run I ...._. ♦ Vol. 17, No. 30 1£-F Thursday, Aug. 3 , 1978 Twenty Cents <frntral fllllatnr ·.s Berkly N rws fllllagaztnr t'' .·•···'1-.:.:.L SEE INSIDE STUBBY TRUCKER PERSEID METEOR SHOWER ' ' - SPEDY WEEKLY NEW BOOKS AT LIBRARY BROW NVILLE OLD HOME WEEK This Atlantic- salmon taken at the Brownville Dam on Pleasant ---River -on~ July 21, was caught by Gary Estes of .Brownville Jct. L US COHEN & HATHAWAY REPORTS The fish was 34 in. long and weighed 11-1/4 lbs. MILO RECREATION DEPT. In games this past week, the Milo Semi-Pro team beat Cambridge 8 to 7 last Thurs­ day, lost two at Dexter 6 to 0 CRAY BRC5 .. and 7 to 3 on Saturday, and split home with Pittsfield on Sunday losing the first game 8 to 6 and winning the second 6 to 5. The teams play in the Guilford Tournament against Princeton on Saturday at 4 p.m. The Little League lost a heartbreaker in t he Orrington Tournament -10 to 9- to MDI in 8 innings. They came back the next Monday to beat Dex­ ter 5 to 1. In Pony League play Milo lost at Greenville 28 to 3, lost to Brownville 17 to 4, then came back to beat Brownville 8 to 7 at Milo. 'i'he Pee Wee' s played at Brownville and beat them 33 ~.i-~~-.....:.. •~. ~~:::,~-~------'" ~ ,., .,...,,- L. --~--~~:~ ........ ~ ---~,.,~~,,,...,..7"~•~ ;jj(& -.,_-:-,···---•r-#~.t'~ to 14 . Dover Pee Wee's will play at Milo Friday, August 4 , at 1 :30. Ne>-"t week the teams are en­ tered into the Guilford Invi­ tational Tournament. Gr ay Bros. , a new auto parts and repa ir busines s . ope r.ad Mo nday, July :ns t in the lat e The girls' softball team is Sam Brown's former garage. The busine ss is o pe r ated by George, F reddy and Leo Gar v current]_\' in third place in and their wives , Bess, Dotty and Sandra. Besides parts they will proviee repair senice their league with one more fo r a ll cars. trucks and heavy equip m ent . They will a lso do welding and brais ing. The game before the pla~·offs . couples reside in Milo and Brownville. (Photo by Claude Tra sk) Cont'd on Page 9 August 3, 1978 T HE TOW~ CRIER THE IDWN CRIER is published each· Thursdayby the Milo Printing Company. We CJrl,lo eommuttity hope to be of help to the c itizens of the towns of our coverage area thr :i ugh NEWS. IN­ FORMATION and LOW PRICED ADVER­ ~o~pi tal CJ1~w-' TISING. We accept no financial responsibility for errors in advertising but will gladly WEEKS OF JUKY 18 TO AUGUST 1 print corrections. 0 ADMISSIONS AND DISCHARGES Copies of most photos appearing in THE BROWNVILLE JCT. BRADFORD TOWN CRIER may be obtained through our Donald Cobb Hazel Chase office. BROWNVILLE MILO If you have news or available photos of Alice Murphy Edward Kelley any sort we urge you to call or drop in. Deadline is Monday afternoon but we wo uld HELP WANTED appreciate copy received earlier in the week. ACT NOW - Join the OLDEST Classified ads $1. 00 minimum up to 20 Toy & Gift Party Plan in the REAL ESTA TE FOR SALE words. 5 'cents for each additional word. Country -- our 31st year! Display ad space by the column inch. Commissions up to 30% PLUS ,HIGH STREET Call 943-7384 for ad space or with news. EXPENSES. Fantastic Hos­ Investment property - 2- Joanne W. Brigham, Editor tess Awards. Call Toll Free family house - 2 furnaces , 1- 800 - 243 - 7634 , or write completely insulated, re­ SANTA'S PARTIES, Avon, novated, har dwood floors, GARAGE SALE Conn. 06001 modern baths - all excel - Saturday and Sunday, August ALSO BOOKING PARTIES lent condition - with garden 5 & 6, Pleasant St. , Brown­ a rea ! ville, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. If you want to BUY, SELL, SERVICE PARK STREET RENT or SWAP, try "Town Will do small carpentry · 3- bedroom home on 3A ­ Crier" Classified. jobs. Call - 564-3089 FOR SALE plus lot, sw1 porch, 3-car Wood furnace. Wood or coal garage, c irc ular drive, all VILLAGE GIFT SHOPPE cast iron grates, some d1,1ct NOTICE excellent condition. Many­ For the unusual and different work -- hot air blower in­ Mr. Dovon, Tax Assessor, additional features. visit the Village Gift Shoppe, cluded. Price - $250. 