Etn1961 Vol07 19

Etn1961 Vol07 19

, I', I ~-, \ l, I ; Vol. l, No. 19 May 3, 1961 Semi-Monthly 1 $6 per .year by firs.t class mah Edited by Hal Bateman Page 147 NATIONAL NEWS O I "C, 1 BOSTON'MARATHON, April 19: Oksanen (Finland) 2:23:29; Kelley (Boston AA) 2:23:54; Norris (McNeese •pt) 2,:25:'46.; MacKenzie (NYPC) 2:28:40; Manninen (Finland) 2:29:46; Terry {Electric Boat AC) 2:30:20; Williams (UCTC) 2:32:22; Gruber (Austria) ~:3i:49; Green (Boston \ AA) .2:32_:58; Duncan (Beston faA) 2:33:46. , . I ' · KANSAS ItELA YS, Lawrence, April 20: 10,000, Lindrud (~nsas) : 34:43, 1. April 21: ·4 MileR, Houston (Lawrence 4:23. 0, Macy 4:17. 5, Almond '4:08. 6, Clohessy 4:13. 2) 17:02, 3; Missouri 17; 05, 8; Colorado St. 17:28. 0; Southern Illinois ,. Univ. Sorint MedleyR, O~a. St. 1 (Strong, Covert, Davis, Stone) 3:22,A; Texas Tech 3:2-3, 5; Drake 3:24. 6; Kansas 3:26 .. 7. ' , College Sprint MedleyR, Loyola (Chicago) (V/hite, Flanagan, Alexejun, Q,'i-Iara) 3:?3, 1; Texas Southern 3:23, 8; East Texas St. 3:24, 8; Emporia St. 4001H, Cushman (una) 51, O; , Stucker (Kansas St) 51. 7; Watson (Texas A&l) 52. 2; Toomey (Colo) 52. 9 • ...!2L_Fry (Baylor) . 170'7½"; Lindsay (Okla) 165 '4½11;Seitzinger (Hardin-Simmons) 165'2"; Holcomb (Ho~~rd Payne) 160'8". 3 MileR, Nelson (Ark) 14:12. 2; Macy (HoustonJ 14:18. 5; Mellgren ...(Baylor) 1 11 I I 14:26. 8; Glyde (Colo. St) 14:34;7 • ..fil.tMiller (McMurry) 24'~"; Gertain (Emporia St) ,24 8 ; Meyers (Colo) 24'4¾''; Buckley (Wichita). April 22: 120HH, Stuc½er ,ltl, 2; ,Gunnm,ghum(Fe~a,s); Brodie (Arkansas); Petross (Howard Payne). College Distance MedleyR, East Texas St. \ , 1 (Foster, Bennett, Bagiacka's, Vandcr Wal) 10:09. 3; Southern Illinois; Wabash. University , ~- ·: r· Distance M~leyR, - North Texas pt. (Bothrncr /4:8.0, Spencer 1:,_55. l, Menchaca 2: 59. 2, _. ,, , Coope,,: 4:07. O) 9:49, 3; Missouri 9;53~ D; Kansai$ 9:57. 3;' Houston 10: 07. 8..-100, Kemp (l3ay•.,· · :i f lor) l'O; 1; St'ell (McMurty); ,fllspat,igh (Texas); Butts (Mo}., Sp,ecial Mile, Grelle (EEA~) 1.4:07. ,1; Cunliffe (una) 4:11. 0; Dupree (una) 4:13, 6; Mullins (wia) 4:18. 7. SF, Fry 57'3"; . Lindsay · 1 11 '56'9;1-";, Tyner (Baylor) 56'; Smith (Mo) 55 7 • HJ, tie, Richards (Empori~ St), Fordham · 1 1 (Emporia St) and Curtis (Baylor) 6 6". College 440R, . Texas 8outhern (jones, Allen, Frazier, ) q·;, Milburn) 41, o; McMurry . 41. 2; ,East Texas St, 41. 7. University 449R, Baylor (Small~Y,, · , Bennett, Fieldsi ' Kemp) 40; 8; Houston 41. 0; Drake. HS.1_Kelly (una) 50'3"; Floerke /(una) _ 1 r:_,, !' 50'1"; Shirey · (Texas A&!) 46'10,!". College 2 M~_eR~ Howard Payne (Noble, S~tiago, Bishop, _ Petty) 7:32. O; Texas Southern 7:35. 9; Ft. Hays St. University 2 MileR, Drake (M9or~ 1:57.5, ' Hutchinson 1: 52, 6, 1: 50.4, Durant · 1:11:9.5) 7:30. O; Kansas · 7:30. 