tflattr^ratrr JEvrttbtQ B First Teniel War Picture GRAND JURY PROBE STUDENT DIES OF STATE PARKWAY OAKLAND CRASH WITHIN TWO WEEKS WiHiam B. Wilson, Of Cape JAFFE^S I. State Officials A r r ^ e Data Rescues Not Unusual k fl SHIPWREKED Cottage, Mame, Is V ictiii; To Present In Fairfield ' f l To Makulis Brothers Three Other FeBow Sbh FOLKDEMANDED County; Gor. Cross Says dents Badly Hnrt; Speed­ The frequency of accidents at the ^through windows of Jagged broken It Is The Only Thing To Do HOTELJERVICE dangerous Oakland street gloss and up a 20-foot slippery icy near the bridge would have caused teink tops all of their recent rescue ing Car Phuiges Into Rhrer . stunts. other and less courageous Individ­ Hartford, Jan. 8— (A PI—State Hoover Castaways On Islam 'The State Motor Vehicle depart­ uals than John and Martin Makull* ment reports ten serious accidents officlala labored today to whip Into to move away from the vicinity that occurred at this point within the William Burrey Wilson, 22, shape data obtained In preliminary has caused them to become “ Inland past year and many others are of Cape Cottage, Me., a junior Didn’t Realize Situation Inquiries for presentation to a Fair- Coastguardamen” In the danger trap recorded over a longer period. at Yale University, was fatafly field County Grand Jury which will area near the Uakland-Tolland Turn­ Chopped Holes In Top pike Intersection and curve near the injured it 6:30 last night and ^ be summoned "within two weeks" Says Crew Spokesman, Several years ago the Makulis Oakland street bridge. brothers and others assisted In a three college companions wem to investigate the Merritt Parkway 10 Tlnte* In Ve«*r thrilling rescue of several people severely injured, one serioualy, -i project. Denying Drinking Charge. Blankets, clothes, and meager food gupplles burden the refugee families who hasten way from Ter- Ten times during the past year from a car Immersed In the Hocka- uel ap the Spanish loyalist and rebel armies spread death and destruction In their colossal battle for the when the car in which th eyil Attorney General Charles Mc­ the Makulis brothers have hod an num river. Holes were chopped In key city on the front-near Valencia. Now the homes of most of these people likely are a shambles, for opportunity to render aid to Injured the top of the sedan and the Injured were riding to Boston skidded )^" Laughlin, who announced late yes­ the resistance of the rebel garrison made the town a target for heavy shelling. motorists, and often the victims terday the decision to convene the San Francisco, Jan. 8.—fAP) __ were drawn up through the roof and off the highway at the Oakland have been taken Into their home to up the bank to waiting ambulances. Grand Jury, offered his "utmost co­ Passenger* of the wrecked liner await the arrival of the ambulances. bridge at the intersection J operation" to Governor Wilbur L. The highway department could President Hoover expecte^ "Waldorf l,ost night’s heroic rescue of four easily afford to strike oil some kind Tolland Turnpike and D e m ln g ^ Crosa In the probe of the activities service” and complained of the food Yale student* from a badly smashed of a medal In appreciation of that street, crashed into a larga^' of the Highway Department In con­ car In the Hockonum river, taken out kind of Good Samaritan. nection with the 32-mlIe scenic while they were castawaya on rocky JAPS, FRENCH tree and skidded across a snow>^ Holshoto Island, the ship’s crew de­ TERUEL GARRISON highway, now being completed at covered field into the Hockar''g-, an estimated cost of $20,000,000. clared today In replying to com num river south of the b rld m .% - The announcement came a few plaints of misconduct. CLASH IN NEW hours after Governor Cross made The crash was heard Sam Cohen, steward's delegate John and Martin Makulis, public the final section of a report denied published reports the seamen SURRENDERSUNDER ANTI-AIRCRAFT DEFENSE charging "Inefficiency and wasteful­ became intoxicated, molested women ZONEJROUBLE ter known as MitcheU, o f 279 ness" In the operations of the High­ and rioted. Tolland Turnpike. They assist? way Department, one of the few “We took off all the passengers In ed the injured men from tlM^X-., state departments still under Re­ less than nine hours wdthout OF U. S. MOST EFFICIENT U R a OF RED CROSS car which was half immenMl^"' ' publican control and which operates casualty,” Cohen said. "Does that Beating Of Woman Starts on a budget of over $20,000,000 an­ sound as If the men were drink­ in the river and carried thenf . nually. ing? to the Makulis home a ahof|]|^^ ,, “They said we broke into