00. will be a~ailable at the Town Spring Street, Milo. Call - 943-7470 Office August 15, 16 and 17th BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY from 9 :30 to 12:00 a. m. and Small restaurant in good AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR BIG YARD SALE 1:00 to 4 :00 p. m. to assist location - completely re­ SERVICE Saturday. August 5, 10:00 applicants in preparing the novated. Housing avail­ Bob's Service Center is locat- to 5:00 - Elm St. beside Car Householders Tax and Rent able or income from apart­ ed at 21 Church St. , in Bro.v.,, - Wash. Refund forms. If the forms ment rental. vi Ile• Com_rlet". ~isc and drum Paymaster Check Protector, have been received in the mail brake qervice. Tires. AAA Roac dishes flat irons furniture they should be brought in, if K & C WEHRLE Servic~. Welding & Braising. Polaro,id camera,' baby sup~ not received, there will be REAL ESTATE Cars picked up and delivered plies, electric heater, Gillette forms available at the town Milo Road Sebec on request. Call 965-8495. hair curler, oil filters, pizza office. It would be helpful to 564-2463 oven & grill, braided rug-­ bring the 1977 Real Estate SERVICE clothes -- phonograph -- A tax bill or rent receipts, and Electric shavers repaired - little bit of everything! a copy of S.S. I., S.S., or also some small appliances. retirement check. Sign on Park St. - 943- 8802 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY SEW FABRICS - Make a good FOR SALE profit. We welcome small 4 female Chihauhau pups, starters, dressmakers, fab­ full blooded, 6 weeks old. r ic stores or any stores Will be small. $35. 00 each. wishing to add fabrics. Knits Claude N. Trask Call - 965- 3171 and cottons our specialty. Low priced introductory offer. Agency, Inc. Write: ALL- TYPE FABRICS, FOR nE:'.\T 583 Washington St., Canton, Apartment for r ent, inquire Ma. 02021 For Insurance on Your: at Sand Wedge Restaurant in HOME SNOWMOBILE :\lilo. Also store for rent lo­ CARD OF THANKS cated next to restaurant. AU ID MOBILE BOAT Our deep e s t than ks to LIFE CAMP friends and family for pray­ BUSINESS MOTC:RCYC LE HELP WA:\"TED ers, flo wer s, donations to the Earn at home, by the phone, Building Fund , cards and food 5 Main Street 94 3-7746 S4 - S8 per hour. Over 18 , in memory of our beloved Milo, Maine 04463 943-74 03 12 hrs. per week. Milo - husband and father during our Brownville area. recent bereavement. YOUR INDEPENDENT INSURA TCE AGENT Call - 2'57 - 3313 The family of Harold '.\ewman THE TO\\"!\ C RI E R Page 3 BROWKVILLE COMMUNITY CHliRCH TO OBSERVE OLD HOME WEEKEND The Brownville Community Church will observe its annual Old Home Weekend August 5 and 6. A sale by the church Circle, featuring fancywork, food, candy, and miscellan­ Jlexa/1 HERBAL Ll ]lexa/1 HYDROGEN eous items , will begin at one o'clock in the church vestry. PEROXIDE SOLUTION, Also starting at one o'clock CONDITIONING 100~~ SHAMPOO 16 s ·t~,- will bean auction by the Social oz. • USP 21-100 Committee on the parsonage 16 oz. / $ lawno Proceeds from both events are to benefit the Sun­ day School. Auction items Jlexa/1 NO ASPIRIN Rexal( CONTACT LENS may stil'l be donated by con­ tacting Clyde Chamberlain at PAIN )00 ~-.;i .. SOLUTIONS , 965-8056, Gordon Russell at REL. IEVER $ ;, J!oAsPI% 4 oz. Soaking or 100 l[~1~w, 943- 8879, or Walter Cook at 5 gr., 100's 2 oz. Wetting. $ 965-8410. • II • • • • I • • YOUR CHOICE ~ Saturday evening a supper ReXilll Spice-Scented _ will be held at the parish hall Jlexa/1 Foaming with settings at 5 and 6 p. m. s~ The menu will include bean STICK STRAWBERRY I ~ hole beans, casseroles, sal­ DEODORANT s1OO =: 1~ ads , rolls, and bars. Tickets 2 oz. ·1is'J · MILK BATH $100 I ...... for the supper will be on sale 32 oz. throughout the afternoon: $2. 25 for adults, $1. 00 for Rexa/1 ~ children, or $5. 00 for a fam­ ily. ~'­ CASTOR · Following the supper, at 7 CAST0Rs1OO Oil Po m., there will be an evening OIL · of music at the church. !.:: 4 oz. Sunday church service with Rev. Ann Stead and special music by the Old Home choir Free Bottle Offer On The will be held at 2 p. m. A so­ VITAMIN OF'THE SUPERSTARS' cial hour at the parish hall will follow. ... ReXal( All are ·welcome. ~IIPER PLENAM/Nf~ Multi-Vitamins with Minerals Just one tablet a day gives you all the Dean's Electric nutrients your body needs to function proper­ Service ly-even if you're too rushed to eat right! GENERAL ELECTRIC Get 144 TABLETS FREE Major Appliances when you buy 288 ! . ZENITH Televisions $27.70 Value Only $16.95 SALES & SERVICE YOU SAVE $10.75 17 Pleasant St. , Milo 943-2233 Get 72 TABLETS FREE when you buy 144 ! . $16.70 Value Only $10.75 ' Sebec Barn Sale m- YOU SAVE $5.95 Sebec-Corner, Maine Get 36 TABLETS FREE when you buy 72 ! $9.10 Value Only $5.95 OPE K 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. - YOU SAVE $3.15 Every Day m Buy - Sell - Trade - Swap Come in and See Us DAGGETT'S PHARMACY Main St, Milo REXALL 943-7780 THE TOWN CRIER Page 4 August :1.
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