Ave. A handyman staying in a trailer in the driveway and two others were able to get off the property unharmed. Homedale Fire Chief Dennis Uria said the homeowners received assistance from the burnout fund. The people staying in the trailer didn’t need help from the fund, Uria said. Homedale Police Chief Jeff Eidemiller, who is a volunteer fi refi ghter, was fi rst on the scene after the call came in. Owyhee County Sheriff’s Deputy Cody Hammond –– See Fire, page 5A Homedale volunteer fi refi ghters Bryan Badiola, left obscured, and Curtis Stansell work on a fi re reported before 8 a.m. on Friday. Grand View Fire wants to expand Chief: Property owners OK with annexation A proposal to expand the Grand View Rural Fire Protec- Drum major Ben Holloway, a senior, leads the Homedale High School marching band through its routine Saturday morning at the Caldwell tion District tax base could be ap- Showcase. Submitted photo proved by the Board of Owyhee County Commissioners (BOCC) in the next few months, but the HHS band places second in Showcase affected property owners are al- ready on board. in Group I at 71.850, and director During a Sept. 19 meeting, Marsing wins best percussion in Caldwell Dawn Sandmeyer’s drum corps the (BOCC) heard a report from won the division’s best percussion Homedale High School’s Zieske reported that the Trojans Homedale finished two- district representatives regarding award. marching band started the season band and color guard also collected tenths of a point behind Group the proposed expansion. Homedale also won Best Color right Saturday with a runner- the Spirit Stick at Caldwell High I champion Ontario, Ore., Fire Chief Charles Ensz stat- Guard and Best Visual awards. up showing at the Caldwell School for cheering loudly for which prevailed with a score of ed that all 19 homeowners that Showcase. all the bands in the USBands 76.225. Homedale continues its festival Second-year director John competition. Marsing fi nished fourth overall season Saturday in Kuna. –– See Expand, page 5A Subscribe today Crime, Pg. 4A: Homedale Police drug arrests on the rise Get the news source of the Owyhees delivered Homecoming, Pg. 5A: Homedale ready to celebrate directly to you each Wednesday Only $31.80 in Owyhee County Guardian Award, Pg. 8A: Wilper’s Silver City work noticed Call 337-4681 Mustangs on move, Pg. 1B: Jordan wins HDL football opener Death notices, 6A • Commentary, 8-9B • Looking Back, 4B Page 2A Wednesday, September 28, 2016 Cross-valley pursuit Homedale tank facelift begins ends in Homedale A high-speed chase that crossed crossed the Snake River. three counties ended with an Homedale Ambulance arrest Friday night in a Homedale transported Cox to Saint neighborhood. Alphonsus Regional Medical Homedale Police Chief Jeff Center in Boise before he was put Eidemiller said that Ada County behind bars at Ada County Jail. law enforcement officers took Cox faces six felonies in the 39-year-old James Cox into wake of the hit-and-run accident custody after he crashed a stolen and high-speed pursuit. motorcycle on Selway Drive On Monday in Boise, Cox was around 8 p.m. on Friday and arraigned on two counts each attempted to fl ee on foot. of eluding law enforcement and Eidemiller said two Homedale leaving the scene of an accident offi cers were on scene, but neither as well as single counts of grand engaged in the pursuit once Cox theft and burglary. The pursuit began when Cox Buy it, sell it, allegedly refused to stop for Boise Police. trade it, rent it... He later struck a cyclist with his in the vehicle then ditched the car and stole a motorcycle before fl eeing Classifieds! Ada County. Above: Jace Davis of Wilder-based — JPB Valspec Painting LLC started work to repaint the original Homedale water tower Monday afternoon. Davis expects the project to take about three days. Left: A SPRINGFIELD hydraulic lift was brought in to carry Davis up and down during work to repaint the 115-foot-high water tower. BROUGHT TO YOU BY The City of Homedale is spending $10,000 out of its economic development DAYS LARRY’S SPORTING GOODS fund for Fiscal Year 2016 for the project. The second block of 1st Street West between Wyoming and Colorado avenues is closed during painting. Davis is returning the tower to its FRIDAY AND SATURDAY original, unblemished galvanized look and he will affi x red interlocking “HT” logos on the east and west sides of the tank, city 6(37 2&730 public works supervisor Bret Smith said. The tower is no longer in service as part of the city’s water infrastructure, but the government still earns revenue DRAWING from telecommunications companies that rent space around the tank to place their cellular antennas. ÀÊ> Challenging Fun for Springfield XD the Entire Family! {»Ê /iÊ{x * Get Your Game On! at this event! BRING IN THIS AD TO RECEIVE AN EXTRA DRAWING TICKET! Must be 21 years or older to participate. See Salesman for details. "", 1-/ ,tÊ8 -ÊÊÎ°Î»Ê _!;=RUa_!