2, 1927 Newark Post \,OLUME XVIII NE;W ARK, DELAWARE, WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 9 1927 = NUMBER 41 State Police Solve I Armistice Day Recover Car Stolen Lambert Faces. Liquor To Close Schools Chamber Of Commerce Death Of Girl·Found ve ;~~~y R~f °D ~~~\~~I:n~i~lf ct~~b~::~ From Newark Teacher And Assault Charges C I ~~ :~ t:::~.~:~v a n~h~I~ ~da~v ~ ~ t ~ : Holds Best Banquet On Glasgow Farm I Armislice Day Friday morning by' -------- entil'e facul ty will be attending the holding a parade and exercises. David McMenamin Loses Car In I Arrai(n,e~ Before Two Magistrates ~. essions of the annual meeting of In Its History • The entire unit will march through I the Dela'vat'e Ed t' A . Colored Woman Found Sunday By the town and then form in a square ChestertowD; Delaware Police I n Same Evening; Farm Raided tion, at Milford. uca Ion ssocla- on the campus in front of old col- Get Thief In Few Hours And Still Found . The old school building on Main William J. Highfield Talks On Boy On Leasure Farm; William lege where simple exercis'es wil'l be I s6'eet is being renovated and re- Stewart, Negro, Arre.ted held, and a wreath will be placed,. --- --- paired in order that it may be used "Golden Rule." Over 150 Mem. on the tablet carrying the names of The high efficiency of th Delaware James Lambert, a fOl'mer prohibi- til' t th d d d . ' the Delaware boys who fell during State Highway Police was shown ef- tion office I', 'and lit pl'esent living on 0 . at' e'l l~ e h e c~ow e h con ition bers And Gue.ts Attend MA KES CONFESSION ' the World War. V ~~~~~~IYar~:s~~~y R:~htM~vh~~t~~C;~ ~e::~~n i~. e;~,o~~oc:~~dB~:~~a;~i:~~ ~:~:.Ing m tie ot er sc 001 build- MUS~TREAT --- • _ years old,. of Harri ~ burg , and recov- by Mag,istrute llister, of Richardson ___ ,k,'PI' wo rk on the part of the Warren SIngles Back i ere~ a car stolen from David McMen- ~ark, on a charge of manufacturing Local Red Cross to The sixth annual banquet of the ,ta t Highway P ollce solved in less From Interesting Trip amin, of the faculty of the Newark lIquo.r. The hea ril~g w.as the rllsult of Begin Drive Nov, 14 Newark Chamb'er of Commerce, held thun we nty-four hours what appear,- ___ schoo ls. The arrest was made on the a raJd made on hIs farm Sunday by _ __ last night in Old College, was voted :~t (\" ~'~:) I ~I:l~" b a::::d,m~:~e:a;f :f:::~ a n~V:al;l' e :, e~~:~~s, o~vh~h:tt~~e!'i::~ ~:fn~;:I;. , at;~l: ~::.e ~a~il~:e ~r~~{=i~ ~~~~~a l s~~:~:, ~~~y, ~i~:~een!:t ::~ gi~h~e !~C~o~~!y~r~~:e(~~:: 7!~1 ::~ ~ s~,u~-::i-:~~~ ~~~st:n~:rt~~~i1~! ~~~ Banker s Association, held at Houston, few houl's previous from Chestertown; and Oflicel's Co le and Hichen, of' the fairs of its kind that they had ever noo n, 111 a dying conditi'b n on the Glas- Maryland. State Police. will continue throughout t he week. attended. About 150 member s and f; r ill of C. A. Leasure. William 'l'exa ~, as a delegate fl'om Delaware, When the officers raided the farm H elper s will be stationed at thc two gO ' ~ l'wcrt, co lored, and about twenty- unived back in Newark after an in- MI'. McMenamin was ~isit in g his th f d banks to co llect funds. The commit- g uests were ther e. The guests of ~,,'.e' I~'(' a l '" old, ~vas arrested Monday teresting trip through the South, mother in Chestertown a~d the two f ey 'oull a still on the second floor tee, which includes Mrs. J. O. G. honor wer e the Honorable Daniel O. t Southwest and Mexico. He I'eturned .had gone to church, parkmg ,the car o · a wagon house with 100 gallons of Hasti ng s, J. Austi n E lli son, E . B as a ' lls pect, and yesterday made a to New York, by boat from New outside. When they came out, t he car mash. Lambert was away at the time, Duffy, cha irman, Mrs. E . B. Wright, Hollingsworth, J. W. Marshall , E. B' full tC n f ssion of the crime. He was Orleans. was missing. The police were not ifi ed but drove in the yard while the pfficers Miss Jane Maxwell, and Miss Lydia F