• 1942 -. - ==--= ~ Yanlcs Lambast Continued Warm ., ~ Ed,ar Smltll to Dro, IOWA: c-UaMd wan. ...., .. (Jh"ox. I-I ±HE-- DA willa wldelJ .eatterN ..... - Sell 8tor, Oil Pan 4 • I • t . ILY IOWAN ~ .. eui partia& I.owa City'~ Morning Newspaper FIVE CENTS Tall ABIIOOIATBD Pal8S IOWA CITY. IOWA FRIDAY. JUNE S, 1942 TIIB APOClAT&D rans VOLUME XLD NUMBER 218 -a J , ( I I Nazi 'Rifles Snuff Olil J24 More SOUGHT TO AVENGE TOKYO RAID U.S. Commanders , . , " In SOutheast Asia 200 RAF Bomben Lash Bremen Czechs as Hiller Hangman 'Dies Confer With Chiang As Commandos' AHack' France' Firing Squads Have Slain 187 Hostages In Reprl~als, Report of Japane.. British Troops Gain Valuable Information During Reich Government Prepares 'Gangster' Moves in Manchukuo Daring Raid on Invasion Coast Funeral for Heydrich . Rai ..s Speculation Near Boulogne LONDON (AP)-Reinhard HeydricJl;'courge of nazi.occupied CHUNGKING (AP)-The rank- Europe, died in Prague yesterday whiLe the rifles of hill Ol>!ltapo Ing United States commanders In L NDON (A P )-Britain threw all three of h r fighting &eM', took terrible I'eveng among the populade for bi · allSAssination, and southeast Asia gathered here last ices again t the nazi contingent yesterday in 24 hours of eellR- less assault, p rho I)!! paving tbe way for a great attacking force allowed last night th German government prepared to bllry him with night for war conferences with to come. , is tile all the macabre pomp accorded a Chicago gangster of the twenties. China Generalissimo Chiang Kal- . Wllile a force of perhaps 200 big bomben; battered Bremen in Minn,; Twenty.four more z chs, including three women, wel'e ex· Shek against a background ot stratinr eeuted in Prague and Brunn yesterday following the annt/unce· press appeals for the United States the brief ununer darkness. commandos supported by the royal to take the initiative in an im med- navy landed in the very heart of the invasion coa t, between JIIent of Heydl'iell's death, the Prague radio announced last ni ght. iate land. sea and air offensive Boulogne and the once·gay gambling resort or Le Touquet. But the bioody terror loosed by henchmen of Hitler 's hangman, against Japan. They brought back voluubl information for evaluation by .1- which already has elaimed the lives of 187 bOfltages in Bohemia Interest in the meeting was li ed generals here, at a time when far-reac.bing plans for the and Moravia, waH building up its own counter·tel"ror. 'fhe German heightened by Chinese reports of future allied offensive were being discu ed in Washington. The radio itself revealed that nazis in the protectorate of BolJemia and new Japanese troop concentrations commandos' own chjef. Lord Louis l\fountbatten, now is in the Moravia were feeling the hand that· strikes by night ; the revenge in tianchukuo. and the spread ot patriot·assassins who come by parachute from abroad to repay, speculation that the Japanese len- U. capital. of erals may have decided at last to Yesterday, in tiP wake of the command , fighters and light. .nth bomb. fire and steel, for * * * * try the strength of Russia'. armies bomber warmed ael'08S the tire subjugulion of their home- in Siberia. ,____________ * * * * , Chll1Wt'l to attack targ ts i n the land. Chlnelle ell'Clles said 8 U I'l h a Pas D alai region; the Kent- Indeed. a nazi broadcast yeR- Nazis Recount move would "'l'lOvn~ lor Japan's Writer Reports i h sky wa f illed y t rday ev - ttrday vl'n ing. giving what failure &0 lollow IIJI her earlJ ning with wave after wave of re- purported to be the details of succe_ b, aUempUnr Invllilon turning lIquadrons. and a heavy Heydrich's fatal wounding. said un Channel of AustraUa or India. rumble of explOllionl rolled acl'Olll automatic pistol and an anti-tank He ydrich There was no immediate an- the water from the direction of bOmb used by the two assassins nouncement of the subjects dis- Boulogne and Calais. were of British make and the cussed by Chiang and the tJneri- R d The attack on Bremen, althoulh lIII'Ie kind of automatic pistol had cans. Lieut. Gen. Joseph M. Stll-· ~mall In comparJson with the four- bben found in the possession "of well apfl Maj. Gen. Lewis H. Bre- a, -- figure "victory raldll" on Colo&ne sOme parachute agents who had At;ack.-- reton. who new here from India. been dropped by British planes and Brig. Gen. Claire L. Chen­ BULLETIN over protectorate." nault. who came from Kunri'ling. Heads Terror LiSl HONOLULU CAP)-Dne .Ia..