8; Kansas State / . 7:36.1; Texas Tech 7:3-7A. Special _100, Alspaugh 9, 8; Wlebe (una); Dave Scyron (una). _ ~ 1 College 880R, Texas Southern (Jones, Allen, Fr,azier., MHburn), 1:24; ~;' McMurry 1~26.·0'; , , , Texas A&I 1:213~O. JT, VHlkinson (Redlands) 242'8½"; Clark (Colo) 235'; Cockrehq,m _(Wichita) 223'8"~ Smith (Texas) 219'8½". 'Univers!!Y_ 880R1, Baylor (SmaHey, Alc;xander, Fields, /Ke{rlp) 1:Z5.1; Mfssouri 1:25. 9; Houston 1:26. 0; Arkansas, 3000SC, Mellgren 9:20.4; Holman (una) , , ; ;) 9:27. :l; Thomas (S. IU) 9~.2~.6; Eila~on ('Colo.- ~t) 9:35.h , College W1ilcR,Emporia$t, . ' (Mayo, Franklin, . Certain, Washington) 3:12.2; Texas ,Western 3:13.9; McMurry 3:14.6. • \i l University MileR, H<?uston (Harlan~ Waterri1an, Anderson, Casseil) 3:10. O; Drake 3: 10. 5; • i ~ Okla. ~t. 3: 10. G; Baylor 3: 11. o. PY, tiej Martin (Okla) and Davies (Okla. St) 14'10"; t"1eyers 14'4", Decathlon: ·(April 21-2Z) Mulkey (una) 7,268 pts.; Cattcr (Alabama) 6,318 pts.; ,, , 1 , ' . Perry (Hutchinson JC) 5, 7,69 pts. , , , . : · · \ · OHIO RELAYS, Columbus, April 22: -440R, 1 Miqhigan 42. 6. 880R, Ivrlchigan i:29. 4. MileR, Inqiana 3:19. 7. 2 MilcR, Michigan 7:51. 3, 1 Sprint Medle¥R, Centrai St. 3:34, 3. Distance ,McdlcyR.1 ~ichfgan 10:·09, 2 • .fili._Akpata (Mich. St) ~2 111,". SP, Locke (Mien) · 1 1 54 8¼".PV,Johnson (Pui;-due) 13 6" • .J:!1_1Speppard (Ind) 6'5". loT, ~c_hmalcnberger (OSU) , '] z) J. 11~3'1". 100, Murchison (UCTC) ~- 7; ~dams (Pµrct~ · frosh) 9. ~-!..120HH, Wasl,lingto~ (Ce~r~l i-. _,.~ , -r.t -1,. • J I ; J ,- .., :-- ' , I \\ .0 ), r ! ; i \ l \ : r , Page 148 , , , . May ,3, 1961 St) 14.7. 40.0IH, Washington 56,7. 600, Parker (una) 1:11.7; Hunter (una) 1:11,8. 1,000, Sullivan (St; George H.S.) 2:12. 7. Mile, Umbarger (una) 4:2~.1. 3000SG, Young (Mich. St) 9:30. 6, . gUEENS-IONA RELAYS, New York City, April 22: 440R, Maryland St. 42.1; Morgan St. 42. 3, 880R, Maryland St; 1:26. 2; Manhattap. MileR, Maryland St. 3:15, 7; Morgan St. 3:15. 7; St, John's. 2 MileR, Manhattan 7:44. 5; NYU 7:50, 3. 4 MileR 1 Fordham 17: 37. 0. · Sprint MedleyR, Morgan St. 3:27. 5, Distance MedleyR, Villanova 10:23. 7. 120HH, Rogers 1 11 , {Md. St) 14.·2, .fil.t.Mays (Md. St) 23 8¼''. DT, Kohler (Fordham) 163'1 . ' . LONG BEACH, CALIF., April 22: Smith (Oxy) 9.7, 21.0; Southern (USAF) 46.8; Holland (Striders) 9;14.2; Smartt(Striders) 9:15.9n; Humplureys (Striders) 53'2½", 175'5½"; · ' Stuart (Striders) 229'i"; Ulrich (Striders) 222'6½"; Van Kirk (Striders) 24'5½"; vViley (Striders) 24' 4½"; Babka (Striders) 178 '5½''; O'Brien (Striders) 171'; Connolly (Striders) 215' (HT); , Andrews (Striders) 48'4.l" (HSJ): , I ,. ODESSA, TEXAS, April 22: Nelson (Andrews, Texas, H, S,) 20, 6, 46. 