energies Article A Current-to-Voltage DC-DC Converter for Powering Backbone Devices of Scientific Cabled Seafloor Observatories Jiayu Zhu 1,2 and Feng Lyu 1,2,3,* 1 State Key Laboratory of Marine Geology, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China; [email protected] 2 School of Ocean and Earth Science, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China 3 Center for Marine Science and Technology, Tongji University, Shanghai 201306, China * Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +86-21-65981631 Received: 9 May 2019; Accepted: 10 June 2019; Published: 13 June 2019 Abstract: In scientific cabled seafloor observatories, branching units and optical repeaters are essential backbone devices, in which zener diodes are commonly used in their power supply circuits. However, the low efficiency of zener-diode-based power feeding modules under large currents makes for a significant threat to the long-term reliability of backbone devices. In this paper, a novel full-bridge DC-DC converter with a duty-cycle-overlap control (DCOC) strategy is proposed to achieve high-efficiency current-to-voltage conversion. The circuit design of the converter and the principle of the DCOC strategy are analyzed. A prototype of the converter is implemented to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed power feeding approach for large-scale cabled seafloor observatories. Keywords: cabled seafloor observatories; power supply; current-to-voltage; DC-DC converters; duty-cycle-overlap control (DCOC) 1. Introduction With the development of ocean science and technology, cabled seafloor observatories (CSOs) have become a powerful tool for oceanography research, realizing long-term and real-time observation of complex ocean processes [1,2]. CSOs can provide abundant power and high data bandwidth to support a number of in-situ scientific experiments in deep sea [3]. As illustrated in Figure1, CSOs mainly consist of shore stations, primary nodes, junction boxes, instrument platforms, and single-conductor electro-optic submarine cables, as well as branching units (BUs) and optical repeaters as backbone devices [4,5]. Each BU connects backbone cables with a spur cable linking a primary node. In case a backbone or spur cable fault occurs, relevant power switches of the BU nearest to the fault must be opened to isolate the fault cable segment, so that the system can remain in normal operation. Moreover, the repeaters are used to compensate the loss of optical signals for the need of long-haul communication. Thus, these backbone devices are essential components of CSOs. Generally, constant current (CC) and constant voltage (CV) direct current (DC) power systems are two types of CSOs [6], as illustrated in Figure2. The CSOs powered by CV power sources can supply more power and have higher power transmission efficiencies than CC power-feeding CSOs, so that most scientific CSOs use CV power-feeding systems. As the backbone cables have only one conductor, the seawater is used as the current returning path. Energies 2019, 12, 2261; doi:10.3390/en12122261 www.mdpi.com/journal/energies Energies 2019, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 2 of 13 Energies 2019, 12, 2261 2 of 13 Energies 2019, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 2 of 13 Figure 1. The system structure of seafloor observatories [4]. Figure 1. The system structure of seafloor observatories [4]. Figure 1. The system structure of seafloor observatories [4]. Figure 2. Two types of power systems in cabled seafloor observatories (CSOs). (a) Constant-current Figure 2. Two types of power systems in cabled seafloor observatories (CSOs). (a) Constant-current power-feeding system. (b) Constant-voltage power-feeding system. Figurepower-feeding 2. Two typessystem. of (powerb) Constant-voltage systems in cabled power-feeding seafloor observatories system. (CSOs). (a) Constant-current Inpower-feeding the traditional system. method, (b) Constant-voltage the power-supply power-feeding modules system. of backbone devices are based on zener diodes.In the Connected traditional in series method, with the backbone power-supply cables, twomodu back-to-backles of backbone zener devices diodes are can based form aon voltage zener regulationdiodes.In theConnected unit.traditional A zenerin series method, diode withconducts the backbone power-supply when cables, the DCmodutwo voltage back-to-backles of reachesbackbone zener its devices reverse diodes breakdownare can based form aon voltage zener anddiodes.regulation then Connected the unit. reverse A in zener bias series voltage diode with remainsbackboneconducts stable. cables,when This twothe method back-to-backDC voltage is compact zenerreaches in di circuit odesits reverse can configuration form breakdown a voltage with highregulationvoltage reliability, and unit. then which A thezener is