Way 21.780' ,llBV TlHhOfrww.i'WBpuy nu> BW W. Thuaday, fair. See weather, DIAL SH 1.0010 VOL 85 NO 248 <*ur. Mawlo «hno« a«d«n *MW4 CUM rattan PAGE ONE *t lit But if1** i« f'Wfifl M.|II-| ftffltlM- RED BAI4K, N. J., TUESDAY, JUNE 11, 1963 7c PER COPY Talks Have Vast Implications By WILLIAM L. RYAN between representatives of the bellicose Chinese party and Soviet Premier Khrushchev's agreement to U.S.-BriUsh- members of the Soviet Central Committee. They plan to Soviet Talks on a nuclear test ban has vast implication*. It discuss their deep conflict. Showdown Today may presage an entirely new phase of the cold war. , Kennedy, announcing the projected test ban talks, said The timing of Khrushchev's decision looks like a studied mankind-need not accept "the conclusion that war is inevit- slap at the Chinese Communists, suggesting that division of able." • the world Communists into two camps is already a fact. The notably hopeful tone of the President's discussion of The Soviet Leader'sN appearance of conciliation toward future East-West relations can only enrage the Red Chinese, the West will be treated with skeptical reserve in Washing- who have been loudly scornful of Khrushchev's peaceful co- ton, The talks may be just talks and little more.- But there In Tense Alabama existence line and have called for the Soviet leader's head is another aspect: ' on that score. TUSCALOOSA, Ala. (AP)-Gov. George C. Wallace, ready for a Related Story, Page 2 Khrushchev will insist that the ideological war with the West will continue, and that communism will compete ef- defiant face-to-face encounter President Kennedy appears to be asking for a broad fectively with economic and political weapons. But that will with the federal government, reappraisal, on both sides, of the whole cold war. There hardly assuage Chinese reelings. , comes to the climax today of his are indications that Khrushchev is willing to listen. To - The Chinese categorically reject Khrushchev's idea that stubborn. struggle to. block two Khrushchev's proposals for peaceful coexistence the Presi- total war can be avoided. Peking and its allies Insist that Negro students from enrolling In dent responds with a proposal to "make the world safe for total war between the two world systems is Inevitable. The the University of Alabama. diversity." Russians, with much to lose than the have-not Chinese, say To Hie last, he was jut-jawed Khrushchev appears to be gambling, putting a great deal it's not so any more. with defiance. on the line to show the world — and its Communists — that Pressures arid changes in the USSR now may require any Before retiring Monday night; his way is the best one toward ultimate Red victory. Soviet leadership to put the interests of the nation and the he told newsmen he would stand The test ban meeting in Moscow is set tentatively for Soviet people first, even ahead of Communist world unity. in the doorway today to prevent July. That may mean Khrushchev has run out of patience A changing Soviet society exhibits more natural tics with Vivian Malone and James Hood with Peking's warlike Red dissidents. (See TALKS, Page 3) from registering. Another important Moscow meeting is scheduled for July, When asked if he would physi- cally stand hi the doorway, Wai lace replied: "How else can yon stand there?" Await Sandy Hook Park Decision Wallace rebuffed a personal ap- peal from President Kennedy, who TRENTON — The state doesn't with the Army on the second re- of a 1,300-acre tract which sur- any of its land being; used as i wired the governor: "I urgently Expect a decision from the fed- vision of use plans for the addi- rounds Fort - Hancock. If the Nike base. Coast Guard facili ask you to consider the conse- eral government before the be- tional 700 acres. They will be Army gives its approval to the ties at the end of the Hook wouli quences to your state and its fine ginning of next month on its pro- submitted to the department of laiMtHWisfer,'the area could be also remain. university if you persist in setting posal to acquire 700 additional the Army for linal approval. ready foV^pdbllc by 1964. Parking Faculties an example of defiant conduct acres on Sandy Hook peninsula. Ready in IK* Historical fortifications at the Mr. Creveling said yesterday and urge you instead to leave Kenneth H. Creveling, director New Jersey cuttently leases tap of the peninsula would be in' that the state won't be able to do these matters ki the courts of law NATIONAL GUARD IN TUSCALOOSA — Combat troops of the Alabama National of the state Division of Resource 467 acres of .Sandy Hook from the eluded in the-transfer. However, much with the land this year where they belong." Guard line up after alighting from trucks in Tuicaloosa. They