Registered by Australia Post Publication No NBP 1482 JANUARY-MARCH, 1989 JaKn The magazine of THE NAVY LEAGUE OF AUSTRALIA > NAVAL SPECTACULAR MONEY FOR DEFENCE • THE LAST SURVEY RAMING THE ENEMY • HMNZS ENDEAVOUR • RIVER CLASS FRIGATES EOITOR: ROSS GILLETT PO BOX 653 DEE WHY NSW 2099 fletfil tared 0, Mutual,* Pott Publicmon\ So NBP 14*2 Today's communication Reproduction in pan or whole is forbidden THE NAVY without the permission ot the Editor in writing is tomorrow's c 0111 p e l i l i vv edge, The magazine of THE NAVY LEAGUE OF AUSTRALIA JANUARY/MARCH, 1989 THE NAVY LEAGUE OF AUSTRALIA FEDERAL COUNCIL CONTENTS Patron .n Chief H* EiceMerv* W- G o . " • General President f Geotiroy E.an^ OBI VHO VKe Presidents AMI Adm.ral A J Rnpfrtwin AO OSC RAN |Rl(ll John Viewpoint 8<rd I f W Vrckridge OBE VRO Hon Secretary R M Btytnman 9 CulMon Road CamberweH Vic 3t24 Phone 29 7428 I AH) NEW SOUTH WALES DIVISION Patron H:s Eicellenr., IM- Governs i" No* Soul" Walfi President R O Aloeri RFD RD Hon Secretary J C J Jepoevn OAM UFO GPO Bo« 1719 Sydne> NSW 200t Pnone 570 6425 3 Naval Spectacular VICTORIAN DIVISION Patron Mrv EiceUfnc* The Governor Ol Victoria President John 6Vc Hon Secretary Ne.i Meaden 4 Eleanor Court Donvale V* 31 tt Phone B4231M OUEENSLANO DIVISION Patron M.s EiceHt-fic, Trie Governor ot QueensMnd President A H Robertson OAM VRD 4? Crgandra Streel IrtdooroopiHy 11 HMAS AWARE - QkJ 4068 Phone 070 1272 AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY DIVISION Circumnavigation Cruise Patron Admiral Sit Victor Smith AC KBF CB DSC RAN I Rid i President D M Bute AM VRD Hon Secretary: Enc Mahone, tt Sumner Street Coo* ACT 2614 Phone 51 1B33 SOUTH AUSTRALIAN DIVISION Patron His Eicetlency The Governor o' Souih Auitinha 13 Money For Defence President O M Schrapel Hon Secretary M.M J E GiH GPO Boi '5?9 Adelaide SA 5001 Phone 347 1966 TASMANIAN DIVISION Patron His Eicelteney The Governor ot Tasmania President: M L Cocpe' Let's face it, for business to perform everywhere in Australia - simultaneously Hon Secretary Mrs J M Cooper 42 Am, Road I veston Tas 7250 14 The Last Survey t-, ii WEST AUSTRALIAN DIVISION competitively in the thrust and parry of if you wish. Patron M.S f icetter-cy The Governor ot Western Australia President: L F W Vomlgr OBE VRO tomorrow's markets it will have to meet What's more, AUSSAT has the Hon Secretary Mrs G Hevnti 23 Lawtet Road Attadale WA 1156 Phone 330 3600 those challenges today NORTHERN TERRITORY DIVISION capacity to adapt to future advances in Palron Hit Honour Ihe Adminislralor 1 6 AVEROFF President: Cohn r>r There's no doubt that those with the technology Hon Secretary: 0 Malryon GPO Boi 2612 Oarvnn NT 5794 vision to predict trends, anticipate change We can help you plan, design and and recognise better ways of doing things implement systems that grow and adapt ADVERTISING AND PUBLICATION 1 9 River Class Frigates first are often the most successful in to your changing business needs. Pero-al Publishing Co Ptv Ltd VW) business. AUSSAT may offer space-age SYDNEY B62 Eiuatnrlh Slreel I "loo NSW 2017 Phone |02| 6996231 It stands to reason, in a country technology but you'll find our attitudes MELBOURNE 1st Floor 71 Palmersicn Crescent. South Melbourne 3205 the size of ours, with its widely scattered and costs are down to earth and will Phone (03) 696 1470 27 Ramming the Enemy population centres, that improved give you a competitive edge in the future. PERTH communication will help most business to 2nd Floo- Kings Ok) Otl.ce Tower 517 Hay Street Perth 6000 So if, in the competitive world of Phone 109(221 tfl?3 operate more effectively and efficiently tomorrow, there's a role for a vastly e4000 Phone |07| 832 2531 2 9 Out ol the Past Simply stated, thats exactly what improved communications system, come AUSSAT offers. and rent a piece of'Space'from AUSSAT The opinions or assertions expressed In articles in "The Navy'aie Reliable and accurate communications Contact AUSSAT Marketing on (02) inose ol the authors and are not necessarily those ot the Federal HMNZS ENDEAVOUR Council ol The Navy League ol Australia, the Editor ol "The Navy" 30 of voice, video, data or text 238 7800 or toll-free on (008) 22 1305 for or The Royal Australian Navy. Signals that travel at the speed of light further information. -3*-; - A totally reliable network that fully OUR COVER PHOTOGRAPH 32 Book Reviews USS NEW JERSEY — Firepower demonstration prior to the enables you to talk to anywhere or Bicentennial Naval Salute and International Fleet Review Tomorrow's Communications Today (Photo — Courtesy ot Naval Photographic Unit I January-March, 1989 Page One f(f<l«|IOfflf FEDERAL PRESIDENT READERS All photographs