The University of Maine DigitalCommons@UMaine University of Maine Alumni Magazines University of Maine Publications 2-1978 Maine Alumnus, Volume 59, Number 2, February 1978 General Alumni Association, University of Maine Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.library.umaine.edu/alumni_magazines Part of the Higher Education Commons, and the History Commons Recommended Citation General Alumni Association, University of Maine, "Maine Alumnus, Volume 59, Number 2, February 1978" (1978). University of Maine Alumni Magazines. 539. https://digitalcommons.library.umaine.edu/alumni_magazines/539 This publication is brought to you for free and open access by DigitalCommons@UMaine. It has been accepted for inclusion in University of Maine Alumni Magazines by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UMaine. For more information, please contact [email protected]. l □ Please send me a year's subscription to Down1 East (11 issues). i I I am enclosing my check or money order for $11. i I I 4 I i YOUR NAME I I I ADDRESS I I STATE I CITY I l Mail this coupon and remittance to I Down East Magazine, Camden, Maine 04343, MA2. I THIS WILL GET MAINE BACK TO YOU WHEN YOU CAN’T GET BACK TO MAINE Down East is a special magazine about a special place pas*'wi,ness ** color""' 'be^tertlS'' ?plend7 Down EaSt'S magnificent wealth of articles and features ’ ' ' amUSed 3nd enli8hte"«< by a comprehensive rel°eXSte listing86Homes Down East-"Maine's most VrspCedaPMaineUevnem's or'in ihe""! all’inclusive calendar directory. e S a^e s mos^ complete winter sports You can do it all hprancA Magazine of Maine. °W m°re than ever ~ Down East is the The Magazine of Maine Vol 59, No. 2 February 1978 publisher Lester J Nadeau ’59 editor The IMaine Alumnus Donald M Stewart '35 art Arline K Thomson Annual Giving Issue photography R<eith Dresser Al Pelletier Jack Walas alumni association officers President John F Wilson 33 2 On Tap ... Campus news and events First Vice President Arthur Nicholson III '67 4 Annual Giving at UMO Second Vice President Josephine M Profita '38 Special Section presenting the history, highlights, and Treasurer James H Webster '59 the potential of annual giving by alumni and friends Clerk through the Annual Alumni Fund conducted by the Pauline J Weatherbee '40 Executive Director General Alumni Association. Lester J Nadeau '59 alumni council • Why do alumni give to the annual fund? Leslie C Brewer '44 Edward T Bryand '52 • How does annual giving serve UMO? Clara P Chapman 27 • Who benefits from annual alumni gifts? Llewellyn E Clark '55 Donald P Corbett '34 • Who gives to the annual alumni fund? Evelyn W Desmond '47 John K Dineen '51 • How do you help? Dr James F Donovan 45 Gordon 1 Erikson '43 bv Robert J Holmes, Jr.'70G Kenneth S Field 27 Assistant Executive Director Preston W Hall '54 George P Hitchings '37 Annual Fund Director Ralph L Hodgkins, Jr '59 Wallace H Humphrey '32 William D Johnson 56 12 Class Notes Gordon Lewis '78 Terry Ann McCabe '74 29 In Memoriam Melvin T McClure '57 Michael McGovern '78 Alan F Merritt '58 Donald L Mooers '60 Robert L Olsen '50 William P Palmer III '58 Leonard N Plavin '48 Patricia N Shaw '70 Torrey A Sylvester '59 Eleanor W Yerxa '33 ex-officio members Howard R Neville, preside nt university of maine at orono George D Carlisle '35, president Cover: Evidence of the university of maine foundation commitment of alumni, Larry K Mahaney '51, chairman university of maine at orono development < ounc il fi lends and the General Alumni Association to the annual alumni fund national chairman Second Centuiy Fund is Torrey A Sylvester '59 revealed by the $50,000 alumni representatives to the check presented byG A A athletic advisory council President John F Wilson Bertis L Pratt, Jr 43 '33 to President Howard R Ernest J Reidman '38 Neville at Homecoming Myron W Zimmerman '50 This $50,000 check bi ings lli< \laun lluinnu\ published foui (lints a yeJi in the Wink i to $100,000 the total that Spimg Suimnei ind I ill In the Genei il Muinni Xssoei mon the G A A has paid toward Alumni Center University of Maine al Orono Orono Maine its $400,000 pledge Jor 04471 I he General Alumni Association John F Wilson presi construction of the Per- dent is an unincorporated association classified as an educa­ tional .ind charitable organization as described in section 509 (a) foiming Arts Center A ( Dot the Internal Revenue Code Total number of copies printed gift from Harold Alfond pei yeai 148 0(X) Average per issue 37 (XX) Send changes of provided the necessary addicss and letters to the editor to the business office six weeks thiust to see the Alfond prioi to the next issue $5 00 to the Annual Alumni Fund is a subset iption to llu Maim Alumnus for one year Second class Sports Arena through