are part of 500 guards- Development, said yesterday that Army for use as a state park. state officials have indicated because parking facilities are not Kennedy said there would be his department is stiU working The additional 700 acres axe part that the Amy will not release adequate and there is no time to little danger of violence at the men ordered.to the city to quell any disorder that might arils when two Negroes expand them. university if Wallace would stay try to enroll at th» University of Alabama today. (AP Wire photo) As a result of a tour of titi away from the campus. Hook in April by Army and state officials, the conservation de- In reply, Wallace sent the Pres- Court ActionUireatened partment was . requested ident this telegram: • "slightly modify" its plans lor "My presence here guarantees NamesWatchdogCommittee future.development of the state peace. This is the opinion of all park. here familiar with the facts, in- To Stop Asphalt Plant Since then, Mr. Creveling said cluding the legislature of Alabama plans have been revised twice. and the president of the Univer- On Equal Job Opportunities UNION BEACH — Two court Robert L. Stickney, assistant firm for lease of a 5.8-acre bor- Noting that there is no big tie- sity of Alabama." The university Board of Trus- actions we're threatened last night general manager of IFF. ough-owned tract bordering Rose up to hinder progress, Creveling TRENTON (AP)-Gov. Richard ment of the 20-member commit- tees backed Wallace. right of every man to compete to prevent Michael J.' Stayola, Andrew Schapp, an official of La. and Natco Lake, for con- emphasized that the state is con- J. Hughes has appointed a bi- tee Monday. He said the state had Inc., New Shrewsbury, from The university campus fairly for a job or professional po- the local Taxpayers' Organiza- struction of an asphalt manufac- fident that the land can be ac- was partisan committee of legislators, met, and is continuing to meet, sition fully consonant with his building an asphalt plant here. tion, told,the governing body that turing plant. tightly sealed. quired under an extension of the clergymen, businessmen, and la- many of its problems in education abilities," Hughes said. International Flavors and Fra- he might'initiate a court action. Blue-uniformed state troopers Councilman Leonard A. Coktg- 25-year lease signed last year. bor and civic leaders to help mi- and housing. • Among those named to the com- grances, Inc., Rose La., the Andrew Nuntiato, Rose La., na, presiding last night in the manned wooden barricades; they On May 23, the state Senafc norities win an even break in job Cites Economics mittee were Sal Maso, president borough's largest single taxpay- presented council with » petition absence of. Mayor William F. checked credentials of everyone used a bill clearing the way hunting. ..''•' '••,•;• "But basic to the solution of er, indicated that it may seek a who approached and kept a' sharp of the AFL-CIO Building and Con- signed by about 85 persons in op- Rodgers, said he presumed the way for the governor to accept Hughes announced the appoint- these questions' is economics—the court injunction within a few position to the plant. plant will be built mis summer eye . on groups that formed struction Trades Council, and Don- jurisdiction over the additional ald Ehret, president of the Build- days. At its May 27 meeting, the and be in operation by the fall. nearby. 700 acres. ing Contractors Association. ' The statement was made after governing body voted to sign a Stavola has the contract for They patrolled the streets in ' In a statement Hughes said, a Borough Council meeting by 10-year contract with the Stavola widening of Rt. 36 in the Bay- squad cars and thronged the en- shore area. trance and the lobby of the hotel Question Recreation"My committee on equal employ- where Wallace spent the night. ment opportunity will work with The terms of the 10-year lease this administration toward full call for the company to resurface Assistant Col, Albert Lingo, state public imptementatkBj of existing law, Asks Palmer part of Florence Ave. The first said arrests had Site year and pave 5,000 square feet tip to the eve of the but, in addition will employ strong of borough streets during each (he two Negro students. KEYPORT — What good is a way Union Beach got things done moral and persuasive force subsequent year the lease is in Those arrested were charged with recreation site if children aren't there." throughout the economic' com- Cites lit. 36 Project effect. illegal possession of weapons that permitted to use it, and it isn't Union Beach Borough Council munity of New Jersey on behalf Third Largest.
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