5 (national high ,school record), WASHINGTON 36 11/3 AT UCLA 94 2/3, April 22: Branson (C) 57'4f'; Buchanan (i;V) 55'9¼"; Tripp (C) 9,6w, 20.5w; Saunders fv'✓ ) 9,6nw; Johnson (C) 14.2w, 23.4w, 24'10"w; Yang (C) 224'4"; Dahl (C) 9:04; 8; Cramer fvV)15'1¾''; Failla C,.V)14 14". , , 1 11 BOSTON U. 46 AT DARTMOUTH 89, Apr:il 22: Thomas (BU) 14.9, 6 6 , 47'4½". , CAL POLY (POMONA) 24, ARIZONA FROSH 53 .AT ARIZONA 85,April 22: Alexander (A) 6'6½"; Burke (A) 53 1 10½", 176'8"; Johnstone (A) 179'; Glover (A) 14'6'•; Dunn (A) 9. 6w, · 21. 2. _ CALIFORNIA 32 2/5 AT OREGON STATE 98 3/5,April 22: Johnson (0) 47. 8; Cuddihy (0) 9:11.4; Likens (0) 229 13"; Horn {0) 25'6½". , SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 8321 OREGON 61 AT STANFORD 17½,April 22: SP, Long , t ~(SC) 63 19"; Steen (0) 54'1¼''; Wade (SC) 53'7¾". JT, Sbordone (SC) 217 14½"; Burns (0) 219'9½"; , Tomlinson(SC) 214'11". !:.!h_Avant (SC) 6'8¼''; Grundy (SC) 6'4¼". Mile, Burleson (0) 4:11. 5; ·· Forman (0) 4:13. 6; Larson (0) 4-:15. 8. 440, Cawley (SC) LJ:6.3; Hogan (SC) 47. 8; Staten (SC) 48. 5~ 100, Jerome (0) 9, 6; Bates (SC) 9, 7; Munn (SC) 9. 7; Cook (0) 9:9. 120HH, Tarr (0) 14. 0; Pierce (SC) 14. 2; Polkinghorne (SC}, 880,Bt1rleson 1:50. 3; Ohlemann (0) 1:51.1; Warren ' Farlow (SC) 1:51. 7; Klier (SC) 1:52. 6, 220t, Munn 21. 5; Bates 21. 5; Jerome 21. 6. 220LH, Cawley 23. 4; Pierce 23. 6; Tarr 23. 6. 2 Miles, Reeve (0) 9:50. 7; Larson 9:50. 7. Mile R, SC 3:17,4. I3J, Close (0) 24 14"; Hayes (SC) 24'1½"; Moore (S) 23'1<>¾", DT,Weill (S) 175'; Y.ade (SC) 173 1½";Bell (S) 171'11"; Stubblefield (0) 165'6". PV, Brewer (SC) 14 18"; tie, Hein 1 (SC), White (S) and McAllister (0) 14 • Dual meet score: · SC 78, Oregon 53. NORTHWESTERN RELAYS, Natchitoches, La., April 22: Garrett (La. Tech) 9.5; Smith (Lamar Tech) ·14. 4; Pennel (NE La) 14 '7". CHAMPAIGN, ILLINOIS, April 22: West (Northwestern) 47, 9; Van Scotter (Marquette) 21. 0. Special 440, Kerr 46. 7. , TULANE 25 AT ·.LOUISIANA STATE 104,April 22: Constant (LS) 9. 6; Bandaries ' (LS) - 1 1 1 11 55 10½ ', 151 10 ; tie, Harris (LS) and Fatheree (LS) 14!6£", : - . _ ARMY 51,AT YALE 89, April 22: Stack (Y) 48. 5; Carroll (Y) 1:53. 5; L,uck (Y) 14. s; 23, 3; ,Bachrach (Y) 9:15. 5; Livingston (Y) 227'8" . GRAMBL,ING REL.A YS, Grambling, . La., April 22: Duhon (Sotitµern U) 14. 2w; Jackson (Prairie View) 24 '9"; Boyette (Grambling) 53 19". · ' GEORGIA TECH AT AUBURN, April 22: ·Nutting (GT) 58'3"; Crane (A) 58'1", 175 13" . TEXAS A&M 64½, SMU 48½ AT RICE 56,April 22: Rice 41. 8, 3:15. 4; Roberts (TAM) ~ 9. 6}v; Hollingshead (R) 20. 5w; Jones (R) 20, 5nw; Charlton (R) 23, lw. ~ VIRGINIAN-PILOT RELAYS, Norfolk, v_a., April 22: PV, tie, /Bragg (una), Wadsworth l (una), Dooley (Quantico) and Schwarz (USMC) 14'6" (Bragg cleared 15'1¼" on extra trial).

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