suitablereverse diode forbias conducts systems voltage poweredwhen remain the bys DC lowstable. voltage CC This power reachesmethod sources its is around reversecompact 0.65 breakdown Ain tocircuit 1.1 A. voltageconfiguration and thenwith thehigh reverse reliability, bias which voltage is suitable remain fors stable. systems This powered method by lowis compact CC power in sourcescircuit configuration with high reliability, which is suitable for systems powered by low CC power sources EnergiesEnergies 20192019,, 1212,, 2261x FOR PEER REVIEW 33 ofof 1313 around 0.65 A to 1.1 A. However, in large-scale CSOs with CV power-feeding systems, the However,backbone incurrents large-scale rise CSOs along with with CV the power-feeding increment in systems, undersea the payloads backbone [7]. currents Thus, rise the along efficiency with the of incrementzener-diode-based in undersea (ZDB) payloads modules [7]. decline Thus, the rapidly, efficiency and of large zener-diode-based amount of power (ZDB) is dissipated modules decline in the rapidly,form of andheat, large leading amount to over-temperature of power is dissipated of electronic in the components form of heat, in leading backbone to over-temperaturedevices. Hence, it ofis necessary electronic to components design a high-efficiency in backbone devices. power-su Hence,pply module it is necessary for backbone to design devices a high-e of large-scalefficiency power-supplyCSOs using CV module power-feeding for backbone systems. devices of large-scale CSOs using CV power-feeding systems. Similarly, inin terrestrialterrestrial DCDC powerpower transmissiontransmission systems,systems, severalseveral methodsmethods havehave beenbeen proposedproposed toto taptap powerpower fromfrom thethe high-voltagehigh-voltage DCDC line,line, i.e.,i.e., thethe current-fedcurrent-fed capacitor-switchedcapacitor-switched converter [8], [8], thethe current-fedcurrent-fed inductor-switchedinductor-switched converterconverter [[9],9], andand thethe H-bridgeH-bridge DC-DCDC-DC converterconverter [[10].10]. A new current-to-currentcurrent-to-current converter isis proposedproposed forfor CCCC power-feedingpower-feeding CSOsCSOs [11[11].]. InIn addition,addition, variousvarious current-fedcurrent-fed step-upstep-up conversionconversion topologies topologies have have been been proposed proposed for for some some specific specific applications applications such such as electricas electric vehicles, vehicles, servo-drive servo-drive systems, systems, uninterruptible uninterruptible power power supplies supplies (UPS) and (UPS) photovoltaic and photovoltaic systems, wheresystems, low where DC inputlow DC voltages input voltages must be must converted be conv intoerted higher into DChigher output DC output voltages. voltages. There There are three are basicthree current-fedbasic current-fed topologies, topologies which, arewhich push-pull are push-pull [12], full-bridge [12], full-bridge [13], and half-bridge[13], and half-bridge [14]. However, [14]. theseHowever, current-fed these current-fed converters converters need constant need DC constant voltage DC inputs voltage with inputs unidirectional with unidirectional current, while current, the backbonewhile the cablebackbone voltages cable of CSOsvoltages vary ofwith CSOs payloads vary with and payloads the cables and only the have cables one conductoronly havewith one bidirectionalconductor with current. bidirectional current. InIn thisthis paper,paper, wewe proposedproposed aa novelnovel current-to-voltagecurrent-to-voltage full-bridgefull-bridge DC-DCDC-DC converterconverter basedbased onon high-frequencyhigh-frequency pulse-width-modulationpulse-width-modulation (PWM) (PWM) power power switching switching technology technology for for backbone backbone devices devices of large-scaleof large-scale CSOs, CSOs, with with high high power power conversion conversion efficiency efficiency and low and heat low dissipation. heat dissipation. An earlier An version earlier ofversion this paper of this was paper presented was presented at the International at the International Conference Conference on OCEANS on OCEANS 2018. 2018. - 2.2. Startup Operation of the Proposed Current-to-Voltage ConverterConverter The purposepurpose ofof thethe current-to-voltagecurrent-to-voltage converterconverter designdesign is toto supplysupply powerpower forfor innerinner functionalfunctional loadsloads ofof backbonebackbone devices.devices. As the converter needs to startstart upup beforebefore itsits normalnormal operation,operation, aa compactcompact startupstartup circuitcircuit isis designeddesigned asas shownshown inin FigureFigure3 3.. Figure 3. Startup operation of the current-to-voltage converter. Figure 3. Startup operation of the current-to-voltage converter. The switch SA is normally-closed which is series
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