the bar. Fracas With Japanese Automatically Aimed Gims ’’Only Thing To Do” distance trom the scene of The governor, who ordered official X X X Liquor supplies were taken iOng Besieged Soldiers, lAWAIT JACKSON Inquiries begun after reports had ashore and placed in the hands of Aiming Gnns At French Protect New York City; LATE NEWS accident. , been published that land was pur­ the ship's surgeon. Some of the bot­ Two Ambnlaneo Tripe ' V. 4 - tles disappeared, but nobody in the And C hildr.., Qulsh’s embulanca responded to ' chased for Parkway rights-of-way crew got them.” DAY SPEECH AS at prices far above assessed valua­ Troops In Their Area. Nation Listed With Lead­ FLASHES! the emergency call and removed tiff . , tions, said of the decision to call a The Dollar liner President Mc­ Starving And Thirsty, two moat aeriously Uijured, W iU M % "4 Grand Jury: Kinley brought 165 of the seamen and Robert Humphriee of 2SZI O le^ & ' < here from Manila yesterday as a De­ ers In Ground Defenses. wood Drive, Kalamaaoo, M ichlnm f^'- "We are all agreed after due con­ partment of Commerce marine In­ Yield To The Loyalists. CLUE TO PLANS Shanghai, Jan. 8. — (A P )—Japan­ FEAR CREW DROWNED sideration that Is the only thing to a Yale Sophomore, to the bospitoL vestigating board opened a hearing ese soldiers trained rifles and a ma­ San Pedro, OoUf., Jaa. 8,— (AP) On a return trip th* ambulaao* eaP> -■ do.” Into tht wreck. The $8,000,000 chine gun on French troops in the New York, Jan. 8—(A P )—The "—The Coast Guard reported today rled William C. Putnam. 22, oC 7$T ‘ McLaughlin's announcement was Hoover, also owned by the Dollar a floating patch of nil and a broken made after he advised the governor Madrid, Jan. 8. ^— (AP) — The F. D. R. Expected To Chrify French concession for an hour today Bast Highland Avenue, CathaM Ltae, piled on a reef off Holshoto United States, whose air force Is de­ life preserver were found by the his preliminary Investigation of the loland. southeast of Formosa, De­ agonies of thirst, of cold and of hun­ and rough-handled a member of the Mo. a freshman and driver ot m scribed as the most efficient In ex­ crow of one of Its cutters near Han death ear and John ShevUn, 31 6l Merritt Parkway transactions led cember 11, She carried 453 passen­ ger in embattled Teruel today forced French police In th* second critical istence by Janes' “ All tbs World’s tfim to believe ’’there " exists suffi­ gers and 408 orew. the surrender of more than 2,000 Atthode Toward Boaness; ineidept In International Areas of Clemente Island, giving rise to In- 339 Clark road, Brookline, wenslng fear that the Navy’s miss­ sophomore. cient cause to warrant a more com- Raw Meat, Tberoteh-es agged Insurgent soldier* and their Shanghai In two days. Two British Aircraft," has a second deadly an­ prebenalve and Intensive Inquiry of Cohen told reporters the sailors walling and weakened women and Sears-Roebpek Head ■oldler* were beaten jrrsterday. swer to attacks from the air. ing bomber with seven aboard On the second trip o f the smM^ children. For 17 days they stood It Is the army’s anti-aircraft ar­ I crashed Into the Parlflc. lance, Harry c. Smith auperintca- the subject matter.” served the passengers first duHng British commander Major Gen­ • • • The attorney g^eral read to their three days on the island, and against Government gun*, fire and eral A. P. D. Telfer-Smollet pro­ tillery, which, while lacking sadly dent of the Manchester Memorial newspapermen a letter in which he then received only raw meat and dynamite In guerrilla warfare, from Urges Use Of Gold HoanL tested the British Incident,* and in numerical strength, has displayed KIDNAPER GETS UFB hospital and Harry RuaaeU, both oa left-overs. building to building through the such technical progress that experts duty at the hoapltal at the time, summarized for the governor the French officials were strongly con­ Richmond, Ind., Jan. 8__ (AP)__ results of bis examination of rec­ At night, he said, the passengers narrow and twisting streets of the sidering a formal protest to Japan­ believe it capable of making Impor­ William Cheater -Marcum, 80, un­ went to the scene of the accident old provincial capital, 160 miles east ords of land purchases for the Park­ used all available blankets, while the Wa.shlngton, Jan. 8. — (AP) — ese today. tant military areas Invulnerable to employed carpenter, pleaded guilty and rendered first aid to the in* crew huddled behind baggage and of Madrid. 'The belligerent show of force be­ raids by hostile aircraft. In (Ircult Court today to kidnaping Jured youths.
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