/a:a9/aDT>-RUa DU\a Coloring Puzzles Handcrafted Iron Puzzles "ÞÊfΰx @D_Ua_ff>/Ja/ab/a\9/a & Shaped Puzzles Made inin theththe USUUSASA All other Springfields ON SALE d)>_U;b/aT;6;A>a-;\;DA2 For Kids & Adults! Receive an additional magazine free with gun purchase EW! VVÕÀ>Ê*ÃÌÊ ÕiÌÃÊÊ£ä¯Ê" N GET YOUR 100’S of Jigsaw Puzzles! ]:aaDD-a_ff>/U a(aa(a D9AaeA/ 3DTaAea=;>>a /b/>2 D9Aa//T/a;Aa(a _)9a DT/2 Çä{ÊÓ`Ê-Ì°Ê-°]Ê >«>ÊUÊÓän{ÈÇÓä£ FIX HERE (208) JIGSAWS BRAIN TEASERS 453-8444 ÕÀÃ\Ê°ÊÊ->Ì°Ê\ÎäÊÊÈ\ää 2707 S. 10th Ave. Caldwell, Idaho CROSSWORDS 3-D PUZZLES 0RQ)ULDPSP6DWDPSP www.larryssg.com PUZZLE MADNESS, USA Closed Sundays Wednesday, September 28, 2016 Page 3A Homedale FFA accepts another Monsanto grant Money will allow greater STEM emphasis in school’s ag curriculum After receiving a $10,000 grant chemistry affects plant health for the second time in as many and productivity through soil years, Homedale FFA is ready to and water quality experiments,” do its part in furthering STEM Poland said. education in schools. The Ag Department will obtain Ag students and chemistry several plant science lab kits to students at Homedale High enhance the STEM component of School will partner in the learning the curriculum, Poland said. process, according to FFA advisor “(The department will) expand and ag teacher Sue Poland. The ag the emphasis on inquiry-based students will learn about chemical learning techniques that we use in elements in the lab, while the food science to the plant science chemistry students will be able class,” Poland said. to witness practical application Poland and Homedale’s FFA of chemistry on the farm. offi cers accepted the program’s Some STEM-focused kits have second Monsanto America’s been bought for the school’s Farmers Grow Rural Education Homedale FFA members hold a plaque and placard celebrating a $10,000 grant as Monsanto chemistry program, and those Grant in as many years prior to the representative Brett Lolley talks about the award and fellow Monsanto rep Tyler Tolmie looks on. From students will work with the Ag Sept. 20 volleyball game against left: Tylee McKay, Riley Haun, Wyatt Dorsey, Krista Mayer, Lindsey McRae, Tanis Lentfer, Jesse Packer Department’s food science and Parma. and Lauryn Fisher plant science on a hands-on, Local Monsanto employees career-focused chemistry lab. — Idaho production manager the presentation. pointed out that Dwayne and “I was tickled to get selected “They will be able to explore Brett Lolley and production Lolley pointed out that Poland Tracy Fisher, owner of Wilder- again,” Poland said. “I wasn’t sure how chemistry in foods affect representative Tyler Tolmie (a has now received fi ve Monsanto based Fisher Club Lambs, were if they would pick the same school the consumer, or how plant confessed Parma grad) — made grants totaling $26,000. He also sponsors for this latest grant. two years in a row.” — JPB Senators push for year-end PILT reauthorization Idaho’s U.S. senators have urged Senate have a shrunken tax base because of a high for many counties in Idaho and other rural due to nontaxable federal land within leadership to work toward the inclusion percentage of exempt federal lands. and western communities,” Crapo said. “The their boundaries. Reauthorizing PILT is of full Payment Payment in Lieu of Taxes Sens. Mike Crapo and Jim Risch sent the strong showing of bipartisan senators on this necessary to avoid severe cuts in our county funding in any year-end legislation likely request Friday in a letter to Majority Leader letter is evidence that PILT payments are budgets,” Risch said. to be signed into law. Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and Minority critical to communities nationwide.” In Owyhee County, nearly 80 percent of The PILT program is critical to Owyhee Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.). “PILT provides payments to counties the land is managed by the Bureau of Land County and other rural governments that “PILT funding is an important resource to help offset losses in property taxes Management and, therefore, tax-exempt.
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