THS LI3RA2Y OF B B 200 na 2 A72 BOCA RA-XI ?iA 33432 Up 0.14 Church news 1:30 Dow-Jones Ready for Sunday STOCKS, Page 11 BOCA RATON NEWS On Page 6 Vol. 15, No. 144 Friday, June 26, 1970 14 Pages 10 Cents Court upholds 'resign to run' Saturday night is the deadline TALLAHASSEE (UPI) — The State prospective resignations, the people of Supreme Court today upheld the the state of Florida would not be validity of the "resign to run" law. compelled to bear the unnecessary "The Legislature, in its wisdom, cost of special elections occasioned by considered it inequitable for an elected elected or appointed officials who, official or appointive official holding while holding one office, seek and ob- office to use the prestige and power of tain another elective office." that office in seeking election to a The majority decision — to which higher or different office," the court Chief Justice Richard Ervin filed a said in a decision authored by Justice lengthy dissent — upholds Leon County James C. Adkins. Circuit Court Judge Ben Willis. "Furthermore, the Legislature More than a dozen officeholders — agreed that by providing for including several senators running for governor or the cabinet — have already submitted their resignations, effective Nov. 3. Harold V. Maull Danciu The Supreme Court's ruling means ...to run for Legislature that all other officeholders, who intend to run for different offices with resigns overlaping terms, now must get in their resignations by midnight Satur- Maull to capital Phnom Penh, for military training as part of an Deputy Mayor Emil Danciu resigned day. Women warriors all-out conscription drive. All men and women between from the City Council this morning in This deadline — 10 days before 18 and 60 are to be taken into the armed forces. —uPI compliance with the state "resign to qualifying to run opens July 7 — is the run for A busload of women soldiers arrives in Cambodia's Telephoto run" law which was upheld by the reason the court rushed its decision so State Supreme Court minutes before fast. his announcement. The law, passed by the 1970 legislature Danciu is a declared Republican Legislature, was challenged by Developers rush work candidate for U.S. representative from Pinellas County Circuit Judge Charles The problems of cities — mainly the Ninth Congressional District, a Holley who wanted to run for the State revenue problems — can't be solved by seat now held by Democrat Paul Supreme Court without surrendering the cities; they must be solved by the Rogers. his seat. legislature, says Harold V. MauUl. The candidate terms as "one big Holley argued the law put an ad- And that's why he's decided, he said for 'construction start' joke" the resignation law, which ditional qualification upon an office today, to run for one of the six state requires any office holder who is a which was not valid. House of Representative seats in the expiring building permits, have been financing impossible at this time. ByPETEPEPINKSY candidate for another elective office to But the 6-1 opinion said that to hold September Republican primary. making last ditch attempts to start The council voted to turn down the M-*s Staff Writ-.T resign 10 days before the first day of this way would be "to legislate and not Maull-two-term mayor of Boca Local condominium developers construction. requests of Boca Seville (2555 S. Ocean the official filing for the sought post. to interpret." So far, one has succeeded. Another is Blvd.), Spanish River Towers (2121 N. Raton and for six years a city coun- denied extensions to their near- He added that the bill was referred cilman, said, "Most urban headaches racing against a deadline with a Ocean Blvd.), and Boca IV (1901 S. to in Tallahassee as the "senate tor- Building Dept. inspection scheduled Ocean Blvd.) but approved extensions are generated by legislative acts and ture bill," because, in Danciu's special laws that limit revenue and this afternoon. for four permits held by Boca Teeca on Spilhaus opinion, it will "just leave many good, require additional services without NW 2nd Ave. in the Boca Teeca sec- YOUR DAY The trouble is that no city experienced men twiddling their allowing extra money for cities." spokesman will go on record as to what tion. thumbs until they can get re-elected." Cities, he said, are forced to rely on constitutes a "substantial start -of An (v-H.rinric,- which went into effect "It hasn't been proven to me that it files suit construction," as required in the city Jan. 1 of this year reduced the number increasingly high ad valorem taxes to has done one bit of good," Danciu said. support expanding services, yet the 1 2 3 4 5 6 building code, to