to postage paid at Orono Maine 04473 completion I 1 t I I I ON TAP • ON TAP • ON TAP • ON TAP • ON TAP • ON TAP I I I I < f I » befoie but suicly Papagenos costume was one of hei best Hallman Scores Again Itiesa foikanowsky the with Magic Flute choreographer one of two dance by Janice Gray instiuctois in the School of Pei forming » Aits choieogiaphed the dance sequenct of ( aimtn in 197b and of the thieedanceis in The UMO School of Performing Arts this pi esentation I he effect wi ought by the Opeia I heatei pi esented the seventh in the danceis, thealtei egos of I he rhree Ladies UMO opeia senes with the pioduction of gave just the touch of sinistei beauty needed Mozai t s Magu Flute in Februai y Each year to complete the Queen of the Night and hei the Opeia Theater in conjunction with Ladies dai k iealm Maine Masque puts on an opera of I he pci foi mances turned in by seniors, excellent quality I his yeai was no Hitz Robeitson as.the Pi nice I amino and exception I udlow Hallman, Artistic Al Schmitz as Papageno weie Directoi and Conductor of Opeia Theatei extiaoidinaiy 1 he quality of the and James Bost Stage Director, E A C yrus, pei foi mances of the othei fine cast Set Designei and Dawn Shippee, Costume members was very high and the vocal Designei all of Maine Masque, as well as pioduction suiely equal to any college opeia Teresa Torkanowsky, Choreographer of pioduction Ue look foiward to the next the Dance Department, added anothei pi esentation triumph to the list of six that have been presented in previous years Ludlow Hallman, associate piofessoi in the Division of Music the man who began the Opera productions in 1971 and still * continues them along with his many other piojects, controlled the vocal pei foi mances with a sympathetic baton Under Hallman, Er the orchesti a came through in sure fashion James Bost of the I heater Division, the At•ait directoi of many Maine Masque pioductions as well as Stage Dnector for Menotti s opera, rhe Consul which the Theater piesented in 1974 turned out a finely conceived stage production of performances and imaginative staging The Theatei Department’s E A Cyrus designed a set that was simple and yet lent itself well to thecomplex hghungand special effects that the plot demands Of special interest were the panels of plastic hanging strips upon which weie projected pictures denoting people, gods and places 1 he eenlv distorted images heightened the fantastic aspects of the story, Alumni Club Leaders Plan for Expansion which was initially taken from an 18th • * I eadeis Woi kshop held on campus At the centuiy collection of Oriental tales Sumnei “Ham”Claverie’43 putsashai peye to the Univei sity’s new electron micioscope meeting the alumni pioposed offeimg local The costumes i equired an inv entiv e mind in Murray Hall, while George Soucie ’51 club membership to paicnts of UMO as they made men into birds, women into cat awaits his turn Both are cooidinatois students Eighteen New England clubs weie creatures and dancers into snaking forms working, to establish a new alumni club foi iepiesented at the confeiencc aimed at Dawn Shippee, a former UMO giaduate ‘ the Seacoast, N H aiea and weie stiengthening paiticipation in local student, has been asked to perform miracles participants in the Local Alumni Club associations 2 ON TAP • ON TAP • ON TAP • ON TAP • ON TAP Fiom the Umveisity Stem Collection Stem #106 Donated by Professor Howe Hall 14 on Novembei 4, 1966 One-half liter leliej pottery, it carries the insc ription in Get man ' 7 rue as Gold, Strong as Iron is the Heait of the Merry Singei ” available, not including 4,000 textbook titles Unlike many college bookstores which Engineering and Science buy textbooks because they have to, UMO Scholarship Fund to keeps its textbook Annex open Honor Prof. Radke year-iound “Inaddition,”('olelepoits, Leaders Appointed “we sell 40-50,000 tiade books a yeai A scholarship fund is being established as a This change in emphasis came as the i esult of ci lticism fi om students, faculty and tDi AshleyS Campbell, Arthur O Willey memorial to Di Frederick Heibeit Radke, Piofessoi of Mechanical Engineering, has Professoi of Biochemistiy at UMO horn the Maine Mei chants Association An been appointed acting dean and Dr Wayne 1952-1977, who died Nov. 16 1977 in auxihaiy umveisity enter pt tse which must Hamilton, professoi of civil engineering, Orono (See Faculty Obituanes) suppoi t itself, the stole still opei ates with an has been named acting associate dean of the Each year an outstanding student in advisory committee composed of foui College of Engineering and Science Biochemistry will be named FredeiK k students, two faculty membei sand two staff Di Campbell will ieplace Di.
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