E590 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks April 19, 1996 Sikhs ruled Punjab from 1710 to 1716 and TRIBUTE TO LYNDEN B. MILLER dedicated to the well-being and beauty of New again from 1765 to 1849. When India York City's most frequented public spaces. I achieved its independence, the Sikh Nation HON. CAROLYN B. MALONEY ask my colleagues to join with me today in was one of the three nations that were to re- OF NEW YORK celebration of Lynden for her many wondrous ceive sovereign power. However, the Sikh IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES botanical gifts to the millions of residents and visitors of the city of New York. leaders of the time chose to take their share Thursday, April 18, 1996 with India on the promise of autonomy and re- spect for Sikh rightsÐan arrangement similar Mrs. MALONEY. Mr. Speaker, I am espe- f to America's own association with the people cially pleased today to bring to the attention of of Puerto Rico. Many of us have spoken about my colleagues Mrs. Lynden B. Miller, my close HAVERHILL GIRLS BASKETBALL Indian violations of the fundamental human personal friend, whose years of behind-the- CHAMPS rights of the Sikhs and others. The abduction scene service to the public is deserving of a very special tribute. We owe a debt of grati- and ``disappearance'' of human rights activist tude to Lynden who, as a designer of public HON. PETER G. TORKILDSEN Jaswant Singh Khalra is one prominent exam- gardens, has made an immeasurable contribu- ple. Despite the solemn promises of Gandhi OF MASSACHUSETTS tion of beauty and grace to the great parks and Nehru, these violations have been going and public spaces of New York City. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES on since the Union Jack was taken down for Lynden Miller's most recent and notable Thursday, April 18, 1996 the last time in 1947. As a result, no Sikh to contribution is on view in Bryant Park, on 6 this day has ever signed the Indian constitu- acres located behind the New York Public Li- Mr. TORKILDSEN. Mr. Speaker, this morn- tion. If the people of New York, California, or brary. The city of New York closed Bryant ing I spoke on the floor praising the UMASS Illinois had not agreed to the U.S. Constitution, Park in the late 1980's because it had become Minutemen basketball teamÐthe best college would we consider them part of this country? a haven for crime. In 1992, after 5 years of basketball team in the country. Now I rise to When India attacked the Golden Temple, renovation, and with gardens newly designed applaud and celebrate the best women's bas- the Vatican or Mecca of the Sikh Nation, in by Lynden, Bryant Park was triumphantly re- ket ball team in MassachusettsÐfrom Haver- 1984, more than 20,000 people were killed. opened. Since its opening, 10,000 visitors hill High SchoolÐon their championship win. Another 20,000 were killed in simultaneous at- walk through the garden each day, rejuve- These athletes have proven they possess the tacks on 38 other Sikh temples, or Gurdwaras, nated by Lynden's pallet of spiraeas, hydran- necessary edge to be champions and rightfully throughout Punjab, Khalistan. geas, foxgloves, sedums, phlox, hollyhocks deserve heartfelt congratulations. and Japanese anemones set in borders 300 The Indian regime also has imposed ``Presi- On Saturday, March 16, 1996, at the feet long by 12 feet deep. Today, due largely dential rule''Ðthat is, direct rule from the Worcester Centrum in Massachusetts, Haver- to Lynden's vision of the possibilities for public central government which supersedes the hill won its third consecutive Division I girls space, Bryant Park has been transformed into crown with a 74±46 victory over Pittsfield High elected state governmentÐon Punjab nine an oasis of peace and elegance in the midst times. It is likely that if Punjab, Khalistan School. With nine seniors leading the team to of busy midtown Manhattan. victory, UMASS-bound Kelly Van Heisen net- makes any move toward freedom after the As the director of the Conservatory Garden ted 12 points in the championship game. elections, Presidential rule will be imposed for in Central Park since 1982, Lynden has again Other members of this championship team a tenth time. This is one more way to deny the defied expectations. This northeastern most include Julie Szabo, Jaimie DeSimone, Sikh Nation the freedom that is its birthright. area of Central Park was designed in the Samantha Good, Sara Jewett, Allison Godfrey, 1930's as an Italianate estate garden. Fifty On October 7, 1987, the Sikh Nation de- Julie Dirsa, Tricia Guertin, Cheryl Leger, Ni- years later, at the time Lynden was appointed clared its