prevent expiration of of units permitted in condominiums Dr. Athelstan Spilhaus has filed a He indicated that through his in- legislature, grants property tax 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 the permit. and at the same time increased circuit court suit challenging Florida's terpretation of the law, his resignation exemptions, limits interest rates for 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Four developers appealed to the City parking space requirements for each would not take effect until the first day constitutional requirement that he be a 21 22 23 24 25 £6j 27 Council for extensions to their building state resident for five years to be city bonds, and at the same time apartment. of office for the seat he is seeking, requires expanded and upgraded 28 29 30 permits on the grounds that a tight which would be Jan. 3. eligible to run for Congress. money market has made construction See BUILDERS, P.3, Col.6 programs. Danciu will remain on the City Spilhaus, a 59-year old scientist, is "We need people in the legislature," Council until that time. challenging Emil F. Danciu of Boca he said, "who understand what a Fish show Taking advantage of the op- Raton for the Republican nomination legislative edict means and what its Economy is ignored, portunity, to fire a few barbs at his to oppose Democrat Rep. Paul Rogers. impact will be." Democrat opponent, incumbent He says the federal constitution Maull plans an extensive campaign Rogers, the 39 year-old Danciu, who in the northern areas of the county, open today has been a member of the Boca Raton requires only that a congressman be 25 years old, a citizen for five years and where he is not as well known as in the The ninth annual tropical fish education bill passed City Council for almost 16 months, Boca Raton area. show of the Aquarium Society of labeled Rogers a "two-faced con- an "inhabitant" of the state he represents. He hasn't decided which of the six Broward County opens today and WASHINGTON (UPI) —With even follow • suit next week. Education servative." seats he'll seek, and does not have to continues through the 28th at the the Republicans ignoring White House measures tend to be just as popular in "If he votes for a liberal democrat to Florida's constitution requires five years state residency and U.S.make a choice until the July 21 Swimming Hall of Fame in Fort appeals for economy, the Senate has the Capitol as hospitals. head a committee, can you say he's a registration deadline. citizenship for 10 years. Lauderdale. The exhibit hours adopted a $4.8 billion aid-to-education In addition to tacking $265.5 million good conservative?" he asked. He said, however, that he would not are noon to 10 p.m. on the 26th, 10 bill that exceeds President Nixon's onto the education bill through the challenge incumbent Don Reed of am. to 10 p.m. on the 27th and request by $1 billion and may give him floor amendments —for everything Boca Raton should Reed decide to run noon to 6 p.m. on the 28th. The an election-year dilemma. from bilingual schooling for American 23-acre facility again. Maull's decision will ride on show is open to the public without The near-midnight final vote on the Indians to $5 million for "dropout how the candidates line up for both the charge. measure Thursday was 704. prevention—the Senate: House and Senate, and also on whether Unless Congress takes back some of the court upholds the state law that Quick facts its generosity in shaping a final —Hooted down, in a loud voice vote, Fish lab planned officeholders must resign before compromise version of the measure, a proposal by Republican Sen. Edward seeking another office. J. Gurney of Florida to bar univer- Weather: Partly cloudy through Nixon may be sorely tempted to veto it State Sen. L.A. Bafalis is running for again —and again risk humiliation in a sities from closing down briefly this governor and officially resigned Saturday with a chance of fall to give students a chance to work afternoon thunder showers. showdown. Thursday from the Senate. It is in election campaigns. Some for site at FAU High yesterday was 90, low By a 279-98 vote, the House overrode speculated that some incumbent this morning was 71. Noon Nixon's veto of a $2.7 billion hospital politicians believe the students will be House members may seek his Senate today was 89. Low tonight 73, construction authorization measure effective in helping elect antiwar By JERRY RENNINGER deep. At present the center plans to seat. This would allow Maull — and Democratic candidates to Congress. employ Ogilvie, a secretary and two high tomorrow 90.
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