courtesy of Ihe Naval Photograpni by ROSS GILLETT New Amphibious ship THE ARK ROYAL AFFAIR Dear Sir. The small pictorial article on the USN's new WASP The Bicentennial Naval Salute and the On J l-i iiiinhT , j , h tear i In Koyal. ."mi K»>nl Australian Naurs i I.HI) i i class which appeared in the edition before last, LMHiiii.tiinrji. VilmirJI NHstin's famous vkliirv in IK05 irff ( .i|" International Naval Review are now part of leads me to ask whether more Information is Available on 1 rj|jli;ji II, i.ili. i I4XH Mill hi remembered for some time |Q OHM in 3 Australia's Maritime History. in.iti Mjiin J- du' iintt- a British warship Mas d r n i r d access lit a berth in these interesting ships' an Australian pori in a group »f \usiralian sramrn »h«i happened ID Could your North American correspondent provide The Vr. .il Tribute began literally with a bang on Sunday. disagree with the foreign and defence policies nl theii country's material for a more detailed description of the USS WASP 25th September, when ihe gunsmoke of 210 gunshots garlanded for a future issue Sydney Heads a-, the representatives from 10 n a t i o n s ' fleets paid Yours faithfully. tribute to the Bicentenary in a formal salute oil ihe Sydney Ihc disappointment earned to the ship's company Of (IMS \Kk W CRONIN. coast. KOYAl and of the licet Auxiliary 1 OK I (.KANs.l . and the Gosford Accompanying ihc naval fleet on this picturesque ami thousands 0< people in Melbourne wailing 10 welcome litem will pass with ume. Ii is imponam howevei the spectacularly demonstrated rati r till OK: We plan lo feature the WASP class in detail in the tranquil Sunday afternoon were thousands ol" well-wishers thai important policies affecting •Australia's future can he so easily April lune edition ot ihc "I/ir \I/I i". embarked in hundreds of smaller motor and sail boats out to damaged he remembered witness this unique ceremony. Navies represemed in the salute I.tlsl ISM e included Australia, France. Cir-cce. India, Italy, Japan. •\Kk ROS, \ l s misfortune was noi the onlv case of government Malaysia, New Zealand, Pakistan. Hritain and U S A . policies hemp ignored h> maritime unions; naval vessels have been Dear Sir. unable to dry dock because nl lack ot assurance ihev could gel out I was indeed grateful to receive in the mail my Monday. 261 h September, dawned, lot the citizens of again. merchant ships and cargoes black-listed lot one reason or October December. 1988. edition of ' The Navy"' Being Sydney and especially ihc coastal suburbs, was the spectacle of another contrary to government wishes, the problem has been clear unable to get to the Bicentennial Naval Salute In Sydney Australian and visiting naval vessels entering Port Jackson in six enough tor a long time. was a great disappointment However. "The Navy" waves from 07(M to the early afternoon. In the water, greeting The Prime Minister has now promised the KAN facilities to make provided all of the information I needed to help me enjoy the men-of-war, were the usual welcoming craft plus the now it less reliant on outside sources. vs hile this will be helpful it is onl> a the live ABC telecast ever-present group ol protestors aboard kayaks, dinghies and part-answer to a problem made more difflcull 10 solve m lhai an Can we expect to see a n y of the photos taken of the surfboards. A Navy spokesman commended the laiier's 9 emotional issue is involved — nuclear energy. BNS In your next issue behaviour while some ol the visiting Captains expressed both Perhaps because of the relative isolations ot their countries. On another point, a relative of mine served in HMAS delight and surprise as to the lack of antagonism. WARRKFN when the vessel was serving from Port Australians and New /ealanders do uoi appear to have accepted that IK late afternoon Garden Island and the \\ oolloomooloo nuclear powered arid nuclear capable ships are a prodiisi ol the age as Aolaide Car. any of your readers put together an article b> arid-large the communities ol the northern and western hemispheres i n her career in South Australian waters'' basin resembled more than a home for one fleet, but a home for have done Yours sincerely, many. Echoes of a past era in naval warfare roared across the The world may or mav not have been a better place if 5(1 or so M SIMON vcars ago man had not discovered ;hat the release ot atomic energv Port Melbourne hori/on towards the cits on Monday afternoon with ihe firing of could be controlled, thus beginning a new phase in history, Ihc PS I enclose a copy of a letter from a Melbourne the big 16-inch guns of the battleship USS NEW JliRSIiY.
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