­ BERLIN. *(nom * German* broad­ Stilwell is Chiang's American WI TH *TUE * COMMANbO* aneM ba!Ueshlp and a Japen... Whatever the truth of these de­ casts) (AP)-The fatal atlack on chief of staH, the commander of OFF THE FRENCH COAST aIrcran carrier wen .....ed WIs. the British government long Reichsprotectol' Reinhard Hey­ the Chinese filth and sixth armies. (AP)-Brltlsh oommando troops ago promised post-war punish­ and other wlrshlps beUeved IaH drich was carried out by bo~h Brer'eton Is ' the commahder of clad onlfln ahorta. stoeklnra and In the sixth and heaviest Ja.,..­ rOent for this "bloodiest of all the bomb and automatic pistol made United Slates army air forces in Ion woolen hats threw German eae raid on MJdwI1 I....... aN bloody nazis." The 38-year-o 1 d m BriLain. the German radio action from Indian bases. and deleuaea iniD complete confu Ion a communique I ..ued 1etdenla, Heydricb headed the list of those stated yesterday In a dispatch from Chennault commands the Flying whel) they carried out a "smuh. by AdmLral Chef&er W. NlmIta, 01\ whom the British plan to exact Prague giving the fi rst German Tiger,s. American volunteer group and-rra" .. aid" on the Freneh eommander.ln-ehlel of &he 1IIa­ retribution for nazi terrorism ill version ot the assassination. soon to be incor'porat-:d In the eout elrly yesterday, Reuter' cllle nee.. !he occupied countries. The dispatch said: • United States army. corr"pendeRt Rid. The hundreds of Czecbs who "Investigations of the attempt The Iniluential Chungking news­ Here Is the reporter's account: live died. or who probably fllced and Easen. was called "e"trem~l, on the life of Reinhard Heydrich pape Ta Kung Pao urged In an The commandos storming ashore succe stuI" by an lir Informant. death. last nl~t because of the as­ showed beyond a doubt. that thl' f. iJ' al tha.! ~pe United StateR as­ between Boulogne and Le Touquet _inalian. will be merely addi­ Bremen. normally II city Of ItU.- weapons used were of British sum. greater responsibllity [0 r just befare 3 a.m. had established 000 on the banks of the Weser, Ii tion. to a vast roll begun in 1941 make. according to an official conduct of the war, and said "the themselves on the beach before the second only to Hamburg as a Ger­ when Hitler sent "The Hangman" statement issued here. alUes should launch attacks agalnst Germans opened fire. as Reichsprotector for Bohemia man maritime centcr. It I. only I "The attempt on the life of Hey­ Japan by land. sea and air in col­ The defenders were so rattlcd 300 mile flight from Eniliand. and Moravia to Prague to "quiet drich was carried out on a steep laboration with China's war ef­ that at Urnes they fired at one Counting these latest all88ulta. unrest." hairpin curve which did not en­ fort. " another. the RAF had used more than 3.000 And so. on lut Tue day. the able the driver to look far ahead Wading walst deep from their bombing ajrcraft alone agalnlt proparanda minister of the pup. of him. The perpetrators walted assault craft and cutling their way Germany si nce Saturday. pet Cseeh ,ovemment finally behind a corner so that the driver. through barbed wire defenses. courses revealed what had only been Persistent use of commandos and who had to slow down. !IIW one Senate Investigates some of the raiders reached some fast. light bombers alainst nazi. Ensip hinted before - that you n K only in the last minute when he . distance inland. occupied northern France was be-, et. Ind .• CRehs. trained abroad, had corne WIIS ci08e to the mudguard with - pponent. Dutc)t Ha~bor . a U. S. naval base located on the southwesterly ttp of the Alaskan mainland (see map) was A pillbox lit the edge of the lieved significant In these day. ot In numbers by nlrhl out of the the automatic pistol already raised. tbe tarKet of Japanese bomblQ planes which apparently lIolIKbt to aven«e the recent U. S. bombin, of U.S. Anti·Sub Action dunes put up stiff resistance untU invasion planning. skies wilh arms IUld explosives "This pistol, which he had con­ key cities on the Japanese mlinland. Pbo~o at top was taken In Decembe". 11140 when a lire swept the the commandos concentrated Bren 10 Only 25 miles from England. the strlft It the nui oppressors. cealed beneath his coat. failed. gun and anti-tank fjre on it. Then The minister. Emanuel Moravec, .trate~ic Dutch Harbor navil staUon. Photo at bottom show a view of the harbor with a U. S. destroyer Continued Axil U-Boat Boulogne-Le Touquet 008st is the lolsteins however. He threw it away and In the foreground. In a matter of minutes it was com­ doorstep to the valleys of the insisted that most of the 'chutists ran away. The weapon is of Brit­ Activity Prompts Move; the 8S­ pletely silenced and never fired Seine and Somme.
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