l'azer, J. B. McManus, J. GilpiJ; t a~ ' I 10 the New Castle Workhouse alld immediately sent out "fliers" to wcre des t l'oy ing the apparatus. Heal'- Fadcr , will be g lad of t he nanies of Hig hfield and Charles M. Banks. Se ycsterday afternoon by Lieutenant On the wa~ to H~uston , Mr. Singles Wilmington, Balt imore and Philadel- in g' t hem he started to drive a way, those member s of the Red Cros, who I'etary of State Charles H. Grant l anc~ R"y, (If the Slate Poli ce, after Magis- s t O PP~d at St. L.OUIS hand DlI lI as. Af- phia. A few hours later the Delaware and on .being- purs ued abandoned his w'ill volunteer to do this ~v o r k. The had accepted an invitation, but at the ~:;:i: :::C~ h:":' : ;~d"':U ::~~::: I~ ::~£ J:,{~:::~;:~:~~:~~~J~ ::~~:;::::::;::~;::~:' d~~' ~~~dto;:: ::~~:;'~;~;i;:~':i~~C~:rb'~;':;; ::: ";';~":f~:~ ! 3~ " '.~,;:'~~' :~~h~;"~"J :: : ~: :;::: l ~~~t::::' tel'(lay a. Bertie A. Lee Franklin, of I !!XIIS't to V~S lt \ e' ml~ anc '. ~ e the Grand Jury. He co nfessed to hav- Hessian on a wa rrant charging as- Newark made a proud reco rd in last and intr ~ duced the Reverend Disston ;l:l3 • 'orth Beaver street, Baltimore, arges, ;·.anc I~ t \wor , compl'lsll1g ing stolen another machine in Hal'l.i\- s,a ul t and battery, swol'n to by Lam- year's drive. More t ha n $600 was W. Jaco bs, who deli ver ed . t he invoca­ IV n ~ fo und about ten minutes to nve o,ne mIl Ion an a alf aCl·es. F~'om burg and driving until it ran out of bert's s tep-son, Edward E. POOl', 20 collected at t he banks a nd sent by tion. S un da~' a fternoon by Leslie Leasure, Kll1gsv!ll e he went to Browns .. ~l\e, gas. He said he then walked twenty years old, of POI·ter, Del. He was -check to he.adquarters f rom New~rl{ The . peaker of t he evening was the fourteen vea l' old son of Mr. and Mrs. Tex~s, and t h ~ n cr?ssed ove.r ~n to miles and stole McMenamin's car. al'l'algned before MagIstrate Damel people~ makmg ~h e l ar~est per capIta, Honorabl e William J . Highfield, of . A. L e ~ s ure. Young Leasure was iVolex,co . At. thl~ pomt, the c~vi~l~a- The first car was found near Baxter's Thompson, who released him in $500 co llectl,on. of any town m the State. Wilmington, one of the a bl est orators ridi ng hi po ny t hrough t he meadow tlOI~ of MeXICO IS about as prImItIve Cross Roads. bond for hearing Monday night. On Imm e~latel Y afte ~ t he drive closes, in the State of Delaware. Mr. High- of hi. father's farm on his way to I as It Wa s hun~'e ds of years ago and Mon?ay mght Lambert appeared for t here Wlll b~ a meetll1/t for e l ~ctlOn. o.f fi eld spoke on "The Golden Rule", and brin up the cows when the pony It was very ll1 ter~s~ ll1g to se~ old DR. TIFF ANY APPOINTED h ear ~ng , but Poor was not there, so officers, whIch any member IS .pr l v l ~ told the advantages of spirit of com- shi d a a. clump of bushes. Reining ~~:~o ~, :'n~f t~h e ~\~t1~~~~an~I~I~ll~egl~: FEDERAL CHEMIST MagIstrate Thompson continu·ed the leged to attend .. Furth.cr not Ice of munity interest and coo peration. Ft e in the 3m mal to see what had star- tid b f k' th Dr Harold E Tiffany has been ap- case agall1st Lumbert's pr.otest that it hour and place WIll . be gIven. spoke of t he moral and materia l r e- tlec.l it, h ~ s ~n~ t he bod~ of a colored I~~ :~ f:~v~:~ ya~.~ . e ?re ta ' lI1g e . poin;ed chemist' fo!' t he Delawa.r ~ ?f- should b~ d!·opped. .Hesslan then 111'- • • • wards t o a community body and its wo man lY Ing face down m the bushes. • ... • fi ce, by Samuel O. Wayne, Prohlbttlon rested hun on t he ,liquor chal'ge and D WI' L individuals that 'could be derived by He im mediately notified his parents' I M K'll d N . Administrtol' of the Fifth District, took him bcfore Magistrate Lister as r. 0 sey s ecture putting the Golden-Rule to practical who call ed the police. When they TWO en I e ear which embraces Delaware. Agent H a ~ey had secured hi s wal'l'ant F usage.
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