independence and the sovereign cole Lacroix, Kelly Van Keisen, Melissa Rowe, to take on its renaissance, it has been aban- country of Khalistan was born. The Sikh Na- Melissa Cerasuolo, Meghan Buckley, Heather doned. After 14 years of Lynden's direction of tion is set unalterably on a course to freedom, Langlois and Caitlin Masys. although this movement is nonviolent and garden design, relentless fundraising and staff democratic. Khalistan will secure its freedom supervision, the Conservatory Garden of Thirteen-year head coach Kevin Woeflel had the same way that India secured its independ- Central Park has become one of the great led his teams to win six State titles in the last ence. India cannot keep together an empire jewels in the greatest public park in the world. 10 years, finished second twice and has a which has 18 official languages. Many experts Under Lynden's guidance, the Conservatory stunning overall record of 275±37, for a win- predict that India will unravel within ten years, Garden has also remained a community insti- ning percentage of 88 percent. if not sooner. It is falling apart in front of our tution serving residents of both upper Fifth Av- To be a champion athlete requires dedica- eyes, and too many of my colleagues do not enue and some of the blighted neighborhoods tion, perservance, skill and drive. The young even recognize it. The collapse of the Soviet of East Harlem. women who make up this winning team pos- empire shows that you cannot keep an empire Other public spaces which bear Lynden's sess all of these characteristics and combined of many nations by force permanently. signature include the garden at the Central them to produce a group of unbeatable cham- Park Zoo, portions of the New York Botanical pions. America is a country founded on the idea of Gardens, Wagner Park at Battery Park City, freedom. Let us remember America's mission: I'm very proud to have such an outstanding spring and summer annuals at Grand Army team from my district. Success in any field de- in the words of John F. Kennedy, ``to secure Plaza in Brooklyn, gardens at the Cooper- the survival and success of liberty.'' We must mands a great deal of commitment and hard Hewitt Museum, and Herald & Greeley work, and it's obvious from these champion- support freedom around the world because we Squares. She is on the Boards of Directors of are the land of the free. The American idea re- ship victories that these women have what it the United States National Advisory Council takes to win. quires us to support freedom for the Sikhs, the for the National Arboretum in Washington, DC, Muslims of Kashmir, the Christians of and New York City's Central Park Conser- These incredibly talented young women Nagaland, the peoples of Assam and Manipur, vancy and The Parks Council, among others. have not only proven themselves to be the and all the oppressed peoples of the Indian Lynden also lectures and participates in sym- best this past season, but to possess a record subcontinent. Two bills are pending which ad- posiums in the United States and abroad. She of six championship wins in the past 10 years dress this issue. The first, H.R. 1425, would has written several articles and essays on gar- reflects the dedication of their coach, Mr.Kevin cut off United States development aid to India den design. Woelfel. In the equation for success, effective until basic human rights are respected. The Lynden owes her sense of color to her train- leadership and guidance are as necessary as second, House Concurrent Resolution 32, ing as an artist. She was a successful studio talent and commitment from the players. calls for self-determination in Indian-occupied artist from 1967 until 1982 and has had sev- Once again, congratulations to this winning Khalistan. I call upon my colleagues to support eral gallery shows in London and New York. team, and I wish you nothing but continued these bills. They will help to end India's brutal She was educated at Smith College, the New success as you continue on to college and occupation of Khalistan and insure that when York Botanical Gardens, Chelsea-Westminster throughout the rest of your lives. You are ex- we congratulate the Sikh Nation on its 300th College in London, and the University of Mary- cellent role models for those who follow in anniversary three years from now, we can land. your footsteps, and you are outstanding rep- offer those congratulations to the leaders of a I am very proud to pay tribute to Lynden resentatives of both your school and the State free and sovereign Khalistan. Miller, who for fourteen years has been quietly of Massachusetts..
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